1 minute read
Chocolate Spice Cake with Chai Glaze
C h o c o l at e S p i c e C a ke w it h C h a i G l a z e


Ingredients ½ cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup granulated sugar 3 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder ¼ tsp. ground cloves ½ tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. baking powder 2 large eggs 3 Tbsp. whole milk 3 Tbsp. vegetable oil Glaze 1 cup powdered sugar 4 tsp. chai tea
Directions 1. In medium bowl, mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder, spices and baking powder until combined. 2. Add in eggs, milk, oil and whisk until incorporated and batter is smooth. 3. Place Silicone Pro Ring in the MicroPro Grill and pour batter inside. 4. Cover in CASSEROLE position and cook at 50% power for 10-12 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Let cool 5-10 minutes before removing. 5. Mix powdered sugar with chai tea until smooth. 6. Top cake with chai tea glaze and serve.