Turas Camping and 4WD Adventures ISSUE THREE

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EDITORIAL Welcome to Issue THREE of TURAS Camping and 4WD Adventures e-magazine. Thank you all for your excellent feedback and suggestions. We are continuing to strive to expand and improve the magazine, to bring you with us on interesting adventures to share any tips, useful information and stories that we encounter in our travels and to share our opinions on some excellent and reliable camping and 4WD related gear. In this issue we join experienced guide Nicolas Genoud on a fascinating trip through the Namib desert. It nearly time to pack for the Abenteuer and Allrad show in Germany in June, we take a look at what to expect at the show. José Almeida brings us on a trip to explore some remote and dusty tracks in Portugal. We also welcome our Auzzie friends at Drifta to Europe and look at some of their excellent camping gear. It would not be a TURAS magazine if we didn’t attempt a spot of fishing at some point and we also take a look at some amazing and unique camping destinations in the middle of Europe --and much much more, including reviews of some of the best equipment you can bring on the road. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did creating it. Please do let us know what you think and send us any comments, feedback or suggestions. Let’s get on the road...









You will be blown away by the sheer size and number of rigs and camping tourers on display.

The ABENTEUER & ALLRAD 2017 CAMPING and 4WD expo will take place between the 15th and 18th of June 2017, and the TURAS team will once again be attending what is generally considered to be the largest show of its kind in the world.

The Abenteuer & Allrad show is an annual event where 4WD enthusiasts and campers from all over the world arrive in Bad Kissingen in Germany and stay in what is now an expo in itself with the campground hosting overlanders from all over Europe.

If you are planning on attending for the first time you will be blown away by the sheer size and number of rigs and camping tourers on display.With over 2,000 vehicles camped up, this is another show all by itself.

With British, Italian, Swiss, French, Swedish, German, Norwegian, Irish and a few Australian, South African, American, Brazilian and Mexican flags flying, this is as big of a gathering of 4WD and overland tourers that you will find in a campsite anywhere on the planet.

the Largest 4wd and camping show in the world

If you decide to stay at the shows campsite to enjoy the unique spectacle of camping and touring vehicles as far as the eye can see you should try and get to the campground by Wednesday before the show opens as the campsite fills up fairly quickly. On arrival at the campsite expect to see every type of 4WD and overland vehicle you can imagine, from large overland trucks to the smaller touring Unimogs, to Jeeps, Land Rovers, Volkswagens, Toyotas, Suzukis, Fords and some weird looking trucks that looked like they were built in Frankenstein’s laboratory, this place has them all. The campsite is walking distance to foodstores and just over 2km from the town center.As you approach Bad Kissingen the campsite is very well signposted to the entrance is at “Im Lindes”, or just put Im Lindes into your satnav and it will take you there.

n i e r o m for e r e h k c i l c

The temporary campsite has toilets and you can also have a shower on site for a reasonable €2.The temporary site is on grassland and when the weather is good you will have no issues but if it gets wet expect muddy conditions and that’s when the fun starts, but sure everyone attending will be driving 4WD’s vehicle so no drama right? . You can get access to the campsite on the Wednesday afternoon only, so if you arrive earlier than that don’t expect to get in as you will have to wait until the gates open. Reservations for the camping area are not possible, so if you are planning on meeting friends, there is no guarantee that you will be able to park and set up camp together, best advice is to arrive at the same time in order to be guaranteed that you can set up camp in the same place.


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If you don’t want to stay at the official show camp ground and would prefer something a bit more comfortable don’t fret as you can also camp at the Bad Kissingen campsite Camping-park Bad Kissingen. You will need to make reservations in order to guarantee a place . Contact details are +49 971 5211 or by e-mail camping-park@web.de.Please note that the shuttle bus does not stop at this campground. The closest stops are at the CAMP-AREA (about 1,5 km) or the train station (about 900 m)

NEW WEBSITE The Abenteuer & Allrad show the worlds largest Camping and 4WD show has a new action packed website with lots of details on the 2017 show, news, details on exhibitors and much more.The 2016 show attracted a whopping 55,000 4WD enthusiasts from all over the world making it the biggest show of its kind in the world.

for m click

n o i t a m r o f more in k here





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The Namib Desert in Namibia is considered the world’s oldest desert. It covers more than 102,248 square miles (270,000 square kilometers) of the southwestern edge of the African continent. In this article , Nicolas Genoud of Geko Expeditions, brings us on a 7 day adventure across the dunes..

words and images: Nicolas Genoud


Nicolas and his partner Sandra have traveled the world since they were 15 years old. From Costa Rica to Botswana, from Russia to Madagascar, no continent escapes their thirst for discovery. In 2003, Nicolas created Geko Expeditions which organizes and guides adventure trips whose common denominator is the discovery off the beaten track. Since then, Geko has organized and guided numerous expeditions to various destinations, including more than 30 in the Sahara. Here Nicolas bring us on along on one of his guided Namib expeditions. Namib, this magical name has enthralled me since childhood. Namib “where there is nothing”. I dream of it often. This is the oldest desert in the world, it contains the highest dunes and borders the Atlantic Ocean. It’s Difficult to imagine a more hostile place on Earth ... It is perhaps because man has no place there that that it is so fascinating to man. We left the capital of Namibia , Windhoek, 5 days ago. Passing south along its border, touching in but never quite entering it. Today is the big day, when we begin our crossing of the Namib desert, from south to north, from Lüderitz to Swakopmund. We will travel for 7 days of crossing for about 800 km. Cross-

ing the famous and long prohibited “Sperrgebiet”, the ‘forbidden mining area’, before crossing the now protected area of ​​the Namib-Naukluft Nature Park. Access to the desert is severely controlled and limited. Only a handful of certified guides offer itineraries on the northern part of the national park. Geko Expeditions, which organizes and guides this expedition, has been exclusively authorized to enter the southern zone, that of the “Sperrgebiet”. This authorisation requires obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Having Passed through the final checkpoint and had our papers checked (and been breathalysed) We start by deflating the tires of the Land Cruisers. 0.8 bars , they will go down to 0.6 on occasion in the most difficult passages. We leave behind civilization and follow in convoy on a track that very quickly gives way to an immensity of virgin sand. The group consists of 8 Land Cruisers connected by VHF radio. The two guides take the lead while a logistic vehicle follows it. It’s important to drive in the tracks of the lead vehicle. It is strictly forbidden for the vehicles to create their own/multiple tracks. The Namibians make a point of preserving their desert. During this trip we do not cross or overtake a single vehicle during the 7 days of crossing.


Some basic techniques and principles are practiced early on the crossing . It’s important to understand at what speed to approach a dune ascent or descent how to manage momentum, the choice and the variation of acceleration and the actions to take in the case of an impending crash. There are many important techniques to learn . We conclude this introduction to desert driving by crossing some larger dunes, acclimatising for what lies ahead. Fortunately the level of difficulty as well as the size of the dunes are progressive. Its nice to try out some ‘human scale’ dunes before we encounter the monsters on day three. SHIPWRECKS We move in and out from the coast during the trip. Travelling along the coastline is very attractive as the sea is beautiful and there are numerous shipwrecks and interesting flora and fauna, however there is also an ever present mortal trap of becoming stuck between impassible dunes and a rising tide. At one point along the coast, a ghostly figure emerges. As we approach , it becomes sharper, it is the wreck of an immense cargo ship. The Frotamerica. it is a surreal vision. This Brazilian bulk carrier ,200m long and 35’000 tons, ran aground in February 2013 while it was going

to India to be dismantled. We had heard impressive tales of the removal of 139 tons of oil by 4x4s through the Namib, helping to avoid a major ecological catastrophe. The breach made in the bow to unload the barrels is still visible. Unfortunately the freighter still contains much waste that it is not planned to remove. The seemingly perpetual mist covering the coastline and the many reefs make the Namib coast one of the most dangerous in Africa. Numerous wrecks testify to this. On our trip we passed the Frotamerica, Otavi, Shaunee or Eduard Bohlen. The latter lies more than 800 m from the shore, in the middle of the sandy sea. Impressive. THE HOTTENTOTS BAY We reach Hottentot Bay about 1 hour before sunset. From the top of a dune we witness one of the most beautiful spectacles we have seen so far. The ocean is adorned with metallic colors contrasting with the orange of the dunes. and a colony of flamingos flutters in the lagoon below,Magic.

“We are tiny, lost in this immensity. You really feel like you’ve reached the edge of the world.”


The team set the camp behind the first big dune, sheltered from the wind. Our cook concocts delicious meals morning and evening. A WC tent and a shower tent are erected, we install wind breakers and a fire is lit in a brazier. The following day, to avoid the cold and the humidity as much as to avoid the mist, we move away from the coast and we sink deep into the heart of the desert. The dunes here are higher and the driving becomes more technical. We

haven’t yet reached the massive climbs and descents, but rather a succession of medium dunes and corridors. We reach Saddle Hill in the middle of the morning. There is not much left of the miners’ camp. The roof of some barracks protrudes from the sand. Most of the camp in fact, has been swallowed up by the sand. Some prospecting tools remain here and there. The climate and the salt-spray has reduced all of the steel to the state of a brown leafy

mildew. Surprisingly, wood and rubber have aged much better. We also find some heavy machines like bulldozers. They were transported in pieces and reassembled here in the 1940s. The history of prospecting mining in the Namib is exciting. It began at the beginning of the 20th century. The technology was rudimentary and human life had little value. THE GREAT WALL Driving across a succession of particu-

larly pure and beautiful dunes, we rejoin the coast, further north. We are about halfway through our journey ... We have just reached the Great Wall. We stop at the top of a massive dune that plunges into the ocean, 230m below. We are tiny lost in this immensity. You really feel like you’ve reached the edge of the world. 43 °. next day, we drive to the beach across a big drop to the ocean, using the slope as a giant slide. We try to time our arrival between two waves that lick the foot of the dune.

At low tide, we will be able to ride on a strip of sand ranging from 2 to 6 m wide between the foot of the dune and the ocean. The timing must be perfect, or else this strip would not be traversable. THE GIANT DUNES Eventually a series of stones block the way. So we go back towards the heart of Namib. We are approaching the much feared section, that of the giant dunes. Quickly, we approach a series of scary climbs and descents. The descents of 100 to 150m are all the more impressive as they stand in front of the equivalent climbs. At First, we say “Impossible�! Luckily, our south-north route avoids us taking the steepest slopes of the face. We go downhill. It requires good technique and expert judgment and guidance to ensure that we will all manage to cross this zone. This is the most technical part of the trip. The trajectory is important.

“We are all grateful for having lived a rare and magical experience, so far from our daily lives. The dream of the child has come true and I must say that reality has far exceeded all my expectations. “

The experience of the front vehicle becomes very important . Follwers observe. The vehicles all being heavy and somewhat lacking in necessary power, struggle at the beginning. Some areas of soft sand reveal themselves in midclimb. A trap. We reverse once or twice. When we cannot get past a section, we reverse back up as high

as possible, then we start again, going up a little higher up into the towering dunes each time. Eventually we all make it through. After passing through a region of purple dunes of breathtaking beauty, we reach Sandwich Harbor for our last campsite. This site is magical. The water of an underground river that

crosses the Namib colle here, creating a lagoon where a vegetation is do ted and where a numbe birds are sheltered. A serene and festive atm sphere prevails on this l camp out. We are all gra ful for having lived a rar and magical experience so far from our daily live The dream of child has come true and I must sa


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that reality has far exceeded all my expectations. As if to mark the end of the journey, the full moon comes to salute us, in a crystal clear sky that can only be seen in the desert. The jackals keep us company until the next day, where we enter Walvis Bay and return to civilization.

E-mail: explo@geko4x4.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/geko4x4 YouTube: www.youtube.com/geko4x4com Twitter: twitter.com/gekoexpeditions GEKO Expeditions Abranna 24 CH-1645 Le Bry Switzerland


For more information



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NG & 4WD

e p o r u E

DRIFTA is an Australian company that has grown rapidly down under over the last few years and now has its sights set on introducing its camping and 4WD products into the European market. These guys build everything from camp kitchens, 4WD drawers to very impressive and high quality off road camper trailers. We recently spoke to Jakob Schimanek Drifta’s European Manager to get the lowdown on how the company evolved and on Drifta’s European plans were going. Jakob is originally from Germany and explained that he has known Luke, the owner and founder of


the Australian based DRIFTA since 1995. Jakob explained that he was 10 years old at the time and was traveling with his family in the USA. Jakobs father is an adventurer and photojournalist and at the time was researching for an adventure book in the USA. As a part of his adventures they hired horses to make a 5 day trip to the Canadian border and that’s how they met Luke. Luke who was living in the US at the time just happened to be their guide and would take Jakob his Mum Dad and young sister on horseback and off the grid to the Canadian border.


1 Drifta also build a wide range of 2 camper trailers of the Drifta 4WD drawers 3 Some now being shipped to Europe Jakob showcasing some of the Snowpeak products


Drifta have a wide range of products sold via the Drifta website





Luke who was living in the US at the time just happened to be their guide and would take Jakob and his family on horseback and off grid to the Canadian border. Jakob remembered having a great adventure in the US and he and his family got on very well with their Ozzy guide Luke and over time this would lead to a strong friendship that would eventually lead to Jakob playing an important role in the company’s development. Luke would eventually move back to his home-place in Australia In 2000 where he started designing building and selling portable camp Kitchens at camping shows all over Australia and by 2004 over 1400 kitchen units were sold. People in Australia were loving this quality new product that sung innovation and high quality workmanship and it would not be long before Luke was working 7 days a week in order to keep up with de-

mand. Over the years Jakob and his family kept in touch with Luke and in 2007 Jakob’s father decided to make another trip with the family to Australia. While in Australia they went to Gloucester in New South Wales to meet Luke and to see first hand the expansion of the Drifta HQ. They would spend a couple of days catching up and reminiscing on their times spent together in the US. Jakob and his family were very impressed with how quickly Luke’s camping kitchen business had taken off Around this time Luke was employing 16 people and had big plans for the extension of the business.

Drifta canvas bags have bec ome very popular

f making of d e rt a st y n The compa camp kitchens

Just a couple of years later ,in 2010 ,Luke started to build Drawers for 4WD vehicles and it was not long before the word spread about the quality of his 4WD drawers that had entered the European market. In 2013 DRIFTA would start building high quality off road camping trailers where they introduced the DOT off road camper trailers into the Camping and touring market in Australia and similar to the success of the camp kitchens and the 4WD drawers the rugged looking off road DOT trailers soon started to get noticed in the very competitive Australian market. The off road camping trailers would have the DRIFTA kitchens built in and a number of other innovative designs incorporated as part of the package. It was also in 2013 when Drifta started to sell the very impressive Japanese manufactured Snowpeak camping equipment. Things were starting to get very busy at the DRIFTA factory in Gloucester and that’s when Jakob explained that he decided to move to Australia from Prague and work with Luke and be part of the ever expanding DRIFTA story. After 16 years in business DRIFTA now employs 65 people and is now the biggest company of its kind in Australia. Manufacturing camping trailers, camping kitchens, drawer systems for 4WD and vans, new canvas products and much more. With this rapid expansion in Australia the lads have now set their sights on Europe. DRIFTA is now registered in Czech Republic where Jakob’s family now live and they have now started to ship products to the Czech republic for distribution throughout Europe. The first products recently shipped from Australia to Europe include some 4WD drawers kitchens and the Snowpeak fire pits.

Jakob’s parents are now helping with the distribution while all communications are handled by Jakob in Australia. Jakob informed me that there will be many more Drifta products available in the future, so keep an eye on the EU website. www.drifta.eu So far a number of European customers have been expressing an interest amongst other things in the Drifta 4WD drawers. Jakob highlighted that they are getting a lot emails from Europe and now that Drifta have structures in place in the EU Drifta they can ship more orders as demand increases and as a result save on freight costs.

this comes across in the quality of the products that both design and build. These guys think about camp set ups in a very practical way, and from there experiences out in the bush they replicate their camping product ideas by building prototypes in the Drifta HQ, and they then test them in very harsh environments to make sure that when they make these products available that they are built to last.

Over the last three years the company has continued to expand in size and in the range of camping products they have on offer. Examples includes the development of the eye catching and This is a company that we will be hear- rugged DOT camper trailers.The develing a lot more about in here in Europe lopment of a canvas bag making dein the near future. These guys live and partment and becoming agents for the breathe Camping and 4WD adventures, UNIFLAME camping products in Australia. We will be covering more on the it is very clear from talking to them DRIFTA story so watch this space. that they are passionate about their Camping and four wheel driving and

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click here for more information

FIR for

RE PITS r camping

There is nothing quite like sitting around a campfire and enjoying a sky full of stars with your friends and family. A campfire can often be the difference between having a good camping trip and a great one.For us our best memories of camping trips are normally the ones that involve us sitting around the fire cooking our evening meals and enjoying a couple of cold beers as the sun goes down. Not all national parks and campsites allow open fires but you can often overcome this by bringing along a portable fire pit. Portable fire pits are great for cooking over and keeping you warm when the temperature drops.

In keeping with the ‘leave no trace’ principles you should take care when placing your fire pit on the ground, you should try and make sure that you don’t scorch the ground where possible. Ideally placing something under the fire pit avoids any potential scorching of the ground, some fire pits like the snow peak fire pit now comes with an optional base plate that will make sure that the ground underneath the fire pit is protected. You should also clear any leaves or debris under the fire pit to make sure that they do not catch fire and cause a potential hazard.


If you decide to use your fire pit to cook your camping meals, you will need to decide what type of fuel to use. Most people use either charcoal, heat beads or hard wood. It is important to remember that charcoal and beads release less smoke than hardwood and also gives off more heat than wood, but on the downside charcoal is more expensive to purchase. It really comes down to personal choice. One thing for sure is that cooking on a fire pit is great fun for all involved, the kids love roasting marshmallows over an open flame while the adults take great pride in cooking that perfect steak in the great outdoors.

u found o y y a w e h ampsite t c r u t o y e Leav g a fire pi n i s u y b t i


s t i p fire



Similar to companies like North Face and Patagonia,the Snow Peak journey began with an adventurous spirit

Snow Peak’s popular ‘pack & carry’ fire pit is built from high quality 316 marine grade stainless steel. This kit is a unique fire pit that is both sturdy and compact. The fire pit also has a variety of cooking and grilling accessories that can be added to your set up and will definitely improve your camping experience. These stainless steel firepits come in three sizes and fold flat for easy assembly and transportation in your 4WD, car, camper trailer or RV.

a feeling of discontent with the current gear avaiable on the market. The company’s home in Sanjo City, is in the Chuetsu region of Niigata Prefecture in Japan, which is also known locally as the hardware town for its history of fine crafted metal work. Over the years Snow Peak has extended its range of high quality camping and outdoor equipment, to include, tents, fire pits, camping accessories like cups and cutlery, camping tables and much much more.

Similar to companies like North Face and Patagonia, Snow Peak’s journey began with an adventurous spirit. Set up in 1958, when the founder Yukio Yamai, an accomplished adventurer and mountaineer, created his own line of superior climbing gear out of

Built at the Snow Peak headquarters in Japan these pits are now being distributed throughout Europe by Drifta ,an Australian based company.

flat The fire pit comes stored packed and easily

Drifta provide a cu stom cut metal mesh plated

eatly The grill net, fits n inside the bridge

The fire pit folds out very ea sily, providing a raised

platform for your fire .

fits on top of Grill bridge , the fire pit.

e You will have plenty of spac on the large grill plate

We have been using the large fire pit product over the last few weeks and have to say it is as described on the tin, this is a top quality product that should last a lifetime if looked after. The large fire pit kit includes a base plate, fire pit, grill bridge, grill net, and nylon bag, the Drifta canvas bag is also an option.

The innovative bridge can be adjusted to different heights from the fire depending on how hot your fire is or how burnt you like your food. The pit itself is raised from the ground with the collapsible legs and prevents the ground area underneath the pit from getting scorched.You can also get a base plate that further protects the ground from getting scorched.

click here for more information

In our opinion the real benefit of these fire pits are how easy they are to set up and store away Verdict We had heard about these pits a while back and though we had never used one we understood that they were built to a very high standard with high quality stainless steel. But recently having used one on a few camping trips we were more than impressed with its workmanship and quality. The large pit is the perfect size to get a decent fire going for a couple of people to sit around and enjoy a night full of stars. You will also have plenty of space on the grill to cook for the entire family so everyone can eat together. In our opinion the real benefit of these fire pits are how

easy they are to set up and store away in the back of your 4WD or on top of your roof rack. All the Snow Peak fire pits pack flat and as a result do not take up too much space. The large fire pit is not cheap but you do get what you pay for, if you are looking for a product that is pretty much guaranteed to last for a lifetime we’ll go no further as this fire pit is guaranteed to give you plenty of years camping and cooking in the great outdoors. For more information on the snow peak fire pits check out www.drifta.eu







offgrid power Just because you are off the beaten track does not mean that you cant have a remote power source to tap into.

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There’s nothing quite like the freedom of setting up camp in a very remote location and getting away from it all.With more people in recent years embracing the great outdoors and going camping we are now seeing an increase in the demand for new and innovative products that can provide you with remote power to keep all your gadgets charged. With this trend and demand in the marketplace Portable Power Technology have designed and developed a complete range of portable power products that are making waves in the market. Not all of us have built in dual batteries systems in our vehicles to provide power needed to operate our camping accessories but

that does not mean that you can’t have a portable power solution that does a similar job to a dual battery system built into your vehicle or motor home.Portable power packs can provide auxiliary power for suitable for off grid camping with a number of these new powerpacks now having ports where they can be recharged using solar panels or by using a 12V DC-DC car charger adaptors. They pretty much now do the same job as many in built dual battery systems allowing you to run camping accessories and not worrying about not being able to charge your mobile phone or your camera when off the beaten track and camped up for a couple of days.

and innovative portable power that’s ct for off grid and outdoor activities

Many of the new portable battery packs are also being designed to cater for the boating leisure industry allowing leisure fishermen to also have onboard power for this weekend fishing trips. From a camping perspective when you get used to having remote power from a powerpack it becomes very hard to leave home without one, simple things like being able to run lights that will light up your campsite to charging accessories like cameras etc have huge benefits. To help those in need of power and light across the camping world, the UK based Portable Power Technology have been providing innovative electricity solutions for over 15 years. The Portable Power


Technology products and technologies bring clean, quiet and renewable DC and AC electricity where it is unstable and unavailable.These innovative power solutions are designed to be portable for outdoor adventurers, campers, recreational and commercial vehicles and for people requiring power on the move. Utilising leading battery technology these new power packs deliver highly portable AC and DC power, they are solar rechargeable and can provide additional lighting like the using the very impressive Niwa USB lights. With 465 watt hour of energy on-tap the PPT Powerpack 300+ can power TV’s, computers, lights, radio, fans and small fridges.



1 2 3

These PPT power packs deliver highly portable AC and DC power. Turn a good camp set up into a great one with PPT USB ports allow you to charge all your gadgets

We have been using the Li-ion Powerpack 300+ over the last few weeks and have been very impressed with its design and capabilities. Given the PPT powerpack 300 power capabilities this unit is surprisingly compact and lightweight. This all-in-one Liion Powerpack 300+ delivers AC and DC power wherever and whenever you need it.It is perfect for camping, off grid outdoor activities, cabins, garages, market stalls and for backup during a power cut. The reason why the Powerpack 300+ is so small and powerful is because it uses a Lithium-Ion battery, these new batteries are much smaller than the larger and more cumbersome leisure batteries yet in this unit they

provide an impressive 465 Watt hour of energy capacity in a unit weighing just 3.7Kg. Developed exclusively by PPT using their extensive knowledge in power inverter design. The clean pure sine wave 230V inverter will easily power all your AC appliances and loads up to 300 watts examples include, TV’s, laptops, computers, surveillance cameras, fridges, lights, and small pumps. The neat integrated transfer switch makes it an ideal power back up solution as well, automatically transferring from grid to internal battery in only a few milliseconds meaning no interruption to critical power when required.

click here for more information

Before heading off on your next camping trip this unit can be easily and safely charged from the wall using the internal 7A charger the Powerpack 300+ is also solar ready. Just connect a compatible solar panel using the supplied accessory cable and recharge up to 350W or 20A of solar power without any need for an external solar controller.

Portable energy that’s quiet and efficient with a class leading 126 W per Kg

Last but not least the unit has two three pin plug sockets, two USB ports for charging or powering mobile devices and a integral 2W LED lamp. PPT also offer a 110V output version for industrial applications and options for metal housing and/ or waterproof rugged casing.

Integrated 7A AC charger makes it safe and easy use Solar charging compatible that lets you plug in up to 350W of solar without external controller

The benefits of having one of these units on board are:

Integral super bright 2W LED lamp Accessories : AC mains lead, solar input charging cable/adapter

Clean pure sinewave inverter output (230V) powers loads up to 300W UPS function provides automatic transfer of load to battery without interruption during a power-cut

USB ports for mobile charging and powering USB devices

With off the shelf and packaged battery, power inverter and solar panel systems, Portable Power Technology can offer a cost-effective lighting and power solution for all off grid and remote backup power applications. Overall we were very impressed with the power you get from the Lithium-Ion battery, this unit packs a serious punch for its size. The other benefits of this portable system is that unlike your built in dual battery system you can move the power pack to where your vehicle can’t go, for example you might want to set up camp closer to a river or amongst some trees and obstacles may prevent you from parking your vehicle right beside your camp of choice , no drama just pick up your 300 + power pack and carry it to your camping spot of choice and enjoy all the comforts of pre stored portable power.

Specifications Input Voltage (AC charging) : 230V Input Voltage (Solar Charging) : 17.5V @ Max 20A Output Voltage (Inverter) : 230V 50Hz Pure Sine Wave Output Power (Inverter) : 300W (continuous) 500W (5 minutes) USB Output : 2 x 5V @ 2.1A total Dimensions : 340 x 185 x 60mm Battery Capacity : 11.1V @ 42Ah (466 Watt Hour) Weight : 3.7Kg Warranty : 1 year

click here for more information


LIGHTING d a o r e h t on

There are a number of ways to light up your camp without needing to connect to a mains electricity supply.

There are a number of ways to light up your camp without needing to be close to a mains/electricity supply.Examples include plugging your strip lighting into your built in vehicle Dual Battery system like the READARC BCDC dual battery system that was featured in ISSUE 2 or connecting your portable lighting to a portable power pack like the Portable Power Technology Lithion 300 + that was discussed in the previous article. But if you do not want to invest in these options and you are just looking for a cheaper solution that will

provide good quality lighting at your camp for a couple of days well here’s a good way of doing it.Portable Power Technology are very excited to introduce an exclusive, unique and innovative product from market leader Niwa that will fulfill your camp lighting needs. The Home 200 X2 is Niwa’s Starter System will introduce you into the world of Modular Solar Systems (MSS). With 2x ceiling lamps the system offers off grid energy independence.

Each lamp offers impressive 100 Lumen brightness which brings total system brightness to 200 Lumen, more than enough to light up your off grid campsite. All lamps are water and dust proof, the lamps can also be individually dimmed (3x Light Modes for each Lamp) according to need and area required to light up. Dimming is controlled conveniently using a switch for each lamp. Each lamp has 3x lighting modes and if both are in use the lights can be used for up to 20 hours yes that’s a couple of nights camping, how cool is that. The LiFePO4 3000mAh battery built into the system has a huge life cycle of more than 5 years and can also be used to charge smartphones, tablets and all devices via USB,in other

words the unit battery also operates as a charger. This is a very useful system for campers that provides lighting and charging solutions that does not cost an arm and leg.It is the perfect starter kit for campers who want to get off grid and explore the benefits of using a solar powered unit as an energy source.

Verdict Our experience from using the unit was that when the light switch was on low dim we had enough light to brighten up your campsite for hours on end. The added option of adding more batteries to the system is very innovative and offers you you plenty of additional pre charged power.


Each lamp offers an impressiv

1 100 Lumens brightness. 2 The lamps are water and dust 3 You have a choice of 3 light mo 4 The neat and strong solar pane



ve proof




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The solar panel is small and effective allowing you to charge your system during the day when the system is not in use. This is a strong and rugged product with water and dust proof lamps very suitable for camping and an outdoor environment.The added option of being able to charge some of your accessories from the unit makes an effective lighting system into a very useful camping accessory. These are well made strong durable lights that look like they could take some abuse in the great outdoors. On the down side the lamps are a bit big in comparison to strip lighting.

Overall the Home 200 X2 is Niwa’s Starter System is a great way to get your camp lit up on those dark nights and with the solar panel and charging facility this is the perfect off grid solution for anyone interested in getting off the beaten track. In our opinion any unit that does not require disposable batteries for power is definitely the way to go from both an environmentally friendly perspective but also from a cost saving perspective in the long term.This lighting and power charging system pretty much ticks all the boxes and comes highly recommended from the TURAS team.

REDARC In-vehicle Dual Battery Chargers Built tough for Australian conditions


REDARC’s range of In-vehicle Dual Battery Chargers are designed, built and tested in Australia for our unique conditions to make sure they won’t let you down. With features like fully sealed construction and fan-free cooling - water, dust and vibration are no match for the In-vehicle Dual Battery Charger, you can be assured they can handle the roughest tracks in outback Australia and the deepest water crossings at Cape York. REDARC’s knowledge of Australian conditions is engineered into every unit. Models in the BCDC and LFP In-vehicle Dual Battery Charger range operate up to a market-leading 80°C meaning they are going to work in even the most extreme heat of the Simpson Desert. A higher operating temperature and compact in size also allows for flexible installation options, from the engine bay to inside a van or camper trailer.

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Article and imag Dream

Cover ima www.pau


ges by JosĂŠ Almeida m Overland

age Paul Close ul-close .com

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From the very first moment the Dream Overland concept was conceived, it was clear to the founders that the main objective of this Overlanding company would be to discover remote parts of Portugal. This concept was not about visiting wonderful cities like Lisbon and busy beach resorts in the Algarve but rather moving away from the crowds and exploring the tracks less travelled. Most people may not be aware that Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe, with nearly nine centuries of history and traditions resulting from a legacy left by the various cultures who inhabited these lands over the centuries. Some of these cultures include the Phoenicians, the Arabs, the Greeks and Carthaginians, the Romans and the northern Europeans. It is also interesting to note that in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, the Portuguese were the first Europeans to sail to most parts of Africa, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, the far East and South America. As highlighted by Jose Almeida founder of Dream Overland this is probably why the Portuguese have been so open to the world’s cultures resulting in a mixed society that represents various cultures from all over the globe. And with such a rich culture these guys will guide you along the thousands of kilometers of dirt tracks into the heart of what this 4WD paradise really has to offer.




1 2 3 4

Endless miles of dirt tracks Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe.

Exploring the rugged tracks Glamping in remote areas


figures and some snow falls mostly in the highest mountain ranges. Summers are hot and dry especially in the south with temperatures easily going above the 30ºC mark, so be prepared to bring your hat, sunscreen and ray-bans. The rainy seaWhen tackling the tracks in your 4WD son normally goes from November to April and the dry season goes from in the inland regions of the country May to early October. There are ofyou will find that the delicacies and ten warm, sunny days in the autumn specialities enjoyed are meat based making it possible to travel and exdishes (beef, pork, game, kid goat, plore in your 4WD having pretty delamb, rabbit, chicken…) cooked in cent weather for over six months of different ways, whereas the coastal the year. areas are famous for its acclaimed fresh fish and seafood. For most of us who love nothing Climate wise, being a southern Euro- more that exploring the dusty tracks in our 4WD’s one of the best repean country exposed to the Atlantic, the weather in Portugal is gener- wards you can have at the end of a long day’s touring is finding the ally mild but varies from one region to another depending on the latitude perfect camp and resting up for the night. Though wild camping is and proximity to the sea. not permitted in Portugal there are a number of rural accommodation In the Northern regions, particularly options that include choosing numerinland, winters are cold with temous registered campsites and B&B’s. peratures often reaching sub-zero Not only is Portugal one of the best countries in Europe to explore a huge network of dirt tracks it is also a top destination for foodies, the Portuguese cuisine is delicious, diverse and very rich in its ingredients.

As a registered tour operator accredited for nature-related activities by the Portuguese authorities, but also as lovers of everything natural and pure, the Dream Overland tours are based on the great spirit of adventure while adhering to a strict code of conduct that respects the natural environment. As off-road enthusiasts Dream Overland believe their tours can help preserve the environment and promote the development of local projects and communities in a sustainable way. Jose Almeida the founder of Dream Overland said that ‘’when preparing for trips we make our best efforts to leave a positive impression on the people we meet and minimize any environmental impacts caused by our overland tours’’. Dream Overland consider each trip as a tailor-made event with tours organised according to the preferences of each individual customer or group with a focus on providing choices on the routes to the places where we eat and sleep.

Jose also highlighted that every detail is taken into account in order to provide customers with a memorable experience and an opportunity to take a few photographs and have some good stories to tell when returning to their place of origin. A Kiwi overlander once told us that ‘‘in off-roading nothing replaces local knowledge”, and that’s why we spend a whole lot of time doing our own recces instead of relying on webbased data and information given by third parties. These Portuguese 4WD tours are well planned out.

Some very friendly horses come over for a visit as the 4WD’s vehicles pull up for lunch

Dream Overland are very lucky to have an almost unlimited access to numerous dusty tracks

From talking to Jose you can tell that this is a company that takes pride in what it does. Each Dream Overland customer receives a booklet with general information about the country and a road book on the routes they’ll be exploring on their adventure, including specific information about places of interest, accommodation, restaurants and a list of locations of authorised garages that will help should vehicles get into trouble

and need to be fixed in a hurry. Jose also highlighted that from his experience problems and issues do happen when you least expect them and that’s why they have a 24/7 helpline. Whether it’s just to help with a translation, assist with booking provide health & safety related information or get some mechanical assistance, it’s really all about making sure that everyone gets to continue on their journey as planned.

Dream Overland are constantly looking for new places to go and explore in Portugal.

Dream Overland maintain a very high standard in terms of legal compliance,personal safety and environmental awareness.

- Have fun and share the passion for respectable off-road driving.

On the Dream Overland tours you will experience a number of rural accommodation options that inSome of the companies principles include; Always driving safely clude choosing from a variety of and responsibly - Respect people, registered campsites and B&B’s where you can easily experience property and the environment learning about local cultures,prod- the local culture and that’s what ucts and traditions makes these overlanding tours special. Drive only on existing paths and leave no trace - Comply with applicable codes and regulations

For centuries, Portugal has been a land of explorers who travel the globe and discovered many parts of the world

Jose highlighted that they use the latest route planning technology and provide customers with the off-road tracks and points of interest on GPS systems. As a registered tour operator Dream Overland is covered by the mandatory professional liability and personal injury insurance policies and the legal permissions required by the Portuguese authorities. Portugal just may be Europe’s best kept secret - especially if you decide to explore its remotest areas in a

4x4. For centuries, Portugal has been a land of explorers who traveled the globe and discovered many parts of the world, but now this hidden gem is being discovered by many overlanders and remote travellers who head south to enjoy the many dusty tracks in this unique spectacular part of Europe.

you will find a number of rural accommodation options that include a variety of campsites and BnB’s

and points of all off-road tracks available interest are made

click here for more information



one of the best accessories you can get to combat the elements is an awning.

Awnings have been used in hot climates for years mainly to protect tourers from the heat and the sun’s rays.In fact it’s very unusual to see vehicles equipped for camping and touring in places like Australia without awnings attached. And like everything else where there is a demand for product you will normally get better value for money. Unlike keen campers and outdoor enthusiasts in the southern hemisphere we don’t seem to have yet gotten the awning bug.Yes you will see them attached to caravans and mobile homes mainly because they are part of the package but how often do you see them attached to the side of four wheel drives though the interest in awnings does seem to be improving a bit?. For us it’s simple if you are into camping and you come from a country where it rains a lot, well in our opinion one of the best accessories you can get to combat the elements is an awning.

Awning designs for vehicles and 4 wheel drives come in all shapes and sizes and are mostly simple to attach to your vehicle. All you really need is either a roof rack or roof bars with attaching mounts and when fitted all you do is just roll them out and you will instantly have increased your camping space that is sheltered from the elements. No more sitting in your vehicle waiting for the rain to stop so you can cook your camp feast outside. Having used different types of aw-

nings over the last couple of years, we now never go on a camping trip without one. We normally have one attached to our vehicles for the summer months and only remove them from the vehicles and put them into storage during the winter. It is one of our favorite accessories and has saved us and our families from many the downpour over the years and with recently added detachable walls that fit to one of the awnings, this has added a whole new dimension to our camping set up and the family loves it.

Awning designs for vehicles and 4 wheel drives come in all shapes and sizes and are usually simple to attach to your vehicle

Awnings are a great solution for for cooking,eating or just relaxing under the canvas when it’s raining, with some options on some designs you can also add side walls which will give you extra comfort from windy conditions and this also allows the kids to play in comfort while the bad weather passes.

We have a James Baroud attached to one vehicle and the beauty about this one is that it comes with the stylish and easily detachable side walls effectively creating a dry living space in bad weather and with small kids on board this this has been a super addition to our set up.

this universal aluminum mount kit! This kit comes with two aluminum brackets, installation instructions, two James Baroud aluminum decals. Hardware is not included; you use the hardware that comes with the James Baroud awning. Since this is an universal application, you must The awnings are a “bag-less� design, supply the hardware that you use to making them the easiest awnings on attach the mounts to your roof rack. the market. The unique design allows With these brackets you are also able to mount a small LED light under the awning to roll into itself and is closed by using attached straps. The your awning. awning material is made of the same aluminized fabric that the tents are made of, making them waterproof and solar reflective. James Baroud Awnings James Baroud build premium roof top tents and awnings designed and handcrafted in Portugal. Similar to the James Baroud rooftop tents the awnings are designed to fit on your roof rack quickly.

Awning Mounts You can easily mount the James Baroud awning to any roof rack using

ENCLOSURES The Awning Annex The awning annex enclosures are also made from the same material as the tents; they are 100% waterproof and UV resistant. The enclosure consists of three panels and attach directly to the awning, along with a zipper connection that allows them to be attached to each other. The enclosure includes two large, screened windows and a door providing easy access and plenty of insect-proof ventilation. The awning enclosure creates a completely sheltered room, adding privacy and convenience to your camping experience.

verdict Overall we were very impressed with the James Baroud Awning and in particular the side walls having used this set up for over a year on the road now.The quality of the poles seem to be much stronger than many other types of awning poles on the market.

chairs and barbecue into the sheltered space where we would do our cooking etc and just wait for the rain to pass. My wife has been a huge fan of the annex as it keeps the kids dry and provides generous space for them to play when the weather turns.

The awning is also very quick to set up, by not having to unzip the awning from a bag and just having to release the straps this is a very clever design. Having a small family the easy detachable walls that clip to the awning frame are also a very clever design, many an evening in rainy and stormy weather we were able to take shelter away from the elements and not let the bad weather affect our camping trips,it was a case of just moving our camp

The only downside I have experienced is that sometimes the poles on the awning can be a little bit stiff when adjusting them other than that we cannot fault the James Baroud Awning and Annex walls. They are made from top quality materials, are easy to set up particularly the system that quickly allows you to attach the annex to the frame of the awning and to top it all off the whole set up looks very stylish indeed.

Exploring some




From it all ...



Glendoria is a Lodge and Gl Masurian Lake District in Po to get away from it all. If yo peace and quiet in an idyllic middle of Europe, this is it. ate a time machine for their ate a “a pre-war atmosphere tryside, to breathe new life and utensils, to care about the 20s.�

The light of a campfire , the ests, and lots of uninhabited er to help visitors to forget daily life.


Glendoria, Poland

lamping site close to the oland. This is the place ou are looking for some c spot somewhere in the The owners aim to crer visitors, by trying to cree of holidays in the couninto forgotten equipment the form and content of

e fresh smell of the ford nature all come togeththe hustle and bustle of

At Glendoria you can stay in a luxury ‘apartment’ or a quirky and glamorous tent. Amongst all of this nature there are also some very modern luxuries, such as a swimming pool with heated floor, private beach and spa. If you stay in a building you will be surrounded by unforgettable interiors , all of the rooms are located in an original building dating from 1924, made of wood and bricks. All Glendoria buildings have the characteristic features of architecture of the Masurian Lake District from the early 20th century. They are picturesque, very atmospheric and overgrown with lush plants.


The Glamping tents/rooms are also located within the household area - at the edge of the area, on the hills, with wonderful view of the the forest. The tents, or ‘tented rooms’ are full of hand-made natural furniture and bathrooms made from 100-year old boards. You can relax in the shade on a hammock hung on a spacious veranda and enjoy the unforgettable view of the surrounding sea of green. Glendoria is located right at the edge of the forest, on a 50-hectare private area amongst hills, meadows and pastures. The property is surrounded by a forest on one side and, on the other side, is bordered by a lake. The nearest village with shops is located about 1 km from the site.

For those who looking for even more time or space to themselves, the owners have also created a few comfortable locations - benches, hammocks, and sofas scattered around the site; they can also be used as observation points for observing cranes, herons, storks, ravens and hawks. This is a beautiful and comfortable oasis, during the day and at night, the sky fills with stars. .


For more information



Camping over water in South



hern Bohemia




This is a wonderful small resort in the south of the Czech Republic, surrounded by the bountiful nature of lower Šumava and close to the picturesque villages of Dobcice, Lipanovice and Holašovice.

This unique resort comprises five small cabins each located over its own small pond. The cabins are built over oak piles and are completely surrounded by water. Each cabin also possesses its own spacious pier and comes with a boat to allow you to explore and to fish from the pond. The cabins were designed to mesh with the natural environment, and leave only a small footprint there. There is no electricity, and heating and hot water are pro-

vided by wood burning stove. The showers are powered by a hand pump within the cabins and the water for the shower comes directly from the ponds. The cabins also have access to a dry composting toilet not far from the ponds. The cabins have solar lamps and hand lanterns for lighting. The hosts provide welcome drinks all bed clothes, bath and body care toiletries, drinking water, firewood and fishing equipment.The cabins all also possess a large fireplace with a grill.

There are 5 cabins, ‘Madlenka’, a two storey structure with a capacity of 5 people.

GETAW ‘Verunka’ one floor studio accommodation with a capacity of 2 people. ‘Amálka’ with a capacity of 2 people. The Floating bungalow ‘Sofinka’ is in a secluded location with magnificent viewsin a secluded location with magnificent views. Fishing is permitted on the pond, and guests are allowed to keep their catch and cook it on the grill - fish in the pond include rainbow trout and brook trout. Sofinka houseboat can also be moved and anchored anywhere on the pond allowing it to follow the the sun throughout the day. The site also contains a wooden Tipi which is located inside one-hectare safari park with animals including lamas on one side with a four meter high terrace above the pond where the trout fishing is particularly good.


Each cabin is built over oak piles and is completely surrounded by water.

GETAW The tipi has a capacity of four and an extra bed can also be added. The interior is made in the shape of an equilateral hexagon and is lined with untreated larch wood so it has intense natural smell. The ceiling extends to a skylight so that there is always enough daylight. The Kitchenette, shower and seating is adapted to symmetrical shape of the interior. Outside there is more seating and a grill, a fireplace and a Native American totem complements this unique experience in the heart of nature.

The hosts offer guests either breakfast or half board with the stay. And if you are going on a trip, they will prepare a snack or picnic basket for you. Dinners are hosted in a local restaurant in the village of HolaĹĄovice (UNESCO) which is just 2 km from bungalows.It is also possible to order in-room dining service. Breakfast, which contains only the finest ingredients from local resources is delivered every morning to your bungalow.


For more information





Tyres offer the best performance when they are inflated to a pressure that is appropraite for the terrain the vehicle is traversing. Normal road driving requires a relatively high pressure, while substantially lower pressure will dramatically improve your 4x4’s traction over a wide range of off-road environments. One of the best ways to increase traction over rocks or in deep sand for

example, is to decrease your tyre pressure. In the article in this issue on crossing Namib, the expedition leader Nicolas Genoud outlined how several times during the drive through the Namib desert ,they were required to lower their tyre pressure to as low as 8.7 PSI. (Normal recommended road tyre pressure is around 30 PSI)


Having the availability of using compressed air gives you the freedom to greatly reduce your tyre pressure for different surfaces and environments and then to re-inflate the tyres back to normal road pressure when required. Another equally beneficial feature is the ability to re-inflate tyres that have been repaired. When driving in tough off-road environments,

it’s not unusual to suffer puncture combined with a good tyre repair pressor can ensure the ability to b back up to the appropriate pressu

The CKMP12 portable compressor has been engineered to suit any o venture and is the most popular co sor in ARB’s range. It is constructe


es. When kit, a combring the tyre ures.

r from ARB off-road adompresed entirely

of lightweight, high grade materials and is mounted in a tough and durable case, allowing it to be easily stored and carried as required. It features a hard anodised cylinder bore and a Teflon impregnated carbon fibre piston seal for reduced friction and maximum trouble free life.

Coming with a 6 metre air hose and battery clips, the kit includes all the necessary fittings to inflate tyres and camping or leisure gear. Available in both portable and vehicle mounted kits, ARB Air Compressors provide many advantages when exploring the great outdoors. Designed to withstand harsh Australian conditions, each ARB Air Compressor is individually leak tested, current draw tested and flow tested under heavy load at the factory before packing.

For total peace of mind, all ARB compressors come with a comprehensive 2 year warranty. To further increase longevity, ARB compressors are also rebuildable, with spare parts readily available from an extensive network of international stores and stockists.


Portable 12V DC air compressor with 6m (20ft) tyre inflation hose Class leading flow rate Sealed for moisture and dust resistance Hard anodised cylinder bore for reduced friction Teflon impregnated carbon fibre piston seal for maximum trouble free life Anodised mounting bracket dissipates motor heat Quality components for quiet operation and extra long life Constructed entirely of lightweight, high strength engineering grade materials Over-pressure safety valve equipped Motor is internally thermal protected against extreme temperature damage Heavy duty maxi-fuse equipped for professional in-line circuit protection Conveniently mounted in a durable carry case

For more information


h t i w d a o r e h t on


e l tt e k y l l e k ha

One of the most enjoyable parts of any camping getaway is preparing a camping meal over an open fire. When we go with the family and set up camp for a couple of days we normally bring our Dutch Oven or cast Iron Oven to cook all our meals in. These meals usually include one pot meals that feed the entire family. But when we are on the road travelling solo or as a duo our cooking equipment of choice is the Kelly Kettle. Kelly Kettle provide a number of options and Kelly Kettle Kits to choose

from, we have been using the Ultimate SST Base Camp Kettle Kit, this kit includes all the cooking equipment you require to cook various types of meals. The Base Camp Kettle is great for boiling water and having a cuppa after your meal and also being able to use some of the the hot water to wash up afterwards is a real bonus.

The kit basically comprises of a 1.6 ltr Steel ‘Base Camp’ Kettle, Hobo Stove, a Cook Set incorporating a small pan and a grate that allows you to cook your food over a small fire, you also get a small saucepan,2 Cups and a carry bag. Another big advantage of using the Kelly Kettle is not having to carry or purchase fuel, the kelly kettle works every time

without fail ,boils water in just a few minutes and with the lit embers you can then cook your meal depending on what you want to eat in either the supplied pan, sauce pan or grill… it’s as simple as that.


your Kelly Kettle In of e as e-b fir l ee st e th in e Create a fir all saucepan lightly sm e th e us to g in go e ar we this case re putting over the heat. fo be e iv ol th wi an ep uc sa e oil th accessory onto the fire base e ov St bo Ho e th op dr y pl m Si some onions and d ad en th it p to on an ep uc and sit the sa rst sausages, red wu at br e m so in b lo en th en when gold rlic and heat up for 2-3 ga e m so d an s ke fla ili ch s, pepper minutes. . s and then add nt ie ed gr in r he ot e th th wi e Mix the sausag mato pasta sauce to of s oe at m to um pl e m so in either er for 7-8 minutes. Eat m sim d an r ja a or n ca a er from eith ve it and bob’s yer uncle ha u yo if d ea br sh fre e m so with that. you’re done, it’s as simple as ng easy access to all vi ha d an e nc ie en nv co t ou It’s all ab t in one kit and your camp cooking equipmen sily in being able to store this kit ea the back of our 4WD’s and of course being able to quickly cook a tasty hot meal is why we love our Kelly Kettles.


E L T T E K Y L L E T K I K A P M A C E S A B Ultimate SST ‘Base Camp’ Kettle Kit ....includes 1.6 ltr Steel ‘Base Camp’ Kettle + Cook Set + Hobo Stove + Cup Set (2pcs) + NEW Plate Set (2pcs)* + Pot Support + Carry Bag.

To win an amazing Basecamp Cooking System from Kelly Kettle simply subscribe to our FREE magazine:

www.turas.tv/subscribe TO SUBSCRIBE

click here

We will pick a name from the list of website subscribers and winners names will be published in Issue Fouravailable August 2017. We will never share your email address with anyone else. It will be used us to enter you in future competitions and to send you news and offers and to notify you when new issues become available.

ation m r fo n i e r o m r click here fo

m o .c e l tt e k y l l e www.k

e r e k c a m for


Popular places to catch mackerel are around piers and harbours

Mackerel are seasonal fish and usually arrive in European waters around late spring and leave in early autumn. These lively fast swimming fish can be anything from eighteen inches long and can weigh up to five pounds in weight, though that would be a big mackerel as the average weight is normally about one to two pounds. Serious anglers normally leave fishing for mackerel to the amateurs as they are not really regarded as a difficult fish to catch. But for first timers these fish are perfect for testing your newly discovered interest in fishing. Mackerel are also predatory fish and in appearance have a blue/green back with black stripes and silver

belly, they are also closely associated with the tuna family. They have short fins and a forked tail that allow them to swim pretty fast in the ocean. They swim in shoals and feed on small fish and sand-eels, swimming in large numbers means they can also be caught in large numbers by using the correct gear. Popular places to catch mackerel are around piers,and harbours where you have easy access to deep tidal water. As mentioned above you don’t have to be a seasoned fisherman or have expensive fishing gear and tackle to catch them with a cheap and effective way to catch them is by using feathers.

Feathers are designed to look like small bait fish, like sandeels which mackerel love to eat. Packs of feathers usually have 3 to 6 feathers included in a pack with hooks attached. Its basically a complete rig where you will have a line with each feather and a swivel or a loop on either end. All you do is attach your main line to one end and a weight to the other and away you go. They say that feathers are really not of much use for night time fishing as the mackerel cannot see them very well.But if you are lucky enough to hit a shoal of mackerel in daylight you are likely to pull in a couple of mackerel with each cast. It certainly helps with your confidence when out fishing for the first time.

ke d to look li e n g i s e d e r Feathers a fish small bait

As regards fishing rods the strength and quality of your rod should depend on the number of feathers you plan to fish with, in other words if you have six feathers attached to your line you should probably have a better quality rod that will accommo-

date catching 6 fish at any one time, it’s as simple as that. Now where did I leave that fishing rod and Kelly Kettle. It’s time to go and catch some mackerel.



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G N I P M A C & D 4W


M&H company. Gernout highlighted that they are the European distributors for TJM and that they have been showcasing the TJM products in Europe over the last five years and business has steadily been growing in the 4WD accessories market. The company are also working towards At the world’s largest Camping and 4WD show in Germany the Abenteuer making sure that all the Australian built TJM products are aligned with & Allrad show you will see most of European standards. these companies showcasing these top quality Australian brands Gernout mentioned that the TJM awnings and roof top tents are getting At the 2016 show we spoke to Gernot Tonauer, General Manager of very popular in Europe as more peoTJM, Marko Lindheimer, Senior Exple are getting interested in touring. Other products doing well include ecutive Manager and Rosmarie Rethe space cases, compressors and iss, Project Manager for off road recovery gear. components at the well established Australian Camping and 4WD products are now making waves in the European market with companies like TJM, Ironman, Terrain Tamer, 3 Dog Campers,TRED,Drifta,and Oztent to name some of the big ones.

The parent European based company Service Technologies GmbH & Co OG or simply known as S-TEC was founded in 2006. It is located in the middle of the Austrian automotive cluster in Styria. S-TEC are aftermarket experts that provide products to the international automotive sector.Now employing 115 employees S-TEC have a number of established branches within the company with the main focus on the sales of 4WD products and the servicing of OEM’s. The range of products and services provided include MH 4x4 Off Road Equipment ,the repair, servicing and refurbishment of the PUCH G & Pinzgauer vehicles the BLAU Fuel systems - WEHRLE Automotive Electronics,S-TEC 4 WD Systems and the S-TEC Vision Systems.The TJM products are sold under the MH 4x4 Off Road Equipment section of the company. M&H pride themselves on part-

nering with companies like TJM when it comes to selling top quality off road equipment. Another key service that M&H pride themselves on is customer support from the company’s in-house experts who are all keen 4WD enthusiasts.Customer service and support from the M&H in house experts, together with attractive service packages from renowned brands provide the perfect platform for a top class 4WD service. Some of the high quality vehicle parts sold here include the Hutchinson beadlock wheels, Webasto cooling boxes,TJM off road equipment, examples include suspensions, snorkels, winches,Diff. Locks, recovery kits etc.From a servicing perspective the company provides expert support and performance to ensure high levels of technical service quality.

S-Tec also have a very close relationship with the PUCH & Pinzgauer vehicles. These iconic off road vehicles were initially developed in Graz in Austria and like the Land Rover Defender people who own them want to keep them going for ever. In order to keep these vehicles that are no longer in production on the road S-Tec have established a unique off road competence center with the exclusive knowledge of the former Puch and Pinzgauer off road vehicles. S-Tec is the number one sales representative for Puch G & Pinzgauer spare parts worldwide with more than 30.000 parts available, S-Tec also offer complete vehicle refurbishments and restorations to these iconic vehicles.


ma r o f n i e r for mo re click he




The view ranger mobile app has become a very useful planning and navigation tool and is one of the first things we look at when planning a route through unfamiliar territory.Using the viewranger website or mobile apps, you can search more than 120,000 routes posted by various publishers, tourism leaders, and local experts around the globe. Using the mobile app it is possible to plot routes from scratch, from a recorded track, or import a GPX file. The viewranger app works with free offline maps or you can also purchase premium topo maps to create your routes.


Using the mobile app you can always see your exact GPS position and follow routes on detailed maps, the app provides on screen directions as you travel , you can set navigation alerts if you veer too far off track while navigating to points of interest or to preset coordinates. It also works offline, so no mobile or data signals are needed if you have ventured too far from mobile networks and from civilization in general. The offline mode allows you to store maps on your phone for offline use, and this can also help to avoid data roaming charges if you are using the app abroad.

The use of this kind of techn maps has some advantages, ing you to zoom in and out clearly than on paper maps maps on screen so they’re e recently Viewranger introdu called ‘Skyline’ which is an add on.

Using Skyline you can Identi million points around the w phone’s camera. Skyline labels peaks, towns, While the app provides free global mapping, inglaciers, ridgelines, and mo cluding free street maps, terrain maps and aerial Skyline lets you follow navig photography you can also upgrade to highly-de- laid on the real landscape, d tailed premium topographic maps. information that pops up alo

For more information

nology over paper , for example allowto see details more or to rotate your easier to follow. More uced a new feature ‘Augmented Reality’

ify more than nine world using your

, lakes, cliffs, bays, ore. gation arrows overdiscover waypoint ong your route.

There is also a social aspect to Viewranger with the app letting you share your best Skyline photos on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and also enabling you to Record and share every trip to your ViewRanger account. You can view your stats and graphs for each adventure (distance, speed, altitude, etc) And add Flickr photographs and Tweets to every track you record. The ‘BuddyBeacon’ feature also lets you share your real-time location with friends. Friends and family can follow your adventures in real time on their phone or computer You can also link your Twitter account and send tweets with your beacon locations. ViewRanger is well worth downloading you can get it for free from the Google Play Store for Android and Apple Apps store for IOS.



We take a look at the ultim power management system and D250SA



mate 12V 4WD and camping the CTEK 120A Smart Pass Smart Charger

Often we find ourselves off the grid for extended periods. Being away from power outlets and energy grids does not mean you have to stop using your lighting and electronics. We rely on some excellent gear to ensure that we can keep our fridges running, our lights glowing and our laptops and cameras powered. Here we take a look at one of the best 12V charging and power management systems on the market. The 12 V CTEK SMARTPASS 120A POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND THE D250A ON BOARD CHARGER, BOTH FROM CTEK. This system comprised of two products

from CTEK provides reliable power to your vehicle battery and leisure battery while on extended trips off the grid. The D250A charger is a versatile charger that can charge from an alternator or plug straight into an external solar panel as it contains a built in solar regulator. It can be installed in old and new vehicles due to its compatibility with more modern smart alternators. Its in built temperature sensor automatically increases the voltage in cold weather and decreases the voltage in warm weather ensuring safe and optimal performance from the system. The D250A charger is only part of the system however.

The Smart Pass 120A power management system which directs the charge to your service battery and supplies current to consumers separately. Used together with a CTEK D250SA, SmartPass provides optimal charging for the batteries at all times. SmartPass also has an integrated ‘battery guard’ which protects deep-cycle batteries from discharging completely which can seriously damage a battery. In addition, this function also ensures that critical equipment such as radio, emergency lights and navigation systems always have enough power to function. The system can handle current up to 120 Amps and is suitable for battery banks of between 28-800Ah. It’s suitable for all types of 12V lead-acid batteries and is IP65 classified (water jet and dust protected and approved for outdoor use). There is also a special function to help you out if your main starter battery is flat, with a start assistance function. This system is a permanent and reliable part of our camping gear


o i t a m r o f n for more i e r e h k c i l c


EUROPE Its great to be able to drive around the continent of Europe, but rules and regulations vary from Country to Country We bring you some tips and advice on driving in Europe.


You may be asked documents at any be fined or even h en away if they’re

Driving in Europe Driving across Europe is a great way to experience lots of different countries and cultures, however a driving offence could put a dampener on your holiday, and the rules of the road can vary from country to country, so its a very good idea to familiarise yourself with the rules and laws in the various countries that you are planning touring through. In this article we give some general advice on driving in Europe.

You must carry: Your valid full (not driving licence A copy of your DV and a licence chec An International D (when necessary) Your vehicle’s reg ment (the original Your motor insura (Your insurer may ing abroad and on when you do.) Your passport(s) Your travel insuran


d to show your time and could have your car taknot in order.

t provisional)

VLA driver record ck code if needed. Driving Permit

gistration docul not a copy) ance certificate y ask to be told when you’re gonly provide third party cover

nce documents

Equipment In addition to your documentation, many countries also have mandatory equipment requirements. This means you must have certain equipment easily accessible within the cabin of your vehicle at all times. This equipment includes, spare bulbs, a warning triangle, reflective jacket, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and in France, a portable breathalyser kit. If you are driving from the UK or Ireland or any other country that drives on the left of the road, you will also need to use a headlamp adjustment kit, in order to avoid dazzling oncoming drivers. For a very detailed country by country guide check out the excellent AA website.

Check out theAA.com Website for more info

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