Turas camping and 4wd adventures magazine issue six

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Well , it has been a cold winter so far, but this hasn’t stopped us from getting out and about. As we begin to enter spring and we see the evenings begin to stretch, we thought that it was about time to start looking at this year’s latest and best camping and touring equipment, locations, camp cook recipes and news. In this issue we explore some more spectacular locations throughout Europe and beyond. We join Nicolas Genoud on a challenging expedition through the North of Europe and into Russia, we also explore Turkey with a couple of keen travellers from the Netherlands. The Drifta crew bring us up to date with their latest adventures in Barrington Tops, New South Wales, Australia, where they use this tough environment to put new camping gear and a Drifta off-road camp trailer through their paces.Speaking of Camping Trailers, we also introduce you to one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of Camping trailers ‘3DOG’. As usual we examine a wide range of top quality , camping , touring , 4WD and outdoor lifestyle products. Check out our recipe for a camp pot feast and some handy outdoor apps and much more. We hope this bumper edition gets you in the mood to start planning your first adventures of 2018. See you out there.. The TURAS team.

CONTENTS re e h k c cli




Campi 4WD G

ing & Gear


MURM With Geko Expeditions


What destinations come to mind when you think of travelling to the North? Scandinavia, Karelia, Lapland? And even more to the northeast? The Russian Kola Peninsula, located between the White Sea and the Barents Sea. And in Kola, you find the largest city north of the polar circle: Murmansk.

What else is there to explore in this enigmatic peninsula in the north of Russia, which is accessible to 4x4 explorers from all over Europe?

To find some answers to this question, we headed off in early September to participate in the ‘Arctic Tour’ a unique 4x4 expedition organized by the Swiss organization GekoMurmansk is known for having a port Expeditions (Geko are also known which is ice-free all year round and for their guided overland expedialso for hosting the Russian military tions in Iceland, crossing the Namib fleet and its submarines. But Kola desert,and other exotic destinations is a lot more than just Murmansk. such as Madagascar, Algeria and-

Mongolia). This trip has a wide appeal and is aimed as much at people wanting to explore the remote northern places above Europe as to those over-landers more accustomed to exploring Africa. This trip is a real adventure and is also a deep immersion in a vast and imposing natural wilderness. The trip takes place at the ideal time of year (early September) when a riot of colours in nature abound, the northern lights begin their cosmic lightshows and there are less mosquitoes than in summer, and yet it is still pleasantly warm. As our adventure begins, arriving at a crowded quay in the small town of TravemĂźnde, in Northern Germany we meet Nicolas Genoud,


from Geko Expeditions. Nicolas and some of the other participants in the upcoming trip have gathered for a meal on a terrace. The atmosphere is wonderful and everyone is excited to get started on the trip. After the meal, some additional participants join the party at the rendezvous point at the port of embarkation of the ferry to Finland. Following a very pleasant crossing the journey continues as the group traverses Finland. A beautiful straight road crosses forests and lakes for nearly 900 km. Early the following morning we arrive at the Russian border. It is here that the evidence of the benefit of travelling with Geko Expeditions begins to become very apparent. Since the agency had already


1.the aurora borealis dancing above the traditional lavvus. A night engraved forever in our memories. 2.the lashing ropes allow us to face the biggest water crossings 3.The Lenin, the first nuclear icebreaker in Murmansk 4. Mud tires are mandatory for this trip

3 4




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provided us with all of the necessary documents for obtaining the visa (including special zone authorizations), all that was left to do was to wave at the customs officers. Our itinerary (previously approved) is thus fully under control. Geko also provides all of the necessary insurance coverage for vehicle entry. The recent hardening of Russian-European relations does not do us any favours, and to our great despair, our sausages and delicious special cheeses do not get

past the border. We are mournful as these will be impossible to replace in Russia. On the plus side, Russia is rapidly evolving, even in its most remote regions and we will have no problem replenishing our supplies with quality alternatives in the three cities that we will pass through on our trip. We enter the first of these cities, Kandalaksha, at the end of this day. And this is the real starting point of our adventures. WE DID NOT COUNT ON THE F**** ROUND STONES





1. typical settleme southern coast 2. night to come 3. a of the interior of t tion Church (1674 progress through mire


everywhe e r a s n e h lic


ent on the a beautiful a rare view the Assump4) 4. slow the quag-

It is with great enthusiasm and some impatience that we begin the next day. The first part of this tour entails the exploration of the south coast of the peninsula of Kola. We travel for two days along the White Sea. To our surprise, the weather is pleasant despite the fact that we are already north of the Arctic Circle. The light on the coast is soft, it is almost unreal. We traverse forest tracks, open tracks across beaches, and cross coastal rivers at low tide. Normally none of this should be a problem, with water levels of 40 to 50 cm, but we did not count on the seemingly omnipresent round pebbles. The first vehicles get stuck and from

the very first day our fishing waders serve us well. That night we camp in a majestic and calm cove, surrounded by a pine forest where bears patrol (we see lots of fresh dung on the access track.) Off on the horizon of the bay we can see the Russians calibrating their new military submarines. For dinner, Nicolas, prepares a salmon for us, which he bought earlier during the day from some local fishermen. He prepares it in papillote cooked with embers. Delightful. The evening continues with great laughter around a welcome campfire where everyone trades stories of their previous 4x4 tours and adventures.

In the heart of the sacred mountains of the Saami ONWARD TO THE KINGDOM OF THE BEARS AND WOLVES The next day, we have the opportunity to stop and explore a small abandoned amethyst mine. It was an open pit mine. The Chinese have come to remove the solid steel machinery to recast it, the Russians not being champions of dismantling and recycling. It is not very difficult to find beautiful stones of amethyst and fluorite lying around. Everyone searches for the stones with their noses to the ground for about 30 minutes. Later, we stop at a chapel, where local fishermen gather to pray for miraculous catches.

Small sand dunes are revealed to our surprised eyes. What a contrast. It does not take very long before we are all enjoying some great sand driving . After playing like children , we set up the camp between the pine forest and the dunes. We don’t lack any firewood for the magnificent fire that keeps us warm after dark. By now we have reached the easternmost point that a vehicle can

We then take advantage of the low tide and drive along the flat and accessible beaches which allows us to progress rapidly (a magical moment) . At the end of the day, as we exit a pine wood, we suddenly arrive at a mini arctic desert.

a Russian saun

reach on the Kola Peninsula. The eastern half of the peninsula remains an almost depopulated area accessible only by boat. ‘The kingdom of bears and wolves’. DEEP IN THE FOREST WHERE MAN HAS NO DOMAIN. Following these ‘appetizers’ we now begin one of the more cautious portions on the journey. The plan is to climb from the White Sea to the central region of the peninsula, crossing the taiga through hills and lakes for about 250 km. Trails had been made in the time of the gulags by some unfortunate detainees ... But since then, the vegetation has resumed its rights and taken over again, and the

log bridges are only the shadow of their former selves . It is often wiser to skip them and ford the rivers instead. Nicolas convenes the group and consults with us. There is no question of embarking on this route without the total agreement of the group .This will be tough and mutual assistance will be necessary. In addition to being hampered by the vegetation, the track is extremely wet in places. There are many flooded areas. The June thawing totally transforms the northern soil into a quagmire. Some areas have been augmented with large logs positioned longitudinally to assist the passage of previous vehicles through this gloop. These turn out to be a trap,

these “crocodiles�. They stand upright as soon as they are driven onto. These areas are taken very slowly and our winches are used frequently. At certain points,a pathfinder walks ahead of the vehicle, with a saw in his hand. The largest branches are spread or sliced. When a trunk 1m in diameter crosses the track, we break out the chainsaws. On the 2nd day, the hardest part of this section is over . We rejoin a marked trail from the north. This finally gives us an opportunity to better appreciate the sumptuous surroundings that we are passing through. The yellow-red fields compete with white lichens and other multi-colored mosses, while the

myrtilliers dot the forest with bright red spots. This is truly an enchanted forest, where man no longer reigns, we observe many little fierce ptarmigans. On the ground, they still wear their summer plumage, but as soon as they take flight, we can see that the underside of their wings has already taken up its white winter livery. This trail winds into the heart of the forest, when suddenly it leads to a long ribbon of flat asphalt 4 km by 40m wide. An old, abandoned military aviation runway. We take the opportunity to speed past 100km / h, which does great for morale. We reach Kirovsk, a mining town at the foot of the Khibiny Mountains, where rooms await us in the best hotel in the region, usually enjoyed by

the route is not easy, but is very rewarding..

oligarchs and politicians, (unless they are the same) ... As an aside, the two main mines in the region are property of a certain Mr. Putin and another acolyte named Medvedev. STRONG EMOTIONS, DANTESQUES AND SURREALISTS !!! We leave well rested for the next, most technical part of this trip. The south-western crossing of the central mountains. These mountains are not high, only 1100m elevation. But the total absence of infrastructure makes them very difficult to access. To cross them is also to access the sacred lakes of the saamis (which are reputedly charged with supernatural power), real little jewels enshrined in the heart of the Mountains. The first day is perfect. As we approach the first serious fords, we can see that the water level is rather low on this slope, a sign that it has not rained in recent days. Once the fords are checked out, some of the party

let go and “clean the windscreen�. We camp at the edge of a majestic first lake. The contrast of the blue waters and the yellow-red forests is really striking. In 10 minutes we set up our large group shelter because the weather has become rainy and very cold. If Nicholas was not here, and had not the former experience , nobody would believe that it was possible to pass this way in a vehicle. Overall, hardly a dozen 4x4s cross these mountains every year. The climb is testing, we have to climb large blocks of rock wet with drizzle. The Hilux pickup is not at the party due to its low ground clearance. But thanks to excellent reading of the pitch,Patrick, the driver, steers with a masterful hand surprising everyone. However it is far from the experience of large stretches of sand in which he is accustomed to driving.

Occasionally The cloud veil cracks and the sun comes to revive the colors. Spectacular! Emotions are strong,we delight in the dantesque and surreal decor. We stop for lunch at a pass, enclosed by vertical rock walls of 450m. We feel like we have conquered Everest ... and this is just the beginning. Before descending, we must get

through this mountain valley, which appears to have no visible track. However Nicolas confidently tells us “It is there� ... Fortunately, it is him who leads the way, which reassures everyone. Next, we have to cross two mountain lakes. And the slopes around the lakes- are steep! Sometimes we scrape by with centimeters to spare.High on emotion. The down-

hill part involves partially driving in the bed of a river which at least offers a firm bottom.

all aware that we are participating in a true and tough expedition, in a fabulous setting, which very few Westerners have had the chance to HELL OF THE NORTH admire. The next day, we descend again and By dint of patience and effort, the reach the edge of the trees. The terreward finally arrives, a lake, unreal rain changes. And once again we en- looking, bordered by a sandy beach. ter a quagmire typical of these north- Some Magic at the end of the world ern forests. Fortunately, the stones ... but it’s only the western shore. are never far away,which helps to We still have to get around it to. Two avoid the vehicles sinking completemore days driving will be necessary, ly in the mud. But these stones also between quagmires, spectacular alquickly become a source of trouble titude trails and beautiful lakeside. for the lowest vehicles. Scarcely visIt is at this part of the trip that we ible in the mud, they surprise the cross the deepest fords. All the vehidrivers. The vehicles get stuck one cles cross the fords without difficulty after the other.Axles, leaves springs, in up to 1m30 of water. The Patrol lower control arms ... Anything that crosses first, with a 60m safety rope is not 30cm above the ground is like- attached to the rear. The vehicles will ly to hang on a rocky protrusion. be able to pass safely. Impressive for travelers accustomed to Africa ... The Geko Patrol vehicle is equipped with BFGoodrich Mud 37-inch tires, As we approach one of the last rivand it becomes the true St. Bernard er crossings,a dilapidated bridge of the group. However it is the mugives us a hard time. Our route is tual assistance that prevails. A winch continually blocked by the mud (all fails, then a 2nd. No matter, we are vehicles without exception have got-

bined with A strong wind com e summits the mist freezes th

ten stuck). Then we finally reach the bank of this 80 m wide river with a low level of water ... and also, you guessed it, round and slippery pebbles. Finally using a double winch everyone made it across. It took 5 hours to overcome this passage but thankfully in a good summer mood. Great blue sky, sun, 20 degrees, crazy colors and abundant water ... Tonight, we join civilization, and spend the night under a lavvu, or tepee of the nomadic breeders, with a roaring wood fire at its centre. A spectacular aurora borealis also dances in the sky rolling from one horizon to another, as if to salute our arrival on the sacred lands of saamis. Paul and Monica pass around a bottle of Rum that slipped through the customs net. A good evening. THE SACRED MOUNTAINS After passing through the mountains,

Nicolas suggests that we climb to the top of the massive neighboring mountain. Now that we’re here, after all ... A good , old prospectors track leads us all the way there. We stop for a moment at the edge of a circus, which dominates the whole tundra running down to the Barents Sea. The weather is fine. The light that reigns here is simply unique. No need for filters on Photoshop or Instagram. Everything looks deep and “saturated”, mixing softness and strangeness. After all, don’t the saamis ascribe strange powers to these mountains? At the top, there is a succession of rocky high plateaus. The winds trace through this field of gigantic pebbles. After a short walk, we finally reach a cliff overlooking an inaccessible and totally preserved lake. We pose and admire the vista

without a word. FEELING ASTONISHMENT, SADNESS AND RESPECT The trail that leads back to the northeast of Murmansk is beautiful . About 200km from the capital of the north, we first encounter an old fishing village that has fallen into oblivion. Containing wrecks of rusty or rot-

ten boats, dilapidated wooden barracks,and paths taken up by vegetation ... A strange place, which yet is still inhabited. Our feelings oscillate between astonishment,sadness and respect. There is beauty in these vestiges of a flourishing past. And life always clings to these unlikely places. Gas deposits discovered offshore nearby could change the deal soon.

We continue across lost tracks to the Sea. Sidereal beauty. Always the pebbles, but declined in number this time. However now we see giant pebbles, up to 2 meters in diameter, polished, pearly and round or oval. A giant pebble beach, the beach of an Arctic Jurassic Park. Some of these

rocks are more than 15 meters inshore high on the beach, making it easy to imagine the violence of the elements where the sea manages to propel these giant rocks up the beach. We feel small, very small at the end of the World.

Relive the adventure - watch the video here .

MURMANSK We reach Murmansk on a warm and sunny afternoon, and for us, it does not match its sordid and industrial reputation,instead we discover a modern and pleasant city. A detour through the cafĂŠ of the railway station, a remnant of the old Soviet canteens, reminds us where we are. We visit the first Russian nuclear icebreaker, the Lenin and discover a whole section of Russian polar exploration. Very Exciting. After a well deserved rest, we set off from Murmansk to leave Russia by the north-western route to Norway. It is now mid-September, and there is an explosion of color everywhere. Our exit from Russia via the Norwegian port of Kirkenes

seems a bit like the end of a hectic journey, even though we are not yet back home. We are all conscious of having lived and experienced an extraordinary and truly privileged expedition. Through shared adversity and pulling together as a team to help get the party through , strong bonds were established between the participants. On the organizational side, both the administrative preparation and the guidance and supervision of Geko Expeditions were of a very high standard, an imperative requirement for the success of such an adventure. Congratulations and thanks to Nicolas, Olivier and Gerard. Now that we have tasted it, we have a strong desire to return to Russia.

E-mail: explo@geko4x4.com www.gekoexpeditions.com Facebook:facebook.com/gekoexpeditions/ YouTube: www.youtube.com/geko4x4com Twitter: twitter.com/gekoexpeditions GEKO Expeditions Abranna 24 CH-1645 Le Bry Switzerland For more






r e l i tra

n Europe we are definitely starting to see an increase in the number of people interested in off grid touring and this is evident in the increase in sales of roof top tents and over landing camping equipment. Another good indicator of the growth in this market is the increase in the number of people attending shows like the Abenteuer and Allrad Show in Germany where over 55,000 off-grid tourers arrive in Bad Kissingen in Germany for what is now arguably the largest annual camping and 4WD event in the world. But not everybody who has an adventurous spirit is interested in jumping out of a roof top tent or ground tent in the morning. Just because you have an adventurous spirit does not meant that you can’t enjoy some creature comforts when traveling off the beaten track. Camper trailers are definitely starting to fill a gap in the market for those nomads who enjoy a bit more comfort when traveling and camping and the benefits of traveling in a camper trailer are numerous.




So why do people consider camper trailers as opposed to well kitted out over-landing vehicles. Let’s look at a couple of these advantages.


The improvements of design in recent years have resulted in camper trailers now being as comfortable as caravans. The new designs also mean that they are very quick to set up, most are now equipped with built in kitchens and offer you plenty of space and shelter similar to what you would have in a caravan or motorhome.


Camper trailers offer great convenience should you decide to go camping at the drop of a hat.

It is just a matter of hooking up your trailer to your vehicle buying some supplies and hitting the road. Another advantage of camper trailers includes being able to unhitch your trailer from your vehicle after setting up camp and heading off to explore the surrounding environment.


Other noticeable improvements in camper trailers technology today includes: improved towing hitches, built in dual battery systems and power sockets, solar panels for off grid power, controlled braking systems, lighting and music systems and hot water units that now give you instant hot water for showers and doing the washing up.

Off Road Ability

We are learning a lot from what is happening in Australia when it comes to camper trailer design particularly when it comes to the new off road trailers that are entering the Australian market. And we are seeing companies in Europe who build camper trailers incorporating off road camper trailers as part of the range of camper trailers on offer. Companies like 3 Dog Camper trailers , based in Hamburg now have off road models available for those travelers who enjoy

getting off the beaten track.


Unlike expensive motorhomes and luxury caravans, basic camper trailers won’t break the bank. They are also smaller in size and will save on fuel consumption when towing. It really depends on your budget when purchasing a camper trailer, many companies now offer various packages and accessories depending on what your needs are and of course what you can afford.





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Australia have been taking the lead worldwide when it comes to the development of innovative camper trailers over the last number of years but there are some companies in Europe now starting to make a name for themselves in this niche market. Since 2005 the Hamburg based company 3DOG camping, has been manufacturing high quality trailer tents and vehicle roof top tents. Former company director Julian Nocke first discovered this camping concept whilst touring in the Australian outback and further developed the idea to suit the European market. All com-ponent parts are produced in Germany, with the exception of the tent fabric which is espe-cially imported from Australia. The company in Hamburg offers a wide range of canvas co-lours and can accommodate any special wish-es and demands of the customer. The tents can be extended at any time by the addition of specially designed modules which fit the basic tent models.

3DOG camping tents for trailers and roof top tents all share one very important characteristic: They are carefully designed to be pitched and disassembled in a just a few minutes. This concept enables campers to be more mobile as well as saving on time. All tent frames are fully assembled and in place, all you have to do is to pull down the canvas on one side of the unit and the complete tent simply folds out,all that remains to be done

is to secure the tent to the ground. Campers sleep protected from the elements in a comfortable bed which is mounted on the trailer. The Hamburg based company offer a choice of trailers and tent combinations, so the camper is able to choose which equipment would best suit their own needs, be it weekends for two in the outdoors, family holidays, sporting events or full-on adventure holidays!



The two basic components of a 3DOG camping trailer tent are the robust trailer, and the tent itself. Depending on your particular requirements you can opt for a normal road trailer, or you may feel that the special off-road version is more suitable to your needs. Whilst traveling, the trailer can be used to stow an additional 1.3 cubic metres of equipment/luggage. An advantage of the 3DOG camping trailer system is that when not in use with the tent, the trailer can be used as a trailer in its own right. The trailer meets the highest technical standards for safety, and has the extra allowance to be driven at 100kmh on German highways. To increase your camping comfort 3DOG camping

can further equip your trailer with a kitchen module, which includes a sink, 2 flame gas hob, and a 40 litre fresh water tank.

The Off-Roader

Due to the sturdy and robust nature of the construction of the body and the attention paid to the technical details the 3DOG camping all terrain camping trailer is the perfect companion in extreme conditions. This off road trailer is a fundamentally different concept to her sister trailers. The trailer has 380 mm ground clearance, an angle of driving slope of 32 degrees, and at least 45 degrees lateral inclination. With 570mm fording depth, adventurers can easily attempt deeper water crossings.

3DOG CAMPER TRAILERS The braking system is designed so that no sensitive parts may be damaged by the uneven-ness of the terrain. The maintenance-free axle with forged swings shouldcope easily with extreme terrain . Each axle is individually produced for 3DOG camping according to customers needs. For towing the trailer has a ball-hitch. 3DOG camping also offers a choice of two types of trailer tents depending on your requirements.


These include the ScoutDog and TrailDog, each have a different floor plan and offer between 9 and 36 square metres of living space. The integrated groundsheet, keeps the floor of the tent dry even in wet conditions, the tents are well ventilated via large windows and doors, further protection being afforded by the storm hoods above the windows and alongside the sleeping compartment. All such apertures can be closed with the integrated plastic windows or with canvas covers. The adjustable room dividers mean that the tent layout can be easily altered, and the tent can be radically expanded by the addition of specially devel-

oped modules which fit onto the basic tent. The tent can be extended to offer up to 36 square metres of accommodation! The bed on the trailer comes with a 1,80 x 2 meter mattress with quilted cover, or by request 3Dog can provide a cold foam mattress incorporating body zone comfort.


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sit UK i v o t k Clic utor Distrib

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Land Rover will mark its 70th anniversary with a series of events and celebrations in 2018, beginning with the restoration of the vehicle that started it all – one of the three pre-production Land Rovers shown at the 1948 Amsterdam Motor Show launch. This gave the world its first glimpse of the shape that would become instantly recognisable as a Land Rover


and Rover will celebrate its 70th anniversary year throughout 2018, starting with a unique restoration project. The first Land Rovers were shown at the 1948 Amsterdam Motor Show; this original launch vehicle has been missing for the last 63 years. Recently discovered, it’s

the world’s most historically significant unrestored Land Rover Experts at Jaguar Land Rover Classic Works in Coventry will preserve the history and sympathetically restore the famous vehicle in 2018.

FOR YEARS THE WHEREABOUTS OF THIS LAND ROVER WAS A MYSTERY For years the whereabouts of this launch Land Rover was a mystery. The demonstration vehicle from the Amsterdam show was last on the road in the 1960s, after which it spent 20 years in a Welsh field before being bought as a restoration project; it then lay languishing unfinished in a garden. Following its surprise discovery just a few miles outside of Solihull, UK – where the car was first built – the experts at Jaguar Land Rover Classic spent months researching in company archives to unravel its ownership history and confirm its provenance. The team behind the successful Land Rover Series I Reborn programme, which allows customers to own a slice of Land Rover history with meticulously restored Series Ones, will now embark on their most challenging project yet: a yearlong mission to preserve this historically significant prototype and enable it to be driven again.

The Jaguar Land Rover Classic team will follow a dedicated process to restore the launch vehicle, which has a lot of special features that are unique to the 48 pre-production Land Rovers that were produced prior to the mass production vehicles, such as thicker aluminium alloy body panels, a galvanised chassis and a removable rear tub. The patina of its components will be preserved, including the original Light Green paint applied in 1948. Previous owners of this historic vehicle are being invited to Jaguar Land Rover’s Classic Works facility to share their experiences and to witness its loving restoration. This landmark project, representing the earliest beginnings of the Land Rover story – which led to more than 67 years of continuous production of iconic Series I to Defender vehicles at Solihull – is the first in a series of stories and events that will celebrate the past, present and future of Land Rover throughout 2018. Follow the story on Instagram @LandRoverUKPR.

Previous owners of this historic vehicle are being invited to Jaguar Land Rover’s Classic Works facility to share their experiences and to witness its loving restoration.






In 1969 Gerard Daams started his company in agricultural mechanisation, producing outbuildings and agricultural machinery and soon after this he obtained the dealership for Renault tractors. Starting as a small entrepreneur he managed to grow the company. Later hid sons Toine and Frank brought 4x4s into the business, and in 1996 they switched over completely to being a 4x4 company . Frank has run FD 4x4 Centre since 2014, putting a strong emphasis on in-house production and building special projects for clients in the Netherlands and all over the world

FD 4x4 Centre is an ambitious company, the guys are always looking to the future. They constantly deliver quality products and innovative solutions for the 4x4 market of the future, with the aim of becoming one of the top producers of off-road products and accessories in Europe. They offer customers a complete package from design, to production and maintenance, all under one roof. These guys love their jobs and have a very skilled workforce. If a part or product that you are seeking is not availabe or perhaps not yet on the market, they will make it for you.

e Tembo h t of e on Testing cks Roof Ra

ntre The team at FD 4x4 Ce

Tembo 4x4 is the FD private label for their offroad accessories. All parts are designed and produced inhouse, building on the Daams families tradition in customised production for the agricultural sector. The Tembo 4x4 brand guarantees good quality and a great price, and offers robust accessories ready for a lifetime of off-road adventures. The Tembo 4x4 story started in 2014 with the now famous roof racks. It has since grown into a full line-up of off-road accessories, used both for adventure and by industry. Tembo/FD can supply you with a tailor made roof rack, but also with hard tops, bumpers, rooftop tents and much more. Check out their wide range of quality products online.

TEMBO 4X4 ROOF RACK Your adventure starts with the Tembo 4x4 roof rack. It allows you to carry those must-have items on top of your vehicle, offers space for a rooftop tent or spare tire. The Tembo 4x4 roof rack is ready to take on the world! Lightweight and strong aluminium profiles make the Tembo 4x4 roof

rack one of the strongest roof racks available. The special made supports allow you to attach it securely to your vehicle. FD 4x4 have added all our their experience into the design and production, so you can be sure your roof rack is up for the task.

TEMBO 4X4 HARDTOP The Tembo 4x4 hardtop is designed for the Land Rover Defender and produced in Bergeijk. The goal was to create a hardtop that adds quality to your vehicle. It matches the original design and is strong enough for work and adventure, wherever you want to go. Building on the success of the original hardtop FD 4x4 has expanded

the range of the Tembo 4x4 hardtop for pickups such as the new Toyota Hilux and the Volkswagen Amarok. As they produce the hardtops inhouse they can easily tailor them to your needs. A bespoke interior, hatches, windows and toolboxes everything needed for a wide range of purposes ranging from sport to utilities.

The Tembo 4x4 products are available throughout Europe via their professional retail dealer network. Tembo 4x4 & FD 4x4 Centre offer automotive solutions for fleet customers, mining applications, special conversions, bespoke products produced in Europe and fitted in their own workshop or on location. Tembo 4x4 & FD 4x4 Centre are conveniently located in The Netherlands and export worldwide.

Professional and fleet customers please can visit the special fleet equipment pages or contact them directly with requirements. There is almost nothing these guys cannot design or build. We will be taking a closer look at some of the high quality tembo branded products in the next issue of the magazine. If you are in the area you can visit their workshop at Hoek 54, 5571 GK Bergeijk, Netherlands.

info@tembo4x4.com http://www.tembo4x4.com tembo_4x4




TEMBO 4X4 ROOF TOP TENT There is no place like home.. except perhaps your Tembo 4x4 rooftop tent. Find a beautiful spot, set up your tent and within 5 minutes the hotelroom of your dreams is ready. There is no night like the nights you have in your Tembo 4x4 rooftop tent! The Tembo 4x4 rooftop tent has been produced to very high quality standards. It features strong water-

proof canvas that allows for natural ventilation, high quality zippers and a comfortable mattress. The big windows give you an excellent view, while the mosquito nets keep the unwanted guests outside. A special ventilation system gives you full control over the temperature inside the tent. We will take closer look at the Tembo Roof Top Tent in issue 7.

ese parts is The detailing of th fantastic .

The stock bumper of your 4x4 isn’t up for the challenge when you go off-road. The Tembo 4x4 winch bumper is the perfect and strong replacement. It protects your car, improves the approach angle and gives an excellent and tough look. Strength and low weight were the

starting points when FD 4x4 made the design for the Tembo 4x4 winch bumper. The special box-shape resists impact, is efficient and light weight. Use it to mount your favourite winch and extra lights, which are well protected from the hazards of off-road use.







ehicle recoveries using snatch straps require a lot of kinetic energy and if something breaks in the middle of a recovery it can cause a lot of damage, serious injury, and even fatalities. The most damage can be caused when a metal shackle breaks and is hurled through the air at high speed.

Unfortunately these freak accidents do happen and can be prevented by using good quality recovery gear and attaching shackles and straps to rated recovery points on your vehicle. In recent years we are starting to see more soft shackles entering the market as an alternative to metal shackles.


Soft shackles have been used by yachtsmen for years as metal shackles are not very practical for use on boats. They are made up of ultra-high- molecular-weight polyethylene /dyneema rope and are equally as strong as a metal shackle, they are much lighter, will float are rot proof and most importantly they can be safer to use.

for e r e h click video

1 Open the noose on the soft shackle .

3 e Pass the soft shackl your through the loop on snatch strap

2 shackle for Check your soft ars any possible te

4 h Pass the soft shackle throug your recovery point

6 5 Insert the soft shac kle knot into the noose

Give your snatch strap some tension to secure before snatching




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These soft shackles are as d strong as metal shackles an just feel safer to use

We have been using the euro4x4parts soft shackles over the last couple of weeks and our first reaction was how strong and well these products performed in recoveries considering how light they are. We had never used soft shackles before and we were very interested in how they would compare with metal shackles.

are as strong as a metal shackle, lighter and easily stored they certainly have a number of benefits in comparison to metal shackles and having used them for the first time they will now have a permanent place in our recovery bags.

Euro4x4parts have an extensive range of soft shackles in their catalogue with a break load rating Because they a lighter in comranging from 5000 kg to 26500 parison to metal shackles,they kg. They include the 6MA1015, immediately feel safer to use and 6MA1016, 6MA1017and the that’s a big plus. After a couple of 6MA1018. For more information recoveries we noticed that they did on the euro4x4parts range of not stretch after pulling the Land shackles please click here. Rover Defenders out of muddy and sandy conditions. Given that they


• they are lightweight and will reduce the carry load in your vehicle • Soft shackles are very flexible and easy to wrap around almost anything. • they are easy to undo after a recovery. • soft shackles are also a one piece design with no threaded pin to loosen or jam. • they won’t scratch or damage the paintwork on your vehicle. • as they are manufactured from ultra-high- molecular-weight polyethylene /synthetic rope soft shackles will float if dropped in wet muddy environment where a steel shackle can disappear forever. So no more dipping your arm elbow deep in the mud looking for your metal shackle. • they are durable. • you can save time by using soft Shackles as they can be quickly applied to any situation, no more unscrewing and screwing pins like on a hard shackle. • soft shackles are easy to store in your vehicle, be in your storage drawer system, your dedicated recovery bag,under your seat, wrapped around your roll or hanging from a hook like object in your vehicle. • one of the main benefits are that soft shackles will not ‘project’ themselves like a metal shackle should the shackle break making them much safer. By using a soft shackle you effectively remove a very heavy and potentially lethal standard metal shackle from your recovery kit. • •


• Soft shackles can get damaged from sharp edges on your vehicle so be careful where you attach the to, they should be attached to rated recovery points. • Life expectancy of soft shackles are lower than steel shackles.

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on the road Portable wood burning stoves are very versatile pieces of camping equipment. They burn wood for fuel, and provide both heat and the ability to cook and to heat water, both in a very compact unit. The Frontier Plus wood burning stove from Anevey is great bit of kit. It comes with a wide range of accessories including a chimney, which keeps the smoke out of your face and also enable the stove to be installed in tents and huts. We recently prepared a nice meal on our Frontier Plus, stove, Camp Pot Chicken Lasagne...


,2 skinless, boneless chicken oil ve oli sp Tb 2 s, ist tw sta 200 G pa ions, diced,2 cloves garon m diu me lt,3 ,Sa ed dic or d breasts, slice sta sauce 400-500g, 1 pa to ma to ty ali qu od go jar lic, crushed, 1 cup of , plus more if needed, ½ to 1 se ee ch a ell ar zz mo d ate gr p cu re if p grated Parmesan, plus mo cu Ÿ , se ee ch ta ot ric lk mi whole h of fresh basil leaves nc bu , ing rv se r fo d an ed ed ne


to as normal,drain it and put it ter wa g ilin bo in sta pa e th Cook pan, season the chicken with y av he a on oil e th at He e. the sid to pan and cook until brown d ad s ce pie e siz e bit o int salt, chop ap it in some foil and wr , en ick ch e th ve mo Re e). (3-4 min per sid n and d onions and garlic to the pa pe op ch d Ad e. sid e th to it t pu 10 sauce and cook for another sta pa e th d Ad n. mi 3-4 r fo r sti cheese, cook for another 5 ta ot ric d an sta pa e th d Ad . minutes an and basil and mix it up. es rm pa d an en ick ch e th d minutes. Ad d a few leaves of basil. an an es rm pa of kle rin sp a Garnish with

AWNINGS GOT YOU COVERED icle h e v r u o y to g n i n adding an aw


f you have recently purchased a 4WD and you are planning on getting your vehicle trip ready for some future camping trips, well, one of the best accessories you can buy is an awning. Awnings come in all shapes and sizes and are simple to attach to your vehicle. All you really need is either a roof rack or roof bars with attaching mounts and when fitted all you do is just roll them out and you will instantly have increased the amount of camping space that is sheltered from the elements. No more sitting in your vehicle waiting for the rain to stop or running off to the take-away to get dinner because you could not cook outside. Awnings are also a great solution for cooking,eating or just relaxing under the canvas when the sun is either splitting the rocks or when it’s raining. With some options on various models now allowing you to add side walls which will give you extra space and comfort from windy conditions and providing a sheltered area where the kids to play in comfort while the bad weather passes.

Adding the James Baroud side walls to the awning.

Awnings also now come with additional accessories like mosquito nets which are a very welcomed solution when trying to keep the mozzies away and side walls which provide additional shelter.

ss� e a “bag-le r a s g n i n w sy The a em very ea th g n i k a m design y. to pack awa


ing side n w a d u o r Ba The James y removed l k c i u q e b walls can

It is also important that when you get to camp that you don’t spend alot of time trying to set up your awning, so the easier it is to set up the better, improvements have been made in recent years with a number of clever designs hitting the market. We have a look at a couple of awnings from the Portugal based James Baroud and the Australian company DARCHE. James Baroud build premium roof top tents and awnings designed and handcrafted in Portugal. Similar to the James Baroud roof top

tents the awnings are designed to fit on the roof rack of your car or truck quickly. The awnings are a “bag-less” design, making them one of the easiest awnings on the market to pack up. The unique design allows the awning to roll into itself and is closed by using straps. The awning material is made of the same aluminized fabric that the tents are made of, making them waterproof and solar reflective.

Awning Annex

Awning Mounts

The enclosure also includes two large, screened windows and a door providing easy access and plenty of insect-proof ventilation. The awning enclosure creates a completely sheltered room, adding privacy and convenience to your camping experience.

Since this is an universal application, you must supply the hardware that you use to attach the mounts to your roof rack. With these brackets you will also able to mount a small LED light under your awning and it’s as simple as that.

The enclosures are 100% waterproof and UV resistant. The enclosure consists of three panels and attach directly to the awning, along with a zipper connection that allows them to be attached to each other.

You can easily mount the James Baroud awning to any roof rack using this universal aluminum mount kit! This kit comes with two aluminum brackets, installation instructions and two James Baroud aluminum decals.

ge es two lar d u l c n i e sur providr o o d The enclo a d an windows d e n e e r c s access ing easy

click here for more information

r o f e r e click h ion at m r o f n i

Contact Tel. +351 936 296 798 - E-mail: infos@jamesbaroud.com


Garantie comprenant la coque, la toile et mécanisme.

facebook.com/JamesBaroudOfficial instagram.com/jamesbaroud

s g n i awn

e Awning s p i l c E e Th

Eclipse 1 80° Awn ing

With a 20 year heritage in swags and tents, it was a natural evolution for DARCHE to expand its 4X4 touring offering. Constructed and engineered specifically to suit Australia’s rugged touring conditions, the extensive range of camping accessories also includes some impressive awnings like the Eclipse, the Eclipse 180° and the recently launched and very impressive Eclipse 270° vehicle awning. The Eclipse awning provides in-

stant shelter and now comes with super flex pivoting hinges which reduce component stress and failure common with inferior versions. The Eclipse 180° Awning is ideal for dual, single and space cabs as well as general canopy and wagon setups. Designed for quick and easy setup and pack down by one person, this awning provides 8.2m2 of cover over the length of the vehicle

The DARCHE Eclipse 270째 Awning definitely seems to have set the bar when it comes to providing optional walls and a very generous sheltered space. The Eclipse 270째 Awning will have you and the kids more than covered from unexpected showers and from those hot sunny days,with over 11.5m2 of covered area to relax under this is as good as it gets. We will have a more in-depth look at the impressive Eclipse 270째 set up in a future ISSUE of the magazine so stay tuned for this not to be missed feature.

The impr essive Eclipse 2 70째 Awn ing










Now available

in Europe

r o f e r e click h ormation nf i e r o m





for the

re e h k c cli

D N A L E IC er teas

Over the next few months we will share some film footage from trips we have completed over the last few years. The first webisodes will be released in ISSUE 7 of the magazine and will be the first of a short series on touring and exploring ICELAND. This will be the first of a series of webisodes about trips to other parts of the world, so stay tuned.




to the Barr




s p o T n o t g n i r

In a previous issue of the TURAS Camping and 4WD magazine we reported on a trip that the guys from DRIFTA made to the beautiful McBrides Beach near Forster in New South Wales, Australia. We once again catch up with the DRIFTA team on another one of their regular camping trips where they hit the tracks to the Barrington Tops in NSW to test some new camping gear including one of the DRIFTA camper trailers. These guys live and breathe Camping and 4WD adventures and it is very evident that they put all of their Camping products to the test in the Ozzy Bush that boasts some of the world’s most remote and extreme 4WD conditions. The Barrington Tops is a favourite testing ground for the DRIFTA team for a number of reasons, firstly it’s just over an hour’s drive from the DRIFTA HQ in Gloucester in NSW making it accessible for a weekend getaways, secondly the area offers some challenging 4WD tracks which provide a perfect testing ground to put the new DRIFTA off road camper trailers to the test and thirdly it just so happens to be a beautiful place to camp and explore.

TA built IF R D e v i ss e ery impre v r e h expansiv ot e n h t A h t i er w DOT trail ing. wing awn


onal Park i t a N s p o ngton T hundred n e v e The Barri s e v impressi meters. o l covers an i k y s y and sixt

The rainforests of the Barrington Tops National Park are of international significance; forming part of the Gondwana rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area. Carved out of ancient volcanic flows, the park rises from near sea level to over 1500m and protects one of the largest temperate rainforests in mainland Australia, along with a host of diverse habitats and wide range of birds and animals. As highlighted by Jake Simanek DRIFTA’s Europe’s Manager ‘’you will encounter many kangaroos and wild horses in this area and coming from the Czech Republic this is something you never get tired of seeing’’.The National Park covers an impressive seven hundred and sixty square kilometers. If you are heading to this part of NSW in the winter be sure to take some recovery gear as the tracks can be impassable from rain and the odd fallen tree.


This does not stop the DRIFTA crew from visiting in the cooler and wetter months as they are always prepared for the elements, with recovery and tree removal equipment on-board, a fallen tree or a muddy track is not going to hinder their camping and weekend plans. In fact the bigger the fallen tree on the track the bigger the challenge, Luke, DRIFTA’S commander-in-chief seems to take these fallen obstacles that block the tracks as a challenge and with his well honed lumberjack and chainsaw skills he can be often credited with clearing these tracks and fire trails so other like minded people who love the great outdoors can continue to enjoy this area. The main focus of the DRIFTA week-


end camping trips is about R&D and they use these trips to test new products and camping setups but also to discuss new ideas and of course have a little fun. This is the perfect playground for the lads to test the rugged DRIFTA DOT camper trailers that are made in the Gloucester DOT factory in NSW, Australia. These robust trailers sing adventure and are built using Australian suppliers and components, everything from the steel, rims toolboxes, sidebox, canopy; and canvas are all Australian made. Jake explained that the trailer taken on this trip is the DOT Equip range, this is a camper trailer with a roof rack and awning and suits campers who still like to camp on the ground in tents as opposed to Roof Top Tents.




1.Time to get the pizzas prepared 2.The DOT camper trailer all set up 3.You can also get a hot plate with the Snowpeak oven 5. Luke clears another tree that was blocking the track 6. The DOT trailer got a good work out in the mud.








With the camper trailer in tow, Luke was driving the Toyota 76 series and Jake was behind the wheel of the DRIFTA 80 series. Jake said that the 76 struggled on some of the deep rutted muddy tracks and that pulling the DOT trailer in these conditions forces you to concentrate on the four wheel driving but it also puts the trailer through its paces and that’s what it’s all about. Its all about testing these products in harsh conditions. The DOT trailer performed flawlessly, with its hard core off road suspension this trailer can pretty much go anywhere.

Luke the founder of DRIF another track in the Barri

FTA clears ingtontops

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It did not take long for the guys to set up camp as they had the quick to set up Oztent and few bunkers to sleep in- so no dramas here. Jake said that the Oztent worked very well with the trailer awning and this is why trips like this are so important to the lads as they get the chance to test different types of camping setups. On this trip they also took along the Snow Peak Pizza Oven where they would be putting it through its paces by cooking a couple of pizzas with it for the first time. Like all of the other Snow Peak products showcased and sold by DRIFTA in Australia but also through their recently set up European distribution outlet this is another high quality Japanese camping product. Made from stainless steel this field oven/pizza oven includes a ceramic pizza base and fits on top of the large fire pit bridge. Basically it works like an oven, so you can cook a whole range of things including pizzas, roasts etc. This system pretty much will transform your Snow Peak fire pit, and give you a whole new range of cooking options when camping.

As highlighted by Jake ‘’making a pizza in the middle of the Barrington Tops was an awesome experience. ‘We got the pizza base and all the ingredients prior to hitting the tracks and once the coals were ready we started to bake one pizza after the other’’ it’s as simple as that. The Snowpeak oven was well tested and the DRIFTA team were very impressed with it. That’s the thing about DRIFTA that separates them from many similar camping stores, they will not sell products that they don’t use in the field and can’t stand over. Any product that these guys promote have been well tested and put through their paces.After a great feast around the campfire the lads hit the bunks and woke up to rain, but with the DRIFTA wing awning

attached to the camper trailer this provided plenty of shelter and breakfast was enjoyed without getting wet. After packing up it was time to explore some more tracks in the Barrington Tops, the day would involve getting bogged, clearing the tracks from some fallen trees including one huge tree and exploring some new tracks in this vast and densely wooded national park. It’s great to see how these guys are constantly striving and working towards creating the best camping setups and also providing and producing some of the best quality camping gear on the market. We are going to have a look at some more DRIFTA products later in this issue.



Navigattor are one of Europe’s leading GPS navigational system companies who specialise in systems that target both the on road (Camper trailers/RV’s and cars) and the off road touring (4X4,off road racing etc.) markets. Over the last ten years they have been coming up with some very innovative and tough integrated GPS systems and solutions like the off road Navigattor Camel 8 V 2.

Given the Navigattor GPS systems are mostly targeted for the off road market they require strong systems that attach and secure these rugged Navigattor units to your windscreen or vehicle dash and that’s why Navigattor sell the indestructible American made RAM mounts.

RAM stands for “Round-A-Mount” and were introduced in 1992. Over the years they have evolved into one of the most sought after accessories for mounting electronics. RAM products have quickly become an essential mounting component for a wide variety of applications including, industrial, overlanders, military and defense, four wheel drivers, material handling as well as any application requiring a robust mounting solution . Navigattor sell an extensive range of RAM products on their website www.navigattor. com offering a wide, diverse and patent-protected product line. One of the favorites is the RAM ball and socket mounts that feature a design revolving around an elastomeric rubber ball. Incorporating a non-slip feature as well as shock and vibration dampening. Using top quality assembly hardware, durable composites, steel, stainless steel, rubber, and aluminum, RAM mounting bases and complete kits are manufactured in the USA to perform above expectations and remain cost effective. For over two decades RAM Mounting Systems have been synonymous with quality and performance and that’s why Navigattor choose only the best products to mount there off road GPS systems. Navigattor have a huge selection of RAM mounts for sale on their website that include adjustable clamps,iphone and ipad holders, tablet holders of all shapes and sizes,, notebook holders and a selection of suction cup kits for holding the GPS units. For information click here

fer a wi of r o tt a g i Nav moun M A R of range their web n o e l b a l avai

ide nts bsite

www.navig EUROPEAN Distributors

Navigattor have distributors located all over Europe where you can get access and see this top quality products. With distributors located in Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania Portugal and Colegas. Click on the map below to find your nearest distributor or visit https://navigattor.com for details on the range of navigational products


w g n i p m a c d n a g n i r o expl n i s n i a t n u o m s a r u a the T


Images Rinus Hartsuijker and Helga Kruizing

wild in



School teacher Hel ga loves travelling to remot e parts of the world


he world seems to be Rinus Hartsuijker and Helga Kruizinga playground and you will hardly ever find these two nomads in their home country in the Netherlands. “When there is a fork in the road they are always inclined to take the less traveled one’’ explains Rinus.

find some exciting stories about: crossing deserts, sleeping next to crocodiles, getting involved in road accidents, solving breakdowns, getting to deal with corrupt police officers, dodgy hotels, fleeing from ticks as big as nuts, mosquitoes, buffalos, bees, elephants, but always making it out without a scratch – well most of the time!

Rinus and Helga are the real deal when it comes to overland travel. In 2014 Rinus rode a motorbike following the ancient Silk Road,that route led him through the mountains of Turkey, the deserts of Iran, into the Himalayas of Pakistan and Kashmir where he took the highest motorable road in the world, this would give him a real taste for adventure travel. In 2015 Rinus and his partner Helga took a Toyota Land Cruiser all around Australia traveling over 40,000 km in 18 months and in 2016 they found themselves driving across the African continent with the same Toyota Land Cruiser crossing over 30 African borders. Reading up on their travels you’ll

dvena l a b o l g st Rinus fir orbike ot m a n o ture was

Rinus and Helga love nothing more than exploring remote tracks all over the world.

So when did this addictive traveling bug start? Rinus told us that he felt a longing for adventure from the age of ten. He remembers getting a climbing rope for his birthday which he immediately knotted around his waist while looking for mountains to climb. He never actually used that rope, but his passion for adventure and traveling was born. Directly after high school Rinus found his very first adventure when he just turned seventeen after enrolling on a freight ship as a sailor. Two years later Rinus left the

ship and started college where he studied“ Sports Studies� at the Outdoor Education Leadership Department of NW College in Wyoming, USA. He soon started teaching climbing, rafting and winter/desert survival courses. A year later, thirsty for a new challenge, Rinus went to Los Angeles for his final internship. A little more mature and experienced in teaching he took on a job coaching sports in a youth detention centre where he used sports as a tool trying to get young offenders involved in outdoor activities.

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1.The spectacular Tauras Mountains. 2. A traditional Turkish Coffee. 3. Getting prepared for a cold night in the mountains.


After finishing his studies Rinus backpacked solo through Mexico and that’s when the real adventures began. Over the years Rinus would go on numerous adventures that included a motorbike trip around Mongolia and crossing the Gobi desert, solo. In 2011, Bolivia followed and in 2014 he cycled from North to South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Rinus’s partner Helga grew up in a small village in the North of the Netherlands where life was easy and typically uneventful. Helga’s favorite place was the local library getting lost in stories, learning about the world and traveling through letters, words and sentences. As an English teacher Helga loves the English language. All the inspiring teachers Helga ever came across were teachers who had stories to tell. And after traveling all over Australia and Africa in their ‘trusty troopy’ with Rinus, Helga now has plenty of stories to tell. We caught up with these two inspiring travelers on one of their adven-

tures to the Aladaglar Mountains that are part of the Taurus Mountain range in Turkey. The Aladaglar Mountains and Taurus Mountain Range lies in the provinces Kayseri, Nigde and Adana in the Central Anatolia Region south-east of Cappadocia. Helga and Rinus arrived early in the season and the national park hadn’t officially opened yet but despite the cold weather they were still able to explore the region. This area is known for its wide variations in temperature, during the day it can get up to 30 degrees celsius while it freezes at night, with snow visible on the highest peaks all year round. The Aladaglar National Park covers an area of 55.000 hectares. The north-western and western parts are within Nigde province 11.464 ha, the northern parts are within Kayseri province 31.358 ha, and the southern and eastern parts are within Adana province 11.702 ha. Aladaglar National Park is adjacent to the main highway from Nigde to


The Aladgadar mountain region is of the most popular places for mountaineering trekking in Turkey



1.Temperatures drop significantly in the Tauras Mountains so be prepared 2.The Tauras Mountains vistas are spectacular 3. Some delicious Turkish Kebabs 4. Endless tracks wind their way though this rugged mountain range.

Kayseri, and can also be accessed from Yahyali.The name “Ala-Daglar� (Crimson-Mountains) comes from the rusty colour of its hills in the sunset. Aladaglar National Park hosts the tallest mountains of the Central Taurus Mountains of Turkey. Also known as the The Alps of Turkey, The Aladaglar mountain region is one of the most popular places for mountaineering, hiking and trekking in Turkey. Aladaglar National Park is also the


home of the famous Capra ibex, and other animals like wild boar, wolf and coyote. Bird watchers from all around the world visit Aladaglar as well, to spot the various wild and singing birds of the region. Rinus and Helga followed a route that led them to the highest peak of the Aladaglar: The Demirkazik with a height of 3756 meters. Tracks through the snow gave them the reinsurance that another car had ded on until they reached a recently

followed this path recently. They plodded on until they reached a recently descended avalanche with haphazard pine trees poking out of it that covered the entire road ahead. They turned the vehicle around and found a beautiful camping spot near the start of the mountains snow-line. On camping the night here Helga and Rinus were woken up by an explosion close to their camping spot . Hidden behind some rocks Rinus was able to see what is going on. A group of young men with head torches were carrying pickaxes and shovels up the narrow paths,having been initially startled, Rinus and Helga were relieved to find out that these men were illegal gold diggers trying

to find some gold in this mineral-rich area. The region offers a rugged and varied terrain with a huge network of 4WD tracks to explore. In the region you will also discover a rich cultural history where the Hittites, Persians and early Christian communities left behind a wealth of artefacts, ancient houses, rock churches and underground cities. You will also come across some small villages that will present a true Turkish experience.

Turkey lies between latitudes 35° and 43° N, and longitudes 25° and 45° E. The country’s land area covers 783,562 square kilometres (302,535 square miles), of which 755,688 square kilometres (291,773 square miles) are in Southwest Asia and 23,764 square kilometres (9,175 square miles) in Europe. If you were to drive its length you would travel for approx 1,600 kilometres (990 miles) long and 800 kilometres (500 miles) wide.With plenty of coastline, Turkey is surrounded by seas on three sides: the Aegean Sea to the west, the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean to the south. Turkey also contains the Sea of Marmara in the northwest.



The region offers a rugged and varied terrain with a huge network of 4WD tracks to explore

s ’ a g l e H & Rinus



After many years traveling, Helga and Rinus have fine tuned how they store equipment, cook and camp when on the road. Below you will find some of their tips, tricks and camping hacks. The

3 C’s.

THE 3 C’s 1. Car:

Stay organised: You’re dealing with a tonne of crap when you’re camping. The guys often found out that it’s really easy to lose stuff, which can be really hard to replace once you’re on the road. Having a well thoughtout system for where you put stuff in the car means you don’t risk losing things. ‘’It’s important to have a system that’s accessible but not in the way’’, explained Rinus. Rinus and Helga found that the key for them was using strong, foldable

plastic crates. They use a cabinet holding four crates in the shape of a block and the on-board drawer system holds another four crates. They also have one extra crate stored in a folded position which makes the system dynamic. So if someone invites you into their home for a night, all you have to do is load some clothing, your pillow, toothbrush and favorite shampoo in the spare crate and you’re ready to go explained Rinus. When the spare crate is not in use they just use it as step ladder, table, workout bench or a seat to relax around the campfire.

2. Cooking:

Plastic sealable containers are always on board when the guys are on the road. Rinus explained that they are great for saving food leftovers, packing the fridge efficiently, keeping our food safe from uninvited guests, and keeping produce fresh.

3. CAMPING Fire starters: Rinus and Helga use cooking oil that is stored in a plastic

containers, they then fill the container with toilet paper, napkins, or small pieces of cotton. This approach soaks up the oil and once soaked it will work as a great fire starter.

Duct-tape: The guys always wrap duct tape around water, fuel or whatever bottle they use, Rinus explained that by doing this you are saving space by not have lots of rolls of duct tape and the tape will also help insulate your bottles. When you need to use the duct tape just unroll it from your bottle, its as simple as that.

Saltwater: Helga says; “ that after washing in salt water I know I’m clean

but my hair always feels like rope and the salt from the water always clings to my body”. When traveling in Western Australia Helga met an old Australian couple that had been traveling along the coast for years and were still catching the occasional wave. They introduced the guys to Selsun an anti-dandruff shampoo. Helga explained that when you wash yourself with the salty water and the Selsun and then dry yourself you will be very surprised to find that almost all of the salt has somehow washed off. Selsun is a product sold in most chemists in Australia.’’We can’t explain the magic behind this but we do know that Selsun contains Selenium Sulphide 1%, where as other anti dandruff shampoos do not contain this and so won’t work as well as the Selsun’’.

After many years travelling, Helga and Rinus have fine tuned how they store equipment, cook and camp when touring the world.
















COULD THIS THIS BE THE BEST CAMP COOKING SET UP ON THE MARKET ? Over the last few years DRIFTA has continued to expand in size and in the range of camping products they have on offer. Examples includes the development of the eye catching and rugged DOT camper trailers, the development of a ‘canvas bag making department’ and becoming agents for the Japanese UNIFLAME and Snow Peak camping products which you can get on the DRIFTA European www. drifta.eu and Australian websites www. drifta.com.au. Having covered details on the Snow Peaks popular pack & carry fire pit in ISSUE 3 of the magazine we recently received another fire pit accessory (Jikaro table) that adds to this superb camp cooking set up. The Snow Peak fire pit on its own is a unique fire pit that is both sturdy and compact. The fire pit also has a variety of cooking and grilling accessories that can be added to your setup and will definitely improve your camping experience. But when you add the Jikaro table to the fire pit, this turns a good outdoor camp cooking setup into a great one in fact we have yet to come across a set as interesting as this one. itself table lends e th of n g The desi ional to the tradit ting set up Japanese ea

Basically the Jikaro table surrounds the firepit and totally transforms its use, made from stainless steel this very innovative dining table can be set up very quickly. Mostly used for cooking, the design of the table that hugs around the fire pit makes for a very cosy and communal way of cooking and enjoying a meal with friends and family. Suits both large and medium fire pit 10 kgs. The table very much reflects the horigotatsu table which is a type of traditional Japanese table that’s low to the ground. Typically the Japanese eat at low dining tables and sit on a cushion placed on tatami floor (a reed-like mat. Sticking with this tradition the Jikaro table is a beautiful design that cleverly integrates with the Snow Peak fire pit. The table locks together with some ‘thumb wheels’ and is all made from high quality stainless steel.

1.Remove the table from the canvas bag 2. attac movable legs to the four separate tables 3. lock th together with the thumb wheels 4. when fully asse you can comfortably sit 6-8 people around the Jik

1 2


ch the rehe tables embled karo table.


This is a very social and a great way to have a barbecue. DRIFTA recommend starting with a nice fire in the fire pit and allow the wood logs to burn to a bed of hot coals. After about 45 minutes, the guys then start adding some heat beads over the fire. You should raise and lower the top grill net as necessary to adjust the heat. When the flames are low and the beads are hot you can cook your favorite foots on the grill and grill plate. Once you are finished cooking, take off the grill net/hot plate, throw on some small logs, and you will be back to a beautiful flame to sit around and enjoy.

DRIFTA have also designed a high quality canvas bag for the Jikaro Table The DRIFTA custom made Jikaro canvas bag measures 720 x 160 wide x 420 mm high, and is designed to fit the Jikaro table perfectly inside. This DRIFTA canvas bag also o includes two pieces of soft boot liner. These act as dividers to protect the table segments from scratching and getting marked when moved about (the Jikaro table comes with four flat stainless steel table sections). Like all DRIFTA canvas products this is a very high quality canvas bag with large YKK zips, and a strong webbing handle.

designed A T IF R D e h T as bag is v n a c e l b a t Jikaro Australia n i e d a m hand

Similar to the Snow peak fire-pit the Jikaro table fo lds flat and is easily stored in you r 4WD

rrounds u s e l b a t o r The Jika ak fire pit the Snowpe

The table is made in Japan using high qualityJapanese stainless steel .

Similar to companies like North Face and Patagonia, Snow Peak’s journey began with an adventurous spirit. Set up in 1958, when the founder Yukio Yamai, an accomplished adventurer and mountaineer, created his own line of superior climbing gear motivated by a discontent with the current gear on the market. The company’s home in Sanjo City, is in the Chuetsu region of Niigata Prefecture in Japan, which is also known locally as the hardware town for its history of fine crafted metal work.


Over the years Snow Peak has extended its range of high quality camping and outdoor equipment, that includes, tents, fire pits, camping accessories like cups and cutlery, camping tables and much more. Built at the Snow Peak headquarters in Japan these pits are now being distributed throughout Europe and in Australia by DRIFTA. The Jikaro table is a very clever design that allows other additional tables supplied by Snow Peak to be attached to the set up providing additional food preparation and eating space. It really is a bit like the MECCANO or LEGO for campers, and you can tell that a huge amount of thought went into the design of this concept by the Snow Peak team. It is without a doubt a 10 out of 10 for design and functionality with the table allowing six to eight people to get closer and sit around the firepit comfortably, and isn’t that what camping is all about?. Weighing in at just 10 Kg it can be easily stored on your roof rack or in the back of your 4WD.The Japanese based Snow Peak do not sell cheap products but when you see the quality of their camping innovations you will see why these products are always in demand. DRIFTA have certainly brought these products to the attention of the Australian camping world and have created a huge fan base as a result. DRIFTA are now selling a wide range of the Snow Peak products through their website in Europe including the top notch Jikaro table .

for mor DRIF TA in Eur


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ct for cooking The table perfe camping feast a g n ti a e d n a


kend e e w TA DRIF as bags canv




DRIFTA OVERNIGHT s g a B s a v n a C

Over the last few years DRIFTA has continued to expand in size and in the range of camping products that they have on offer. A key part to this expansion has been the development of the DRIFTA canvas factory that happens to have been hugely successful amongst the existing and growing number of DRIFTA fans. The DRIFTA canvas bags products and designs cover everything from bags that are designed specifically for a number of the Snowpeak products, tote bags, rubbish & firewood, shopping and some very eye catching traveling bags to name a few. One of these designs includes the weekender bags. These canvas bags are a simple design that just work very well and are perfect for storing you clothes in for a couple of days when camping.

r more o f e r e h k c i Cl n on the o i t a m r o f n i nd bags e k e e w A T DRIF

The other great thing about these bags is the rectangular design which works very well for storing and stacking in the back of your 4WD. The bags design allows you to neatly stack a couple of these on top of each other without taking up to much space. The other stand out feature is the quality of the canvas and the simple design, like all DRIFTA canvas products these are made to last and if looked after these bags will last a lifetime. Lastly canvas has been around for years though it is not being used by the military as much as it was in the past,it has always maintained an appeal for those who have used canvas products. Sure big canvas tents are no longer as practical with advances in lighter waterproof materials now used in tents. But products like the DRIFTA canvas bags have huge appeal to the camping and touring world not just because they are top quality but also because they also just happen to look the business.

The weekend bag is the perfect size for a weekend camping trip

al pockn r e t n i n a ve The bags ha g marine n i r a e w d r et and ha e bottom. h t n o r e n i carpet l

These Australian ca nvas bags are all designed b y DRIF TA in NSW, Australia

DRIF TA canvas ba gs use high quality YKK zips

A hammer and stake combo by Snow Peak




HAMMER Tired of using stakes and tent pegs that keep bending in harder ground? We have all experienced it, trying to straighten out stakes and constantly re-pegging them to take hold in wild weather. Well if you are looking for a top quality stake that won’t bend that easily and a hammer that will last a lifetime check out the Snow Peak hammer and stakes combo that are sold by DRIFTA and now available in Europe. The stakes are made in Japan from forged steel and are incredibly strong and durable. The unique looking hammer is fitted with a replaceable copperhead that will decrease the shock incurred when striking a stake and helps deliver an even blow from the hammer. The copperhead also helps reduce potential slippage from the head of the stake when hit.

d The hook and eye on the en of the hammer is used for pulling out the stakes

The copperhea d also helps re duce potentia l slippage from the head of th e stake when h it

The combo includes; a nylon carry case (or you have the option to purchase one of the DRIFTA tote canvas bags), the Snow Peak copper head hammer, and 8 x 30 cm steel stakes. This is a great little kit, you can also buy additional stakes if required. The hook and eye on the end of the hammer is used for pulling out the stakes, and does so effortlessly, this retrieval method allows you to quickly remove the stakes from hard ground making it a flawless system. Once again Snow Peak brings a high quality camping product to the market.

the n o n o i t a form gse for more in p d n a r e amm h k a e P w o Sn click here

No more bending stakes in hard ground

The small DRIFTA tote bag e with side pocket and marin carpet is the perfect size for kes. storing the hammer and sta

DRIF TA have made a canvas carry bag for the hammer, pegs and ropes

DRIF TA also su pply some top quality gu y ropes



These Snow Peak stakes are incredibly strong and are made from forged steel in Japan. The forged steel head aligns perfectly with the stake itself ensuring maximum energy delivered when hit with the hammer. The provided pouch with the copper head hammer allows you to store 8 x 30 cm snow peak stakes. These sturdy forged steel pegs are the perfect solution for hammering into harder ground .The stakes come in different sizes including 20cm , 30cm and 40 cm. The small DRIFTA tote bag with side pocket and marine carpet base is the perfect size for storing the hammer and stakes. The combination of the stakes and the copper headed hammer are sheer joy to use to secure your awning, tent etc. No more bending pegs in hard ground with these no messing stakes.

the n o n o i t a form for more in pes o r d n a s e k sta Snow Peak click here .



FROM IT ALL in some very


GETAW This unique renovated truck near PĂŠcs, Hungary, is the ultimate glamping rental for those looking to enjoy a vacation fully immersed in nature. Sleeping two people, it is the perfect spot for couples to enjoy a romantic getaway. The rental has a modern bathroom, along with a kitchen that is fully-equipped with everything guests will need to cook a delicious meal to enjoy under the stars. This includes the use of a refrigerator, a microwave, a stove, and dishes. The bedroom and living space is furnished with a big, comfy bed. There is also a wood stove to keep guests cozy during cool evenings. Guests can enjoy their own garden terrace that is equipped with lovely rustic furniture to fit in with the theme of the property. There is also a hammock and fireplace that is suitable for both fires and BBQs under the stars. In addition to their own private space, guests will also be able to enjoy almost the entire Mokus Valley



The facilities available at this property are designed to ensure that glampers find everything they need to enjoy a truly luxurious stay. The views of the surrounding streams, ponds, lawns, and woodland are enhanced by the lovely seating areas that have been set up to allow guests to relax and unwind in a breathtaking setting. On the property, there are also sunbeds, hammocks, and beach chairs where guests can enjoy a spot of sunbathing. The hosts have also provided two bicycles for guests to use to explore the area.



Check out this great location on Glamping Hub



WAYS Yablanitsa Balkan Huts’s is located on a farm in Yablanitsa, Lovec, Bulgaria. The farm is 90 km from Sofia, in the picturesque area of Dragoitsa mountain. This is a place away from the city, you can go on a hike, do gardening with us if you like, learn how to make homemade cheese, yogurt, bread or simply relax in 5-star Nature.There is a swimming pool in front of the house. Big outdoor camp fire site. Play area for kids with swings.Your involvement in the farm activities and the meals preparation are welcome. We are available for chatting and showing you around whenever our duties allow. The water we use on the farm is drinkable spring water. The tranquility of the area provides good opportunities for art activities. We encourage our guests to bring along your national flags as we have created a flag garden to honor our guests.There are many nice places

around, such as hiking routes, fishing pond, Saeva dupka cave, Glojene Monastery, etc.The farm is 8 km up in the mountain from Yablanitsa Town Bus Station and no other public transport is available to our place. There is no electricity in the hut, but the discreet candle light completes the overall rustic atmosphere and romantic ambiance. Electricity is available in common areas. This is a great opportunity for a digital detox for those of us who seem to spend far too much time stating into the screen of a device.

GETAW There are many nice places around, such as hiking routes, fishing pond, Saeva dupka cave, Glojene Monastery,and much more. The farm is 8 km up in the mountain from Yablanitsa Town Bus Station and no other public transport is available to the huts. A pick-up option available for a small fee, and for those arriving by car there is a parking lot on the farm. *Car transfer from/to Sofia airport can

be arranged (up to 3 passengers.) The huts are run by Pavel and Yavor (father and son) and they look after the farm together. The guys grow their own vegetables, and look after farm animals (rabbits and chickens) they also have fruit trees, berry bushes and fresh milk and cheese from the neighbors who look after sheep and cows. Some friendly Bulgarian Shepard dogs and several cats complete the picture.


For more information

E L I T A S R E V the



In Issue5 we took a first look at the Alfheim 19.6 (Elfhome) tepee from Nordisk. We have since had several camping trips where we setup this great tent. Its quick to erect and is a very versatile tent, it accomodates 10 people sleeping and provides plenty of space for work and for relaxation. Check out our short video to see some more of the Alheim 19.6




Suunto Traverse Alpha is an outdoor watch/wearable navigation device which combines a very strong build quality with a full set of outdoor features.This watch is your guide in the wild, keeping you accurately on track with GPS and GLONASS satellite navigation. Specific fishing and hunting features provide useful tools for your activity, including moon phase calendar, shot detection, sunrise alert, weather trend, and red backlight for nighttime use . You can use this device to plan your routes and to keep a digital diary of your fishing and hunting trips using Suunto’s companion Movescount App. Location

based moon phase calendar with moonrise and moonset times helps you determine the best fishing times, while the barometric pressure graph allows you to closely follow weather changes, and ensure that you can plan ahead for the conditions. Automatic shot detection keeps track of the number and location of shots you take while hunting. When scouting, you can use hunting specific POI types to mark trails and important locations. Sunrise and sunset alerts help plan your day, while the customizable red backlight does not interfere with night vision.

GPS/GLONASS The Traverse Alpha uses both GPS and GLONASS satellites for navigation. GPS is the US system and GLONASS is a Russian Satellite navigation system. For GPS, the US has committed to keeping at least 24 continually operational GPS satellites, for at least 95% of the time. In the past few years 31 satellites have been continually operational. The GLONASS constellation of satellites was also completed in 1995, during the 90s some satellites were lost, however, under Vladimir Putin’s presidency the GLONASS project was again prioritised and received an increase in funding support. As of October 2011 the full constellation of 24 satellites was restored, giving global coverage. In terms of positional accuracy GPS is slightly better than GLONASS overall, but due to the different locations of the GLONASS satellites, GLONASS has better accuracy at higher latitudes

(farther north or south). Using the Traverse Alpha it is possible to use GPS only and to activate and deactivate GLONASS when extra location accuracy is required. However using GLONASS consumes more battery than using GPS alone. You can create routes in Suunto Movescount using topographic maps and altitude information before you set out and can follow these routes using the watch. The device also gives an altitude profile of your route. The built-in barometric pressure sensor accurately tracks your ascent. You can easily save points of interest along the way and, if needed, re-trace your steps using the automatic breadcrumb trail. You can also use the digital compass to quickly orientate yourself in unknown terrain.

Romania boasts a rugged MILITARY beauty and thousands kilometers STANDARDS of tracks to be explored. Featuring a knurled stainless steel bezel, water repellent nylon textile strap and scratch resistant sapphire crystal glass, Suunto Traverse Alpha is the optimal watch for hunters, anglers and hikers looking for maximum durability. Vibration alerts and a night vision goggle compatible red backlight help you stay unnoticed. Suunto Traverse and Traverse Alpha outdoor watches have been tested according to military standards (MIL STD 810G). The watches have passed 19 tests*, including vibration, shock, drop, freeze/thaw, rain, humidity, immersion, sand and dust.

Discover new routes with heatmaps on Suunto Movescount and Suunto Movescount App Route planning in Suunto Movescount with topographic maps Route preview and route altitude profile on the watch

For more information


n i a g a t i s doe

JEEPs& MOPAR s a g e V s a L n i ed


The Mopar brand’s new lineup for the all-new Jeep Wrangler, first teased in late October 2017 during the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in Las Vegas is now here. Most of the 200-plus new Jeep Performance Parts and accessories from Mopar for the all-new 2018 Jeep Wrangler will be available when the vehicle arrives in dealerships. “The Jeep Wrangler is one of the most versatile and customized vehicles in the industry,” said Pietro Gorlier, Head of Parts and Service (Mopar), FCA. “A total of 98 percent of Jeep Wrangler vehicles are typically outfitted with at least one of our products. We worked with the

Jeep brand, engineers and designers to create an exclusive line of parts and accessories that perfectly match the new Jeep Wrangler, delivering unique functionality, style and factory-backed quality. This impressive green Rubicon was one of two customised vehicles used to showcase the product portfolio and empower owners to personalize the new Jeep Wrangler for extreme off-roading or for all-purpose lifestyle adventures.”

An array of new Jeep Performance Parts and accessories pulled from the Mopar brand’s menu enhances the already legendary off-road capability of the four-door 2018 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. A set of 2-inch-round steel tube doors adds to the open-air freedom of the allnew Wrangler. The four-door’s eye-catching Mojito Green exterior, a production option, is protected by new Jeep Performance Parts rock rails that are thicker and wider than previous offerings and augmented with a new, grippier coating similar to that used on Ram Truck bedliners.

A 2 INCH LIFT KIT The production Rubicon front “Stubby” bumper assembly defends the Mopar satin black keystone-shaped grille from trail obstacles and features a water-resistant Mopar Warn winch kit with die cast construction and includes synthetic rope, a wired remote control and hawse fairlead. The 2-inch lift kit raises the Rubicon for off-road clearance and works in conjunction with production high-top fender flares. BFGoodrich KM2 35-inch tires wrap around new Jeep Performance Parts beadlock-equipped 17-inch aluminum wheels that feature a 12 mm offset to accommodate oversize tires and help tackle off-road conditions. New LED off-road lights, available in 5- and 7-inch applications, pump out a maximum of 8,000 lumens, putting commercial and military grade illumination into the hands of hard-core off-roaders. The off-road lights mount to the frame rails or windshield via new Jeep Performance Parts off-road light brackets. A new auxiliary switch bank, standard on the Rubicon and an available option for other trim levels, features its own power distribution center and offers an organized central area for operating accessories such as the off-road lights, winch and other electrical-powered items.





The all-new Jeep Performance Parts badge is also a be applied to toolboxes, Jeep exteriors and more.

The new spare tire tailgate hinge reinforcement is al Performance Parts badge and provides a rock-solid that mounts to the tailgate with strength enough to h Center High-Mount Stop Light (CHMSL) light relocat when using the spare tire carrier, without interfering

a unique Mopar accessory that can

lso stamped with the all-new Jeep foundation for a spare tire carrier handle 37-inch tires. The new Mopar tion kit keeps the brake light visible in use of the rear-view camera.

Interior customizations include redesigned Mopar Roadside Assistance and First Aid kits. Molle bags on the rear seatbacks allow for extra storage and new Mopar grab handles are now hard-secured with fasteners to the sport bars, offering increased grip. Durable, all-weather floor mats fit like a glove and feature a new topographic design inspired by the rugged Moab trails. An integrated plug allows accumulated

water and debris captured in the high-walled mats to be drained without removal. Katzkin leather seats are embroidered with the distinctive Jeep grille logo in Tungsten stitching. A screen protector, another first-ever Mopar product, protects and even enhances visibility of the 8.4-inch Uconnect system display, and the list goes on.

BFGoodrich KO2 35-inch tires feature Mopar 17-inch “Gear� rims inspired by the shape and design of the all-new Jeep Performance Parts logo. Jeep Performance Parts tube steps and a 2-inch lift kit add off-road touches, and like its four-door counterpart, the two-door all-new Wrangler is also customized with the new spare tire tailgate hinge reinforcement, CHMSL light relocation kit and off-road LED lights.............impressive.

& CAMPING t n e m p i u q e

With the whole over-landing trend getting more and more popular around the world, we are now starting to see some innovative smaller companies coming out of the woodwork and providing niche products to an ever expanding family of 4WD tourers. One of these companies is the UK based Tuff Trek. Dara King, a very experienced tourer and camper heads up the Tuff Trek operation and he pretty much practices what he preaches, Dara has been four wheel driving and camping for years having lived in Africa where his passion began. He also makes sure he takes his family out for a couple of weeks each summer camping and touring where he gets the opportunity to study,invent and improve his equipment and touring setups. Now back in the UK, Dara set up Tuff-Trek who specialise in Roof Top Tents and other overlanding

and 4WD touring equipment. Tuff Trek offer a wide spectrum of tents to suits all need from Soft top Style Roof Tents right through to a specialised and premium range of Manual and Electric Hard Shell Roof Top

Tents, Alu-Cab Land Rover Defender Roof Conversions and vehicle mounted Awning systems.

check out the video of the TuffTrek innovative tail gate storage

Tuff-Trek also offer a range of quality Land Rover and 4x4 accessories & specialists Overland/Expedition 4x4 parts and equipment from a selection of top manufacturers that are suitable for most vehicle types and models. Dara also told us that they have recently become agents for the newly introduced, and South African made, Quick Pitch shower set up. This is a NEW innovative product that’s basically a quickly set up shower/toilet/ changing room cubicle that is attached to your vehicle and with its compact and clever design is easily deployed. Other products soon to be introduced include some new roof

top tents including an affordable hardtop and a brand new Roof Top Tent mounting system. On speaking to Dara you can tell that he is passionate about his 4WD touring and camping and with this passion he has come up with some very innovative designs that the Tuff - Trek have patented in recent years, these include the innovative Kargo Karrier that is designed for Land Rover Defenders. This unique new patent protected Defender storage solution has been designed and manufactured exclusively by TUFF-TREKÂŽ and is designed to really optimise dead space in the roof of your Defender.

Another innovative storage product includes the patented TUFF-TREK Tailgate Storage piece This is a very clever design particularly for easy access to bits and bobs when touring and out camping. This tailor made TUFF-TREK product maximises the unused space on the back door of your Defender and is a TUFF-TREK patent protected product that is also exclusive Land Rovers. Constructed using a lightly waxed rip-stop canvas this tough organiser is designed to provide a rugged, discrete storage solution for working Land Rovers. The product has a strong, fixed pockets that have been tailored specifically to fit the rear door card on post-2007 Model Defenders. It can also be used on late model TD5 Defenders (post 2002) . This is the ideal storage solution for the iconic Defender, and can hold camping accessories, dog leads,soft shackles torches, tools and more. Please note: the TUFF-TREK organisers will need to be fixed to the door card, using screws, pop rivets or similar (not included).Dara told us that they have some new models arriving shortly for older Land Rovers so stay tuned. This product is exclusive to Land Rover Defenders and is a TUFF-TREK patent protected product. This is a very clever product for easy access to bits and bobs when on the road, and for the TURAS Defender 90 which, being a short wheel base, lacks storage capacity options, products like this offer another great storage solution.

e v i t e a r o ov m n r n o i re f on the e h click mation ge inforate stora tailg



Romania boasts a rugged beauty and thousands kilometers of tracks to be explored.


Its safe to say that one of the most vital pieces of equipment on any 4WD trip or expedition is a recovery kit. There are a wide range of kits available each of which has configurations for different kinds of requirements. The Weekender Recovery kit from ARB is a compact yet versatile kit, whose small size allows for it to be easily stowed underneath or behind a seat, and could be left permanently stored in your vehicle. Its recommeded to use recovery straps with a recovery damper , for safety, dampers are available seperately from ARB. The shackles in this kit are heavy duty, they should work well with most aftermarket recovery points (which is what you should be using). This is a useful little kit to always have to hand. A great bit of kit. You can learn more on the ARB website.

Choosing a recovery kit amongst the myriad of equipment available these days can be both time consuming and confusing. To help simplify the process, the ARB Weekender Recovery Kit brings together components for snatch recovery, including a cotton canvas bag, an 8000kg snatch strap, two 4.75T bow shackles, and a pair of gloves.



31st May -2nd June 2018

2018 sees the 20th anniversary of the Abenteuer and Allrad show in Germany. As media partners for the event TURAS will be there in full force to enjoy and to help to celebrate this milestone for the world’s largest Camping and 4WD Expo. Put it in your diary now, 31st May to 3rd of June 2018,Bad Kissingen, Germany. The event showcases all things 4WD with cross country vehicles of all shapes and sizes on display in the generous 110.000 qm exhibition space. With over 260 exhibitors showcasing and selling 4WD accessories and camping products, there is something for everyone here. Its also a great day out for the family and of course for 4WD enthusiasts, if you are into the camping, 4WD and touring lifestyle you will be drool-

ing over the variety of camping setups and vehicles on display. At the 2017 show the custom built off-road tracks were once again very busy, on the tracks, visitors can drive a number of off road vehicles including trucks, quads and the latest 4WD vehicles, the kids will have plenty to do with numerous activities on offer to suit all ages. You can also attend the organised travel talks from Europe’s well known globetrotters. The show also featured a number of off road travel companies showcasing their most popular off road expeditions and exhibitors offering every type of product and gadget that would be of interest to the vast majority of us who love nothing more than packing up our 4WD vehicles and heading off to remote areas in search of that perfect camping spot.



31st May -2nd

June 2018








GAS SHOCKS We have been using the recently launched Bearmach gas shocks in one of the TURAS Land Rovers over the last few months and have been pretty impressed with their performance to date both on and off road. The TURAS vehicles are usually well loaded up with roof top tents and camping equipment as they search for the best off grid camping sites, and so far the Bearmach Gas Shocks have performed flawlessly with no damage or shock leakage to date. These shock absorbers are covered by a generous 3-year warranty. They also have an improved multi-lip high pressure seals which prevent leaks and are designed to permanently seal the oil or gas inside the shock. Built with a heavy-duty twin-tube construction technology, they are reinforced, and have dou-

ble-welded mountings which improve durability. Since replacing the old shocks with these ones, they have definitely improved stability and ride comfort for touring and greenlaning in general. These shocks are good value for money, priced at approx 45 pounds sterling including VAT or â‚Ź50 per shock they are well worth checking out. For more information please click here.






uv-lens- uv index

Exposure to sunlight’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) can damage to your skin, cause sunburn and increase your risk of skin cancer. UVLens shows you when you need to take care and when you can safely enjoy the sun.

Features: 1. Plan out the best time to be outside See the UV index forecast for the day, see when it’s safe to be outside and when to avoid the sun.

2 F s s s

3 D


2. Find your burn risk Find out how long you can spend in the sun without sunscreen by taking a personalized skin type assessment.

3. Sunscreen Reminder Discover how your sunscreen

protects you, and get reminded to reapply. 4. Widget See the current UV and your burn risk right from your home screen. For more information



Leafsnap is the first in a series of electronic field guides being developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, and the Smith-

sonian Institution. This free mobile app uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves.


For more information

Leafsnap contains beautiful high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruits, petioles, seeds, and bark to aid identification. These high-resolution

images were created by the conservation organization Finding Species.


DON’T FORGET , YOU CA 1, 2 ,3, 4 and





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