Turas Camping and 4WD Adventures Magazine - Issue Ten

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EDITORIAL Issue 10 is here and this is a big milestone for the TURAS team as the magazine continues to develop and reach out to a wider audience throughout Europe and beyond. We are very excited to bring you this latest action packed issue. For those of you still experiencing cold weather , and planning on going camping we have a couple of articles that you might find helpful, from general tips for keeping yourself warm to a hearty camp cook recipe that you can quickly rustle up to help to keep you warm on the inside. In our travel features we explore some off-road tours in Chile, Albania and Morocco. Looking to optimise your vehicle for a long trip? We take a look at some important aspects of preparation including optimising your setup to combat wind drag and choosing the right oil for your vehicle. Not ready to purchase your 4WD Touring setup quite yet? Well, why not take a weekend or week long taster experience with a fully expedition kitted Land Rover Defender available for hire from Higher Adventure, learn more inside. And, as usual, we take a look at some of the latest and best camping and touring equipment from Canopy Campers, camp kitchens, to portable power systems, to GPS Navigation system, to roof top tents and accessories and much more. In this episode we also introduce the first episode of our new Podcast series which will , over time, feature a variety of interviews and chats with lots of interesting people on the subject of 4WD touring, camping and travel. We hope you enjoy this bumper issue. The TURAS Team.

CONTENTS o e d i v new




Camp 4WD

ping & D Gear

g n i r o l p x e

ALBANIA THE LAND OF EAGLES images: Alek Veljokovic (Rustika travel)




ern part of the country. In the 4WD and camp- North Eastern part of Albania ers paradise, the inland region to the north Albania is loof the Shkumbin River, borders cated in the Montenegro, Kosovo and Macesouth-western donia where as in the south part of the Bal- eastern part the inland region to kans, bordered the south of the Shkumbin River by the Adriatic and Ionian Sea. borders Macedonia and Greece, With a population of close to 3 this region includes the great million inhabitants Albania has border lakes, Lake Ohrid and a deep cultural history having Lake Prespa.The Coastal Region been part of Ancient Greece, the borders both the Adriatic Sea Roman Empire and the Ottoman and Ionian Sea. Empire until its first declaration of independence in 1912. The country is located between Albania is divided into three re- latitudes 42째 and 39째 N, and longions that include the Coastal, gitudes 21째 and 19째 E. The highNorth-eastern and South/Eastest point of the country is Mount

Korab at 2,764 metres (9,068.24 mountains, with very steep slopes, divided by deep canft) above the Adriatic. yons. When tackling the tracks in Albania you will be mostly The lowest point is the Adriatic confined to the existing network Sea at 0 metres (0.00 ft). Size wise, Albania is a small country of dirt tracks that that can be technically challenging that lead with the distance from the east to remote mountain villages. to west measuring a short 148 kilometres (92 mi), while from Landslides and water damage the north to south about 340 can dramatically change these kilometres (211 mi). tracks from one season to the The climate is generally warm next, so you can never be sure and dry, with its coastline facing about what to expect. In recent the Adriatic and Ionian seas. The years a number of tarmac roads have replaced the dirt tracks but coastal lowlands have typically Mediterranean weather; the despite this they are still worth highlands have a Mediterranean taking as they offer spectacular scenery. The long, alpine like continental climate and in the valleys often can be accessed lowlands and the interior the weather varies significantly from only from one side, so you simply have to go follow the same north to south.Terrain is mosttracks going in and coming out ly made up of rugged, rocky


Landslides and water damage can dramatically change these tracks from one season to the next.




The highest point that can be accessed in a 4WD in Albania is the southern peak of the sacred Tomorri Mountain, where a dirt track reaches almost 2400m and on a clear day the views are spectacular. At the Tomorri peak the shrine of Ali Tomorri (aka. Baba Tomorri) lies, where every year worshipers climb and bring sacrificial lambs to the shrine, slaughtering them in a semi-pagan ritual at the peak.

Another attraction for off road enthusiasts in Albania are the dry riverbeds. These river beds are often used as roads starting from early summer until late into the autumn. River crossings of the bigger rivers are always risky, especially for vehicles not equipped with a snorkel. So it’s generally advised to avoid the riverbed trails in the springtime, as the riverbeds are quite flooded from the melting snow coming from the mountains.

ADVEN s t i a aw

On the west coast the Albanian sandy beaches are also very attractive and a must see, not only because of their beauty, but also because Albania is one of the few Mediterranean countries where wild camping on the beaches is actually allowed. A special attraction is the famous Gjipe beach in southern Albania, where an extremely rocky trail, accessible only to pedestrians and 4x4 vehicles, takes you down to the beach which is situated at the end of an attractive canyon and surrounded by cliffs. You can experience some great sunsets there! All up, Albania is a 4WD touring paradise with a never ending network of dirt tracks, some spectacular wild camping and a freedom to roam that is hard to find in many European countries.


Getting there by Ferry

Ferries to Durrës arrive from Bari (9h, €50) and Ancona (19h, €70). A highspeed service operates from Bari (3h, €60).There are also two reliable overnight ferry services operated by Skenderbeg Lines and European Seaways from Brindisi to Vlore. Ferries from Corfu to Saranda every day. Ferry between Brindisi and Shengjin by European Seaways operating twice a week in the summer (2015).

By 4WD/Touring Vehicle/Car

You can reach Albania by car from anywhere crossing through major cities of the neighbouring countries such as:Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Greece.

Travel Documents

To enter the country, ensure that your International Motor Insurance Card is


All up Albania is a 4WD touring paradise with a never ending network of dirt tracks







valid for Albania (AL) along with the Vehicle Registration and a Power of Attorney from the owner if the car is not yours. The border guards are very strict about allowing cars through without these documents.


Navigation is pretty easy although some maps of

the country are out of date or contain errors. It is strongly recommended to have an up to date GPS, as new roads are being constantly added to the Albanian road network. In case the GPS does not work, it’s good to have an alternative good paper or internet-based map.


complete range of services exRustika Tours are not only very amples include travel consultation, pre-arranged tours, custom knowledgeable off roaders, but packages, standard travel agenalso guides with extensive excy goods and services, including perience in organizing 4Ă—4 adventures for outdoor enthusiasts accommodation, tour and travfrom all over Europe. They have el packages, and all types of transport. huge collection of GPS mapped tracks covering remote parts Apart from tailor-made voyages of Albania and are well known for guiding 4WD enthusiasts on for groups, we can also arrange individual travel arrangement magical 4WD adventures. tailored to the request by indiRustika Travel also provides a viduals.

It is strongly recommended to have an up to date GPS, as new roads are being constantly added to the Albanian road network.


Alek Veljokovic from Rustika Travel loves nothing more than guiding people on tours to some of the most remote and picturesque places throughout Europe.


click here for more information

e r u t n Adve


in 40 minutes


hen purchasing a rooftop tent for the first time one of the questions many people ask is if it ok to leave your tent on your vehicle all year round? The answer to this really comes down to personal choice, for hard shell tents like the James Baroud it’s less of an issue as the interior of the tents are well protected with the fibreglass fortified polyester shell . For canvas rooftop tent owners who permanently leave their tents on top of their tourers, they should consider changing the protective bag every few years as required in order make sure that the canvas is well protected and your bag has no holes in it. Water can do a lot of damage to both your tent and your canvas should it make its way in, so keep your eye on it. It is also a good idea to open both your hard shell and soft top tent every couple of weeks when not in use and allow it to breath and dry out after extreme weather.



Some people choose to remove their rooftop tent when not in use for a number of other reasons and examples include the following: Fuel Consumption; There’s no doubt about it, despite improvements in aerodynamics, roof top tents will cause wind drag and as a result will cost you more on fuel. And for this reason, some people will only attach their rooftop tents when either going on a short or extended trip. Crime; Unfortunately, if you live in a city or large urban centre and have to park on a public street, theft can be a real problem and

you might feel uncomfortable about leaving the rooftop tent on their vehicles when not in use.

provements made in how tents can attach to roof racks and roof bars, the process is thankfully no longer a complicated one.

Protection from the elements; If you end up forking out your hard-earned cash for a top of the range rooftop tent, which can in some cases cost a couple of thousand euros, it is more than understandable that you may want to keep it in the shed and protect it from the elements when not in use. Whether you come from a humid country or a colder climate weather can lead to some issues over time especially if the tent develops a leak.

In the TURAS office we love nothing more than leaving work early on a Friday evening and heading off on a last-minute weekend camping trip. Recently we did just that and quickly attached the James Baroud Discovery Space to one of the new additions to the TURAS fleet a Land Rover Defender 110. After shutting down our office computers on a Friday evening we had the James Baroud attached to the Defender 110 in approximately 40 minutes. And with the tent secured and the weekends supplies thrown into the back of the Landy it was time to hit for the mountains and enjoy some last-minute wild winter camping.

So, if you are planning on purchasing a rooftop tent, you might wonder how difficult it is to attach and remove the tent to your 4WD. With various im-

leaving e v o l AS team ning e v e y a d The TUR on a Fri y l ping r a m e a c k e t u wor last min e m o s r fo


Lift tent onto your roof rack or roof bars

ROOFTOP TENT Attaching the James Baroud hard shell is very straightforward with all of the brackets and bolts supplied with the tent. We attached the XXL Discover Space tent which is 89.5mm long, 64.5mm wide and weighs in at approximately 55Kg. It took two of us to lift this tent onto the roof rack but it is advisable to have a third person there if possible, just for any awkward lifting angles.

Align the tent with your roof bars

Let’s have a closer look at the process. As highlighted above it is advisable to have a minimum of two people to attach the tent and three if possible. The hardest part is lifting the tent onto your roof rack but after that it is a very simple process. Attaching to your Roof Rack The James Baroud tent comes with 6 mounting brackets that each attach to your roof bars or your roof rack. First thing is to do is attach the provided clamps to your tent, then lift the tent onto your roof rack, in our case it was onto 3 roof bars, then align the clamps on your roof bars and make sure the tent is evenly spread over the bars in order to distribute the weight equally. When the tent is aligned attach the tent to your roof bars and tighten the bolts provided using a spanner or

Secure the 6 brackets

Tighten the 6 brackets to the roof bars Once the rear of the tent is deployed then orelaease the latches from the front of the tent

Always open the tent from the back first Push forward the two ALKO supporting gas struts

Attach the ladder to the side of the tent

! t i s t a Th

ratchet until well secured. Open the latches from the back of the tent first and then give the tent a slight push upwards until it starts to rise. The ALKO supporting gas struts will raise the tent effortlessly. Next, release the latches at the front of the tent, the tent should be fully erect within a second or two. Then attach the aluminium ladder to whichever side of the tent you wish to enter from, you will have 2 options here note that the ladder will have fixing points. Then climb into the tent and push forward the two ALKO supporting gas struts Closing the tent down is just as

easy – firstly pull the front of the tent down and close the two latches, then tuck any canvas that may be protruding along the sides of shell, then close the back of the tent by pulling the strap down and securing the back and then side latches and that’s it, you’re done. The system used here with the James Baroud tent is very similar to other tent systems. So, if you are planning on purchasing a rooftop tent and are put off by the set-up time, don’t be, it’s a simple process and will have you adventure ready in order 45 minutes. Happy Camping.

Contact Tel. +351 936 296 798 - E-mail: infos@jamesbaroud.com


Garantie comprenant la coque, la toile et mécanisme.

facebook.com/JamesBaroudOfficial instagram.com/jamesbaroud


DRAG r u o y is ic m a n y d o r how ae roof rack set-up?


ne of the largest expenses we have when embarking on a big trip is the cost of fuel. Most of us don’t have the luxury of driving around in the latest 4WD that boasts incredible fuel efficiency in comparison to the older trucks. But there are things we can do to make our vehicles more efficient when on the road. We are not talking about going to the expense of installing a reconditioned engine there are simpler things we can do and they include the following: Ensuring that your vehicle is well serviced, a well-tuned 4WD engine is a more efficient one.Selecting the correct tyres that suit your lifestyle and making sure that they are inflated correctly. Getting rid of some bad driving habits like minimising the number of RPMs, this can be done by simply improving the way we change down gears when on the road.

icle is h e v u o y e Make sur erviced s y l r a l u g re

Over loade d roof rack s are a bad idea a nd will inc rease your fuel c onsumption

rting to a t s w o n es are Compani dynamic o r e a e r o m ducts o r p introduce g n i r and tou camping

If you have cruise control technology built into your vehicle, use it. Reduce the amount of items you carry when heading off for either an extended weekend trip or a couple of weeks on the road. Reducing the amount of stuff we carry in the back of our 4WD’s will also help to conserve fuel. Roof Racks and high Rooftop tents can also create considerable wind drag when on the road and as a result add to your fuel bill. More companies are now developing more aerodynamic roof racks that are addressing this problem. As regards non hard shell Rooftop tents, aerodynamics can often be compromised by the size of the mattress provided within the tent, with some tents having a thicker mattress. A thicker mattress will of course provide a more comfortable night’s sleep but the compromises here are that the tent will sit higher on your roof rack and as a result this will add to the wind drag and reduce fuel efficiency when on the road.

A number of hard she ll roof top t companies ent are coming up with be solutions th tter at help red uce wind d rag


The following research from the University of California and Vanderbilt University show some interesting results following the analysis of fuel consumption impacts from roof racks. According to a study in 2015 titled the “Fuel consumption impacts of auto roof racks.” by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researcher Alan Meier, working with Yuche Chen of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Using various methods of gathering information in the US results showed that, roof racks are responsible for 0.8‰ of light duty vehicle fuel consumption, corresponding to 100 million gallons of gasoline per year and that aerodynamic efficiency of typical roof racks can be greatly improved and reduce individual vehicle fuel consumption; The use of roof racks and roof top tents require vehicles to use more energy due to aerodynamic drag. While there have been studies of their impact on individual vehicles depending on the configuration, the fuel consumption penalty can be 0 to 25 plus. Research also highlights the impact of placing a tyre (spare wheel) on the bonnet of a Land Rover Defender for example, which can actually decrease

the vehicle’s aerodynamic drag by anything up to 8%. There is no doubt about it that adding a roof rack that holds your roof top tent and camping equipment or attaching a wheel on your bonnet will increase your vehicles wind drag and hence add to your fuel consumption. Of course we can address this by choosing roof racks and tents that are more aerodynamic. With consumers being more aware of these issues nowadays we are starting to see companies launch more aerodynamic roof rack designs to the market and rooftop tent companies like DARCHE, Alu-Cab, Ezi-Awn hard shell tents , James Baroud and the all new Overland Aluminium Rooftop Tent now offering more aerodynamic tents that

can help in reducing the overall wind drag, and thus fuel consumption.

James Baroud Evasion

The James Baroud Evasion hard shell rooftop tents outer shell utilize fibreglass-fortified polyester with Aerodynamic ribs on the upper shell which help improve wind noise and fuel economy as well as provide additional structural strength and rigidity.

The DARCHE Panorama 2 canvas tent is ergonomically designed and has one of the lowest profiles of any rooftop tent on the market at just 250mm and hence reducing wind drag when driving. This shortness in height will save you on fuel costs on those big journeys and will reduce the overall height of your vehicle

Rooftop tent companies like DARCHE, Alu-Cab, Ezi-Awn .James Baroud & some of the TUFF-TREK modelsare all now offering more aerodynamic tents that can help in reducing the overall wind drag.

Approx. 70% of consumer-reported data estimated loaded cross roof rack fuel consumption penalties between 20% and 30%.

center of gravity when hitting the trails. The compromise here is that the mattress is not as thick as other tents on the market but this can be overcome by using the Darche self inflatable mattress. Data from on-line forums highlighted the following.About 70% (18 observations out of 26) of consumer-reported data estimated loaded cross roof rack fuel consumption penalties between 20% and 30%. These observations seem to match results from Thomas et al. (2014) i.e., 24.8% fuel consumption increase at 70 mph constant-speed highway driving for passenger cars. Thomas et al. also reported an 11.7% fuel consumption penalty for a pas-

senger truck under the same conditions. Lenner (1998) found fuel consumption increased 12.3% for a sedan with a roof rack and ski box traveling at 55.9 mph. An extrapolation of Lenner’s result from 55.9 mph to 70 mph, gives a fuel consumption increase of about 20%. This is close to other studies as well as consumer-reported data. The study adopted 24.8% as the fuel consumption impacts for passenger cars and 11.7% for passenger trucks driving on highways. These values from Thomas et al. (2014) are the most recent and based on the most comprehensive study.

Yuche Chen and Alan Meier ‘’Fuel consumption impacts of auto roof racks’’

e h t g n i c u d intro


RTM 1400 ts sleep h g i n d o A go tter e b ot g t s ju



issue 8 of the TURAS Camping & 4WD magazine we had a look at DARCHE’S Panorama 2 rooftop tent and highlighted that it is ergonomically designed with one of the lowest profiles of any rooftop tent on the market at just 250 mm. n

This shortness in height will save you on fuel costs on those big journeys and will also reduce the overall height of your vehicle allowing you to get under obstacles easier and gives you a better center of gravity when hitting the tracks.

The compromise for having a low profile tent is that the mattress is usually not as thick as other tents on the market and as a result not always as comfortacle. The standard thinner mattress has never really been an issue

e h t n o e r k e c i h cl ideo v




The RTM 1400 offers between 60mmm-80mm of mattress depth guaranteeing a great night ’s sleep

ed tly pack h g i t s e m 1400 co M T R e h T

Simply loos en the strap s and let the mattres s inflate an d leave laid out on the floor ov ernight

ttress a m e h t tting When pu ur knees to help e uo away us deflate

In recent years mattress makers have been experimenting with multi-layer systems that use different kinds of foam, including high-density foam, memory foam and support foam. Despite the advances in recent years polyurethane foam has been around since the mid 30’s. Developed by a German man called Otto Bayer it is now used in numerous industries from mattresses, airline, house furnishing, footwear, buildings and also in automotive and 4WD touring industry.

click here for more information

for us when it comes to comfort but for those who do enjoy extra padding this can now be realised following the recent introduction of the DARCHE self inflatable mattress, the RTM 1400. A good night’s sleep in a DARCHE rooftop tent just got better. Introducing the Darche RTM 1400,the RTM 1400 is a fully bonded self-inflating 80mm thick mattress designed to replace the existing mattress of any 1400mm wide rooftop tent. The main benefit here is that you now have a thicker mattress but also the innovative self-inflation/ deflation processnow allows for extra storage room when deflated for your sleeping gear (sleeping bag, pillows etc) without interfering with easy pack down and as a result speeding up

your camp set up and take down times. So how does it work? the RTM 1400 features an open cell high density foam that offers a soft comfortable surface. The open cells allow the foam to absorb, release and control moisture vapour freely and as a result resisting the build up of mould. Also the density level ensures the foam will not break down. This generous foam density also results in better sound absorption, which is a big plus, if you have ever slept on a air mattress you will know how noisy they can be. Construction includes a hardwearing 75D peach finished polyester top, providing strength and durability for frequent out-

door camping and 4x4 touring usage. The machined plain weave continuous filament construction is engineered to ensure this durable and resistant to wear-and-tear fabric will not lose its soft handle over its lifetime. Warmth is provided in this high quality fabric and is ideal for an undisturbed sleep on colder nights.The base of the RTM 1400 features both Velcro strips and dotted non-slip PVC to ensure the mattress remains secured to the base of your rooftop tent throughout the night and when you a re packing it down. There is know doubt that the extra thickness in the inflated mattress gives extra comfort when on the road

he t n o ere k c i l c deo h vi

‘‘The base of the RTM 1400 features both Velcro strips and dotted non-slip PVC to ensure the mattress remains secured to the base of your rooftop tent’’


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Photo: 16:9Clue CC 2.0 Flickr

The terrain is often rugged and uneven Photo: Carlos ZGZ Flickr


hillip Hummel of Kudu Overland explains that it is the company’s aim is to have guests join its overland expeditions in their own 4x4 vehicles. It’s expeditions include the use of tracks and trails that stretch through spectacular scenery and landscapes of Europe and Morocco. In this feature we join Kudu on one of its recent Moroccan tours.

Disembarking from the ferry the anticipation of the adventure ahead begins to grow as we work our way out of Santander towards Salamanca for our first transit camp.

The group had awoken early In the morning in order to prepare to leave Salamanca and head towards

Photo:Scott Wylie CC 2.0 Flickr

Algeciras. Having purchased the required tickets at the port, the group board the late afternoon ferry to Tangier Med. All of the necessary vehicle paperwork is done on board the ferry and then on disembarking we drive through the border and head for a nearby camp in Tangier to enjoy our first night in Morocco. Day 1 - We leave the camp in Tangier and head for the motorway, once on the motorway we head down the coast towards Rabat then on towards Fes then on to Guercif. This motorway is a tolled costs about ÂŁ15 per vehicle. We all fill up with fuel at Guercif and then head for camp Ben Yakoub for the night. This

camp is at the gateway to the Plateau Rekkam. Day 2 - In the morning we depart Camp Ben Yakoub and find a small shop where we stock up on some provisions. Then we head for the tracks, they are very rough, stony and hard going and we spend most of the day in first and second gear. We head along the Plateau Rekkam, slowly, towards a small lake where we will wild camp for the evening, and use the provisions we stocked up on this morning for our evening meal. Day 3 - We leave our wild camp in the morning and continue along the Plateau Rekkam, slowly. The

Photo:ErWin CC BY-SA 2.0

tracks become better, as we start to enter an agricultural area, then onto rural roads before a short stint on the tar, and then we head off road again. The road is reasonably good at first but rapidly deteriorates as we cross many small rivers and gullies which we encounter all the way towards Boudnib. At Boudnib we settle into our camp for the night at Camping Rekkam. Day 4 - We leave camp and head to a filling station to refuel. There is also a small shop nearby where we again restock our provisions. Once we are all fuelled and provisioned up, we head out of town ,soon we find ourselves crossing a very stony river bed and then on into the empty Quarter. The tracks here are reasonably fast and on

flat ground with far reaching vistas. We l stop at a picturesque gorge for lunch which has views out over Algeria, before continuing on and dropping down into a Valley along the Algerian border. We pass many army watchtowers as we traverse this track. This part is very bumpy and dusty and we have to cross many river beds before stopping again for lunch in a shady palm grove, which contains a small stream running through it. After lunch the tracks start to become noticeably more sandy, as we head towards Egg Chebbi, Merzouga where we will find our campsite for this evening. We spend two nights at this campsite. And some of the group take the opportunity to go on a camel ride while here. Day 5 - The second day



at Merzouga. Today is a rest day and for those that require mechanical work done there is a local garage that Phillip has used on previous trips and recommends to the group. While here Philip also takes a morning trip out to the nearby dunes to give those drivers that would like to try some dune driving an opportunity to get used to driving in these conditions. By mid morning this group returns back to the camp for a rest. In the afternoon we take an optional guided trip into the dunes to watch the sunset. This is an exhilarating drive where we try to get as high up the big dunes as possible, and linger there to enjoy the reward of a beautiful sunset. There is also an option for those who prefer not to drive here to take a camel ride up the dunes to see the sunset.

Day 6 - We leave behind Merzouga after filling up with fuel and head now towards Zagora. The tracks we encounter in the morning are a mixture sand, stone and riverbeds. We head towards a large wadi / river bed which we will need to cross,Philip says that this can sometimes be problematic depending on the current water levels. We found it to be ok but the area was instead very dry and dusty. We stop in Lac raider for lunch before crossing a large dried out lake which was also very dry and dusty, though Philip explained that if we had found it to be wet it would have meant a long detour. Then we are back again onto rough tracks eventually leading to tarmac which takes us to our camp for the night in Zagora.


ONE WAY Morrocan Proverb

Photo: Dimitry B CC 2.0 Flickr

Photo: Carlos ZGZ Flickr

Day 7 - We leave camp and head into Zagora town where there is a wonderful spice shop and also a fabulous trinket shop all nearby. For those requiring mechanical work there is one of the best garages in Zagora located a little further down the same street. After fuelling up again, we head

out of town on the tarmac towards Mhamid where we stop for coffee before hitting the tracks again in earnest. The tracks lead us towards Chigaga sand dunes, Phillip guides us to a secret oasis where we will have lunch. After lunch the road becomes very rough for a while before we get to Lake Iriki.

Photo: Carlos ZGZ Flickr

The lake is dry, and our crossing is extremely dusty, apparently if it had been wet it would be almost impassable. Once we are across the lake the tracks revert back to rough stone tracks which lead us past a military post before we enter the town of Forum Zugid where we camp for the night.

road, we stay on tarmac road When we leave Tata we are on tracks leading into some rive These riverbeds can be a mix sand and stone, and can ofte boulder strewn. The going is as we pass through small and lages, passing some amazing and ever changing rock forma Day 8 - We leave camp and head for a lunch under a desert thorn be filling station and some small shops to tinuing again along the tracks stock up again on provisions. Out on the Taliouine where we camp for

d to Tata. nto rough erbed driving. xture of both en be quite quite slow d remote vilg landscapes ations. We efore cons towards the night.

Photo:Ralf Steinberger CC 2.0 Flickr

Photo: Carlos ZGZ Flickr

Day 9 - Today is our final day of off-roading, we are now into the mountains driving along some differing types of tracks, some slow and rough and some a bit quicker. We end this day in Marrakech where we camp for two nights. This campsite is in the grounds of a hotel so for those who might at this stage want a little luxury, the choice is theirs where to stay.

we get back onto the motorway and head up country to catch the afternoon ferry back to Spain and then on to Tarifa where we camp for the night. Day - 12 We leave Tarifa and head up through Spain towards Salamanca to our final transit campsite.

Day - 13 we leave Salamanca and drive up to Santander and catch the ferry back to Portsmouth. An Day - 10 Marrakech Some of us chose to explore the amazing co- amazing adventure in an exotic lourful Souks of Marrakech and place behind us. We relax and do some shopping, others decide unwind and reflect upon the experience. to laze about at the hotel pool. Day - 11 Today is an early start,

Nomadic HuZts Photo:Carlos ZG

Photo: neiljs C 2.0 Flickr

You can contact Kudu Overland via its website or by phone or email https://www.kuduoverland.co.uk/ T. 01278 424153 M: 07456 668530 E.admin@kuduoverland.co.uk


ov r Disc e v o r d a Lan its paces g n i tt gh Pu throu

Photo: Mycroyance CC BY-ND 2.0 Flickr

click here for more information

INTRODUCING w e n l l a the

CANOPY CAMPER for pickups

Attention all PICK UP owners‌. the Canopy Camper from ALU CAB has arrived. Now available through Alu Cabs European distributors Genesis Import this universal sized Canopy is is a game changer for pick up owners.

This concept from Alu-Cab has been floating around for over 10 years initially when Alu Cab first started to notice a gap in the 4x4 rental market; where they identified the need for a lightweight, versatile and mid-range camper solution.

Fitting most medium size trucks the Canopy Camper has a full vertical rear door allowing easy entry into the camper.

The African based Alu-Cab believe that the safari rental market is the perfect testing ground for overland gear and after ex-

e h t n o e r k e c i h cl ideo v

ill fit w r e p m opy Ca ick-ups p The Can e z i s dium most me

Aluminium-Hardtop und sehr großes Dachzelt in einem Aufbau. Große Hecktür und Seitenklappen. Innenraum nach eigenen Wünschen gestaltbar. Für viele Pickups lieferbar.

Alu-Cab is a pioneer a nd market leader in aluminu m hardtop and campi s ng equipm ent

haustive research and development they came up with a camper that was strong, had a low profile, lightweight, was both versatile and incorporated a spacious living quarters . Although the Canopy Camper was a huge success at the time, the original design didn’t get to the production line. As Alu Cab further developed in recent years the company moved away from building custom off road vehicles and focused more on a production-based business model as demand for products increased. And for this reason alone the Canopy Camper idea was put on hold. Moving on a couple of years and as the international family of tourers increased worldwide so did the interest in having a mid range Camper and hence the Canopy Camper idea was reborn.An industry first, the new modular designed Canopy Camper is the result from both the original design

e age spac r o t s of age No short Camper y p o n a in the C

The Canopy Camper con cept is the resul t of years of feedback from customers

and feedback from Alu-Cab customers. With numerous improvements from the original design Alu -Cab are very proud of the finished product which is now available in Europe.

that allow you to mount a 33� spare-wheel on the back of the door, so no need for an aftermarket rear bumper/ wheel carrier). Proprietary extrusions are used throughout the construction to allow for the drill-free fitSimilar to the majority of Aluting of accessories. The Canopy Camper also incorporates the Cab products the Canopy Camper is built from aluminium flip-away bed which gives ample headroom and standing space, which is light, strong and does not corrode over time. Alu-Cab you can also leave your bedding in place when the tent is either is a pioneer and market leadopened or closed. The canvas er in aluminium hardtops and is a dual layer rib block canvas camping equipment for pickup giving superior insulation and vehicles and these products have been tested in some of the protection from the elements... harshest conditions around the world with most of the R&D tak- The addition of the roof rails facilitate the mounting of variing place in Africa. ous rooftop accessories which is a big plus for a pick up. The FEATURES overall weight of the Canopy The Canopy Camper incorporates an easy-accessible vertical comes in at approximately 250 kg (550lbs). door with heavy-duty hinges

The Canopy lu-Cab A of y Camper inc t i r o j r e p orporates m a a n C e The ma a sy-accessib y p o n a C le vertical do s the with heavy or inum m product u l a d u t m y o h inges fr is built

GENESIS IMPORT b a C lu A r fo rs to u ib tr is d n Europea


Check out of high touring eq Genesis-i


Optional extras include a spare-wheel bracket, National Luna LED cabin lights, jerry can holders, gas bottle holders, a 270 Shadow Awning, a sidewall awning kit, the Shadow Awning gutter kit, a table bracket, the shower cubicle, a pull-out camping table, interior canvas mesh bags, and a Molle Corner plates

e the huge rang quality 4WD the quipment in gue import catalo

Der Alu-Cab Canopy Camper ist die optimale Kombination aus stabilem Aluminium-Hardtop und großzügigem, aus dem Innenraum zugänglichem Dachzelt. Mit der großen Hecktür und den beiden Seitenklappen bietet er sehr viele Möglichkeiten den Innenraum nach eigenen Wünschen zu gestalten. Dank seiner universellen Größe passt er auf die meisten europäischen Pickups.


Try before you buy - thinking of starting Now you can see what it ’s all about by hiring a fully k


to enjoy some 4WD Touring and camping? kitted out Defender for a few days to see if it is for you..

Get ou t on t he Ro equip ad ment from H with top q ua igher Adven lity ture


The Defenders are comprehensively equipped

dventure is just bad planning” said Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer who was the first to reach the South Pole. These were words that resonated with Chris Barrington, owner of Higher Adventure, a recently established 4x4 hire company in the UK. For twenty years Chris led a creative communication agency in

London, managing campaigns that required detailed planning and military precision. Yet outside of work he rarely had time – or the inclination – to plan the trips he took on his Husqvarna motorcycle. In his teens Chris had read about Amundsen in a book titled High Adventure, and those words stuck with him: “I was always looking for an adventure, not a package tour” says Chris, “…so it wasn’t unusual for me to set off with little more than a general direction in mind. And it was

the and ten

In 2 bot and Wit ed aD Chr whe also tor you wit

e trips with the least planning – d the most freedom – that ofn led to the most fun”.

2018 serious surgery curtailed th the adventure motorcycling d the commute to London. th free time, an itch that needscratching and having had Defender 90 for some years, ris turned his attention to foureeled adventures. “Amundsen o said the most important facfor a successful adventure is ur equipment” recalls Chris, so th a brief focused on simplicity,

The Defe nders are kitted ou everythi t with ng neede d to enjo days 4W ya D campi ng adven few tures

utility and durability, he asked the team at APB Expedition to help prep the 90. Soon friends and family were asking to borrow it and Chris realised there was a business opportunity sitting on the driveway. Two months later he bought a Defender 110, equipped it to the same high standard, and Higher Adventure was born. “For me, the ability to hang a right at any byway, gravel road or unnamed peak defines adventure and few vehicles deliver the spirit of freedom and adventure like a Defender” says Chris. And with bookings for the vehicles every month since he started, it seems that others agree. The Defenders are comprehensively equipped, including top of the range Stealth roof tents from South African

a way of ‘keeping their eyes on the prize’ and reminding themselves – and often their partner! – that it’s going to be worth the effort. Others are considering buying a roof tent, awning, or even a 4x4, and want to ‘try before they buy’ – a smart thing to do. Many are out“Customers are not always who door enthusiasts including walkers, climbers, anglers, cyclists and you’d expect” says Chris. “Quite a few have their own 4x4 but don’t we’ve had a paramotor flyer. “Othwant to – or can’t – use them. Some ers have never sat in a 4x4 or been have ‘projects’ in progress that ar- camping. Amongst my favourites are a young couple I affectionately en’t yet ready to roll and hiring is

company Eezi Awn, Big Country drawer units, National Luna fridges, and Partner Steel stoves from the USA. And pretty much everything else – apart from bedding and food – that you need to go on your own adventure.

call my ‘Instagrammers’: we probably all know a few – people who are more into the ‘scene’ of adventure than actually going on an adventure. It was the USB charging port in the roof tent that convinced them to hire! But when they returned they told me the experience was so much better than it could ever have looked on a phone screen that they decided to take no pictures and keep the memories just for themselves. At the risk of being too cutesy, he says he could

tell that they’d discovered something important about life”. Chris has a meticulous attention to detail when it comes to the business. “It’s driven by my own mixed experiences when hiring vehicles” he explains. “Few of us really understand what we are liable for when hiring, what the insurance does and does not cover, and frankly we’re likely to be nervous of getting hit with unexpected costs”. That does mean there’s a level of

detail involved in the booking process, but with these vehicles that can only be a positive thing for customers. As Chris says, “I don’t want there to be any surprises for customers – at least no nasty ones”. For someone who’s put such a lot of thought into them, it’s a surprise to hear Chris play down the vehicles themselves: “The Big Idea behind Higher Adventure isn’t two tons of metal, fifteen feet long and eight feet high, shaped into a Defender” he tells us. Which begs the question, what is it? “It’s what the instragrammers discovered” says Chris. “Adventure reconnects us with ourselves, each other and this chunk of rock that we live on. It keeps us modest because we see what a tiny place we occupy in the world and it keeps us interested and interesting by broadening our horizons and opening our minds. There’s a bit of Amundsen craving Higher Adventure in all of us”. It’s clear that the Big Idea driving Higher Adventure is something we all intrinsically know, but many of us have forgotten: Adventure is good for your head and good for your heart.

For more inform Click here






S E I P O N A C from


UILT IN AFRICA TO TAKE ON THE WORLD. Phillip Bond, Managing Director of APB Trading is a fan of South African Overlanding equipment, and this is evinced by the wide range of South African brands that his company carries. One of these brands is Bushtech, whose Aluminium Canopies are designed and manufactured in South Africa. Bushtec Equipment, is built in Africa to take on Africa’s harsh and rugged landscape which is some of the world’s toughest terrain.

Bushtec have been serving the 4x4 and motor vehicle industry for more than 25 years and saw a gap in the market to create a one of a kind, customizable aluminium canopy that is easy to use for everyday activities as well as fully kitted out for overland trips without compromising space and functionality.

The guys at Bushtech pride themselves on their products which is why they put their canopies to the ultimate test. Testing their products, out in the field, ensuring that whether you are an over-



lander, tradesman, camper or general outdoor enthusiast the canopies have been tested for you in a wide range of environments. WHY AN ALUMINIUM CANOPY? Aluminium Canopies are stronger and more durable that Fibreglass Canopies. The Bushtech Aluminium Canopy

has been load tested to bear 2,5 tons on its roof. A custom suspension base rubber has been specifically designed for heavy load, chassis movement and dampen vibration. A strong thick UV stabilized powder coated frame and doors are a standard feature – which is more durable than 2k paints (Multiple colours are available)

The Bushtech Aluminium Canoly means that the canopy will last much longer than a fibreglass canpies doors have a specialised reinforced bracing to prevent door opy, and to further back this up the Bushtech Aluminium Canopy flex. The doors are opened with high quality gas struts. comes with a 10 year frame guarAutomotive door sealing rubbers antee. The canopies are designed are placed on the doors instead of with safety and security in mind the frame to prevent them from –for example the canopy can act as a roll bar if your vehicle rolls, being damaged when loading and unloading equipment. The keeping the passengers in the increased strength automaticalcab safer than they would be with




1.Plenty of space to store wolf boxes 2. Drawer system 3. The system is extremely modular 4. Vent Door 5. At the end of another day, preparing a good coffee on the fold out table. 6. Plenty of storage area



a Fibreglass canopy. The weight of the Canopy is around 70kgs. USEABILITY The side doors allow for easier access for unloading and loading your vehicle. The canopy is extremely modular, the unique subframe profile design allows the mounting of false floors and to clip in multiple accessories, for a variety of applications such as camping, 4x4 and overlanding.

roof using a standard M8 bolt. A unique designed roof rail is a standard feature, allowing for a standard M8 bolt head or standard cargo loops to be used when fitting roof racks, roof top tents and cross bars.

WATER & DUST PROOF The Bushtech Aluminium Canopy also come as standard with a pressure equalizing vent to neutralise any negative pressure in the rear of the load box helping with dust. The Seamless waterproof and dustproof continuous hinges Side cupboards, tables and varused on the doors,also prevent ious other storage accessories are quickly added in or removed water and dust from entering the canopy when opening the without drilling. All accessories doors. can can simply be clipped into place, in minutes you can go from an empty canopy to a can- For more information on these robust canopies, check out the opy full of all your gear. APB Trading Website: Internal reinforced slotted roof expedition-equipment.com bars allow users to suspend multiple attachments from the


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THINGS TO CONSIDER he TURAS Team love camping in the winter, the cold is something that can be offset with a crackling fire, and winter camping just feels different than camping during milder weather. There are few reasons why we think this is true. Winter camping can be very atmospheric, perhaps the camp might be covered in snow , or perhaps its just so cold that your breath frosts when you speak or breathe.. When winter camping its very important that you are properly prepared and equipped, oth-

erwise at best you probably won’t have a very comfortable experience and at worst might end up in danger of risking your health or your life. The good thing is that it is easy to be well prepared and while this is not an exhaustive piece of advice on winter camping, here are some general pointers on enjoying the outdoors during the winter. Wear Layers, lots of layers of clothes , and don’t wait until you start to feel cold before you add layers. If you get too cold, it will take longer to warm up than you might think. These layers should include a very good wicking thermal base layer, this will help to keep you warm, serve as a foundation for the other layers and will wick away perspiration (perspiration is uncomfortable in cold weather and wet clothes will chill you very quickly). Make sure your sleeping bag is rated for the

temperatures you are expecting, in very cold weather a good four season sleeping bag is essential. Also make sure you use a good quality mattress or sleeping matt, which will prevent your body heat from radiating away into the ground. A sleeping bag liner may also be a good idea, and will serve as an extra layer of warmth and insulation. Bring lots of spare blankets, good quality woolen blankets are great but any blankets are a help. You can use these over your legs and around your shoulders at a campfire and can throw them over your sleeping bag later when you retire to your tent.

it might be good to have a hot drink or to eat some hot food, or if this is not possible, to have a quick run around the campsite or do some short running or, on the spot ‘star jumping’ to warm yourself up so that you are going to bed warm. If you can make a hot water bottle for your sleeping bag that can help to keep you warm, a normal hot water bottle is best, but you can also use a water bottle wrapped in a towel or t-shirt if you don’t have a hot water bottle, just make sure it is sealed properly. Heat the water for it on a stove or over your campfire.

When you are in your tent, avoid the temptation to cover your Never go to bed head with your sleepwhen you are feeling ing bag as this will cold, it will take lon- cause the moisture ger than you think to from your breath warm up when you to condense on the are lying in your tent. fabric of the sleepBefore you go to bed ing bag, and then to

freeze, which is not good. Instead try to create a funnel for your mouth and nose so that your breath does not cause frost on your bedding. Pack more clothes than you think you will need. Especially if camping from a vehicle. Having fresh , dry clothes can be a lifesaver, it’s much better to bring too much clothing and not need it, than having to suffer soggy socks or trousers in cold weather.

should avoid the bottom of hills or natural troughs in the landscape where cold air will tend to pool, and also the top of hills where winds will lower the air temperature. Ideally choose a flat location , stake down your tents and awnings well and pitch tents so that that the entrances are perpendicular to the direction of any prevailing wind.

Most importantly, enjoy yourself, there is nothing quite like enjoying a mug of hot chocolate or soup Finally try to choose the right location for while chatting by a roaring fire surroundyour winter campsite. Choose a spot ed by nature in the that is sheltered from wintertime. the elements, you


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incory r t n u o c e s ry divers e v a s ert region i s e e l d d n Chi a e oth alpin b g n i t a o p


hile a long narrow South American country that borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far south. Chile is one of the longest north-south countries in the planet stretching over 4,300 km (2,670 miles) from north to south, and a mere 350 km (217 mi) at its widest point from

east to west. The total landmass covers approximately 756,950 square kilometres (292,260 sq mi) of land area. With a population of approximately seventeen million it is relatively sparsely populated given its size. Chile has a very diverse climate ranging from the world’s driest desert in the north the Atacama Desert through a Mediterranean climate in the center, to an oceanic climate, including alpine




tundra and glaciers in the east and south. The seasons fall into the following months, summer (December to February), autumn (March to May), winter (June to August), and spring (September to November). Throughout the colonial period following the conquest, and during the early Republican period, the country’s culture was dominated by the Spanish. Other European influences include English, French, and German. We recently caught up with Hans Weber Celis from Uniland Chile who operate tours into remote parts of Chile. Hans who is relatively new to the touring game explained to us that his father bought his first Unimog 10 years ago. It was a second hand 1300L with a Langer & Bock camper. It could only carry two passengers, so a couple of months later they bought a 416 double cab

Unimog. With these two rigs now parked outside the house the family started to head off on mini adventures exploring the Chilean Mountains and the many National Parks. Five years ago Hans was working professionally as journalist in Santiago and despite this interesting career the adventurous lifestyle and the family trips in the Unimogs were always on his mind. It was around this time that his father suggested that they should work together and turn their passion for adventure and Unimogs into a business. They were always amazed by the number of people who used to ask them about going on guided trips in the Unimogs around Chile and so the seed was sown and Uniland Chile was founded. Today Uniland Chile have a number of touring Unimogs, one is a 1300L that carries 12 passengers. It has a cabin that comfortably seats ten people in the back, and also a couple more people can travel in the front with the driver.

vehicle of e h t e r a s c Unimog i le n o c i e h T land Chi i n U r o f choice


ndigenou i of s ot l xperience e l l i w u Yo n Chile wildlife i

They also have a 416 double cab that can carry four passengers.Uniland Chile also have three additional 1300L Unimogs that are well maintained and ready to hit the tracks when they are busy with touring groups. Hans told us that they believe that the Unimog is the perfect vehicle for this type of overland adventures in Chile. As highlighted by Hans in Patagonia you will face enormous rivers and only a Unimog with its high clearance can cross them allowing them to reach destinations that standard 4WD vehicles cannot. . The Uniland Unimogs are well kitted out to enable them to tackle the extreme terrain. Some of these aftermarket accessories include winches and heavy duty springs and shock absorbers. They also use the latest GARMIN GPS navigation systems to make sure they get to where they want to go in remote areas but more importantly to get them home again. As regards maintenance this is

WILD & WONDERFUL a i n o g a t a P

ld r the wor e v o l l a ers from r u t n se tours e e v h d t A e c n e i xper come to e

carried out in-house where the company keeps a close eye on their vehicles. Their chief mechanic before moving to look after the Uniland Unimogs worked for 25 years for Mercedes Benz in Chile and has a wealth of experience in working with Unimogs.

Patagonia is a 4WD tourers paradise, a sparsely populated region at the southern end of South America. Patagonia is the perfect destination to bring adventurous tourists says Hans as its landscape and ruggedness is like nowhere else on the planet.

The region boasts towering Uniland Chile takes adventurous mountains, deserts, grasslands, minded people on guided trips glaciers, lakes, and coastlines to their favourite location in Pa- on three oceans with the Pacific tagonia. They also offer touring Ocean to the west, the Atlanservices for customers who want tic Ocean to the east, and the to explore Patagonia in the com- Southern Ocean to the south. In fort of their own touring vehicle. the central region you will find a volcanic area with plateaus and Patagonia deep longitudinal depressions


Uniland Chile takes adventurous minded people on guided trips to their favourite locations in Patagonia.

giving some incredible photo opportunities.One thing for certain is that there are not too many places in the world where you can experience landscapes as diverse as here and you certainly will need a well maintained 4WD to explore the many gems this part of the world has on offer. For more information on Uniland Chile visit www. unilandchile.com

Hans Weber Celis Operaciones y Negocios hansweber@unilandchile.com

www.unilandchile.com Concepciรณn, Chile

tination s e d t c e f r is the pe a i n o ourists g t a t s a u P o r u t dven to bring a







here are plenty of things we can do to improve our vehicle’s performance and appearance that do not require specialised mechanical training. Simple things like changing oils, topping up on fluids, changing the oil filters etc.But now with the advancement in aerosol technology we can also tackle smaller projects that will help give our pride and joy more protection against the elements but also improve our vehicles appearance. With products now available through euro4x4parts like the new and convenient RAPTOR 2K Bedliner Aerosol this process just got a lot easier. The RAPTOR 2K Bedliner Aerosol now offers a fast and easy way to apply RAPTOR 2K Bedliner Aerosol and with no specialised spray equipment necessary. RAPTOR’s tough Protective Coating is a urethane coating that provides surfaces with a protective barrier that can withstand the toughest situations.Ideal for spot repairs and jobs on your vehicle the RAPTOR 2K Bedliner is highly coating that also looks the business when applied. You can spray the RAPTOR 2K Bedliner on a variety of surfaces that need a protective barrier that withstands the toughest situations.

The beauty about using this product is that you don’t have to have previous experience in spraying a vehicle in order to use it. The mes in durability of RAPTOR with the o c g n i t tor coa convenience of the aerosol now The Rap rosol cans e a makes it easy and convenient to

use once the valve on the base of the aerosol is activated. This valve feature allows you to get a textured “gun” finish without having to purchase specialised spray equipment, making it ideal for both those of us who want to tackle smaller spray jobs on our vehicles and of course for professionals in garages etc. Developed by UPOL and sold by euro4x4parts you can now easily jump on-line and order the RAPTOR 2K Bedliner aerosols

and get cracking on your project simply visit www.euro4x4parts .com Include Link

How to use it

What’s needed before you get started Before you start your project you will need the following • Safety glasses • Air-fed mask or a respirator suitable for paint application • Protective gloves • Disposable paint overalls


e h t n o e r k e c i cl ideo h v



sk or Use an air-fed ma le for a respirator suitab paint application

Shake the aerosol be fore use

p red cap Remove the ca

e down and Turn aerosol upsid e again insert cap and shak for 2 minutes

, Apply to area to be painted make sure you wear protective clothing and mask .

Leave to dry overnight

Getting Started 1, SURFACE PREPARATION Remove all loose and flaky material. Degrease the surface using U-POL System 20 Solvent Based Degreaser (UP2012/ UP2022) or Water Based Degreaser (UP2002) to remove dirt and any surface contaminants. Sand the surface with grit P80 to P180. Degrease again and dry thoroughly

2. ACTIVATE Shake the can for 2 minutes. Remove the button on the cap. Fit the button onto the pin in the base of the can. With the cap on, place the can upside down on a firm surface. Push the button all the way down with the palm of your hand to release the activator into the aerosol.

Shake the can for an additional 2 minutes. 3. APPLICATION Test on another panel before application. Apply a minimum of 2 coats at a distance of 1 ft from the surface with 5 minute flash off between coats. 4. DRY TIMES Air dry @ 68°F overnight Sandable: After 24 hours Topcoat time: 30 minutes - 24 hours

TIP How do I know if I have activated the RAPTOR 2K Anti-Corrosive Epoxy Primer aerosol can? The push button can easily be pushed in with minimal resistance. Once activated, the pot life is approximately 60 minutes. Discard remaining product after 60 minutes

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Every now and again you come across a product that, when you look at it for the first time, you are not really quite sure what to make of it. That was our first impression on seeing the very cleverly Australian designed Clearview pantry kitchen, and after initially installing it in one of the TURAS Land Rovers and deploying it for the first time our reaction was WOW how can so much be stored in a unit this size. The Clearview pantry Kitchen is now available through the Netherland based Adventure Trucks who are the European distributors for a number of Clearview products amongst other 4WD related products. The Clearview pantry kitchen may not for everyone but if you are one of those campers who loves cooking while camping and like to be well organised by having easy access to your grub, well this is a very innovative idea indeed. For testing purposes, we decided to install the Clearview pantry kitchen into the back of the smallest of




the TURAS Camping & 4WD vehicles, the short wheelbase Land Rover 90, we did this deliberately just to see how well it fitted and worked in a smaller 4WD. The compact fold-out design of the pantry/kitchen features modular components which maximise the space inside of your 4WD. The modular design incorporates dual work platforms with additional sliding sink platform and collapsible nine litre washing basin allowing you to wash up your dishes after a hearty meal. All of the parts are removable making it easy to maintain and clean.

Like all Clearview products the unit is of a very high quality featuring a powder coated aluminum body and lid construction with stainless steel fasteners; powder coated zinc-alloy hinges and locks, and a brushed-finish sliding platforms.

bled and m e ss a y l ful to your t comes t i i n h u c a e tt h a T us, just r o f y you go y a d w a a re d n ide a fridge sl

e h t n o e r k e c i cl ideo h v

The quality is something you will immediately notice when you open it up for the first time. The sliding platform is 570mm long by x 345mm wide and sink platform that incorporates the practical 9 litre collapsible silicone sink is mounted on 450mm slide rails with a lock in/lock out function. The unit also holds an impressive 74 litres of storage that can be accessed via the front access door or a top-access opening which is very handy for getting to your food and cooking ingredients particularly when you have your stove or burner on. The total weight of the kitchen is approximately 23kg. The unit comes fully assembled and is designed to fit on the Clearview Easy Slide (ES100) and Clearview Expanda Fridge Slide (both sold separately). Installing the unit and attaching it to the slide is very straightforward. Over the last couple of weeks we have used this unit on a number of short trips that included a couple of coastal fishing trips and winter camping trip in the mountains. The unit has remained in the short wheelbase Land Rover Defender and when deployed it has become a magnet for the TURAS team to congregate around when we are either having a coffee, roadside snack or cooking up our camp dinner. Ideally it would, without a doubt, fit better in one of the larger vehicles but so far it has worked and served its purpose well in the back of the 90. Some of the practicalities of the unit includes the 72 Litres of Storage that it holds also the fact that the unit slides out and acts as a kitchen to both prepare and cook your food is a great addition to the camp set up, and by default as highlighted


above when fully deployed it has become the meeting place to gather and chat when either having a coffee in the morning or having a quick lunch by the side of the road. One of the other things that we liked about it was how quick it can be set up, this is a big plus when getting into camp late and when time is not always on your side, it’s a s simple as

folding out and away you go, in under 30 seconds you will have a fully functional kitchen with a built-in sink. We have also used the pantry kitchen on a few fishing trips and it has been very useful for sorting out the fishing tackle, gutting fish and generally allowing you to better organise yourself. On the down side if

r ing you k o o c r o f r on . Perfect e n n i d lunch or

You can fit a Pan try Kitch fridge fr en and eezer sid e by sid most 4W e in D vehic les.

the pant ry/kitch en featu compon res modu ents wh lar ich max i m ise the spa ce


will u o y s d n 30 seco r e d kitchen n l u a n In o i t c ully fun in sink f a e v a h uiltwith a b





you drive a smaller 4WD like a Land Rover 90 it does take up a fair bit of space in the back and will probably prevent you from adding a second slide to hold your fridge freezer. To overcome this we placed our fridge freezer behind the driver’s seat. Also if you are not really interested in camp cooking it probably will have less appeal. Combining the Kitchen Pantry with a slide will also add extra weight to your vehicle. Overall, we loved it, by using the full 72 litres of available space in the pantry it justifies taking the space in the back of your 4WD and if you have a bigger 4WD you will have no problem in installing a second slide alongside it to hold you your fridge freezer, giving you the best of both worlds. The fishermen amongst us have found this unit to be very useful for going on short weekend fishing and camping trips, offering an instantly assembled camp kitchen and worktop with sink that proved to be the perfect solution when gutting and cleaning fish. We also found that when we travelled on group trips with a couple of vehicles the one with the Pantry Kitchen was the go-to place for a cup of coffee, sandwich or dinner. So, if are thinking about installing one in the back of your 4WD you will be expected to provide hot refreshments, snacks and dinner for your friends and family, but isn’t cooking outdoors all part of the enjoyment of going camping.



ore m r o f e r e h k he t Clic n o n o i t a m OAD R infor F F O A 0 4 1 m CTEK e t s y S ng i g r a h C



g marn i l l e s t s e b Tuff-Treks oof Tent R 2 0 T T ket entry

The Ne w Hybr id RTT Compa ‘‘the ss Auto Series’ ’

Tuff Trek are one of the UK’s leading rooftop tent and expedition/overland equipment suppliers, who also ship all over Europe. They offer a wide spectrum of roof top tents and overland equipment that will match your needs and more importantly your budget. From the introductory level and affordable Tuff-Trek branded soft top style roof tents right through to their specialised and premium range of manual and electric hard shell tents, to the Alu-Cab Land Rover Defender Roof Conversions. Tuff-Trek’s extensive range of touring products has

something for everyone. Let’s have a look at what’s on offer. Tuff-Trek recognise that there are a number of adventurers who are very interested in dipping their toes into the world of rooftop tents for the first time but don’t necessarily want to purchase a premium tent initially. And in order to cater for this emerging market Tuff-Trek supply affordable UK spec soft top roof tents that will stand up to the elements. These rooftop tents include the top selling TT02 which will fit on most vehicles, from saloon cars and estates to 4WD vehicles. Similarly

ROOFTOP TENTS TUFF-TREK offer an extensive range of rooftop tents that will match your needs and more importantly your budget. From the introductory level and affordable tents to their specialised and premium range of manual and electric hard shell tents.

e h t n o e r k e c i cl ideo h v

4WD ACCESSORIES Tuff-Trek also offer affordable hard shell options including the soon to be released lightweight gas strut assisted hard top rooftop tents namely the TANAMI and the MOHAVE. Starting at just 34Kg these just could be the lightest hard shell tents on the market making them easy to attach and remove and very suitable for vehicles with low roof load limits. If you are looking for a premium tent , Tuff-

e h t n ere o k clicideo h v

Trek will also have you covered with the (recently introduced to market) handmade Premium Overland Series rooftop tents. These tents are made from aluminium and incorporate a twin gas assisted opening mechanism. They also feature a low profile design and can now be purchased in both grey or black options.


Tuff-Trek are the exclusive European Distributor for Quick Pitch South Africa .The revolutionary Quick Pitch En-Suite is the ultimate solution for overland vehicles, camper vans and caravans that do not already come with an En-Suite toilet or outside shower facility.


Tuff-Trek are also the exclusive European distributors for BunduTec’s range of electric rooftents and awnings. Made in South Africa to patented designs, BunduTec rooftents are designed to offer maximum convenience and comfort, with one of the easiest set up and pack away tents on the market!

top tent is u d n u B c i r The elect t set ups on s e k c i u q e h one of t the market


tured exclusively by Tuff-Trek and it’s function is to optimise dead space in the roof of your Defender. Ideal for touring or working Defenders and equally suited for leisure use. Kargo Karrier is designed to fit camping chairs and other bulky or awkward to store equipment, and with a unique hinged action system it allows easy access to your gear.

In recent years Tuff-Trek have been coming up with some clever storage solutions and if you had a chance to read issue 6 of the magazine you would have seen us cover the Tuff-Trek tailgate storage pieces that neatly attaches to the rear door of most Land Rover Defenders. Constructed using a lightly waxed rip-stop canvas this tough organiser is Tuff-Trek also offer a range designed to provide a rugged, of quality Land Rover and 4x4 discrete storage solution for accessories & specialists Overworking Land Rovers. land/Expedition 4x4 parts and equipment from a selecAnother innovative prodtion of top manufacturers. uct patented by Tuff-Trek These accessories are suitincludes the Kargo Karrier able for most vehicle types which we also covered in a and models. Some of these recent issue of the magazine. products cover vehicle storage This unique patent protected solutions like the RSI Smart Defender storage solution has Canopy, roof racks,front bumbeen designed and manufac-

e h t n ere o k clicideo h v

verland O w e n l l a The oftop tent o R m u n i Alum

e h t n ere o k clicideo h v

pers & underbody protection. Other products includes the GOBI-X Rear bumpers with swing away wheel carriers, SnoMasters fridge freezers, fridge slides, camper trailers and much more. In future editions of the magazine we will take a closer look at some of the Tuff-Trek products including the new hard shell roof top tents ,the Bundutec tents and awnings and the impressive South African built Matalian off road Camper trailer.So keep an eye out for these in issues 11, 12 and 13.

shelters & s g n i k awn Tuff-Tre

AWNINGS Tuff- Trek also supply a wide variety of awnings and shelters to suit your budget. These include the popular TT-A1 canvas side awning the bigger TT-H2 270 wing awning and the TT-A1 awning. room. Other premium shelters include the Big Country’s original, heavy duty Ostrich Wing Self Supporting Awning.

ROOF RACKS Tuff-Trek are official dealers for the entire range of FRONT RUNNER OUTFITTERS accessories. This brings access to an amazing range of high quality South African expedition products, designed and created by one of the most respected 4x4 vehicle outfitters in the world.

ore m r o f e r e h k c i l c ek r T ff u T n o n o i t informa

e h t g n i c u d o r t In

PODCAST Starting in this issue, we have introduced the first episode in our series of regular podcasts. These podcasts will consist of interviews with a variety of people, from guides running Offroad tours across the world, to Offroad equipment and accessories designers and manufacturers, to automotive company reps and engineers - all of which we hope you will find as fascinating to listen to as we have found to record them..

In this first episode we discuss off-road navigation with Ferran Revoltos, Managing Director of Spanish Company Navigattor. We discuss the most important aspects of off-road navigation and Ferran also lets us know a little bit about a new GPS Product about to be released by his company.

. . w o N n e t s Li



e plan for the TURAS podcast to become a regular part of the magazine. And hope that it will give our readers another opportunity to enjoy some content related to the camping, & 4WD touring lifestyle. We hope to host a wide variety of guests over time.

If there is anyone you would like to hear us speak to or you have any suggestions for future guest, or are interested in being a guest yourself, tell us a little bit about yourself, your vehicle and you travel experiences and we will get in touch. As you browse the magazine, where ever you see the icon below - it means that there is podcast audio content for you to listen to. You can listen to it directly in your favourite podcastng app. If you don’t regularly listen to podasts we hope that this might encourage you to give it a try. As always we welcome your comments and suggestions .

. . w o N n e List

EPISODE #1 On the tracks. .

Ferran Revoltos

Touring Libya

In this first episode, we chat with Ferran Revoltos, founder of Navigattor. Ferran has travelled the world since a very young age as a child , with his parents, and in more recent years as an avid explorer and fan of travel and 4WD touring. He speaks six languages and reckons that its easier for him to count the countries he has not yet been to then those that he has. In this episode Ferran shares a little bit of his history , background, and travel his experiences. He explains for us, the important differences between on road and off road navigation and tells the story of how he came to found his company Navigattor, which makes top quality, robust off road navigation systems.

for more information click here ..



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t’s late afternoon and you have just arrived at your camp, it’s pretty cold, there’s snow on the ground and the sun is going down with just another hour or so of light left in the day. You’re starving and you need to decide should you set up camp first and then prepare dinner or should you quickly rustle up something hot that will fill the gap in your empty stomach and still give you time to set up camp. It really depends on the individual and the situation, but we hate working on empty stom-

achs when doing shoots for the magazine, so over the years we have been dabbling in different types of tasty snacks/lunches that can, number one, be prepared quickly, two are tasty and three will fill that gaping hole in your belly and provide enough energy to keep you going in sub-zero weather. One of our favourite snacks includes the DOUBLE DECKER TOASTY, this evolving whopper is both hot, tasty and can be prepared very quickly. Anyone can do this; it’s all about using simple ingredients and using the correct cooking method in order

nd a fi o t e m g late ti n i tt e g s t I camp place to

ll melt i w e s e e h unks h Grated c c d e c i that sl quicker

Keep your ing redients simple

TIP with y t s a o t e cover th s y a w l peed up A s l l i w s i cheese a lid , th e h t of ing the melt

The end result


to give you a hot and delicious snack with a mouth watering melted interior.All you need here is a portable gas cooker, a frying pan and some sort of a lid that can be placed over your hot sambo and will insulate it as it is being heated on your frying pan, by doing this the cheese in the toasty will

melt perfectly. While we are talking about melted cheese, make sure you use grated cheese as this will melt evenly as opposed to placing thick slices of cheese in your toasty, chances are that only half of the thicker sliced cheese will melt. TIP ‌.Use Melted grated cheese instead of thick slices

of cheese in your Toasty. First up is to fry your bacon, chorizo and your onions in your hot pan.Butter the bread and place the cheese, meats and onions between your slices of bread.(Don’t be shy with spreading the butter on your bread).Make sure your frying pan is hot before placing the buttered bread on it.Place the buttered side down onto the heated pan.Cook your sandwich for a couple minutes on each side with a lid over the toasty, we use a glass saucepan lid to cover the toasty as this allows us to see the sambo toasting on the frying pan. The saucepan lid is very important as it will insulate the heat and melt the cheese

quickly. The objective here is to have your cheese melted before the bread starts to burn on the pan. Serve with ready made tomato or chicken soup from a can. The hot cup of soup will keep your hands nice and warm while the cheese and meat filled toasty will fill that hole in your stomach, and after all of this a bar of chocolate will put an extra pep in your step before you start setting up camp. Remember in cold weather calories will fuel your body and keep you warm at night. So, the secret here is cook something that’s fast, tasty and hot.

https://vime com/30272

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Winter toastie ingredients

Butter for spreading on your bread. Good thick loafed bread. Grated mozzarella or cheddar cheese. Chorizo. Bacon or Ham. Onions. Relish of choice . Onions.

thats it

uick and tasty snack

Serve with som e hot soup



In order to guarantee the best cooling performance, SnoMaster has developed its own compressor for transportable fridges and freezers. Even in the harsh environment of an off-road vehicle and at extreme temperatures they still operate reliably. The compressor is designed to withstand dust and dirt, violent vibrations, as well as driving up and down steep hills. Genesis Import are the European distributors for SnoMaster.For more details click here.

European Distributo




ICE COLD ywhere An


D w 4 r u o y r fo

UNDERBODY PROTECTION how well is your 4Wd protected?

If you enjoy tackling challenging terrain in your 4WD but are always worried about doing damage to the under body of your daily driver, you should really consider adding some under body protection to your pride and enjoy. Preventing vulnerable parts of your 4WD can not only save you a fortune but it will also give you peace of mind when heading off the beaten track.Typical damage can in-

clude damage to sump guards, the gearbox, transmission case, fuel tanks, steering guards and differentials to name but a few. The type of under body protection you need really depends on the type of off road driving you do and does not often require the installation of full length under body protection. Of course if you love doing some rock crawling well then full length protection is definitely advised.




Ironman 4Ă—4 have been coming up with some innovative protection plate designs in recent years that neatly integrate into your vehicles design while protecting key vehicle components. A lot of thought goes into the designing and the types of materials used in the plates to ensure that they are not too heavy and rigid which if not designed correctly can

actually contribute to severe damage to the structure of your vehicle in the event of a heavy impact. New under body protection recently announced includes under body protection for the Single Cab 79 Series Toyota Land cruiser 9/2016 and for the Ford Ranger and Ford Ranger PX3 with DPF and also the Mazda BT50 with DPF.









ust is the corrosion of metals which takes place under certain conditions, it’s a chemical reaction (oxidation) between steel, or iron, oxygen and water, which causes the appearance of iron oxide (or rust). The most common cause of rust on vehicles is the exposure of metals to water. Salt water causes rust to occur more quickly as salt water accelerates the oxidation process. On vehicles any parts that are made of steel or iron can rust, from panels and the

fuselage to critical parts such as chassis, hinges and other structural components. The often harsh and wet conditions of off road driving can also, when combined with rust , accelerate the break -down of important components. For example many Offroad and expedition drivers encounter recurring issues with door hinges on their vehicles. Loose, broken or rusting hinges can be a real pain and even a danger, when on the road. Understanding the challenges that off-road vehicles face on a daily basis, German Company,

Definition: ‘rust’ a reddish- or yellowish-brown flaking coating of iron oxide that is formed on iron or steel by oxidation, especially in the presence of moisture.

Offroad Monkeys decided to build hard wearing components that are very reliable and are engineered to endure, and have designed and built Land Rover hinges that can take extreme use that would quickly cause less well made components to break down.

ity lubrication. This aluminium has very strong corrosion resistance and all aluminium has a very long lifetime, and it can be manufactured to be stronger than steel. The Offroad Monkey hinges are made with inner stainless steel bolts with helical grooves to distribute lubricating grease in an optimal manner, and the hingDesigned and built in its own high tech premises in Germany, es also feature stainless steel bearings which can be replaced these hinges are manufactured from high strength aircraft if needed without having to regrade aluminium with high qual- place the entire hinge.

For those Defenders that have a spare tyre on the back door, naturally this load takes a heavy toll on the original rear door hinges. Many Defender drivers are familiar with the strong wear of the door hinges and squeaking and creaking noises that can be made by an aging rear door. That was the reason Offroad Monkeys decided also to develop durable rear door hinges, again using high strength aluminum. These hinges use exchangeable friction bearings and the bolts have a thick helical groove for better dispersion of grease throughout the hinge, the grease both lubricates and combats rust. The hinges can

withstand permanent heavy use without wearing out. In addition the precise design of the hinges and the precise fittings means that there will be no intrusion of water or humidity into the doors. The Offroad Monkeys team make everything, from the components to the finished part in their own workshop. This family business have been manufacturing parts for both the automotive and motorcycle industry for many years and the team there continually emphasise the importance of using the best materials,to provide the highest precision and reliability and also to combat the onset of rust and to thereby increase the longevity of the parts.

for more n informatio





or this issue’s podcast we caught up Ferran Revoltos, owner of Navigattor, and developer of the Navigattor range of GPS Navigation products. We interviewed Ferran about his life, his travels and his company in the first episode of our new podcasting series.

Ferran was born into a family where speaking foreign languages was common. His parents sent him to a French school where he was raised, then he also learned English, Italian and Portuguese, these in addition to his two mother languages, Catalan and Spanish. His father imported machinery from Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland and more countries. At his house , traveling around the world was an everyday matter. From a very young age he had visited France, England and Germany. Speaking several languages helped him a lot. For business travel Ferran has also been to plenty of places, and although traveling for leisure is more attractive to him he says that business travel and working allows him to

differences to consider when meet lots of people with othplanning an extensive off-road er cultures and other needs. trip. “Meeting those people is what really makes your life richer, but not necessarily your wallet .” “All our devices can do both types of navigation. Two differhe says. ent software are installed, speOne of Ferran’s favourite recent cifically dedicated. trips was a crossing of the imThey only share the GPS receiver, mensity of the Libyan deserts, the rest is done in two different where he drove for thousands ways. of kilometers without coming across a soul, not even an ani- A road navigation software mal. Ferran confesses to having normally takes you from an address into another, driving you a clear weakness for deserts, where the solitude and immen- straight right of left at each intersection. You only have to ensity can show ourselves how ter the destination address and small and fragile we are in the adjust your preferences. Then scheme of the world. just follow the instructions. We asked Ferran to explain the Normally, when you leave the tarmac, road navigation devices primary differences between on-road and Offroad navigation are not useful anymore. and what are some important

DRIVE ACROSS NEW TERRAIN CONFIDENT THAT YOUR ROUTE IS PASSABLE In the offroad field, you decide where to go. The GPS shows your position in a topographic map. You can see and register your path over the journey, this is called a track. Along the track you can mark individual points with a certain interest, called Way Points. It can be a crossroad, any intersection, a bridge, a tree, a green field , or a place to camp. The aim of offroad navigation is to create a journey route even on places where there are no roads nor any signposts. Even in open spaces like the desert, where obviously there are no references at all. You can plan your trip, stage by stage, draw it on the map, mark the places where you want to go through, places to visit, camp. You can also import the path to follow,from other people’s systems, even if you have never been there yourself before. Knowing where you are, where you’ve been through and




where you should go at any moment,helps to give you a self confidence and also the reference to eventually ask for help if help is needed. “ Listen to our podcast to learn more about Ferran and the history of his company, including some information about the company’s latest product, the ‘Fox 7 Navigator’ which is coming out very soon.

th i w w e i v r r o e t tt a n g i ri v a u o N o t of s n o e t t l o v Lis e R n a r Fer

for more information click here ..



POWER with


wedish company CTEK designs and develops battery charging technologies for vehicles. Including charging systems and dual battery systems. Reliable power when on the road for extensive periods is essential and to meet this requirement, a dual battery system is a good option for helping to keep your lights on, your fridge cold and your laptop and phones charged when you are stopped up for the evening. Dual Battery Systems let you add a second, deep cycle leisure battery to your vehicle. The system ensures that the battery gets charged when your engine is

running, monitors the health of both your batteries and ensures that you do not drain your starter battery, and become unable to start your vehicle. Deep Cycle batteries can be discharged down to 20% remaining power over numerous charge/ discharge cycles without being damaged. (In contrast to starter batteries which are design to deliver a very short high capacity burst of power to start your engine). Deep cycle batteries can provide a steady amount of power over a long period of time and can surge if needed but are not designed to do so. Battery Management systems automatically isolate and charge the auxiliary battery. But it is important to note that some of the

vehicle electronics such as the the cabin light, the radio and alarm systems are still powered by the starter battery, so continued use of these items will still drain the starter battery. When you are on an a camping trip, it is important to factor charging times for your auxiliary battery into your plans. Depleted batteries initially charge quite quickly but as they approach a full charge the remaining time to charge increases, and a typical day’s driving, say 6 or 8 hours, charging may not necessarily be enough to fully charge a depleted battery. A system like the

CTEK smart pass system can ensure that your auxiliary battery charges as fast as is possible when you are driving or using a solar panel or blanket, and also ensures that the battery will eventually be fully charged to 100% capacity, which ordinary smart alternators cannot do. How does temperature affect my batteries? The capacity and life expectancy of a lead acid battery will change depending on the temperatures that it is used in. In general battery capacity increases in hotter temperatures but battery life decreases, conversely in the cold

em is The CTEK Syst to install sy a e e b to d e design

amps and you used it for 30 minutes then the amp-hours used up would be 20(amps) x .5(hours) = 10 amp-hours. Amp hours explained and The standard rating period how much battery capacity for deep cycle batteries is do I need for my setup? 20 hours. This means that The capacity of a battery is in testing, a battery is dismeasured in amp-hours. charged down to 10.5 volts Essentially, this is a measure over 20 hours while measurof how much amperage can ing the total amp hours it be drawn from a fully charged supplies. battery until it is discharged , the amps are then multiplied In terms of energy consumpby the amount of time taken tion as an example, for a Snoand this is the Amp Hour rat- master portable fridge freezer ing. (Note: a 12V battery is running a 66 watt high perconsidered to be discharged formance compressor, the when it reaches a level of compressor needs approxi10.5v) mately 5.5 Amps. at 12 Volt temperatures, the battery will have less capacity but it will last longer.

As an example of this, if you had a device that pulled 20

to run at full power. If the fridge is filled with warm food, then cooling down to 6°C can

Cast Some


On your campsite..

m y Syste r e tt d a B ual the roa n o r This D e w iable po l e r s e r ensu

so you can stay off road for even longer. The D250SA charger can get its energy from alternators, solar panels and wind power. It separates starter and service battery and maximizes the use of the both without risking that the starter battery is unable to start the engine. The SMARTPASS 120 charges and maintains your service battery using 120A from the alternator. The CTEK’s 140A OFF ROAD new CTEK MONITOR conCHARGING SYSTEM combines the D250SA 20A char- stantly monitors the voltage and current (charge and disger with the SMARTPASS charge) to show you exactly 120 power management how much charge you have unit and makes sure your and how many hours you’ve vehicle and your onboard got left before your battery equipment have full power, right when they need it, is empty. take up to four hours. The consumption is therefore roughly 22 Ah. During operation, the power consumption of the 40 Liters fridge with the lid closed, is a minimum of approx. 0.2 Amps. and thus less than 5 Ah per day. Typically, power consumption of 10 to 40 Ah per day is needed to run this freezer.



you will ? e r u t n e big adv a g n Passage i e n d n t e Pla n r eed a Ca n y l b a b o pr

Travelling abroad – Don’t forget your passport, or your vehicles! So finally your truck’s fully kitted out… you’ve got the rooftop tent, awning, dual battery system, fridge/freezer, solar shower etc. etc. and you’re ready to make that epic trip you’ve been promising yourself for years and are heading off for a great adventure across far flung shores. Before you go however there’s one key piece of paperwork besides your own passport that you need to make sure you’ve got organised – and that’s a ‘passport’ for your vehicle, or Carnet De Passage En Douane (CPD) to give it its full name, or ‘trip ticket’ as commonly known in the Middle East. What is a Carnet de Passage (CPD)? The CPD is like a passport for your vehicle. It’s a globally insured customs guarantee document confirming that customs duties and taxes will be paid in case the vehicle doesn’t return to the country of registration. It entitles

bit like a a s i e g a s de Pads ehicle v r A Carnet u o y r o passport f

countries r e t n e o t titles you n e g to pay P n i D v C a h A t u e witho by vehicl xes import ta


CARNET? you to enter countries by vehicle without having to pay import taxes in the countries or country where the vehicle is brought (whether shipped or driven) on a temporary importation basis. Note you cannot use this as an import document if bringing your own car with you when emigrating, the CPD is purely designed for travellers as a temporary transit or import document. What if I don’t have a CPD? Without a CPD you will have to pay customs guarantee cash deposits to the border officials for the foreign countries you travel

through which as well as being costly can take weeks or even months to have returned. Who issues a CPD? An authentic CPD can only be issued by your Automobile Association (AA) who are members of the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT) and Federation Internationale de L’Automobile (FIA) in accordance with the UN Customs Convention 1954 and 1956. The AIT and FIA have over 230 affiliated associations operating across 124 countries around the world.

e h t n ere o k clicideo h v

All CPD issuing members are approved by the customs authorities of their countries and AIT/ FIA CPD’s guarantee uninterrupted border crossing. How does it work and what does it cost? So you simply contact your Automobile Association and apply for a CPD. You’ll need to complete an application form and also supply copies of your own passport, driving licence and vehicle registration document. Once you’ve applied with all the correct information and documentation it takes approximately 4 weeks for you to receive your CPD documentation.The CPD is valid for 1 year (this can be ex-



r either e v o c o t d n be issue a c P D C A ountries c 5 2 r o 5, 10

Explorin g central Australia with a Ca rnet de P assage

tended if you’re lucky enough to be travelling for longer) and depending on your AA it can be issued to cover either 5, 10 or 25 countries with the fee ranging from approximately 250 euros or GBP 215 to GBP 255. You will also have to pay a deposit to your AA calculated by your AA and varies from 1,200 euros or GBP 1,000 to GBP 10,000 depending on your vehicle and the countries you wish to visit. This

deposit is held by your AA for the duration of your journey. Each page is divided into three sections. The lower section is removed by Customs when you enter a country; the middle section is removed when you exit and the top section is stamped once on entry and once on exit. If you re-visit a country during a return journey you will require a new page to be stamped.



When you return to your country with your car and CPD complete with all stamps, the issuing AA will then return your deposit. So that’s it, no more complicated than that. So what are you waiting for… you’re vehicle’s all ready and willing, get your bags packed and loaded and make tracks and have that adventure of a lifetime you’ve been promising yourself. Remember to send us some pictures from your travels – we’d love to see where you guys end up and would love to publish them in the magazine to share with our readers – either email them to us at info@turas.ie or tag us @turasadventures when you’re posting them up on Instagram. Bon Voyage!

s end up y u g u o y see where o t e v o l blish them u p we’d o t e v d lo and woul gazine in the ma

click here for more information




G IN ISSUE 11 Y 2019


GERMANY Created for having fun in the great outdoors, 3DOG camping tent trailers and rooftop tents are the perfect companions for unforgettable holidays. Comfortable, roomy and extremely robust, every single detail is carefully engineered and rigorously tested.

3DOG is dedicated to perfection and work painstakingly by hand, using only the very highest quality materials. This passionate approach to craftsmanship ensures that only great tents leave its Hamburg factory. All 3DOG camping products are ‘Made in Germany’, with components supplied by trusted and approved partners.

for more information click here ..

the A D N A P X E

fridge slide ®

S K C J l ll T I B Pa!tU&/1� ADVENTIJ

rucks are T e r u t n e v based Ad products d w n e a i l l v o r a H e Cl The butors for i r t s i d U the E



f you have been holding off on purchasing a fridge slide solely because you are thinking about upgrading your existing fridge freezer’s size and you don’t want to waste money on purchasing a slide that may not fit your upgraded fridge freezer, well, here is the perfect solution from Clearview that will overcome those concerns. The Expanda Slide with 81 different tray dimensions is designed to fit numerous types

of fridge freezers on the market. Patented by Clearview in Australia, and distributed by Adventure Trucks in Holland this high quality slide will work with most portable fridge freezers including those by SnoMaster,Dometic, Engel, EvaKool, National Luna, and more. It’s such a simple idea that now gives you the flexibility to upgrade your fridge freezer without having to worry about replacing your fridge slide to accommodate the size of your new fridge freezer.

The Expanda weighs in at 20kg and has adjustable width for every 20mm, an adjustable length for every 25mm giving you plenty of variations to work with. With an impressive 180kg capacity you will be able to easily fit almost any fridge on the market from a 380mm by 670mm fridge to 540mm by 870mm fridge.The Expanda Fridge Slide is mainly designed for portable

fridge freezers but can also be used for securing toolboxes, generators larger barbecues and of course the Clearview Pantry Kitchen. The Expanda slide comes with detailed instructions and also includes a well presented DVD that will take you through the various steps when putting it together, some tools and all the nuts and bolts and good quality tie-down straps.

Key Features: • • • • •

Length adjusts from 26 inches to 34 inches Width adjusts from 15 inches to 21 inches Slide travels out 30 inches from base Can fit most major brand travel fridges Can be used for other hard-to-reach items (i.e. toolboxes, generators, barbecues, and more!) • 36-month warranty (terms and conditions • apply)

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echanis m g n i k c o se and l The relea to use e l p m i s s i

The slid e can fit most ma jor bran travel fr d idges






20-6 -23-6

2019 the worlds largest camping and 4WD show

the famous c world

We love spending time at the campsite each year at the Abenteuer & Allrad show and this year will be no different, with a huge array of overland trucks arriving from all over Europe the campsite is probably the biggest gathering of touring vehicles anywhere in the world. From smaller touring Unimogs, Puchs, Fiats to Jeeps, Land Rovers, Volkswagens, Toyota’s, Suzukis and Fords to name but a few, pretty much every type of touring rig is always well represented. So if you are planning on heading to the 2019 show, the campsite is the place to be.

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The shell has two air slots

campsite at the Abenteuer & Allrad Show

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MOPAR s e i r o s s e c ac FOR THE NEW


0 2 0 2

MOPAR 2020

Roll on

MOPAR team up with the Allnew 2020 JeepÂŽ Gladiator: Unveiled at the recent Los Angeles Auto Show, the all-new 2020 JeepÂŽ Gladiator looks the business and the reaction so far from around the world seems to have been very positive. Built on a rich heritage with the authentic Jeep design this vehicle sings adventure. With an open-air freedom and an advanced fuel-efficient powertrains and boasting a number of innovative safety and advanced technology features we think orders for this rugged looking pick-up will start early . The off-road capability comes courtesy of the Command-Trac and RockTrac 4x4 systems, third-generation Dana 44 axles, Tru-Lock electric frontand rear-axle lockers, Trac-Lok limited-slip differential, segment-exclusive sway-bar disconnect and 33-inch offroad tyres.The 2020 Jeep Gladiator is

available in the following trim configurations: Sport, Sport S, Overland and Rubicon.Built in Toledo, Ohio, the all-new 2020 Jeep Gladiator will arrive in the U.S. showrooms in the second quarter of 2019. “Unquestionably a truck and instantly recognizable as a Jeep, the all-new 2020 Gladiator is the ultimate vehicle for any outdoor adventure,” said Tim Kuniskis, Head of Jeep Brand - North America. “There is tremendous demand for this unique vehicle from our loyal Jeep customers and pickup truck buyers everywhere. Born from a rich and proud heritage of tough, dependable Jeep trucks, Gladiator combines rugged utility, versatility and functionality resulting in the most

capable mid-size truck ever.” The 33-inch off-road tyres will give up to 30 inches of water fording.For those who are looking for a working vehicle the Gladiator offers up to 7,650 pounds of towing capacity and up to 1,600 pounds of payload capacity.Other features include anIconic keystone-shaped grille, round headlamps and square tail lamps, rugged-yet-distinguished design bolsters aerodynamics, convenient fold-down windshield for off-road purists an easy-to-use premium soft top and two hard tops.

MOPAR accessories

The vehicle also offers lightweight, high-strength aluminum doors, hinges, hood, fenders, windshield frame, and tailgate help curtail weight and boost fuel economy.The suspension is tuned to optimize on-road handling and ride comfort without sacrificing off-road capability, payload or towing capability. The Gladiator has a 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine with Engine Stop-Start (ESS) and an eightspeed automatic or six-speed manual transmission. It’s also worth noting that a 3.0-litre EcoDiesel V-6 with ESS and an eightspeed automatic transmission will be available in 2020.Packed with more than 80 available advanced safety and security features its built to impress.Product specifications for the all-new Jeep Gladiator in EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) will be available closer to the commercial launch in the EMEA region in 2020, so stay tuned.


OVER 200 PARTS & ACCESS And as if this vehicle was not eye catching enough - the aftermarket accessory wizards at Mopar have come along and done it again when it comes to making a cool looking vehicle even cooler. Mopar had a huge reaction to their Modified 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon that was on display at Los Angeles Auto Show. Available Mopar products for all-new Jeep Gladiator include active lifestyle accessories and Jeep Performance Parts. In total the Mopar brand will deliver a portfolio of more than 200 parts and accessories available to enhance the all-new 2020 JeepÂŽ Gladiator.

SORIES WILL BE AVAILABLE m o r f e s o to cho

“The Mopar brand is bringing to market a full selection of parts and accessories for owners to personalize the all-new 2020 Jeep Gladiator to fit their individual lifestyles,” said Steve Beahm, Head of Parts & Service (Mopar) Customization options include and Passenger Car Brands, FCA a Jeep Performance Parts (JPP) 2-inch lift, JPP tube doors, Mopar North America. spray-in bedliner, tonneau covers, a truck bed storage system “We’re giving owners what they need to enhance the most capaand much more, all designed specifically for the 2020 Jeep ble midsize truck ever, whether Gladiator.More information on that’s versatile lifestyle accessoJeep Performance Parts available ries or Jeep Performance Parts for hard-core off-roaders.” at www.mopar.com/jpp Owners can can also put their personal imprint on the all-new 2020 Jeep Gladiator by choosing from a full Mopar menu of products.

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The majority of parts and accessories for the 2020 Jeep Gladiator will be ready when the truck launches in the US in the second quarter of 2019. Mopar products will include active lifestyle, truck-capable accessories such as bed-mounted cross rails that adapt to a variety of carriers, and additional performance content such as off-road lights and beadlock wheels, and many more that have been developed specifically for the new Jeep Gladiator.Mopar parts and accessories for the Gladiator are backed by a factory warranty and were created in close conjunction with the Jeep brand, engineering


and the product design office through tens of thousands of hours of development, testing and validation. The strictest standards and factory-exclusive data - information not available to the aftermarket - were used to seamlessly integrate Mopar

parts and accessories with the Gladiator and deliver proper fit, finish and quality down to the color, grain, look and line of each product.One thing for sure is that the Mopar accessories make this cooler pick up alot cooler.


Photo: Robert Couse-Baker CC 2.0 Flickr

Oil Leaks are quite Common in vehicles, this should be an extra incentive to check your oil and keep it topped up..


hoosing the right oil for your vehicle can seem like a complicated task with so many ratings and measure and oil types. A good place to start is your vehicle’s owner’s manual. You can choose an oil viscosity based on where you live or where you will be operating the vehicle. Of course it

makes sense to choose oil manufactured by a reputable brand that has to adhere to agreed international standards and regulations. Viscosity (a fluid’s resistance to flow) is rated at 0° F. For motor oil, this is indicated by the number before ‘W’ (for ‘W’inter) and at the number after the W for a higher temperature (212F). This means the oil is designed to operate and perform at both cold starting temperatures and nor-

Photo:Nicola Baron CC 2.0 Flickr

mal operating temperatures. The first number is the low temperature rating and the higher number is the high temperature rating. Motor oil thins as it heats and thickens as it cools. An oil can be rated for one viscosity when cold, another when hot. The more resistant it is to thinning, the higher the second number (10W-40 versus 10W-30, for example) Thicker oil generally seals better and maintains a better film of lubrication between moving parts than thin oil. At the lower temperatures, oil needs to be resistant to becoming too thick, so that it can still flow and easily reach all of the parts of the engine where it is required, additionally, thicker oil, requires more energy for the crankshaft to turn. Excessively thick cold oil can make it a lot harder to start the engine and can also reduce fuel efficiency. In Europe, in general, a 5W oil is generally recommended for use. But for very cold climates, some synthetic oils are available at 0W rating. Once the engine is running, the oil gets hot and becomes thinner and moves more freely within the engine.

Photo:Mike Mozart CC 2.0 Flickr

Fully Synthetic vs part synthetic oils. Fully Synthetic oils are required by some modern high tech engines. They last longer and have better performance than other oils in all areas, from viscosity range to purity. They flow better at lower temperatures and maintain a high level of lubrication at very high temperatures. On the downside these oils are very expensive, and not every type of engine can benefit from using them. In fact they may not contain everything that your specific vehicle requires. Part Synthetic Oils are a mix of synthetic oil mixed with organic oil. These mixes are designed to operate at heavy loads and at high temperatures, they are less volatile than fully synthetic oil so they tend




75,000 MILES


to evaporate less and more slowly than synthetic oil, this means that they need to be topped up less and can be more economical. This type of oil is commonly used in 4WD vehicles/SUVs and is much less expensive than fully synthetic oil. Lots of 4WD vehicles have a very long operating lifetime and higher-mileage oils are formulated with seal conditioners that flow into the pores of the seals to help to ‘repair’ them by restoring their shape and flexibility. Most major oil brands have an oil specifically designed for engines that have more than 75,000 miles of wear, containing additives in the oil that help to reduce engine wear and provide other anti-aging benefits. Synthetic Oils provide more miles per gallon, they protect your engine much better than organic oil and can also help to clean sludge and deposits from your engine while also plugging leaks and repairing seals. However organic oil can be as much as 6 to 10 times cheaper than organic oil.

Ordinary ‘organic’ or mineral oil is the cheapest and also the least effective type of oil. It is worth noting also that for most engines you can switch back and forwards between synthetic and organic oil without difficulty.


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