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who had been able to keep their heads above water are now not able to do so. For a long time Perennial has supported people by providing school uniforms and feeding children through school holiday time, and the fact that we have to do so is absolutely dreadful. In a modern society we should be ashamed,” said Andrew, who added that Perennial also had budgeting tools and the like on their website to help people navigate through tough times.
On a related point, Andrew is keen to stamp out a practice that has become increasingly prevalent in the industry.
“I see well-known designers using fully trained gardeners as volunteers on their show gardens and them thinking that there is nothing wrong with it. I see the other side of it when those gardeners can’t feed or cloth their kids.
“There is nothing wrong with a community group getting volunteers to help plant and work on projects but you shouldn’t have people from within the industry expecting other people from within the industry to volunteer.
“When my students want to gain that experience and volunteer I ask the designers and exhibitors to make sure they are looked after. I’ve asked the RHS to produce a code of conduct for volunteers but it has fallen on deaf ears.”
The conversation covered more ground than I have space to fill unfortunately, but it proves that any time spent in the company of Andrew Fisher Tomlin, is time well spent.
What’s that? You wanted to hear about the naughtiest thing people have done in a garden?
He does tease. “There’s a lot of sex, drugs and rock and roll with gardens.”
But, you’ll have to speak directly to Andrew to get the real goss!