Phone Number
Company Contact Email Address
CUSTOMER/FACILITY INFORMATION: Company Name Address (where equipment is installed)
City / State / Zip
Name as it appears on your TID Electric Bill (if different)
TID Account Number
Mailing Address
City / State / Zip
Federal Taxpayer ID # Attach payment authorization on company letterhead if check is to be made payable to a third party.
CUSTOMER AGREEMENT: I agree to submit the appropriate rebate form(s) and this signed application to Turlock Irrigation District (TID) for pre-approval. Once approved, as a qualified TID Customer, I certify that I purchased and installed the indicated energy savings products for use in my business and not for resale. Upon project completion, I will submit the rebate form(s) and rebate application along with the paid itemized invoice(s) for the equipment installed. I agree to verification inspections by TID representatives of both the sales transaction and product installation. I certify that the information on the rebate form(s) is true and correct and that any insufficient or incorrect invoices will delay the release of the rebate check. I have not received any other rebates for the equipment indicated on the rebate form(s). TID reserves the right to verify project savings through independent measurement and evaluation. Prescriptive rebates are limited to 100% of the project cost/Custom rebates are limited to 50% of the project cost.
I have read and understand the program rules. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions stated in this rebate.
Customer Signature
Customer Name (Please Print)
Turlock Irrigation District • 333 E. Canal Drive • P.O. Box 949 • Turlock, CA 95381 • (209) 883-8432 •
Qualifying equipment must be installed and/or operating • in facilities served by TID.
Equipment purchased for inventory or resale does not qualify.
All proposed rebates must be pre-approved by TID prior to purchase and installation of any qualifying equipment.
The rebate offer expires 6 months after the preapproval, meaning that equipment must be purchased and installed within 6 months of pre-approval.
Detailed and dated copies of all invoices must be submitted along with pertinent equipment data and cut sheets before issuance of rebate.
TID will have the right to inspect the facility before and after the equipment is installed.
Energy efficiency levels of retrofit projects or new construction projects must exceed city code or development requirements as well as all federal and state government-mandated efficiency standards.
Approval of rebate is at the sole discretion of TID.
Additional requirements may apply to specific types of equipment. Read the information on the specific rebates for the equipment in which you are interested.
Only direct energy savings qualify. Energy savings due to interactive effects such as air conditioning savings associated with lighting controls do not qualify.
Replacement equipment must operate for a minimum of 5 years.
Fuel-switching and co-generation projects are ineligible.
Complete and submit the TID Commercial Rebate Application along with any other required forms or paperwork for the specific rebate program.
All required documents can be submitted at any TID office or mailed to:
TID (Attn: Consumer Programs) P.O. Box 949 Turlock, CA 95381 TID will contact you to schedule a pre-inspection and confirm rebate eligibility.
You must notify TID once the project is completed and submit copies of itemized receipts that are paid in full.
Programs are subject to change or termination without prior notice. Please visit or call (209)883-8432 to verify your efficiency measure qualifies for a rebate BEFORE purchase or installation.
Keep a copy of all documents submitted; documents will not be returned.
The rebate recipient will be responsible for any tax liability resulting from the rebate payment.
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your application to be processed.
Discrepancies can invalidate the rebate application.
TID is not responsible for any items delayed or lost in the mail.
TID does not endorse any manufacturer, product or system design.
TID disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage which may arise as a result of the applicant’s participation in this program and makes no expressed or implied representation or warranty that the installation of the product will result in a reduction of the applicant’s electric utility bill. Turlock Irrigation District • 333 E. Canal Drive • P.O. Box 949 • Turlock, CA 95381 • (209) 883-8432 •