Re-Entry Phase 3b

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RE-ENTRY PROTOCOLS - PHASE 3b Expanded Re-Entry - In Phase 3b of the re-entry process, State and County guidelines have allowed the reopening of most/all businesses. Physical distancing is still in practice at all TID facilities and work sites. More employees are returning to District facilities and transitioning from telework. (Italicized text indicates changes from previous phase.)





Use of Facility • Physical distancing is practiced at all times in common area and shared spaces (kitchens, elevator, restrooms, hallways, etc.). • Masks/face coverings are required at all times while indoors unless you are alone in an office with a door that closes. Masks/face coverings are required in the field when interacting with the public, when riding in the same vehicle or when physical distancing cannot be observed. • All facility rentals and tours of facilities are suspended unless approved by an AGM. • Internal in-person meetings are not to exceed 10 people. A web conferencing option will be required for all meetings (even within the same facility). • No in-person meetings with external consultants unless approved by an AGM. • All group trainings and meetings are held virtually, when possible. • Disinfect common items before and after use (copiers, fuel station, etc.). • Refer to signage, outside of and around TID facilities to identify the correct routes for movement within common areas and areas that are restricted to by department.




Facility Access and Entry/Exit of Buildings • Customer Service lobbies at all locations may open, if business needs dictate, and community guidelines allow, with approval from the GM. Any other visitors to the District must make appointments to enter facilities. • All employees who have been away from a TID facility or worksite for more than 24 hours will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire prior to reentering a TID facility. (Questionnaire is available via the Go Canvas app.) • Staff to use designated employee entrance. • Specific entry/exit doors may be assigned by Department. • Cleaning wipes and towels are located at employee entrance door to utilize when opening for your safety and convenience. • Hand sanitizers located directly inside employee entrance. • Staff accessing the locker room at Broadway, is instructed to use exterior vestibule door only. • De-centralized crews are instructed not to enter the Broadway Yard facility, except for essential purposes, approved by their Department Manager. • Temperature checks are implemented only where required by county order. • Board Meetings resume with the public to participate via web conferencing.

• Employees are to immediately report any illness, or if they have been in contact with anyone that is sick. • Follow the 6-15-48 rule: If you have been within 6 feet of someone who is sick or symptomatic, for 15 minutes or more, within 48 hours of a person showing symptoms or falling ill, please take appropriate precautions and report the exposure to your Supervisor. You will be screened, and may be asked to self-quarantine, once the level of exposure is determined. • If you become sick, you will be required to self-quarantine for up to a period of 14 days and are no longer exhibiting symptoms. • If we determine that a sick or symptomatic employee has been in or at a TID facility, proper notification will be made to everyone the employee has been in contact with and all affected employees may be asked to selfquarantine. • Any employee who answers “yes” to the screening questions or has symptoms is screened by a screening agent to determine next steps. • TID has secured a relationship with physicians to conduct web-based health assessments for employees.



Employees • Customer Service windows are open on a limited basis with strict adherence to occupancy limits and physical distancing. • De-centralized crews of essential staff operating on modified rotations. • The remainder of those telecommuting return to the office (employees returning from telecommuting may be rotated to allow for physical distancing).








RE-ENTRY PROTOCOLS - PHASE 3b CONT. • Consult your Manager on guidelines specific to your department or crew. Facility Modifications and Cleaning • Increased cleaning and sanitizing in the areas in which employees are working. • Hand sanitizers are placed throughout facilities. • Cleaning supplies and personal hand sanitizers distributed to employees working within a facility, as well as to field staff. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Physical Distancing • Personal Protective Equipment (masks, face coverings, gloves) is available to all employees. Ask your supervisor for the PPE you need. • Masks/face coverings are required at all times while indoors unless you are alone in an office with a door that closes. Masks/face coverings are required in the field when interacting with the public, when riding in the same vehicle or when physical distancing cannot be observed. Outside Vendors/Deliveries • Vendors, contractors, and consultants are brought back on a case-by-case basis as determined by District need. • All vendors/contractors and consultants on-site at TID facilities must complete a Contractor/Visitor screening form. (Screening form available on the Grid.) • Deliveries are routed from the warehouse to the Canal Campus and Broadway Yard. All other TID facilities should contact the warehouse to make delivery arrangements. If the collection of a package is necessary, a pick-up must be scheduled. • Mail delivery is increased to reflect additional staff at TID facilities.

Field-Based Work • Essential field employees report directly to the job site or assigned de-centralized meeting location. • Briefings and meetings are conducted virtually, when possible. • Social distancing is practiced and appropriate PPE is to be worn when working with customers in the field. • If personnel report directly to a field location or decentralized starting point, schedule needed materials to be delivered or stagger pickup times at the warehouse. • Crews using common vehicles/equipment are responsible for sanitizing at the beginning and end of shifts. • Essential site visits must be approved by an AGM. Business Travel • All essential and non-essential business travel (including conferences and meetings outside the District) requires AGM approval. • If an employee travels to an area with an increased presence of COVID-19 or if they believe they have been exposed, a self-assessment and/or self-quarantine are required. Engagement with Customers • Customer Service lobbies at all locations may open, if business needs dictate, and community guidelines allow, with approval from the GM. Any other visitors to the District must make appointments to enter facilities. • Customer Service representatives remain available to assist customers over the phone and via email. • Social distancing is practiced and appropriate PPE is worn when working with customers in the field.









Updated: 3/21 IN


The information in this document may be updated at any time, based on state and federal health guidelines and/or the needs of the District.


1. Ability to perform essential and critical work and provide service to our customers. 2. Incidence rate and activity in area is in decline and/or CDC has removed COVID-19 from pandemic status. 3. Incidence rate and activity amongst TID employees remains zero. 4. Completed facility enhancements and availability of necessary supplies. 5. Leadership has approved movement into Phase 4.





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