Turlock Irrigation District Management’s Discussion and Analysis (Unaudited) December 31, 2020 and 2019
Component units The District has two component units, the Walnut Energy Center Authority (WECA) and the Tuolumne Wind Project Authority (TWPA), both of which were formed for the purposes of developing and operating generation facilities for the District’s use. WECA operates a 250 MW natural gas fueled generation facility located in TID’s service territory. TWPA has a membership interest in a 136.6 MW wind farm, consisting of 62 wind-turbine generators located in Klickitat County, Washington. Although WECA and TWPA are separate legal entities from TID, they are reported as part of TID because of the extent of their operational and financial relationships with TID. Additionally, TID has fiduciary responsibility for a singleemployer group pension plan, the Amended and Restated Plan for Employees and Elective Officers of the Turlock Irrigation District, (the, “Retirement Plan”). The Retirement Plan is a component unit which is presented as a fiduciary fund and the activities of the Retirement Plan are recorded in the Statements of Fiduciary Net Position of the Retirement Plan and Statements of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position of the Retirement Plan. Accordingly, all operations of these component units are consolidated into TID’s financial statements. Using this financial report This annual financial report consists of management’s discussion and analysis and the financial statements, including notes to the financial statements. The annual financial report reflects the activities of TID primarily funded through the sale of energy, transmission, and distribution services to its retail and wholesale customers, as well as irrigation services. Statements of net position, statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net position, and statements of cash flows The statements of net position include all of TID’s assets, liabilities and deferred outflows and inflows using the accrual basis of accounting, as well as information about which assets can be utilized for general purposes, and which assets are restricted as a result of bond covenants and other commitments. The statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position report all of the revenues and expenses during the time periods indicated. The statements of cash flows report the cash provided and used by operating activities, as well as cash payments for debt service and capital expenditures and cash purchases and proceeds from investing activities during the time periods indicated.