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During "normal" times it falls upon this has made us all stronger. We the shoulders of an Infection Control continuously update our leadership and Team to make sure that all measures are staff to help calm any nerves and remind taken to keep any infectious outbreaks everyone that staying focused on from occurring in a hospital. When the infection control practices will help keep time happens to be in a pandemic, that our patients and employees safe." responsibility is raised to an The day to day responsibilities of the unimaginable height. Infection Control Team at EMC during "Having the pandemic is much more the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is stressful than just our regular day to day daunting. The team is made up of one normal shift," said Mhaiki Balais, RN, infectious disease physician, two BSN, MSN, Infection Control infection control nurses and five Preventionist at Emanuel Medical Center. navigators. "But the height of this pandemic made us "We are faced with multiple and extra realize despite the busy day and night challenging tasks on a daily basis," Balais that having an organized process works said. really well to help ease stress levels and The team is tasked with checking on keep things calm. It’s normal to have the hospital staff caring for COVID-19 stress and uncertainty when facing and non-COVID patients alike, to make something like this. We continue to have sure all protocols and procedures are discussions on our reporting and followed and ensuring everyone has the processes, as the CDC guidance proper equipment to do their jobs safely. continues to change. But dealing with The two main priorities for the team
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 are the daily COVID reporting to keep the public health department updated and educating staff and the COVID-19 task force on guidelines to follow. "The implementation of processes and policies is fluid and can change at any time with CDC and Tenet guidelines," Balais said.
The days leading up to the first few cases appearing in Stanislaus County were busy ones for the team as they tried to prepare the hospital and the staff for what was largely an unprecedented event. "We were vigilant in making sure we were ready to take on whatever came our way and being able to safely care for everyone who came through our doors, COVID and non-COVID patients," Balais said. "We were busy preparing materials and supplies, checklists, educating our teams and implementing processes so that we would be fully ready when those first positive cases came to our emergency department."
For the Infection Control Team, the implementation of a COVID-19 task force proved to be an invaluable asset. "I think the creation of the task force is the biggest thing that made it successful in taking care of COVID patients," Balais said. "The promptness of responses of our Infection Control team and Navigators for the hospital and staffing needs. We have been accessible and accommodating to all stressful situations and attending to the needs of all staff. Our team keeps up-to-date on all the minute-to-minute changes, and the flow and process of CDC and Tenet guidelines to make sure they are implemented at Emanuel."
“Our teams at Emanuel have truly gone above and beyond during these challenging times. I couldn’t be prouder of the amazing work they’re doing for our patients, community and each other. Our employees have really stepped up and shown their commitment to making sure we are providing safe care for everyone who walks through our doors,” said Emanuel CEO Lani Dickinson.
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