3 minute read
Fitness and Beyond
New Year
New Opportunity
Sometimes you gotta stretch a bit. I’m not talking in the literal sense, which is good as well. I’m talking the proverbial comfort zone of staying with what works and not venturing beyond. Looking to the 2023 New Year, I must say professionally speaking that’s about to happen and I could not be more excited. Being vulnerable is hard, especially as one gets older. I mean this world is moving at a speed now which makes my past life (i.e.: my younger days) look as if they stood still. Staying in the “know” in the business of “multimedia” is not just necessary it’s a game changer.
So in keeping with the title of this column space “Fitness and Beyond,” 2023 is going to take us to a bit of the “beyond” side as myself and colleague/friend Virginia Still branch out as “on air” (I think that’s what it’s called) personalities of the 209 Podcast. More specifically, the revamped 209 Podcast with V&T.
This is all new for us both, the nicknames “V” and “T” quite honestly the only two things which are familiar, but we’re not afraid. Now with five episodes under our belts, we’re more excited than ever to grow this not just with our 209 readers, but the 209 community and beyond as a whole.
As two long time magazine journalists, who started our 209 Multimedia journey as newspaper reporters, V and I both have a combined love and passion for all that we learn and get to live by way of the 209 Magazine. This forum is now giving us a true opportunity to share it on a much larger scale.
What I love about the Podcast forum is its anytime availability. Keeping our segments between 30 to 45 minutes allows listeners the opportunity to get an update while working out, on a morning walk or while driving anywhere at any time. What could be more perfect?
The other thing I love is the genuine organic nature of the vibe between V and me. Just as one might hear from successful talk show hosts, we don’t discuss what we’ll talk about until our fearless Producer Frankie Tovar gives us the “go” and begins recording.
Our typical routine is to simply share which articles we plan to highlight prior to leaving our Oakdale office. Studio time happens in Turlock,
so we typically ride over together and talk life outside of the everyday work space. This always leads to laughs and some head shakes, which puts us right into the right head space once we land behind the mics.
I share this here and now, not simply because I’m trying to grow our audience, which wouldn’t be a bad thing. I share because what the two of us are doing really holds true to a new year and new beginnings.
This whole podcast thing is teaching us a lot; it’s a different gig than putting words to paper and sending it out to the world. Our motive simply bringing our passion and love for what we do in a whole new way and hopefully to an additional audience who may not have known about us before.
In so doing, we’re also getting our feet wet in the Social Media game as well. Recognizing that the best way to be seen (or heard in this case) is to reach people who aren’t currently in our “follow” queue of 209 Multimedia. That’s an animal in and of itself, but together we’re having fun, as well as some laughs as we learn.
So as we look to 2023 this is what I would hope for our readers and “followers.” Don’t get stuck and stagnate in a place of comfort, whether it be personal or professional. Stretch yourself … step beyond what you know. You may actually surprise yourself and in so doing come away better than before.
For as the saying goes, “Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressing in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison
The 209 Podcast with V&T can be found on your favorite Podcast platform. ●
Stretch yourself … step beyond what you know.