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Scene in the

Events and activities of all types were abuzz in the 209 this February and March. From theatre awards to crab feeds to fundraisers there was plenty of fun to be found. To have your organization’s event featured in the Scene, email ssta ord@209magazine.com.

Divas On Broadway
Divas on Broadway, a fundraiser to support the Salvation Army in Turlock, recognized four women and one organization for their contribution to the community. Attendees were treated to a luncheon, fashion show, opportunity drawing and a live auction in March at the Carnegie Arts Center. This year’s event honored Allison Je ery, Peggy Jenkin, Mohini Singh, Arlene Vierra and a special recognition was given to the Turlock Garden Club for keeping Main Street looking beautiful.

Volcano Theatre Company

The Volcano Theatre Company held their kick-o party and awards ceremony March 11 at the Armory Hall in Volcano. The celebration, which had an enchanted forest theme, honored the best performances from the previous season and marked the opening of the next. The theatre opened their 50th season with Neil Simon’s “Prisoner of Second Avenue.” Shows are set for April 7 to May 14. For tickets visit volcanotheatre.net.
Newman Ffa Crab Feed
The Newman FFA chapter recently held its annual crab feed bene t fund-raiser. The well-attended event was held at the Newman F.D.E.S. hall and not only featured delicious steamed crab, but a ra e and live auction.