The Enterprise Block on West Main Street STAFF REPORTS Turlock Journal
The Enterprise Building on the corner of W. Main and Market streets has been a icon of downtown Turlock for over a century, as is evident by this Journal report from 1909: The Enterprise block on West Main street is indeed one of the finest business homes in the city. It is a two-story pressed brick structure, and a handsome one. On the first floor are the store rooms of the Star meat market, Westlake’s furniture store, Santos’ coffee store, and one room vacant. All of these stores front on two streets, the building being on a corner and of a triangular shape. The second floor is well arranged in suites of rooms, which the owners of the Enterprise block have had no trouble in renting. A series of ten rooms has been rented to J. Samuelson of the Hotel Ramona for the coming years. A. Barricklow, proprietor of the Santos’ coffee store, has four rooms rented for the use of his family, and there are but three living rooms vacant. Dr. Woolf, a well known physician and surgeon of San Francisco, has secured a suite of three rooms, which he is fitting up with the most modern appliances, and his paraphernalia, makes an impressive showing. The doctor is now ready for business, and in a conversation with the writer he said that Turlock is the best place in the state and
announced his intention of making his home here permanently. As he expressed it, “I am here to stay. I like the city, the country, the climate and the people, and with the great future before Turlock it is bound to grow and make one of the largest and best cities in California. I am splendidly situated in the Enterprise block and will be glad to get acquainted with the people. You may invite them to call and see how I am situated if you choose, and I assure you the
latchstring is always out.” The rooms both on the second and first floors are light, bright, with good ventilation, plumbing first class, and all in all the Enterprise is something to point to with pride. There are movable fire proof doors in the halls in order to shut off the drafts in case of fire, running water and closets in the building, which makes it a desirable place for tenants. O. H. Olson is the agent for the building.