Wizardry in Wood 2016 Catalogue

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Master’s Welcome


Exhibitors Nick Agar


Nick Arnull


Sally Burnett


Richard Chapman


Angus Clyne


Andy Coates


Paul Coker


Melvyn Firmager


Dennis Hales


Mick Hanbury


Mark Hancock


Reg Hawthorne


Louise Hibbert


Simon Hope


Kevin Hutson


Phil Irons


Richard Kennedy


Ray Key


Stuart King


Eleanor Lakelin


Carlyn Lindsay


Stuart Mortimer


Gary Rance


Joey Richardson


Mark Sanger


Les Thorne


Society stands


Daniel Collection


Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


2016 Competitions


Turners’ Company Charity


Sponsors 26 Liveries Wood Group


Acknowledgements and thanks



Cover photographs: Front: ‘Spiral Stair’ by Sally Burnett. Back: ‘Balance’ by Mark Sanger


Nicholas Somers Master of the Worshipful Company of Turners

WIZARDRY IN WOOD 2016 MASTER’S WELCOME It is my privilege as Master of the Worshipful Company of Turners of London to welcome you to this our 4th Wizardry in Wood exhibition, an event which the Company mounts every four years. Our first exhibition was held in 2004 at the prestigious Pewterers’ Hall. Owing to the success of that first event, and with thanks to the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, we moved to this splendid larger venue where we have been since 2008. This year, we are extremely fortunate to be able to showcase two special guest exhibitions that are seldom seen by the general public. The first is a selection of over one hundred fascinating wooden objects and rare samples of world timbers from the Economic Botany Collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, curated by Dr Mark Nesbitt.

The second is a magnificent selection of forty-eight turned works from the world famous Daniel Collection, curated by Shirley Sinclair and Jonathon Cuff. In the main hall you will find over twenty-five specialist turners displaying their skill and mastery of their craft. All items are for sale, from the simple bowl to fine turned works of art. On the landings, adjacent to the main hall are the representatives from the various Associations and Societies involved in the wood-turning world, together with our Charity stand. At various times during the day there will be turning demonstrations by young turners. These have been arranged by the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB) to promote their Youth Training Scheme and to encourage other young people to take up the craft. On the ground floor is the Competition Room where all the entries to our 2016 Competitions will be displayed for the duration of the exhibition, including the competition that

commemorates the 350th Anniversary of the Great Fire of London in 1666. All the prize winners, in the numerous classes, are showcased. Many of the entries, including some of the prizewinning entries, will be for sale. I hope that everyone who visits Wizardry in Wood leaves with a greater appreciation of turned wood and timbers than when they first arrived. Whatever your particular interests, I trust that you will enjoy your visit and thank you for your attendance. It just leaves me to thank the Wizardry in Wood Committee, the Sponsors, the Exhibitors and Competitors and the many volunteer helpers and guides who have made this Exhibition possible.

Nicholas Somers



NICK AGAR Nick Agar has become one of the most sought-after instructors, workshop leaders and seminar presenters on the world’s woodturning stage. He is one of the most creative makers in the field and has an unsurpassed knowledge and understanding of the many processes that are now used in this creative medium. Specialising in surface enhancement and renowned for his wall sculptures, his award-winning work often incorporates carving, airbrushing, ceramic and metal effects. Contact

T: 07974 829 120



NICK ARNULL Nick Arnull is particularly well known for his pioneering work in creating coloured and textured items, some of which are included in his book ‘Contemporary Woodturning Techniques and Projects’. He has also produced two DVDs, and his ‘Nesting Boxes’ are in the Daniel Collection on display at Wizardry in Wood. Having always had a driving ambition to become a full-time artist, discovering the joy of making three dimensional tactile objects gave Nick an outlet for his creativity, allowing him to produce both decorative and functional items. An early background of Art School, ceramics and masonry has helped Nick create textured and coloured turned wooden objects. The routine and discipline of spindle work allows him to focus on technique, while thinking freely about ideas that may one day become finished pieces.



SALLY BURNETT “I am a designer-maker in wood, glass and ceramic. For many years I specialised in the design and manufacture of glass vessels and panels and large ceramic installations, for both private and commercial clients. “More recently I have become fascinated with wood, particularly creating work from freshly felled trees, timber known as green wood, a living material that moves and twists as you work it. The shapes and textures that can be created are endless. “It is a material which can be used to create both practical items and artistic creations. It can be manipulated by the artist but the many inclusions, knots and grain patterns often dictate shape and design, forcing the artist to reconsider a piece during the making process. It is both a pleasure to work green wood and a challenge.” Contact

T: 07966 499 716



RICHARD CHAPMAN Richard Chapman gained his passion for wood from carpentry lessons at school. Apart from these, his amazing skill and inspiration are self-taught. Platters, bowls and vessels are his mainstay, each one different and influenced by the pieces of wood that happen to be available. Local commissions have included a number for the staff, managers and tenants of the Sandringham Estate. The best cut of a sweet chestnut bole was used to create a rose bowl presented to the late Queen Mother on her 100th birthday. The same bole was also used to make a wedding present for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The joy is diversity and Richard has proved himself to be more than just a craftsman; he is a true artist. Contact

T: 01485 570 934


www.rmchapman.co.uk EXHIBITORS


ANGUS CLYNE Angus is a professional woodturner living and working in rural Scotland, producing wooden vessels and sculptures from his workshop in Perthshire. He always strives to produce work of the highest quality and integrity using locally sourced native wood. Angus joined the Register of Professional Turners in 1999, has exhibited widely throughout the UK, and has work in the permanent collections of the Shipley Art Gallery as well as the Scottish Parliament. All his work is started as wet wood. Some is partially turned, and then kiln dried for several months before being remounted and turned to completion. This eliminates the natural tensions in wood that can cause splits and cracking, making the finished work both flexible and stable, allowing it to cope with changes in humidity. Contact

T: 07775 811 280



ANDY COATES Andy Coates is a woodturner living and working in Suffolk where he runs a small gallery and workshop beside the river Waveney at Beccles. He works predominantly with locally sourced native timbers. He has a special passion for decorative and sculptural work; although he can often be found making anything from stair spindles, clocks and antique restorations to capping pieces for old church roofs. In 2012 Andy was chosen by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills as a ‘Craft Success’ and was featured on the Government’s craft toolkit website. Andy has collectors on three continents, and was commissioned to produce the prize for a national craft award in 2013. Contact


T: 07951 879 617




PAUL COKER Paul Coker has been a professional turner since 1986, specialising in ornamental and rose engine work and he is also a very capable plain turner. Much of his work is physically quite small but can be very elaborate and intricate, sometimes taking months to complete, for example the chess sets he is noted for. Working mostly to private commission in the UK and Europe, his work is not to be found in galleries. Paul joined the Register of Professional Turners in 1987, and was commissioned by the Turners’ Company to make its 70th and 80th birthdays gifts for Queen Elizabeth II. He is the winner of multiple awards, and has given many talks over the years to woodturning groups, specializing in the history and techniques of ornamental turning. Contact

T: 01536 712 542



MELVYN FIRMAGER Artist woodturner, teacher and demonstrator – creator of ‘Sea Flower’ internationally recognised multiple rim vessels. Melvyn has taught students from over thirty countries and travelled the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, France and Luxembourg demonstrating his techniques. He has also been featured in numerous private and public art collections and museums across the USA. Contact

T: 01934 712 404


www.nuttreefarm.com EXHIBITORS


DENNIS HALES Dennis Hales works with locally grown sycamore, holly, ash and maple. The white woods offer a natural canvas on which to incorporate a wide range of finishing techniques. Turned, carved and textured surfaces finished with water soluble dyes, pigments and metal leaf are used to enhance the natural features of the wood whilst achieving a sympathetic balance of form and finish. His work includes fruit displays, sycamore bowls embellished with silver leaf and wall plates of ash and copper. It is sold through galleries, exhibitions and craft society events. Dennis has recently appeared on ITV’s ‘Sixty Minute Makeover’. Contact

T: 07887 555 924



MICK HANBURY Mick Hanbury was born in Cyprus, the son of a soldier, and travelled around Europe for most of his childhood. He spent a lot of time in Germany and hence is fluent and can teach in German. Mick started his career as a cabinet maker, when he made all manner of wooden artifacts. Around twenty years ago he took up woodturning and since then has grown in stature to be one of the finest artistic turners. Mick demonstrates at local and national shows in England, the USA, Germany and Ireland and at woodturning clubs throughout the UK. Contact


T: 07973 441 175




MARK HANCOCK “My work is more an exploration of line and form than an effort at an artistic statement and it continues to amaze me how each minute refinement of a curve can alter the character of a piece. “This originally evolved into a series of work with hollow vessels based around a vase design with exaggerated rims that are partly removed and shaped. The inspiration for these came from the image of a falling drop of water, hence the Drop Series, with the incising giving each piece a sense of movement. The use of sycamore allows the form to take prominence. This series became my trademark work.” Mark’s work features in numerous private collections worldwide. Contact

T: 07747 195 404



REG HAWTHORNE Reg Hawthorne is based in the Cotswolds where he uses local timbers and exotic woods to turn a variety of objects, including boxes, Fabergé-style eggs, vases and bowls. Over the years, Reg’s work has become more ornamental in style and he loves to experiment with effects such as simulated enamelling. “Like most people, at the beginning I turned almost anything but found that I was constantly looking for different challenges. I could never just produce bowls or hollow forms. I am constantly looking for something new. A home-built rose engine has added further scope for experimentation.” Contact

T: 01451 831675


www.reghawthorne-woodturner.co.uk EXHIBITORS


LOUISE HIBBERT “All of my work begins with extensive visual research, sketching and a technical scaled drawing. Many of my pieces evolve from shapes with organic bisymmetry and the turning technique allows me to effectively create these forms. “I find that using the lathe gives my work rhythm and balance, almost like a structural backbone within each piece. I then begin carving, texturing and applying airbrushed inks, resins or metals to create the intricate details. “Inspiration for me has always been dominated by a fascination with the natural world, particularly marine life, microscopic creatures, insects, plants and fossils, which together offer a fantastic repertoire of imagery.” Contact

T: 07546 494 799



SIMON HOPE Simon has been woodturning from the age of eleven and, at the age of twentysix, he was one of the youngest to be on the Register of Professional Turners. Simon is well known for his turned bagpipes and he uses modern tools, like gun drill bits, to obtain highly polished bores for the very best sound. Combined with age old hand turning skills, the finished pipes really do stand out from the crowd! The pipes are completed with a shellac (French polish) that gives a fine hard wearing finish that shows the beauty of the timber without looking varnished.



T: 07747 817 277




KEVIN HUTSON “My first experience with woodturning was thirty-five years ago with a small modest drill attachment lathe. “I was completely enthralled by the different shapes and configurations that could be achieved. I progressed from this lathe on to a larger and more professional machine. “Having turned conventional shapes for a period of time, I found the need to advance towards more aesthetic shapes. I now blend subtle tones of colour to emphasise the variety of grain found in wood. Each piece is finished using a process based on applying a mixture of natural oils such as danish oil and liquid paraffin, over a period of three days.” Contact

T: 07958 663 294



PHIL IRONS Each piece that Phil Irons creates is unique in form and colour, with the source materials personally selected from tree surgeons and firewood merchants. The artworks are created from choice cuts of trees, turned and finished in a way to maximise the natural beauty of the grain and textures from within the wood. Phil has turned exquisite vases for many years, and created some wonderful one-off masterpieces from his studio workshop in Warwickshire. His expertise in the field has led him to write books on the subject and to travel the world demonstrating and teaching his techniques. Contact

T: 01789 751 284


www.philirons.com EXHIBITORS


RICHARD KENNEDY “I am a self-taught woodturner who is interested in the development of woodturning as an art form as well as maintaining the highest standards of the craft. “My work varies depending on many factors. Inspiration comes from looking at the world around me, be it a walk with the dog or a trip to see art. “I am keen to develop my own personal skills and to raise the awareness of woodturning in a similar way to that of glass and ceramics. I work in the west of Scotland where I run a small gallery. Being isolated from many influences in my field means that my work is highly original.” Contact

T: 0191 384 3417



RAY KEY “My work embraces minimalism; my quest is to produce objects of beauty and elegant simplicity. “I am a great believer of the object as a whole, not a disjointed assemblage of different ones. ‘Keep it simple stupid’, ‘let the wood speak for itself’ and ‘if in doubt, leave it out’ are my design bywords.” In 2012 the Worshipful Company of Turners presented Ray Key with its first ever Master in Turning award. In 2015 Ray was awarded the BEM in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for services to the craft of woodturning. Contact


T: 01386 830 142




STUART KING The quiet greenwoods and hamlets of the Chiltern Hills, provided all my childhood education and my thrills. My father’s workshop was my playground, His whirring spinning lathe my favourite sound. Using my brains, my hands and head, I began making wooden things, to provide me with bread. There were gypsy flowers and good Windsor chairs, Also dibbers and spoons and candlesticks made in their pairs. My work has straddled the down-to-earth traditional, from chair bodging and bowls to the artistic original. I have studied, I have filmed, and lectured world wide, With demonstrations from Beverly Hills to the Clyde.� Contact

T: 01494 712 027



ELEANOR LAKELIN Brought up in a rural village in Wales, Eleanor Lakelin went on to work in education in Europe and West Africa before retraining as a cabinet-maker in 1995. For the last twenty years she has dedicated herself to working in wood and today she lives and works in London. In 2011 Eleanor jointly won the Cockpit Arts/Worshipful Company of Turners Bursary Award. This enabled her to set up a workshop at Cockpit Arts and concentrate on making contemporary sculptural forms and vessels. Eleanor uses both traditional and modern carving tools and techniques in her practice and only uses sustainable wood from trees felled in the British Isles. Eleanor has exhibited widely in the UK and also internationally. Recent exhibitions include Art Monte Carlo, Nature Lab at Design Miami/Basel and a collection of work showcased at the British House in Rio. Contact

T: 07944 811 675


www.eleanorlakelin.com EXHIBITORS


CARLYN LINDSAY Carlyn’s work is design led and inspirational. She is known for her bold and innovative use of coloured veneers which she laminates with hardwood to create striped blocks which she then turns. Central to Carlyn’s work is purity of form together with a demonstration of high levels of technical skills. Her work is informed by her studies through her designer-maker degree, but has many other influences; not least her growing up in Glasgow around ship building. Her work is sophisticated and elegant with no detail skimped, so that quality and function are absolute. Carlyn began her business with help from the Prince’s Youth Business Trust in 1989. She is a regular demonstrator and teacher. A winner of numerous awards and bursaries, Carlyn’s work is included in private collections and galleries all over the UK and abroad. Contact

T: 07941 676 945



STUART MORTIMER Following his retirement from the police, Stuart won several National competitions after which he started to demonstrate, judge and write for national and international magazines. His reputation grew at home and abroad. He is now well known and admired in international woodturning circles for his variety of work, fresh ideas and spiral work. Stuart travels widely, attending seminars and exhibitions as a sought- after teacher and demonstrator. He was recently commissioned to make six finials for the celebration thrones for Her Majesty the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, as seen on television. The thrones are now in the Permanent Royal Collection. Stuart was awarded Master in Turning by the Worshipful Company of Turners in 2014. Contact


T: 01264 889 016




GARY RANCE Since becoming self-employed in 1987, Gary has made his mark on the woodturning scene, with success in competitions, articles of his work in various woodworking magazines, and demonstrating for trade companies. Gary has approximately four hundred customers, including suppliers to Harrods and Liberty. He has produced work for the homes of the late Duke of Westminster and British celebrities. Gary has also produced tools for the woodturner, notably his round skew chisels. He can turn his hand to spindle turning, bowl turning, hollow forms and twists and will make anything from a lace bobbin to a billiard table leg. Contact

T: 07759 116 937



JOEY RICHARDSON Joey Richardson, an internationally acclaimed turner, is renowned for her delicate and richly hued wood forms. Her work is inspired by nature, life experiences and imagination drawn from her inner self. By exploring and illustrating stories through symbolic form and repeated motifs she creates a soul for each unique piece. Her sculptures are held in many collections and can be seen in numerous museums and exhibitions all around the world. She regularly teaches and demonstrates her techniques globally. Joey, a Liveryman of the Turners’ Company, is one of the leaders of the artistic wood movement which is developing in the UK. She received a Turners’ Company Bursary Award in 2005 and, seven years later, was awarded a QEST/Carpenters’ Company scholarship, followed by the prestigious QEST Award of Excellence. Contact

T: 07788 143 244


www.joeyrichardson.com EXHIBITORS


MARK SANGER “My work is free flowing and of simple form. I believe that it should evolve from the here and now, from the initial idea to completion. I may have an idea about what I am going to create, but beyond this my mind is kept open and receptive to changes that evolve along the way. On occasions my work may take a different path to that originally intended. “This method allows me freedom as I work. Often an unexpected change happens for a reason and should be embraced. This is a major part of the creative process and for me is the difference between freedom of expression and constraint. Wood, mixed media, texture, form and colour feature in my work, which is influenced by Far Eastern philosophies and cultures as well as the natural forms and textures found in nature.” Contact

T: 01747 821 644



LES THORNE At forty-eight years old, Les Thorne has spent the whole of his life involved in the timber industry, first as a saw doctor then as a company director and now as a woodturner. Les has developed ‘No Turning Back’ into a successful hand turning business taking commissions both large and small, both in terms of size and production runs. Over the last eighteen years Les has put a lot of time into developing his presentation and teaching and is sought after for his demonstration skills in the UK, America and Europe. A tool developer, magazine article contributor and DVD maker - Les is always kept busy both in the workshop and out on the road. Contact


T: 07788 627 205




THE ASSOCIATION OF WOODTURNERS OF GREAT BRITAIN The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain (AWGB) has over 62 active affiliated branches, 63 associated branches and over 3,500 members and is the only national organisation for woodturners. The AWGB works in tandem with a number of bodies such as the Turners’ Company to foster greater awareness of woodturning throughout the country and to attract youth turners to ensure continuity of the craft.

Contact: www.awgb.co.uk

THE ASSOCIATION OF POLELATHE TURNERS AND GREENWOOD WORKERS The Association of Polelathe Turners and Greenwood Workers was created in 1990 by a group of a dozen like-minded individuals who wanted to rescue the art of polelathe turning and greenwood working (also known as bodging) from obscurity. The organisation now has a global membership of over 900 with 28 local groups across the UK. This year, the flagship event - the Bodgers’ Ball attracted over 550 members.

Contact: www.bodgers.org.uk

Photo: Phill Piddell

THE SOCIETY OF ORNAMENTAL TURNERS The Society of Ornamental Turners was formed in 1948 to ensure that this most ornate form of turning, then practised by just a few turners, was kept alive. With the first recorded items dating back to the 15th century, ornamental turning was highly prized by those members of European royalty who had court turners. Subsequently the craft reached a zenith of popularity amongst the new emerging scientific amateurs of the Victorian era.

Contact: www.the-sot.com

The Society recognises the past with brilliantly executed replicas in the style of some of the past masters of turning, but using sustainable materials. The scope of ornamental turning seems to broaden every year, building on this classical base. Today the Society is very active with nearly 300 members worldwide.

THE REGISTER OF PROFESSIONAL TURNERS The formation of the Register of Professional Turners was facilitated by the Turners’ Company to encourage the grouping of professionals and to give a present-day identity and framework to the centuries old craft of woodturning. The Register is composed of turners who offer a professional service to the public, and whose work, prior to admission, has been approved by competent assessors as being of good quality. The Register continues to be supported by the Turners’ Company.

Contact: www.registerofprofessionalturners.co.uk

Photo: Richard Findley



DANIEL COLLECTION Shirley Sinclair and Jonathon Cuff have created one of the UK’s largest private collections of modern woodturning. Forty-eight works will form a curated display of the skill, range and creativity of contemporary UK and international craftsmen.

Top Row: Ray Key (UK) and Don White (UK). Middle Row: Mike Scott (UK), Curt Theobald (US) and Jerome Blanc (France). Bottom Row: John Wessels (South Africa), Benoit Averly (France) and Pascal Oudet (France).



Top Row: Michael and Cynthia Gibson (US) and Luc DuRoo (Belgium). Bottom Row: Nick Arnull (UK) and Eli Avisera (Israel).

Middle Row: Marilyn Campbell (Canada) and Michael Hosaluk (Canada).



Kew botanist William Milliken participates in a forest survey in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Such surveys form the basis of management and conservation plans. Photo: William Milliken.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW Kew is one of the world’s great botanical institutes. It is famous for its gardens, featuring no fewer than 14,000 trees on 300 acres of west London, and for its world class science. Two hundred and fifty scientists carry out research into understanding and conserving plants and fungi worldwide. This essential work is based on collections including seven million pressed plants and 300,000 books and art works.

Wizardry in Wood is a rare opportunity for a wider public to see wooden treasures from Kew’s Economic Botany Collection. Its 100,000 specimens show the uses of plants, ranging from timbers to textiles, medicines and food. Until the 1980s many of these were on show at Kew’s Wood Museum; now they are in temperature-controlled storage, used for research and temporary exhibitions.

Some of Kew’s 100,000 microscope slides with thin sections of wood and other plant materials. Photo: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew



It has not been easy choosing from the 35,000 timber specimens, and 5,000 or so wooden objects in the Collection. Those on display have fascinating stories to tell about Britain’s past, and its place in the world. The exhibition also highlights the continuing role of Kew scientists in enabling the conservation and sustainable use of wood – still one of the world’s most used materials.

The pagoda and trees at Kew. Photo: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Kew’s wood collection dates to the founding of the Museum of Economic Botany by William Hooker in 1847. The Museum acted as an information point for manufacturers in Britain’s thriving industries, and for producers overseas. Kew exchanged specimens and knowledge with other museums all over the world, and encouraged travellers to collect on its behalf. The original museum, opened in a converted fruit store, was soon full, and by 1910 there were four buildings, containing about 75,000 plant raw materials, and objects made from plants. Everything was on display, and the combination of plants and the flavour of the ‘exotic’ overseas, was immensely appealing to the public. At first, wood specimens were simply for display. But at the beginning of the twentieth century, Kew established its first plant anatomy laboratory. Research into wood anatomy became a firmly established part of Kew’s work, and an area in which it is still a world leader. Many pieces of wood are missing a portion, removed to be cut up for microscope slides.

A typical small wood specimen, about the size of a paperback book. This is Stereospermum Suaveolens, sent to Kew by the Indian Forest Department in 1878. Note how the Kew label gives information on uses. Photo: Caroline Cornish.

Museum No.3, in the Orangery, opened in 1886 and closed in 1959. It displayed large timbers and wooden objects. Small timbers were shown in the upper gallery, open to students on request. Photo: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Wood specimens were moved from their former homes into a purpose-built store in the late 1980s. Photo: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew



Manufacture of cricket bat from willow (Salix Caerulea). Left to right: cleft of willow, worked wood; finished bat. Given by Army & Navy Stores, 1895. Photo: Stuart King

The Victorians used the ‘illustrative series’ to show how things were made, in the era before this could be conveyed by moving images. These charted the progress from raw material – such as a piece of raw timber – to finished product. The Kew collection includes a cricket bat, violin, spoon, brush and Tunbridge Ware, all showing this. The scope of the collection is truly global. Former colonies are well represented, particularly India as Kew inherited many objects from the East India Company’s museum. However,

Box of toys made in Vizagapatam, India, of Wrightia Tinctoria wood. From the East India Company (India Museum), 1886. Photo: Stuart King

British traders, officials and travellers were everywhere, and Kew also received generous gifts from overseas admirers. One of the distinctive features of the Kew collection is that it is of practical, useful plants. Unlike other museums, it has not sought out objects on purely artistic grounds. Daily life – whether cooking, clothing or pastimes, for example, is the focus. Many of the simple, even disposable, objects in the collection have great charm, and even great beauty. The special role of the Economic Botany Collection can also be seen in its

Toothpicks in a case of Cryptomeria Japonica wood, made in Japan and sold in London at a halfpenny each in 1897. Photo: Stuart King



emphasis on botanical identity: almost every wood specimen and object is named to species. Indeed the collection is organised by plant name, so un-named material is difficult to place. The botanical name – for example, Quercus Robur for English oak - is so important for two reasons. First, it tells us how a plant sits in the evolutionary tree and thus what properties it will have; second, it acts as a passport to data about that species in any language, as botanical names (Latin names) are used worldwide.

Butter pat made of sycamore (Acer Pseudoplatanus) wood. Given by Howard Bros, 1909. Photo: Stuart King

The Economic Botany Collection continues to grow. Many wood specimens have come from research collaborations in South America, Africa and elsewhere. Today’s scientists are interested in all woody plants, not just sources of timber, so wood specimens are much more variable in shape and size than in the past. Wooden objects continue to be added, sometimes collected by staff on field trips, sometimes given by the maker, sometimes a gift from a member of the public. In the 170 years since Kew started collecting woods the purpose of the

collection has changed. Originally focused on trade and industry, in the 1930s the emphasis shifted to looking at the anatomical characters of woods. Today work at Kew emphasises conservation and use of woods for the benefit of local populations, for example in work on sustainable fuel-woods in Brazil, or forest conservation in Bolivia and the Caribbean. At the same time, historians and designers are finding new uses for Kew’s wood collections, for example in tracking down the use of different woods in furniture, or investigating archaeological artefacts. As this exhibition shows, with close examination every object tells a story!

Box made of keyaki (Zelkova Serrata) wood, Japan, c. 1900. Photo: Stuart King

Squirrel-shaped nutcracker made from yew (Taxus Baccata) wood, collected by Frances Hooker, Switzerland, 1859. Photo: Stuart King

Exhibition curators: Victoria Oswald, Mark Nesbitt and Caroline Cornish; with special thanks to Frances Cook and Peter Gasson, and to Adam Bowett (author of Woods in British Furniture-Making 1400-1900) for inspiration. Learn more: www.kew.org/collections Comb made from Podocarpus wood, collected in Ethiopia by Kew botanist Sally Bidgood, 1998. Photo: Stuart King

Lute made by Stephen Barber from trees blown down at Kew by the Great Storm of 1987. Photo: Stuart King

@economicbotany Email: ecbot@kew.org



2016 COMPETITIONS The prestigious biennial Turning Competitions were held this year on 11th October, the day before Wizardry in Wood opened to the general public. There were four competitions open to any turner resident in the United Kingdom. All entries will remain on display until the end of the exhibition. The Competitions were designed to offer opportunities to both the expert and the relative newcomer.

Great Fire of London The class commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the Great Fire of London, the Turners’ Company’s Open Competition, focused on the City’s spirit of rejuvenation and transformation that has followed up to the present day.

interpretation of the Art, Beauty, Skill and Mystery themes of the 2016 Wizardry in Wood exhibition.

Woodturners of all skills and experience were encouraged to be creative with their entries to the ‘Great Fire’ and other competitions – and in their

London 1666, David Best, London’s Burning, a festival of arts and ideas. Produced by Artichoke. Photo by Matthew Andrews

Master’s Competition for Plain Turning; and the Master’s Competition for Ornamental Turning Both Master’s Competition classes are for a Pair of (non-pedestal) Lidded Bowls.

Felix Levy Open Competition A contemporary work of the entrant’s choice.

Other turning competitions In addition to the four public competitions there are in total nine other competitions open to members of the: • Association of Woodturners of Great Britain • Society of Ornamental Turners To celebrate the election of Dame Fiona Woolf DBE, Alderman and Honorary Liveryman Turner, as Lord Mayor of London, the Turners’ Company 2014 Open Competition was held in her honour. The theme was ‘The Square Mile’s energy to transform lives’. The Winner was John Edwards with this creative and detailed box, each side reflecting an aspect of the City of London. The finial is based on the top of The Monument, which commemorates the Great Fire – the theme of this year’s Open Competition.



• Association of Polelathe Turners and Greenwood Workers • Worshipful Company of Turners

THE TURNERS’ COMPANY CHARITY The Turners’ Company supports charitable activities through the Worshipful Company of Turners Charitable Trust. This is registered with and regulated by the Charity Commission. The Charity’s principal aims are to support the craft of turning and to promote charities related to the Company and the City. One way the Charity supports the craft is by providing bursaries for emerging turners, some working in creative hubs such as Cockpit Arts in London. Bursary winner Eleanor Lakelin, whose workshop is at Cockpit Arts, Deptford, is one of the Wizardry in Wood exhibitors. The charity also gives financial assistance for equipment and training and prizes for turning in craft competitions to schools and the armed forces. The teaching of practical turning skills is something that the Charity promotes and values, particularly when its funds and equipment can be used in the same institution or establishment over a number of years. The Turners’ Company and its Charity have recently inaugurated

the Certificate in Turning. Last year the Charity was pleased to collaborate with the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust (QEST) to promote the award of the QEST Worshipful Company of Turners’ Scholarships. QEST promotes vocational training for talented British craftspeople to achieve excellence in heritage skills. Earlier this year the Charity was delighted to support the first QEST Turners’ Company Scholar, Jack Darach. The Charity supports the teaching of vocational skills to injured and disabled armed forces personnel. Recently the Charity has provided lathes and equipment to Tedworth House at Tidworth and to Phoenix House wood workshop at Catterick. The Charity also supports educational establishments, schools and charities catering for people with special needs, learning disabilities and rehabilitation requirements.

Westerham; City of London Academy, Islington; The Ian Mikardo School, Tower Hamlets; South Devon Steiner School; The Max Carey Woodturning Trust, Portishead; The Orchard Workshop, Bristol; Abbey School, Farnham; Street Forge, Suffolk; and Ruskin Mill College, Nailsworth. The lathes provided by the Charity range from polelathes and simple lathes for conventional use to special Boxford lathes, controlled by a mouse, keyboard and computer. The Charity is running a raffle at Wizardry in Wood. The proceeds of the raffle will be divided between: the Phoenix House wood workshop, to raise funds for more equipment there; for new lathes and equipment at a new workshop to be created at the military recovery centre at Colchester; and the Theodora’s Children’s Charity, which is one of the charities being supported this year by the Master. It is known for its work with sick and disabled children through its Giggle Doctors programme.

Other examples of establishments that are supported by the Charity are: Treloar School, Alton; Valence School,

The opening of a new wood workshop at Phoenix House, Catterick Garrison. Woodwork lead instructor Tony Wilson (right) demonstrates his skills with veteran Ted Granger. Photo: Chris Booth.

Stuart Mortimer, Liveryman, Master in Turning and professional turner, lending a hand to a pupil at Treloar School during a visit by the Worshipful Company of Turners.

Jack Darach, QEST Turners’ Company Scholar 2016.



CONSOLIDATED TIMBER HOLDINGS Consolidated Timber Holdings Ltd is delighted to be participating in the sponsorship of Wizardry in Wood. CTH is involved in the distribution and manufacture of timber based products in the UK and operates on a national basis; there are seven independent companies within the CTH Group. CTH has bulk distribution facilities in Tilbury and Hull and inland distribution facilities in Nottingham and West Bromwich. The company, through its Hoffman Thornwood and Triesse subsidiaries, manufactures components for industry in panel products and also, through Triesse, manufactures and sells veneered panels.

2016 marks two very special events in the CTH Group calendar as it celebrates the 50th anniversary of MBM Forest Products and the 30th anniversary of Falcon Panel Products. MBM began operating in 1966 as a bulk importer and nationwide distributor of Canadian forest products. Today MBM continues to provide an industry leading “pick a pack” service to its customers throughout the UK. Operating from within the port of Tilbury in Essex, MBM offers a wide range of structural softwoods, engineered wood products and high quality softwood clears. Falcon Panel Products was founded in 1986 as a specialist distributor and importer of wood based panel

products, providing a unique service across a wide range of industrial accounts and manufacturers. Falcon offers a complete range of wood based panels into many industries including timber frame, shop-fitting, joinery and packaging and is the sole supplier of Strebord© 38mm mezzanine flooring and 44mm & 54mm Strebord© door cores. CTH has elected to join forces with Wizardry in Wood to celebrate its two ‘birthdays’ at a party at Carpenters’ Hall on 13th October and to support a wonderful exhibition celebrating the magical transformation of wood into art.

“...NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT” - ABOUT CONSILDATED TIMBER HOLDINGS A multi-award-winning actor by the name of Maurice Joseph Micklewhite (aka Sir Michael Caine) once said, “…Now not a lot of people know that.” He was referring of course to a man in a tweed suit falling from the top of Big Ben. The same could easily be said about Consolidated Timber Holdings whose managers, senior management team, directors and board members have been part of the timber industry fabric for many, many years. They represent, possibly much to their surprise, literally hundreds of consolidated years of timber expertise in structural softwood, panel products, joinery-grade softwood, doors, speciality products, value-added timber processing and everything that surrounds the global purchasing, trading, supply and logistics of these products. “…Now not a lot of people know that.”



Today Consolidated Timber Holdings is one of the largest and most diversified UK timber product importers, wholesalers and downstream processors in the industry. It services the market nationally through the well-known brands of MBM Forest Products, Falcon Panel Products, Compass Forest Products, MBM Speciality Forest Products, Hoffman Thornwood, Triesse and RAMCOR. Also, Falcon’s door division is the largest distributor of door cores in the UK. “...Now not a lot of people know that.” Each of these companies and those they employ are leaders in their field of product and market expertise with seventeen distribution depots and sales offices strategically placed across the UK and internationally to assure the consistent and timely supply of timber, sheet materials and value added

products in full, mixed or part loads. “…Now not a lot of people know that.” In addition to this, Consolidated Timber Holdings has partner companies that can offer added value downstream processing services for timber and sheet materials from Hoffman Thornwood Ltd in London and Triesse Ltd in Leeds. “…Now not a lot of people know that.” Fifty years ago, in the same (and only) year that England won the World Cup, the first MBM Forest Products terminal was opened at Tilbury. Ten years later, Newport was opened and the first name in the Visitors Book was Prime Minister Sir Harold Wilson. “…Now not a lot of people know that.” www.cth.co.uk


Structural Timber

Sheet Materials

Joinery Timber


Speciality Products




CTH Group Companies hold independent third party audited Chain of Custody Certification



Awards Supplement 2016 | TTJ | 3

such as windows, doors, cladding and decking Accoya is the ideal material for many other interesting applications.

Now 10 years since the introduction of Accoya®, which is sold in 58 countries around the world, Accoya wood has become a well-established high performance product in the joinery market. From traditional applications



British company Accsys Technologies, which manufactures Accoya, use a natural process called ‘acetylation’ to turn fast-growing, sustainably-managed softwoods like pinus radiata (pine) into wood with the properties of slowgrowing, tropical hardwoods without the accompanying deforestation. The proprietary revolutionary acetylation process essentially pickles

the wood in vinegar (acetic anhydride). Water-loving hydroxyl compounds are taken out and replaced with naturally occurring acetyl groups; this makes the timber more stable than conventional timber and long lasting. Sustainably sourced and more durable than teak, Accoya is the most stable timber in the world, with guarantees of 50 years above ground and 25 years in ground contact. www.accoya.com

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Charles Stanley is delighted to sponsor Wizardry in Wood at Carpenters’ Hall

Charles Stanley is delighted to sponsor Wizardry in Wood at Carpenters’ Hall

Please be aware that the value of your investments may fall as well as rise and your capital may be at risk.

Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 25 Luke Street, London EC2A 4AR Please be No. aware that the value of your investments may fall as well as rise and your capital may be at risk. Registered in England 1903304.

Charles Stanley & Co. Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 25 Luke Street, London EC2A 4AR Registered in England No. 1903304.



LIVERIES WOOD GROUP The Liveries Wood Group is an association of seven Livery Companies whose craft or trade relies on wood.

the Construction Liveries Group and the Liveries Crafts Skills Council and also to enhance skills and training.

Since its formation in 2000, the Liveries Wood Group has promoted the trades of its members through joint projects and exhibitions. The member Companies have also worked together towards a common approach for Master Craftsman awards with

The Liveries Wood Group Kasura Grove was planted at the National Arboretum Trust, Castle Howard, in 2011 following the group’s successful project Branching Out which raised funds for the Arboretum.

The members of the Liveries Wood Group are: The Worshipful Company of Carpenters, The Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers, The Worshipful Company of Upholders, The Worshipful Company of Turners, The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers, The Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights and The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers.

The Worshipful The Worshipful Company of Company of Carpenters Joiners and Ceilers

The Worshipful The Worshipful Company of Company of Upholders Turners

The Worshipful Company of Basketmakers

The Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights

The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers

SPONSORS Thank you to the four sponsors who have provided services to Wizardry in Wood.



Fine Art Services

Event Catering

Event and Close Protection Security Services

Wizardry in Wood is held every four years and the next exhibition will be in 2020. We would be very interested in discussing sponsorship opportunities for Wizardry in Wood 2020. In the first instance please contact the Clerk of the Turners’ Company at clerk@turnersco.com.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND THANKS The Turners’ Company and The Worshipful Company of Turners Charitable Trust would like to thank all the people and organisations who have helped to make this exhibition so special.

from the Building Crafts College and particularly the support of the Principal, Len Conway. We are very grateful to the BCC team for their time and commitment to this substantial project.

We particularly give our thanks to: the turners who have travelled long distances to be here; the societies who have supported us; Shirley Sinclair and Jonathon Cuff for sharing outstanding exhibits from their Daniel Collection; and the Economic Botany Collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew for enabling Wizardry in Wood to show so many wonderful items from the collection.

The Turners’ Company Competitions are held every two years and the 2016 Competitions form part of this Wizardry in Wood. The success of these Competitions reflects the hard work of the many competitors in designing and making their entries, the key and difficult role of the judges and the generosity of the companies donating prizes.

This is the first time that items from the Economic Botany Collection, Kew have been displayed in the City of London. Our thanks to Mark Nesbitt, Frances Cook, Caroline Cornish, Peter Gasson and Victoria Oswald for making this possible and to Stuart King for his photography.

We also give our thanks to the staff of Carpenters’ Hall for their unstinting support and our gratitude to the Master, Clerk and Court of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters for allowing us to stage the fourth Wizardry in Wood in such a magnificent setting.

The display of the large sections of wood from the Economic Botany Collection, Kew was enabled through the design and carpentry skills of staff and students

Thank you to all the sponsors of Wizardry in Wood and particularly our main sponsors: Consolidated Timber Holdings, Accsys Technologies


SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT Audio visual presentation Richard Lucas & Tangent 90

and Charles Stanley. More information about these sponsors is to be found on pages 26-29. In addition, four companies have provided sponsorship in the form of services and have played a key role in the organisation of the exhibition: Hiscox (insurance), K Pak (packing and transportation), Party Ingredients (event catering) and Reveal (security services). Final thanks go to the members of the Wizardry in Wood Committee, the Clerk and Clerk’s Assistant of the Turners’ Company and the other members of the Company who have contributed in many different ways to the success of Wizardry in Wood 2016.

PHOTOGRAPHY Thank you to the many photographers whose images have been used in this Catalogue and to promote the exhibition.

Catalogue and design Straight Forward Design

Display for wood sections Building Crafts College

Event catering Party Ingredients

Exhibit packing and transport K Pak

Exhibition cases Tableau Display

Exhibitor stands Worcestershire Guild of Designer Craftsmen

WIZARDRY IN WOOD COMMITTEE Members of the Wizardry in Wood 2016 Committee which organised the exhibition: Fred Bain, David Batchelor, Peter Ellis, Nicholas Fisher, Matthew Gaved, Peter Gibson, Ray Key, Andrew Neill, Andrew Sindall and Nicholas Somers; with the valuable support of Alex Robertson, Clerk of the Turners’ Company, and Rebecca Baker, Clerk’s Assistant.

Insurance services Hiscox

Public relations Seen PR

Security services Reveal

Sign and stand graphics Bulpitt Print



The Worshipful Company of Turners, Skinners Hall, 8 Dowgate London EC4R 2SP www.turnersco.com All enquiries to clerk@turnersco.com Telephone 020 7236 3605

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