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The first double degree

The first double degree students from Aalen completed their degrees in Turku

Daniel Wieland and Nikolaos Papadopolous from Germany have always been interested in foreign cultures and people. That interest eventually led to a double degree.

Text and photo | Siiri Welling, Communications Specialist, Turku UAS

Daniel Wieland and Nikolaos Papadopolous completed their first degree in Germany at the Hochschule Aalen and the second at Turku University of Applied Sciences, as the first students from Aalen. These two friends received a degree in Industrial Management and Engineering in Turku, while in Germany their degree is in International Sales Management and Technology.

Wieland explains that he heard about the double degree and exchange opportunity during his first year of study in Aalen in 2017.

– A teacher told me about the upcoming agreement. Niko and I applied in November 2019. I submitted my application from Vietnam, because I was doing my internship there at Mercedes Benz. Niko, on the other hand, was in South Korea. Even though we were on the other side of the world, we were still thinking about Turku, says Wieland with a smile.

Wieland describes studying in Turku as challenging, but also pleasant. Double degree students also had to complete a full 60 credits in an academic year. As the first students from Aalen, they had a lot of practical matters to figure out, and the coronavirus also impacted their studies. However, Wieland says he always received help when he needed it.

The most memorable things in Turku have been getting to know Finland and the other exchange students. During his year of studies, Wieland says that he travelled to Lapland, among other places.

– I’ve met all kinds of people, attended good lectures and improved my own skills. To be honest, come to Turku if you want to have the best time of your life, praises Wieland.

The double degree agreement with Aalen University of Applied Sciences began in late 2019. The responsible persons at Aalen and Turku UAS have been cooperating for years in the Academic Asa sociation of Sales Engineering (AASE) , and that led to the idea of a double degree agreement between the universities. Exchange students have also moved between the universities in the past.

During the academic year 2020–2021, ten double degree students studied in the Industrial Management and Engineering degree programme – two from Aalen, five from Aschaffenburg, Germany and three from ESTA in France.

Wieland is already planning a master’s degree, but first he wants to gain more work experience. He did his thesis for Robert Bosch GmbH, and got a job as a key account manager in the technical sales department of an international automotive company after graduation.

– My dream is to continue studying for a master's degree here, says Wieland

The higher education institutions participatingin the exchange are selected partners, so the students know that they’re going to a good place. The local higher education institution has an expert support group to assist incoming students.

Degree certificates from two higher education institutions

Text and photo | Siiri Welling

The double degree programme at Turku UAS refers to a degree programme developed jointly by two higher education institutions, in which both institutions have their own curricula. The student completes an agreed amount of studies and receives a degree certificate from both higher education institutions.

Turku UAS has double degree agreements at the bachelor's level. The aim is for Turku UAS students to complete at least 120 credits at their own institution and at least 60 credits at the partner institution of higher education during the exchange period.

The application period for double degree programmes is at the same time as the application period for regular exchanges. This means that students interested in an exchange starting in the autumn apply in January-February.

– The higher education institutions participating in the exchange are selected partners, so the students know that they’re going to a good place. The local higher education institution has an expert support group to assist incoming students. Leisure time programmes are also often organised for students, says Leena Saarinen, International Relations Leader.

Practical arrangements begin once the double degree position has been confirmed. Info events are available for departing students. Students who are completing a double degree are also entitled to a grant, just like any students taking part in Erasmus or other exchanges.

Double degree agreements at Turku UAS:

ICT double degree network:

• Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg HAW - Hamburg University of Applied Sciences,

Germany • Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra -

Polytechnic of Coimbra, Portugal • Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia - University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy • Universidad de Burgos - University of Burgos, Spain • Université de Lorraine - University of

Lorraine, France • Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara - West University of Timisoara,


Double degrees in business:

• Y SCHOOLS (Ecole Supérieure de

Commerce de Troyes), France • OTH Regensburg, Ostbayerische

Technische Hochschule Regensburg,

Germany • Polytechnic University of Valencia,

Spain • Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt,


Double degrees in Industrial Management and Engineering:

• Aschaffenburg University of Applied

Sciences, Germany • Esta l’École Superieure Des Technologies Et Des Affaires, France • Hochschule Aalen, Germany

• National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Nagaoka College, Japan

Double degrees in Mechanical Engineering:

• Hochschule Emden-Leer, Germany

Double degrees in Chemical and Materials Engineering:

• IMC University of Applied Sciences

Krems, Austria • Hochschule Emden-Leer, Germany • Sup´Biotech, France

• Ecole Supérieure Angevine d’Informatique et Productique (ESAIP),


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