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Passengers without e-bus riding experience
The number of those passengers not having ridden an e-bus, who replied in each region, are listed below.
Turku 6 Hamburg 58 Gozo 67 Livorno 68 Utrecht 153 Pécs & Paks 67
The statements used for passengers not having ridden an e-bus group are listed below.
1. I know that in some cities the diesel buses have been replaced with e-buses 2. I would like to have e-buses also in my city in the future 3. I think that the use of e-buses would increase the attractiveness of my city 4. My opinion is that e-buses would be a good solution in fighting the climate change 5. I think that electric buses increase of the quality of the air that we breathe 6. I would be willing to pay 10 % extra for my ride on an environmentally friendly e-bus 7. I believe that today’s e-buses are as safe as conventional diesel buses 8. One of the benefits of e-buses is low noise level
The agreement rate percentages to the statements above, from each participating region, are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Responses of passengers of different regions not having ridden an e-bus.
It can be seen that the low number of respondents (6) in Turku has resulted in unanimous full agreement to statements 2, 7 and 8. On the other hand, the lowest agreement rate (50 %) can be seen among Pécs & Paks passengers being reluctant to pay an extra 10 % for e-bus rides. The rest of the agreement rates are between 50 % and 100 %
Passengers with e-bus riding experience
The number of passengers already ridden an e-bus, who replied in each region, are listed below.
Turku 80 Hamburg 86 Gozo 29 Livorno 66 Utrecht 101 Pécs & Paks 67
The statements used for the passengers already having e-bus experience are: