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L e a r n i n g t o L e a d

Words by Noel-Leigh Dustin “Gaannik” Cockney

Photos by Chris Clarke

Ifirst got involved with Outward Bound when Martin Landry from IDC approached my mother and asked her if I wanted to go down the Horton River for an Arctic Leadership Program. I excitedly accepted “The Challenge.” Three years later I was approached to go down the Horton River again, this time as a role model for the younger students on the trip. It was two days before the flight to the river. When we return from this trip I was scheduled to go to British Columbia for a multi-element program that included hiking up into the mountains and sea kayaking.

To be a positive role model to the younger students on the trip... this means I was to be there for them when they need help. As we all know, it is easier to talk to a friend who is roughly the same age and from the same general area as you than to open up to someone who is much older than you are and from a totally different place. I was also there to share with the students and instructors my on the land knowledge. I was also there to learn from the other people on the trip. The biggest thing I learnt from this trip is to be more outgoing. I accept that I can “act crazy”, and have a sense of humour around people I am just meeting.

Being back on the Horton River a second time is very exciting, I was very thankful to have another experience of it under my belt! Three years later, I have grown up somewhat, and it really allowed me to appreciate the beauty of our Northern land more than ever before. It opened up my eyes to the enjoyment that we can have when out on the land, while making new friends along the way.

The goal of this trip is mainly for the students to face challenges, whether it be physical, mental, or any other challenge that comes up; It was about learning to meet new people, traveling sixteen days down a river, waking up to see the same faces everyday for sixteen straight days, and dealing with leaving your new Horton River family in the end.

To me there are two major physical challenges canoeing down a river like this. The first is during the beginning; you have to adjust to paddling everyday for about 20 kilometers. This usually takes a few days, but it really depends on the person paddling. The second and toughest challenge (to me, on any trip out on the land) is dealing with the weather! You have be prepared for any type of weather thrown at you by ‘Mother Nature’.

Fortunately, we did not have any trouble on this trip with the students, because we all came together as a group to help each other out as the challenges came upon us.

This group as a whole made the trip the best of all my Outward Bound trips. Everyone was respectful and open to each other. We all got along very well, we were all able to joke along most of the time, and got serious when overcoming challenges as a group. Every group is unique, with very unique and different people who bond differently within the group.

Our group was full of special people: Kyle was the birthday boy on the trip, we made him a camping chocolate cake over the fire, gave him a Pez candy dispenser, and he wore the tiara we gave him for a present all day. Ryan and Dave were the entertainers on the trip. Chris was our singer. Amy was the one with the riddles. Lauren (aka Lolo/ Lola) was the impatient one when it comes to food. Monica was restless. Jodie sang along with Chris. Gloria was the quiet one. Melanie (aka Mel) and Bernadette (aka Bernie) were the talkative; Mel’s questions were always thrown at me, and I always answered. Bernie’s constant “HI” was never old even when she said it many, many times everyday.

Also, Mel and Bernie was always ‘picking’ on me (kidding), and we were always wrestling. And last but certainly not least, Tamara and Tanya were the courageous two of the group.

I felt honored to help both Tamara and Tanya confront their fear of water. While we were practicing our water rescue, they were both with me in the canoe, very frightened about having to tip over first. They were both shocked and quickly grabbed on to me when we entered the water. After our water rescue practice, they both became very comfortable swimming in the river and even floated along the river right above some rapids.

After this trip, I went on my scheduled twenty-one day, multi-element trip to British Columbia. We hiked up in the mountains for about a week and a half and sea kayaked for another week and a half. The highlights of the trip were just the amazing sights, and the bond that I had with the instructors on the course. My most memorable moments of this trip were talking to Henna Taylor, a twenty-one year old instructor, about the different cultures of Canada, particularly the Inuvialuit; and teaching everyone on the trip the games of the North, the Northern Games.

Being on these three Outward Bound trips have really inspired me to become an Outward Bound instructor myself. The last two trips were very helpful in showing me what kind of person I really am when dealing with challenges. What I love about Outward Bound is how I can teach people my knowledge of being on the land, about the culture of the North, and the Inuvialuit culture. Not only do I love sharing my knowledge, I love learning from the others in the group.

One of the challenges: eduring the bites of mosquitoes and bulldog flies.

Top: Melannie Wolki, Lauren Ruben and Tanya Ruben help each other through whitewaters.

Right: Noel (R) takes younger paddles through faster rapids.

Bottom: The 2007 Inuvialuit Horton Challengers- Front- Bernadette Green, Tanya Ruben, Melanie Wolki, (Middle row) Tamara Elias, instructor Amy Gauldie, Lauren Ruben, Monica Jacobson, Gloria Omingmak, Jodi Maring, (Back row) Kyle Ittunga, Noel Cockney, David Stewart (ICS Cameraman), Ryan Walker.

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