2 minute read
Sachs Harbour Anticipates Geese Hunt
By Lorna Dillon
The Sachs Harbour Community Corporation (SHCC) will be hosting a workshop with Beaufort Delta SelfGovernment Negotiation Team at the end of March. There were also 7 youth picked by the SHCC to attend the Regional Youth Conference in Inuvik. Sometime in April the SHCC Directors will be attending the Annual 42 Directors meeting in Inuvik, hosted by IRC.
The SH hunters and trappers committee has recruited 5 community members to hunt Perry Caribou for community members, members that cannot hunt for themselves or for whom the travel is too long and costly. A thank you to SH Hunters and Trappers Committee for always helping out our members with traditional food.
The Hamlet SAO will be planning a Emergency Response Training Course in Inuvik March 18 th and 19 th . This training is on how to be prepared to evacuate the community, for whatever reason. We cannot just head for the hills, we have to have a plan.
The SH Recreation Committee holds parents and tots every Tuesday 630pm to 745pm at the school gym. Vanessa Anikina is at the Arctic Winter Games, good luck to her at all her sports. Karaoke night is Friday March 17th , Movie night is Friday March 24 th and the Monthly dance is Friday March 31st
Our Health Care Centre will be promoting oral health for children, teaching the kids how to brush regularly for the month of April, and for May the centre will have Hepatitis Awareness Posters and Consultation with Murray the nurse-in-charge. Murry has been a member of Sachs Harbour for quite awhile, she deserves to be recognized for the many hours and time she put into taking care of our people. Thank you Murry.
For the week March 6th to 10 th the school children were at home because the teachers were all away training. I’m sure the kids enjoyed the week sleeping in and running around, doing whatever kids do.
The White Fox Jamboree will be moved into the Summer Months, the new date for Sach’s Jamboree is July 14 th to 16th . The new date will be determined at the next Regular Hamlet Meeting on March 20 th . Currently, the offices of the SH Hunters and Trappers and the SH Community Corporation will be moving to a Housing Unit due to upcoming renovations. The new location of both offices is just below Bridgette’s house. It is undetermined how long the move will be.
There’s not much news for the April and May for the community of Sachs, except everyone cannot wait to go out on the land by the end of May for geese hunting. As soon as the weather warms up I am sure families will be going out to all the lakes fishing and enjoying the sun.
March Birthdays are Kyle Donovan for the 8th , Preston Carpenter for the 9th , Joanne Eldridge for the 12th , Kolton Eldridge for the 13th , Kierstyn for the 16th , Kim Lucas for the 24th , Edith Hoagak for the 29th , Chelsey Elanik for the 30 th and Lena Wolki for the 31st . A big Happy Birthday to these community members!