1 minute read
Taking care of business in Ivvavik National Park
By Pat Dunn
Student comments:
National Parks have three main jobs to do: protecting the resources of the national parks; education and storytelling; and helping visitors have safe trips and great experiences in our parks. The work is carried out through the direction and advice provided by co-operative management boards and by the park management plans, which are the result of consultations with communities and Canadians.
In this summer’s activities in Ivvavik you can see examples of all three aspects of Parks Canada’s work.
Educational programs are offered each year at Sheep Creek. Science camps were held this year for students from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik and for the Biology 20 class from Samuel Hearne Secondary School.
Rachel Hansen and Melinda Gillis were hired this year to help out with providing visitor information and education programs. Providing trip planning and safety information for visitors planning to go to the park is a big part of our job in the Inuvik office.
Rafting the Firth River is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most of the 150 people or so that do it each year. This year two young local athletes will take the Canada Winter Games Torch down the Firth from Margaret Lake to the coast, travelling in rafts with Parks Canada staff. Look for their story in the next issue of Tusaayaksat!
Lastly, protecting the resources within the park is a major part of the park’s obligations to Inuvialuit and to all Canadians. One main reason for the park’s establishment was to protect part of the home of the Porcupine caribou herd. Parks Canada participates in the Porcupine Caribou Management Board and is involved in caribou population surveys as well. This year Parks Canada is also doing an assessment of the old Stokes Point DEW Line station for contaminants, partly from concerns raised by people hunting and fishing along the coast.
in Ivvavik I feel like I’m in touch with nature. This place can not be described in words or with pictures, it is truly amazing and inspiring”.
“Ivvavik is a park that all people in the NWT should get to experience. It is one of the few places in Canada where the animals and their habitat are 100% protected from harm. We need to do more as Canadians to preserve wildlife and the environment that surrounds them”.
“This park is one of the most beautiful things in this world I have ever seen. The scenery just takes everything away and makes it all seem simple”.