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Art Contest Winner – Lindsey Payne
I have been creating paintings for a charity group called 'Dreams Take Flight' in Calgary for the past 5 years. They have inspired me to try new things. These paintings can be seen on my website and Facebook page.
I have always loved to draw and do any kind of art as far back as I can remember. Art class was always my favorite subject in school. I took art in high school and was planning to attend art college in Calgary. I ended up moving up North, where I lived and worked for 11 years. During this time, I got to know and learn about my Mother’s side of the family, and loved to paint animals and images of the North. I have sold paintings for years through IRC and my Aunt who runs a craft shop in Inuvik.
The title of this piece is A Mothers Love, it is acrylic on wood. What inspired me to make this piece was my friend Holly Norris and her twin sister Meghan (originally from Inuvik), who had a birthday coming up, about 2 years ago now. This was going to be their first birthday without their mother who had just passed away from cancer earlier that year. I made 2 paintings that were identical—one with a black background and one with the teal blue. So, this is a painting of their Mom holding her twin girls. This piece is actually on a small piece of wood at 4 x 6 inches. It seemed easy to make at the time, but I have not been able to replicate it since! I just remember seeing the image I wanted in my head and it turned out very nicely.
Because this is such an emotional time right now with COVID-19, I just want to say that many of us can relate to this painting because we all have a mother figure in our lives— whether it be a Grandma, Stepmom, Aunt, or just Mom—who loved us and did what they could for us. That connection will never end.
I felt very honoured to be chosen in the Top 4 for this contest. I almost missed the deadline and it was hard to choose what type of painting I wanted to put in. My usual style is very different from this, but I love painting Northern animals. This is one of my favourite pieces, so I am so happy that others like it as well!
Art to me is the freedom to put what makes you special out there for the world to see. Not everyone can be ‘book smart’ or 'the same' as what people expect you to be. You can be as vibrant and open and just as interesting as anyone with what you express with your artwork.
My advice to other Inuvialuit artists is not to be shy about your artwork because there is no bad art. Never compare your artwork to anyone else's. I often hear people say ‘I could never do that.’ But there are so many forms of art; you should try something else until you find something you love!