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Ilitchuriyara tadjva niblingitkupta qangma sapirnaqiniaqtuaq sivumun Imaryungmi.
in Inuvialuit inuuniarvingat.
Lennie Emaghok uqallangmiyuaq tadjvaguuq Inuvialuit qaunagiyaksaryaat Imaryuk ilungiqturluta. Udjiqturluni qapsinik iqalliqinaqtuq. Upinraksami ingatavik, Imaryuk tariumin atayuq tasiqpatualuk nunaryuami, (iqaluaqpalik). Uvva Lennie-m uqausiit inuit tusaayaksangat: protect our wildlife and environment, such as Imaryuk, which has been a sacred place for Inuvialuit since time immemorial.
Una qaunagigiyaksaq, ‘tariumin atayuq tasiqpatualuk nunaryuami Imaryuk iqaluaqpalik’. Allanin tatchinin iqalungnik (trout) manninginiklu nauniarmangaata Imaryungmun Nautchiuqtit ilivakaluagait aglaan inuulainniqtuat tariulingmi ilitchuriyait. Imaryuum iqaluaqpait nungukpata takunatqilaittut utitqilaittut. Qangma Imaryuk upalagikput qaguliqa, apqutiqpak iliman. Munaqsaukirama savaanikkama Imaryumik, isumamni Inuvialuit atqunaqlutik iqalliqivaliqtuat ukiukalu. Iqaluksiuqtuat Imaryungmi inugiatqiliqtuat tamatkuanin takuyaqturiaqtuanin nunaptingnik. Ilitchuriyara tadjva niblingitkupta qangma sapirnaqiniaqtuaq sivumun Imaryungmi.
Lennie Emaghok tadjva uqaqtuq inungnun qanuq isumatilaaminik Imaryukun. Sivuani, Lennie sivituyumik ilauvaktuaq ukuannun: Tuktuuyaqtuuq Hunters and Trappers Committee, Tuktuuyaqtuuq Community Corporation, Inuvialuit Land Administration Commission. Quyanainni Lennie ikayuqtaugavit Inuvialungnun sivituyumik.
Lennie Emaghok also stated that it is very important for Inuvialuit now more than ever to preserve and protect Imaryuk, and to be mindful of how many fsh we catch annually and especially during springtime, because Imaryuk is the only place in the world with iqaluaqpak (saltwater lake trout). Here’s his message as a Monitor for Imaryuk:
That alone should be heard, ‘the only salt-water lake trout in the world’. It has already been researched where they take a diferent trout-species and even their eggs to try and raise them in Imaryuk, but it won’t survive because of the salt water, so if our Imaryuk trout are gone, they are gone forever, and there’s no bringing them back. We can now access Imaryuk anytime, unlike in the past before the highway was open. Being a Monitor and [considering] what I’ve seen since I became involved in the Imaryuk Program, my concern is that our People are over-fshing during all 4 seasons; that accumulates more fshing in Imaryuk than visitors with a license to fsh. I see that if we don’t start talking about it now, it might be too late to preserve and protect the fsh-stock in Imaryuk.
by albert elias
Lennie Emahok has taken the time to share his perspective and concerns as a Imaryuk Monitor. Prior, Lennie has served many years on the Tuktuuyaqtuuq Hunters and Trappers Committee, as well at the Tuktuuyaqtuuq Community Corporation, which through the TCC, was also appointed on the Inuvialuit Land Administration Committee. Quyanainni Lennie for your many dedicated years working on behalf of Inuvialuit.
1. Ikayurulugit nunam idjusiagun ammalu qanuq Inuvialuit isummatingit tusaapkarlugit malirutqublugit Savaktiqpangnun Inuvialuilu savaktingit. Niryutitigunlu savaktuat nunaptingni.
2. Inuvialuit pitqusingit ilisimayangit qaunagilugit inuuniarvingnilu inuit tusaamalugit.
3. Inuvialuit savaktuksat nunaptingni inuuniarvingini ilisautilugit.
4. Inuvialuit nunangani anguniaqtuat qapsinik niqsaqtilaangit nautchiurlugit.
1. Contribute reliable environmental data and local expert Inuvialuit knowledge to inform and support decisions by resource managers and developers, Inuvialuit organizations and wildlife co-management boards.
2. Incorporate local expert Inuvialuit knowledge as well as local ways of monitoring into community-based monitoring eforts.
3. Build and increase capacity in Inuvialuit communities to enhance participation in local and regional monitoring and research activities.
4. Establish a long-term harvest-monitoring program to meet ISR decision-makers data and knowledge needs.