5 Best Backpack Of Emergency Kit In The Market outdoorcaregear.com /5-best-backpack-of-emergency-kit-in-the-market/ 8/22/2017
An emergency can hit anyone anytime. All it takes is a natural disaster or an economic collapse, and our lives will be changed within 24 hours. It may take days for the rescue teams to get to you in a disaster. It is better to be prepared before, rather than regretting it later. It is necessary to have a backpack of a proper emergency kit. We have shortlisted 5 best backpacks of an emergency kit that you can buy from amazon.com. 1. Ready America Emergency Kit You can buy this item for an inexpensive price and know that in a worst-case scenario, you’ll have the basics covered with a nicely-packed, ready-to-do items. It includes Emergency food bars, Water, Emergency Blankets, First aid kit, Lightsticks, Dust masks, Non-Latex Gloves, Whistle, Poncho raincoats.
Pros: Has a good First Aid Kit Inexpensive Small and portable Has extra space so that you can add your personal belongings.
Cons: The bag is firm build. Compare Prices
2. Wise Food 5-Day Emergency Backpack The Backpack Contains: 1 Backpack, 5 Water Pouches, 42 Piece Bandage Kit, 1 Squeeze Flashlight, 5-in-1 Survival Whistle, Waterproof Matches,Mylar Blanket, Emergency Poncho, Playing Cards, N95 Dust Mask Portable Stove, Stainless Steel Cup, Pocket Tissues, Wet Naps, Waste Bag, 32 Servings of Wise Food-Southwest Beans and Rice (4 Serve), Creamy Pasta and Vege Rotini (4 Serve), Brown Sugar Multigrain (4 Serve), Apple Cinnamon Cereal (4 Serve), Hearty Tortilla (4 Serve), Whey Milk (12 Serve).
Pros: There is a lot of extra room left in the bag. Has a Portable Stove Water Resistance Camo Look 1/3
Cons: Lacks in durability Quality of bag is little cheap Compare Prices
3. The Vehicle Pack – Car Emergency Kit Backpack It is highly recommended to have an Emergency Backpack in your cars and trucks. This item is small portable and has all the important things you might need in Emergency while you are in the vehicle. The Vehicle Pack – Car Emergency backpack is the perfect combination of emergency tools and survival gear for the road. It comes in a clear, waterproof dry bag. Contents are protected from flooding, rain and snow storms, as well as water and sodas that get spilled in the car. The pack includes: Heavy-duty, Clear Waterproof Dry Bag, 1 LED Headlamp with Batteries – 2 x Glow Sticks – 1 x Stretchable Wristbands with LED Light and Whistle, 2 x Food Bars – 6 Water Pouches, 1 Waste Disposal Bag – 1 Tissue Pack, 1 Mylar Blanket – 1 Pair 8 Hour Hand Warmers – 1 Body Warmer – 1 Poncho – 1 Tubular Bandana, 46 Piece First Aid Kit – 2 Dust Masks, 1 Pair Utility Gloves – 1 Roll Duct Tape – 4 Extra AAA Batteries – Waterproof Matches – 1 Multipurpose Tool.
Pros: Total Water Proof Survival Gear for the road Small in size. You can even keep it under your seat
Cons: It’s a little heavy. Have no extra space. Compare Prices
4. Safe-T-Proof 2 Person/3 Day Grab and Go BackPack This pack is a good start if you are willing to add to it. It contains all the basic items used for an emergency.
Pros: Good BASIC starter emergency bag. Best quality items are added in this backpack. The product has more worth than its cheap price.
Cons: 2/3
Just has basic items. Compare Prices
5. Ready America 70180 Emergency Kit 1 Person Backpack If you live alone, there’s a more compact version of the 3-Day Emergency Kit that will sustain one person for three days. It too contains the three basic essentials as recommended by the American Red Cross, Always make sure that you are prepared for the unexpected by storing your kit at home, at the office, or in your car. Emergency Kit Contains: 1 2400 calorie food bar (5-year shelf life), 6 Water Pouches (5-year shelf life), 1 Survival blanket, 1 emergency poncho, 1 Pair of nitrile gloves, 1 First Aid Kit (33 piece), 1 12-hour safety light stick, 1 Emergency Whistle, 1 Pack of pocket tissues, 1 Dust mask, 1 Convenient backpack. Pros: Includes all the necessary items Spacious High-quality Items used. Cons: Low-quality Bag Compare Prices