4 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight thefitnessdiets.com /4-reasons-youre-not-losing-weight/ admin
Making a resolution to exercise or engineer a dramatic weight loss is all shades of admirable. It is, however, more important that you do not render any steps taken ineffective with your poor eating habits. Doing so will kick-start a continuous cycle of failure that will leave you feeling defeated and depressed at each false start. Food types packed with sugar, fat and high calories may give you an indulgent high but that is where the fun ends. Excessive fat may lead to heart disease while high sugar consumption could serve as a gateway to diabetes. We take an in-depth look at the food types that should be no-go areas for you if you plan on getting serious with the weight loss business.
4.Soda and Processed fruit drinks The sugary rush of a cold bottle of Soda looks like the definition of a warm down after a vigorous workout. The truth is that you pay for the thrill with a high-calorie intake. Soda drinks also come with an alarming amount of sugar making it a terrible choice. Processed fruit juice and drinks are not an option either. Chemical preservatives used to extend their shelf life alongside high sugar content effectively rule them out. The safe option for hydration during a weight loss program is undeniably water. We have to admit that water can get boring, so spice it up constantly with a slice of fruit.
3.Fried food The danger with fried food is the excessive addition of calories while frying making it a health risk. For cooking at home, you should consider healthier cooking methods like poaching or grilling. Whenever you eat out or buy snacks avoid anything fried as much as you can.
2.Fast Food A key characteristic that binds every kind of fast food is the high fat and sugar content. A good example is Pizza. Pizza is basically made up of refined flour and packed with processed meat. Unchecked intake of fast food puts you at risk of heart disease and other ailments. Instead of fast food, try out different fresh fruits to recharge on the go.
1.Refined grains Refined grains are grains that have undergone excess processing.This leads to the removal of fibre content and a reduction in the nutritional value of the grains. What you are left with from the grains and they is by-product is high sugar and starch content masked by an improved taste.Under this category, white bread, white rice, and white pasta are popular examples. Most diets, unfortunately, revolve around refined grain from homemade cooking to processed food. An alternative is to embrace whole grain which is unrefined and minimally processed. It contains all the grain components particularly the nutrient-rich germ and bran. These components provide a rich source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals to help you stay in shape and be healthy. If you have been cheating on your weight loss program with any of these food types, it is time to start cutting 1/2
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