1 minute read
from Tusk Talk 2023
by Tusk Trust
Top Conservation Lower Zambezi team members learn pangolin tracking techniques from the Pangolin Project team in Kenya.
Credit: Hanneke Hogerheijde
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Members of the Conservation Lower
Zambezi and Pangolin Project pose for a photo after a successful knowledge exchange visit

Credit: Hanneke Hogerheijde
A tagged pangolin and her pup photographed in the Lower Zambezi, Zambia

Credit: Estella Snowden
Two representatives from Conservation Lower Zambezi, Zambia, visited the Pangolin Project, Kenya, along with one of their partners to learn about pangolin rehabilitation and release. The Pangolin Project hosted a training session at the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the Kenya Wildlife Service Headquarters in Nairobi, with sessions on pangolin restraint, tracking and tagging. The Kenya team shared their ground knowledge and also enjoyed learning from the Zambia team on the rehabilitation work they do. They in turn hope to visit Zambia soon to learn more.
After finding what seems to be a strain of syphilis affecting wild Chimpanzees' health in Guinea, the Chimpanzee Conservation Centre (CCC) Guinea, wanted to learn from Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) Uganda, how to prevent humanchimpanzee disease transmission under the One-Health approach.

The CCC team had a successful visit to Uganda where they learnt how to implement effective One-Health projects with local communities around protected areas. Communities will be much more participative once their healthcare system is significantly improved and in turn the CCC will be able to tackle zoonotic diseases before they can spread to the chimpanzees.