1 minute read


The Domestic Abuse Resource Pack is the result of many interagency partners working together to highlight awareness of Domestic Violence and how to respond to it.

Firstly, Louth and Meath CYPSCs wish to thank and acknowledge the Roscommon CYPSC and services, whose original work on the Roscommon Domestic Violence Abuse Pack provides the template for this document. Thank you also to the interagency stakeholders of Louth and Meath CYPSCs’ Safe and Protected from Harm sub-groups who supported the adaptation of this resource. Funding was provided by the Better Outcomes Brighter Futures programme fund through the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).

A special thank you to the Louth Meath Domestic Violence Working Group, which includes input from:

• Annmarie Kidd, CFSN Coordinator, South Louth, PPFS, Tusla • Susan Keogh, Manager, Drogheda Women’s and Children’s Refuge • Jackie Jackson, CFSN Coordinator, North/South Meath, PPFS, Tusla • Ann Larkin, Services Manager, Women’s Aid Dundalk • Paula McCabe, CFSN Coordinator, North Louth, PPFS, Tusla • Andrea McDermott, Social Care Manager/Training Manager, Men’s Aid • Alice O Halloran, CFSN Coordinator, East/South Meath, PPFS, Tusla • Sinéad Smith, Manager, Meath Women’s Refuge and Support Services • Leonard Callaghan, Coordinator, Meath CYPSC • Joanne Murphy, Coordinator, Louth CYPSC

We also wish to thank all those services that have reviewed and submitted feedback on this Resource Pack.

The information contained in this document is a guide and for information purposes only. It has been compiled from many sources that are not controlled by Louth/Meath CYPSCs. While all reasonable effort has been made in the compilation and publication of these contents, Louth and Meath CYPSCs make no representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information, materials or services contained herein. Louth and Meath CYPSCs shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, to the user or any third party for any damage resulting from the use of the information contained or implied in this document.

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