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Appendix B: Step by Step Meitheal Guide
Consider whether a Meitheal is necessary. Talk to the young person/parents using the Parent’s Information Leaflet and Children and Young Person’s Information Leaflet as a guide.
Secure written consent by completing the Meitheal Request Form and return to Senior Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Coordinator.
Liaise with CFSN Coordinator for support.
With the parent and young person, complete the Strengths and Needs Form identify strengths and needs and desired outcomes which will inform an outcomes-focused action plan for the child/young person.
Use the “my world triangle” to guide the discussion.
Keep the identification of strengths and needs concise and use clear, simple, plain English.
Parents and young person will identify who they want to attend the Meitheal meetings, e.g. Representatives from school (Year head, guidance counsellor, SCP, HSCL, Principal etc.), EWO, Family support worker, CAMHS, addiction support workers etc.
Assign a facilitator/ chair/ minute taker. Contact your CFSN coordinator for support if needed.
Meitheal support meetings provide an opportunity for practitioners and families to discuss and identify additional needs and develop an action plan to meet them.
It should lead to less duplication of services and more effective integration of services.
The plan will be monitored and reviewed at regular intervals appropriate to the needs of the young person’s progress (usually every 6-8 weeks).
Planning and Review Form will be completed and distributed following each meeting.
The number of meetings will depend on the needs of the young person and the Closure and Feedback Form will be completed at the final meeting.