Design Pieces of London Design Biennale Colombia

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COLOMBIAN PRODUCTS Design by: David H. Del Valle


Considerado monumento nacional desde 1978, Barichara es uno de los municipios más hermosos del país, gracias a su implementación de la piedra tallada en la arquitectura cotidiana. Es esta labor, la que nos inspiró a trabajar con esta región y sus artesanos, en busca de llevar la belleza de sus calles a nuevos espacios. Considered a national monument since 1978, Barichara is one of the most beautiful towns in the country, thanks to its implementation of carved stone into their everyday architecture. It’s these labor, which inspired us to work with this region and its artisans, in search of bringing the beauty of its street to new spaces.


Las piedras de Barichara son areniscas originarias de las minas del departamento de Santander, Colombia. Caracterizadas por su dureza y sus jaspeados en tonalidades rojas, ocres, amarillas y blancas; suelen ser utilizadas para fachadas, carreteras, esculturas y fuentes por su resistencia a la intemperie. Barichara stones are sandstones original form the mines of Santander, Colombia. Characterized by they hardness and its marbling in red, ocher, yellow and white tones; these stones are usually used for facades, roads, sculptures, and fountains thanks to their resistance to outdoor weather.



EL RESULTADO THE RESULT El resultado es un objeto único e irrepetible que se encuentra en un punto intermedio entre el diseño y el arte; donde las formas y colores cuentan la historia no solo de un material, sino además de un pueblo y un artesano que con el trabajo de su mano saca a relucir la belleza de una materia prima y una tradición que ha puesto a su región en el mapa. The result is a unique and unrepeatable object that lies somewhere between design and art; where shapes and colors tell the story not only of a material but also of a town and an artisan that with the work of his hands brings out the beauty of the raw material and tradition that has put his region on the map.



£ 3000 GBP




STOOL Y CONTENEDORES GUACAMAYAS GUACAMAYAS STOOL AND CONTAINERS Los indígenas Laches fueron los primeros pobladores de Guacamayas, un municipio ubicado al norte de Boyacá, reconocido por el trabajo de “cestería en rollo o espiral”, que talentosos artesanos que habitan en este territorio practican para crear piezas artesanales llenas de tradición e historia. The indigenous Laches were the first settlers of Guacamayas, a municipality located north of Boyacá, recognized for the work of “basket weaving in roll or spiral” that talented artisans who inhabit this territory, practice to create handmade pieces full of tradition and history.

UNA TÉCNICA ANCESTRAL AN ANCIENT TECHNIQUE Hoy en día, la técnica ha sido preservada y se mantiene con mayor fuerza en la comunidad artesanal de Guacamayas, se caracterizaba por su fineza y pequeño diámetro del rollo, que en aquellas épocas no era mayor 4 o 5 milímetros. Se manejaba en ese entonces el color natural (blanco) del fique con algunas pintas rojas (obtenido del tinte de la cochinilla), azules y negras (obtenidos con añil). Su función era netamente utilitaria. Se elaboraban principalmente platos y cestos de reducido tamaño, utilizados algunos de ellos en los antiguos “pesos” o balanzas de pesar alimentos, la lana de las hilanderas y los productos vendidos en los mercados locales, contra una medida conocida, que en muchos casos era una piedra que estaba legalizada, como cuarto de libra o media libra y pastillas de chocolate que daban las onzas. Esta técnica heredada por la población campesina de la zona continuó aplicándose en objetos pequeños como platillos, canastos pequeños con asa y tapa y pequeños sombreros o gorritos para los niños. Today, the technique has been preserved and maintained with greater force in the artisan community of Guacamayas, it was characterized by its fineness and small diameter of the roll, which in those times was not greater than 4 or 5 millimeters. At that time the natural color (white) of the fique was handled with some red pints (obtained from the cochineal dye), blue and black (obtained with indigo). This function was clearly utilitarian. Basically, small dishes and baskets were produced, some of them used in the old “weights” or scales of food weighing, the wool of the spinners and the products sold in local markets, against a known measure, which in many cases was a stone that was legalized, like a quarter pound or half a pound and chocolate bars that gave the ounces. This technique inherited by the peasant population of the area continued to be applied to small objects such as saucers, small baskets with a handle and lid and small hats or hats for children.


£ 1000 GBP





Stool o mesa auxiliar hecho a mano por la técnica de cestería en espiral rool con Fique. Artesanías de tradición colombiana.

Los colores de estos objetos son naturales y no dañan el medio ambiente en su proceso superficie de madera reforestada y libre de solventes tóxicos.

Stool or table made handmade by the technique of basket weaving in rool spiral with Fique. Crafts of Colombian tradition.

The colors of these objects are natural and do not harm the environment in their reforested wood surface process and free of toxic solvents.

£ 1000 GBP


CONTENEDORES GUACAMAYAS GUACAMAYAS CONTAINERS Los contenedores de gran formato son una de nuestras piezas, ya que contener siempre a sido la principal función de esta técnica. Para nosotros es importante preservar y dar nuevas posibles funciones abiertas. La tradición en el oficio de la cestería en rollo, ha sido preservada en Guacamayas gracias a la transmisión de padres a hijos. Large format containers are one of our pieces, since always containing has been the main function of this technique. For us it is important to preserve and give new possible open functions. The tradition in the trade of basket weaving in roll, has been preserved in Guacamayas thanks to the transmission of parents to children.

£ 900 GBP £ 900 GBP


CHAMBA CHAMBA Al suroriente de El Guamo en el Tolima, existe un territorio en el que la magia del barro y los colores se combinan para dar vida a una cerรกmica llena de historia llamado la Chamba, donde se hacen las piezas mรกs icรณnicas de la cerรกmica colombiana. To the southeast of El Guamo in Tolima, there is a territory in which the magic of mud and colors combine to give life to a ceramics full of history called La Chamba, where the most iconic pieces of Colombian ceramics are made.

HISTORIA HISTORY La vereda de La Chamba es uno de los centros cerámicos más reconocidos del país. Está ubicada en el departamento del Tolima a 10 km del casco urbano y a 14 km de El Espinal. Su economía está basada en la producción agropecuaria y la elaboración de artesanías es llevada a cabo por más del 85% de su población. Desde hace más de trescientos años los pobladores de este corregimiento se han dedicado a la alfarería y sus conocimientos han pasado de generación en generación, hasta convertir en tradición el trabajo del barro y la creación de piezas que llevan consigo la historia y la cultura de una región típicamente artesanal. The village of La Chamba is one of the most recognized ceramic centers in the country. It is located in the department of Tolima, 10 km from the town center and 14 km from El Espinal. Its economy is based on agricultural production and the elaboration of handicrafts is carried out by more than 85% of its population. For more than three hundred years, the inhabitants of this village have dedicated themselves to pottery and their knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation, until becoming a tradition the work of clay and the creation of pieces that bring with them the history and culture of a typically handmade region.

CONTENEDORES CHAMBA CHAMBA CONTAINERS Andes está hecha en la técnica tradicional de la Chamba pero con la característica de rayar la superficie manualmente para darle una textura visual más táctil y a su vez mas artística. Estas piezas únicas se trabajan a mano por un proceso de torno y posteriormente quedamos y coloración por ceniza para dar su tono negro oscuro. Estas piezas pueden ser usadas como materas o simple decoración tienen una carga emocional y material muy fuerte en Colombia así como el interés de nosotros de preservar este oficio que cada día son mas limitados los artesanos y el interés de nuevas generaciones. Andes is made in the traditional technique of the Chamba but with the characteristic of scratching the surface manually to give it a more tactile visual texture and at the same time more artistic. These unique pieces are worked by hand by a lathe process and later we stay and coloring by ash to give its dark black tone. These pieces can be used as pots or simple decoration have a very strong emotional and material load in Colombia as well as the interest of us to preserve this trade that every day are more limited craftsmen and the interest of new generations.

£ 600 GBP

£ 400 GBP

£ 500 GBP


Design by: David H. Del Valle


Historically the sea, the water and its creatures have had the ability to teach us about natures beauty, while inspiring epic stories of adventure around the world. The sea speaks of greatness, rivers of purity and reefs of color and life; that’s why we have turned to the inhabitants of the sea, the mangroves and our direct connection with nature, in search of details that can serve as sources of inspiration.


By studying skin of fish and its scaly structures, we were able to highlight the modularity of the scales as a stackable and mobile sequence. This property, which provides protection and beauty to our biodiversity, is not unique to fish; being present in the wide variety of reptiles that inhabit the Tropic and the Caribbean, two regions of our country. Tu Taller Design is a company committed to showcase the best of it culture, extracting inspiration from its environment and implementing traditional techniques for the development of its products.


Every day the value given to handmade products is increasing, this has open possibilities for the design and development of products through collaborations with communities, whose unique techniques allow them to live with dignity from their work and knowledge. The integration of ethnic element in new interior spaces, provides homes or institutions with new textures full of life, color and interesting stories. We know that Latin American products are increasing their value in the international market and this product has the ability to position itself in the international environment for both design lovers and enthusiasts.



Our design is inspired by an element loaded with mobile and superimposed modules. For this reason, our product seeks to comply with these specifications, by having different levels that allow diversity of configurations, providing variety and flexibility to spaces, while surprising with its simple and unique textures achieved through the knitting. Escama is a system of tables woven from recyclable plastic fibers by experienced craftsmen from Colombian Caribbean region. The configurations of the knitting are as varied and colorful as the configurations that you can get from the three tables.

£ 500 GBP

£ 500 GBP

£ 500 GBP

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