Antiderivative of Fractions Antiderivative of Fractions In calculus, antiderivative is an operation which perform opposite operation on derivatives or we can say that antiderivative performs integration operation because integration is opposite form of differentiation . In today's session we are going to discuss antiderivative of fractions: There are different-different types of fractions, so we discuss antiderivative of each type of fractions- Antiderivative of denominator fraction ( 1 ) : x For antiderivative of denominator fraction (which have only denominator values), we use following steps - a) First of all we convert denominator fraction into numerator value like 1 , Know More About Antiderivative of cosx
x then we convert into x-1 . b) After conversion we calculate antiderivative by power rule - power rule tells that if xn is a function, then antiderivative of xn is ∫ xn dx = xn+1 n+1 We take an example to understand antiderivative operation on denominator fraction - Example – Find antiderivative of 1 x2 Solution : ∫ 1 dx = ∫ x-2 dx = x-2+1 = x-1 = -x-1 = -1 X2 -2+1 -1 x antiderivative of general form ( x ) : y For calculation of antiderivative of this kind of form we use following steps step 1 : first of all we convert denominator into numerator like we have p , q then we convert into p.(q-1) . Step 2 : Then we use product rule on this form, where product rule tells that - If we have x.y form then antiderivative of x.y is - ∫ x.y dx = x ∫ y.dx – y. ∫ x dx Now, we take an example to understand antiderivative of general fraction - Example: Find antiderivative of ln x x2 Solution: ∫ ln x dx = ∫ ln x.x-2 dx = ln x ∫ x-2 dx – x-2 ∫ ln x dx x2 = ln x (-1) – x-2 . (x.(ln x) - x) x = -ln x – x-1(ln x) + x-1 x So, these two type of fractions exist in calculus and we can calculate their antiderivative by these two methods. Learn More About Antiderivative of sec
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