Antiderivative of secx Antiderivative of secx can be calculated easily with help of knowledge of integration of trigonometric functions. Before going to solve this type of problem we must have knowledge of derivative of a function. If we draw a graph of a function, and we draw a straight line that just touches the curve at a point then that point is called derivative. The derivative is the differentiation of the function at that particular point. We can find the derivative of the given function by differentiating the given function. Derivative of trigonometric function can be easily find out if you have knowledge of basic of trigonometric function. Here we need to find the antiderivative of secx for that we need to know something about antiderivative, Know More About Rational and Irrational Numbers
it can be defined as: If we draw a curve and we need to find area under that curve then we take one initial point and one final point and then simply we will integrate the function from initial limit to final limit and we can easily find area under the curve this is the simplest technique for finding the area and accurate too. In order to solve the problem you must knowledge that how to rewrite secx in form of sinx and cosx, because these are the only two functions whose integration is known to us. For this question you must know about, how to rewrite secx in the form of sinx and cosx. Secx is the reciprocal of cosx so, we can write- secx=1/cosx, Now, our task is to integrate 1/cosx, = Ęƒ1/cosxdx, For any function in the form of 1/x we will integrate it as ln(x). Now, we can integrate cosx as sin, thus required solution is: Ęƒsecxdx=ln(sinx) In this way we can find antiderivative of different trigonometric functions
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