Solution of First Order linear Differential Equation Solution of First Order linear Differential Equation Let’s talk about “first order linear differential equations” which is the main part of calculus. As we all know differential equation are the equations which consists of derivatives, few variables and constants, order of the differential equation is decided by the largest derivative present in the differential equation. A differential equation can be of any order, depending upon that differential equations are categorized as first second and higher order differential equations. A differential equation which has only first order derivative is called first order ordinary differential equation. Further, a first order ordinary differential equation is also called first order linear differential equation if it consists of a linear function and its derivative. Know More About Antiderivative of e
Let’s take an example to clearly understand the concept of first order linear differential equations, dy/dx + p(x)y = q(x). If we look at this equation we find that it contains a first order derivative term dy/dx, a variable y and two linear functions p(x) &q(x) that is why this is called the general form of the first order linear differential equation. Now, we list out few important properties of the first order linear differential equations: 1. First order ordinary differential equations depend only on one variable. 2. The right hand side of the first order linear differential equations is a linear function. 3. A linear first order differential equation is homogeneous if, its right hand side is zero. 4. A linear differential equation of first order is non homogeneous if its right hand side is not zero. Now we are going to discuss the method to solve the linear differential equations. Let's discuss the solution of first order linear differential equations with the help of an example: Solve the linear differential equation dy / dx - 4 x y = x In the very first step we have to compare the given differential equation with the general form of the ordinary differential equation of first order, we obtain P(x) = -4x and q(x) = x.
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After finding the linear functions, p(x) and q(x) in the next step we have to calculate the Integrating Factor (I.F.)
which can be calculated by using the formula u(x) = ᶴep(x)dx Here we find that u(x) = ᶴ e-4xdx = e-4x/(-4) = - e-4x/4 this is our integrating factor. Now, the solution of the linear differential equation of the first order is given by the formula: U(x)y = ᶴ u(x).q(x)dx, which is general formula to solve all linear differential equations of first order.
Now substituting the values of u(x) and q(x) in above equation we obtain: -e4x/4.y =(- ᶴ e-4x.xdx)/4 Now, integrating the right side of the equation by method of integration by parts we obtain the solution: -e-4x y/4= (xe-4x/-4) -ᶴ1.(e-4x/4)dx, e-4xy/4 = xe-4x/4 – e-4x/16 +c, or e-4xy = xe-4x – e-4x/ 4 +c
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