Top High Schools in New York There are over 400 high schools in New York City with nine of those being on the list of elite high schools. Although the tuition for these nine schools is free, the requirements to being admitted are high. Each year 8th and 9th graders in New York spend hours on Specialized High School Admissions Test prep. The SHSAT is given each fall for students who are aspiring to attend one of these elite schools. Entrance into these nine elite schools is based solely on the results of the SHSAT which is what makes SHSAT test prep so important. Recently, US News released a list of the top ranked schools in New York and six of the 9 were included in the high schools they placed in the top 10. Top 10 NY Schools According to US News Each year high school students across New York are given the Regents Exams. Those who are disadvantaged economically or academically are eligible to receive grants that allow them to attend a New York college through the Higher Education Opportunity Program. New York has numerous schools ranked in a variety of high school rankings. Included in those top high schools are 58 gold medal schools. The Brooklyn Latin School is one of New York City’s public schools that is also ranked nationally and included in the top 50 high schools in the nation. According to US News the top 10 high schools in New York include: 1. High School of American Studies at Lehman College 2. High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies 3. Queens High School for the Sciences at York College 4. Brooklyn Latin School 5. The Baccalaureate School of Global Education 6. Staten Island Technical High School 7. The Bronx High School of Science 8. Townsend Harris High School 9. Blind Brook High School 10. High School for Math, Science and Engineering at CCNY 9 Specialized High Schools in New York City
Each year, students who are in the 8th and 9th grade and attending school in New York take the Specialized High School Admissions Test. They spend hours preparing for this high stakes test which is the only way to gain admission into one of the nine specialized high schools found in New York City. For many students it means purchasing study aides and study guides or participating in SHSAT tutoring in a class or individual setting. The nine schools presently on the specialized high school list include:
Bronx High School of Science
Brooklyn Latin
Brooklyn Technical High School
High School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College
High School of American Studies at Lehman College
Queens High School for the Sciences at York
Staten Island Technical High School
Stuyvesant High School
Students who wish to go to one of these top schools must take the SHSAT and score among the highest scores to ensure their entrance into the specialized school of their choice. The Specialized High Schools Institute An extracurricular high school prep program, Specialized High Schools Institute (SHSI), helps students who are in middle school prepare for the SHSAT. The SHSI is a rigorous coursework in the basics like writing, math, science and literature. They also offer various group guidance activities that help develop good study habits, critical thinking, time management and test prep skills. Current 6th graders can participate in the Institute as long as they meet certain criteria. To participate in the SHSI, students must be economically disadvantaged according to the Title 1 lunch status and have received minimum scaled scores of at least 675 on the
English and Math portions of the grade 5 standardized tests. They must have been in attendance at least 90% of the time during their 5th grade year as well. The SHSI occurs during the summer for students who are between grades 6 and 7. It is also active during the school year. It is considered to be an extracurricular program and meets twice a week. The sessions are on Wednesday after school and Saturday sometime during the day. 8th graders can also attend SHSI during the summer as a five week session that is scheduled and taken before they enter their 8th grade year. It is also held Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays throughout the school year.