Tutoring Services in Richmond Tuition Richmond provides one-stop tuition services for pre-school and school going children. K-12 children with this reliable tuition service either have difficulty learning to read or want to go beyond their grade level.
We provide Many tutoring services: Chinese Language  Singapore Math
Chinese Language This program teaches Chinese (Mandarin) to children in levels GR1–7. It involves the written and oral use of the Chinese language in everyday
life. The program is taught in small groups of 1-3 children per group with more individual attention.
Singapore Math The purpose of this tutoring approach is to develop your child's ability to quickly complete complex mathematical concepts with little effort and to help them meet current trends in mathematical curricula at our Richmond learning centers.
Sign-up for Free Trial | Enjoy Group Tuition (20% off Usual Rates)! To know more visit us: https://www.mrssam.ca/tutoring/ Directly call us: (778) 316-2418