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Discursive Essay Writing Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Tutorsindia info@ tutorsindia.com


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Discursive essays are written to provoke thought in the reader When a debatable topic is examined in an impartial manner, the readers must consider their opinions based on the points presented There should be arguments FOR and the arguments AGAINST in equal weighting Supporting details should have evidence of the key point. It should contain statistics /quotations / researched facts There should be Bibliography for supporting points

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Examples of Discursive Essay Topics:  Can celebrities be good role models to young people in today’s society?  Are electric cars a replacement for those powered by fossil fuels? II. WRITING A DISCURSIVE ESSAY Writing an Introduction 1. Explain the topic that is debated 2. Accept the view of both sides of the argument 3. Conclude with a rhetorical question, instigating the readers into thought


Example: Animal Testing has been in vogue for decades, and it is a topic of heated debate in the 21st century. For many years there have been supporters and opponents of animal testing arguing the cases for and against it. On the one hand, animal testing has resulted in important medical breakthrough highly beneficial to human life. However, on the other hand, many people see it as cruelty to animals. What are the main issues surrounding animal testing? III. BODY PARAGRAPHS 1. Begin with the FOR arguments 2. Use a range of openers or linker to open your topic sentences 3. When introducing the AGAINST section, use a contrasting opener, like However, Conversely, Despite, on the other hand, etc Example: Firstly, those for experiments on animals argue that it is a means to greater ends. With this view, improving the human life is our precedence and the avoidance of animal pain is secondary to that.

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Therefore, if there is a possibility that an experiment will result in an essential medical innovation that will help human life, then it is defensible to allow animals for experiments. In addition to this, it may be claimed that in practice it is likely to reduce pain. Those conducting research should seek implementing animal welfare in their labs, using anesthetic wherever possible and keeping animals in clean, comfortable, and healthy conditions. Indeed, the Animals Act (1986) enforces the principle that researchers must use those animals that have the lowermost level of sensitivity to pain and experiments must diminish the intensity of pain (Murnaghan, 2010).Thus, it is argued that it is feasible to experiment on animals without being harsh to them. Moreover, laboratory results have shown what important advances can be made in medicine by experimenting on animals. Therefore, prohibiting animal experiments may have an undesirable effect on developments in modern medicine. On the other hand, there are many who argue against animal testing. For example, it may be argued that animals have equal right as human beings to be treated as beings of value. Therefore, animals should


never be used for experiments for whatever gains for humans. Accordingly, causing pain and death to animals is unacceptable, whatever the supposed benefits. IV. CONCLUSION 1. Begin with “To conclude, “or “In conclusion,” 2. Sum up the controversy. 3. Give your own opinion on the subject – Go either way or have a mid-view justifying why you feel this way! Example: In conclusion, animal experiments could benefit humans but animals have a right to be free from unnecessary pain and suffering. Although it may be possible to conduct experiments in a humane manner, this cannot be guaranteed at all times. Additionally, there have been many disappointments with the results of animal testing which make it senseless to argue that medical advances validate such cruelty. It is therefore essential to ban experimenting on animals and invest in developing other methods of testing drugs and medical procedures. V. BIBLIOGRAPHY Murnagahn, Ian, Local Laws on Animal Testing, <http://www.aboutanimaltesting.co.uk/local-lawsanimal-testing.html> Tutors India offers the best essay writing services. It is the UK's best essay writing service and the most trusted name in customized academic support. REFERENCE http://www.calderglen.s-lanark.sch.uk/wpEng/wpcontent/uploads/2017/06/Discursive-Writing-Guide.pdf

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