Sample Management Assignment on Fast Life Events | Tutors India

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Assignment on Fast Life Events ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------

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Executive Summary This report studies the importance of as ---------------------- Confidential----------------------a winning team. It places emphasizes on good as ---------------------- Confidential----------------------and positive environment for achieving extraordinary results.

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Table of Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4 2. Requirements of an Event Management Team ...................................................................... 4 3. Team Roles ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Shaper ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Resource Navigator .......................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Monitor Evaluator ............................................................................................................ 5 3.4 Specialist .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Implementer, Team Worker ............................................................................................. 6 3.6 Co-ordinator ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.7 Completer, Plant ............................................................................................................... 6 3.8 Politics in a Team ............................................................................................................. 7 4. Team Spirit & Working Relationship .................................................................................... 8 5. Independent Working – Applying Spaghetti ......................................................................... 8 6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 9 7. Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 9

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1. Introduction This report examines the key elements required to make a successful event management team. The report carefully studies three ---------------------- Confidential----------------------and chalks out ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------team. It also throws light on developing good team spirit and positive working relationship.

2. Requirements of an Event Management Team Event Management can be defined as ---------------------- Confidential----------------------creation and development of concerts, conferences, events and festivals. Teams in an Event management would ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------the need of the client, zeroing on the target audience, formulating the event concept, ---------------------Confidential-----------------------and taking ---------------------- Confidential----------------------aspects (Harris,2010). In recent times, a well-managed event can leave a memorable impact on the audience. A company can hold an event for business building, raising money or entertainment. The team will be involved ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and decision








Confidential-----------------------would hold ---------------------- Confidential----------------------a ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. The team will be responsible for technical details, ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of logistics materials. A multi-tasking team will be responsible ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------, event format, finances, script, negotiations and competent client service. After identifying the key elements requirement of a successful event management team, company employees of FLE can be given roles as per their skills and talents.

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3. Team Roles When individuals ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------in a team, they can produce ---------------------- Confidential----------------------- results. There --------------------- Confidential-----------------------be some degree of difficulty in ---------------------Confidential-----------------------of task complexity (Herold, 1979).Therefore, a winning team should make use of effective dynamics and conflict resolution strategies. Team dynamics assign different roles to each member which they may use while working on a ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------

3.1 Shaper The role of a Coach which is equivalent to that of Shaper (Belbin’s role) is crucial for team’s success. This member of the team ---------------------- Confidential----------------------the motivating team and takes care of each of the team members---------------------Confidential----------------------- our company can be assigned this role. She will not only guide the team but also develop towards positive working relationships. 3.2 Resource Navigator The role of an Explorer which is ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of a Resource navigator (Belbin’s roles) is ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------team. This member ---------------------Confidential-----------------------required to find new and better ways to achieve a goal. Mr.Moosa of FLE can be given this role. The role needs him to look over the boundaries of a given situation. This member should have the ability to advertise ideas inside as well as outside the ---------------------- Confidential----------------------3.3 Monitor Evaluator Sculptor or Monitor Evaluator (Belbin’s roles) of a team is a critical component of the team. This member believes in doing the things in an ethical and completely right way. All Rights Reserved ©, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Tutors India (a unit of GuiRes Healthcare Pvt Ltd), No: 10, Kutty Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 034, Tamil Nadu, India




Mr.Suleman can be given this function. He will be ---------------------- Confidential----------------------and motivate others to become ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. He will use knowledge and experience to gain in years to help him with the problems. He knows exactly what needs to be done and by what ---------------------- Confidential----------------------. 3.4 Specialist Crusader can be compared with Specialist (Belbin’s roles) in a dynamic team. A Specialist will give priority to ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. She remains focussed on the subjects of vital importance. ---------------------- Confidential----------------------easily slip into this role also. She needs to value principles and ethics at all levels of decision-making. She will care for other team members and will extend her support to anyone in need. 3.5 Implementer, Team Worker Team Worker, Implementer (Belbin’s roles) can be compared with the conductor of a successful team. This member ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. Ms.Fatima of the company can be assigned this role. She will be responsible for designing plan and putting together her members work. She will function in a ---------------------- Confidential----------------------so that each of the team member would know where they are going. 3.6 Co-ordinator The role of a curator can be assigned to a Coordinator (Belbin’s roles) of the team. A good understanding ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------can be brought about by this member. ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------this role also. He will be required to bring in extra information and examples which will help team members understand. 3.7 Completer, Plant

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Team dynamics also has a Scientist or Completer, Plant (Belbin’s roles) who brings clarifications to the project---------------------- Confidential-----------------------can do these roles effectively. He will need to analytically open up the information to get a complete understanding of the topics. All the ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------are important in making a winning team. 3.8 Politics in a Team Politics and internal ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------unavoidable. A team comprises people of different bend coming together and working for a common goal. Good knowledge about sensitive politics ---------------------- Confidential----------------------issue. In the team mentioned above, team members can play politics as per their personalities ---------------------- Confidential----------------------Ms.Fathima is expected to show ---------------------- Confidential----------------------wherein she tries to stay close upper management people, work on the basis of own thoughts, no morals or ethics. She can do the team player role, where she contributes her efforts for the project. Ms.Aliya can help her working with ethics and morality. Fatima’s work will need constant & regular monitoring from the shaper. Mr.Mossa will exhibit traits ---------------------- Confidential----------------------Baddeley, Kim ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------). A cunning & clever personality who’s only interest is self-progress by any means. He’ll be seen in the company of powerful people, ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------approved. His contribution to the team would be to gather all the information related to the project from outside or inside the team. Until the time a ---------------------- Confidential----------------------is arrived upon, he can keep searching for the information from the reliable sources. He will also need monitoring from ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------for ethics and behaviour. Ms.Aliya will show typical characteristics of ---------------------- Confidential----------------------, Kim James, 1987). She will help other team members and adhere firmly to business ethics and morals. She can be relied upon for majority of the responsibilities.

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Mr.Suleman is the “---------------------- Confidential-----------------------team (Sim Baddeley, Kim James, 1987). He knows how to get work done. He’ll lead from the front keeping other team member’s views. He’ll ---------------------- Confidential----------------------with the goal, mission and ethics.

4. Team Spirit & Working Relationship To make better ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and to develop healthy team ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------strategies ---------------------Confidential-----------------------be employed. Team members should display utmost commitment towards the project. Members can ---------------------- Confidential----------------------the success of the team by using their skills and talents (Bragg, 1999). Co-operation among teammates and understanding each other’s strong & weak points will make a lot of difference---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of a winning team. Positive communication, enthusiasm towards ---------------------- Confidential----------------------deadlines will make working relationships positive. On the contrary, a poor performing team will have poor communication, inadequate ---------------------- Confidential---------------------Accommodating others views and making some compromises will go a long way in team building. Avoidance can be taken as ignoring of a conflict while anticipating it can make conflict go away (Richard Gemme, 1985). Conflict among team members can lead to dissatisfaction, ill feelings and less cooperation (Amason, 1996).

5. Independent Working – Applying Spaghetti The concept of “---------------------- Confidential-----------------------” can be followed in a little-modified form to ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------work individually. The designers of this ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------infuse the company with elements of market control ---------------------- Confidential----------------------This was considered as hard to reproduce source of knowledge related competitive advantage (e.g., Gould 1994).

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As Event management is ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------, the most important factor of making teams is coming together ---------------------- Confidential----------------------people. Applying Spaghetti, any ---------------------- Confidential----------------------has an idea which can be developed into a profitable future product can select his own team. There should be no interference from the top management (Kolind 1994). Some extensive decision-making power will lie ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. Teams can start the project from any node of operations. Thus creating a “free market at work” (Labara 1996). It advocates Anthropocentric Approach or work would be designed fitting the capabilities and needs of the individual person (ibid, 1997). The salary structure was decentralized to project appointed leaders. These leaders had the powers of independent entrepreneurs and functioned that way (---------------------- Confidential-----------------------). To motivate the staff members, an employee stock benefits program can also be initiated (Kolind, 1994).

6. Conclusion The report suggests that a positive team spirit and working environment can make a team successful. Although ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------this. By giving team powers some decision-making powers, management can expect marvelous results.

7. Recommendations Winning Team of ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------should be given roles as per their personality ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------willingness. A healthy team spirit and serene working environment can give marvelous results.

Task 2 Executive Summary This report studies ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------in motivating his colleagues and helps them to attain the goal. This report ---------------------- Confidential----------------------on good communication skills.

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Introduction This report is ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------in a team can produce extraordinary results. Benefits of flow of positive communication are described in the report. Communicating motivational talks give a lot ---------------------- Confidential----------------------members and also help them to gain independent working knowledge. All these aspects of team leadership are explained in this report.

Main “Leadership is the art of ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------you want done because he wants to do it.” Dwight D Eisenhower, 1987

Theories of Leadership Early leadership theories dealt with leaders and followers (Thomas Carlyle, 1975). While subsequent ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------as group phenomenon as it deals with people or group. Following basic assumptions are associated with concept of leadership (Thomas Carlyle, 1975) 

---------------------- Confidential-----------------------itself with changes

Leadership is based on values

Everyone has ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------a leader

Leadership is a team phenomenon Many leadership theories have developed in recent times, all of these can be broadly

grouped as following on the basis three eras in accordance with their origin. 

The Trait era ( ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------)

The Behaviour era ( ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------)

The Contingency era ( ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------)

The Trait Era All Rights Reserved ©, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Tutors India (a unit of GuiRes Healthcare Pvt Ltd), No: 10, Kutty Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 034, Tamil Nadu, India




This leadership theory says that leaders are born and can never be made. It was believed that traits of leadership ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and cannot be developed. (Argyris, 1976).These traits were ---------------------- Confidential----------------------, honesty, self-confidence and intelligence.

Great Man Theory This theory considered ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------& heroic. The term great man’s origin can be traced back to military leadership. As during that time leadership was considered as a male trait(Argyris,1976).

The Behaviour Era During this period, the researchers started to look beyond the personality of a leader. Instead, they shifted their ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. This approach is of the view that anyone who adopts an apt ---------------------- Confidential----------------------a good leader (Argyris, 1976). This behaviour says that behaviour can be easily learnt and modifies.

The Contingency Era The theories ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------trait and behavioural era attempted to use one leadership style ---------------------- Confidential----------------------upon various variables like the pattern of leadership ---------------------- Confidential----------------------variables are given importance in this approach.

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Situational Theory This theory suggests that the leader will choose his actions suiting the given situation best. It states that the ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------or a circumstance decides








Behavioural Theory This theory believes that leaders are not born, but they are made. This approach emphasises on the course of action taken by the leaders and not his mental make-up or inherent qualities. Anyone can become a leader by learning and observation (House and Podsakoff, 1994).

Participative Theory This approach believes that a great leader will always take onto account others views. The theory encourages ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------the group members in all the aspect of decision –making. But leaders will always have the last say.

Management Theory This approach is also known as ---------------------- Confidential----------------------theory. It believes that contributions ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and group performance are critical to any leadership. According to this theory when a team member performs well, he gets appreciation, but when he ---------------------- Confidential---------------------- (House and Podsakoff,1994).

Relationship Theory

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This theory is also known as a transformational theory. It emphasizes on the relationship between the ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. These leaders motivate their group member’s ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------turn enhances leader’s productivity. The theory says that these leaders will always adhere to morals and ethics (---------------------- Confidential-----------------------).

Styles of Leadership In today’s world theories of leadership have seen drastic changes and so have the styles. There is no ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------which can handle a situation; rather there are few leadership ---------------------- Confidential----------------------as per the situation. Four basic types of leadership styles are identified. These are as follows 

Autocratic style of leadership

Bureaucratic style of leadership

Democratic style of leadership

Laissez-faire style of leadership

Autocratic Leadership Style This is also considered as the classical approach. In this approach, the manager has all the decision-making ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------Team members are never consulted for their opinions and ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. They are only expected to follow leader’s orders. As this approach believes in giving punishments to get work done, it is not widely followed.

Bureaucratic Leadership Style In this approach, the leader strictly adheres to all the rules and regulations. All the actions done are according to the ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------).Here

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leader is more often considered ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------a leader. If the action so planned is not mention in the book, the leader approaches his/her next level.

Democratic Leadership Style This approach is also known as participative style as it follows the democratic policies while decision ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------).Here the leader keeps all his team members ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and plans. The leader shares decision-making process with the teammates and also involve them in problemsolving.

Laissez-Faire Leadership Style This approach is ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------In this style, the manager hardly interferes with the functioning of team members and gives them all the freedom. All the decision----------------------- Confidential-----------------------like goal determination and problem-solving powers lie with the team members

Communication Team Communication Team communications ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------improved efficiency towards achieving a ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. It is one of the most basic requirements of human existence. Skilful ---------------------- Confidential----------------------like that of mediators (McCarthy, 2007). Communications in business, the organisation has all the more importance as it directs the guidelines to the team ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------among themselves and finally produces results. This way feedback is obtained quicker, different ideas and point of ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------effectively. Good group decisions often emanate from conflicts (Amason, 1996). Good communication skills are

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equally important for a leader and his teammates. An effective team member would communicate often (Hughes, 2003). It establishes the healthy working environment and help team members understand each other. Also, this way ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------faster pace (Lee, M.2008). Listening is also one of ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of powerful communication. This will help in conflict resolution, reduce errors and will avoid confusion. One of the positive ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------communication is that feedback is arrived upon fast. This way a plan or idea can be expanded or changed. The magic formula of a winning team is ---------------------- Confidential----------------------communicate and solve issues effectively. Winning team solve the problem while building the relationship (Swales, 2007). Responsibilities of Leader Leaders are ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and inspiration for any team. A leader guides his teammates to ---------------------- Confidential----------------------reach the pinnacle of success. Leaders get connected to bring clarifications of intentions and perceptions ---------------------- Confidential----------------------As a sage He has the responsibility to expand knowledge about a range of subjects. To ensure order and discipline when ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------sage manager will always encourage positive thinking and ---------------------- Confidential---------------------- (Burman and Evans, 2008) As a visionary He sees the impossible ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------conflicts (Amason 1996). As a Globalist

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As a globalist, the leader will become a global traveller in spirit, mind and body. He will try to bridge cultural ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of understanding and appreciating other cultures. A leader always remains ---------------------- Confidential----------------------and proposals coming from people ---------------------- Confidential----------------------origin and languages. As a Mentor A leader’s ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------his colleagues. He will help in career counselling and promotions by constantly working on various learning opportunities (Burman and Evans,2008). He ---------------------- Confidential----------------------e plays an instrumental role in ---------------------- Confidential----------------------environment in which people can work independently. As a Guide As a guide, the leader will keep people working in a constant direction. He will also ensure that the work is going on smoothly without any hiccups. He will attain goals by adhering to the rules, morals and values (Burman and Evans, 2008)

Motivation in Team Members A successful project ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------These team members have different personalities and thought process. To motivate these members and make them work together in harmony is ---------------------- Confidential----------------------successful leader does. The level of motivation can be found out by the ease of communication among team members (Jewell and Reitz, 1981). Leader clearly defines the ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------, guide them through the process of effective communication. Most of the teams fail to perform due to bruised feelings (Anderson, 1999). He will ---------------------- Confidential----------------------thinking in colleagues who will boost their ---------------------- Confidential----------------------. The leader motivates and inspires teammates by leading from ---------------------All Rights Reserved ©, No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent Tutors India (a unit of GuiRes Healthcare Pvt Ltd), No: 10, Kutty Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 034, Tamil Nadu, India










Confidential-----------------------and giving incentives. Team members also like to perform for a democratic leader than an autocratic leader. The challenge for the leader is to ---------------------- Confidential----------------------the right motivators for his team members. It ---------------------- Confidential----------------------members. The leader should be a part of members ---------------------- Confidential----------------------in the project. The leader carefully chooses his team members (Ware, 1977).

Conclusion The leader plays a significant role ---------------------- Confidential----------------------of aims, mission and objectives of an organisation. ---------------------- Confidential----------------------towards employee motivation and guidance. Leadership ---------------------Confidential-----------------------are not inherent; these can be developed over a period of time through careful study.

Recommendations A leader should always adhere to ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------. He is a role model for all of his team members so he should lead by front and throw a good example.

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Bibliography Harris, Event Planning, New York, Dealernews, 2010 Iacobucci, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, New York, Grid publishing, 2010 ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------and ---------------------- Confidential----------------------and Bros---------------------- Confidential----------------------McGregor, D. The Human Side of Enterprise New York, N.Y., Mcgraw-Hill, 1960 ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------, P Motivation Management, --------------------- Confidential----------------------- Vermont- Gower,1999 S. Baddeley and K. James, Owl, fox, donkey, sheep: political skills for managers, New York, Management Education and Development, 1987 ----------------------



Confidential-----------------------York, ---------------------- Confidential----------------------Bennis, W On Becoming a Leader, New York, Addison-Wesley, 1989 ---------------------- Confidential-----------------------of work ---------------------- Confidential----------------------1979 House, R. J. Culture, Leadership, and Organizations, New York, SAGE Publications, 2004

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