Fractions To Decimals Fractions To Decimals Today we are going to learn how we can convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Before going to conversion we need to know what is fraction and what is decimal then only we can learn about the conversion. Firstly we will discuss about fraction. Fraction contains two parts numerator and denominator. The upper part is called numerator and lower part is called denominator. If we take an example then we can say 3/5 is a fraction where 3 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator. Fractions are generally of following type: Like fraction: like fractions are the fractions whose numerators and denominators are in the constant multiplication with each other. 3/5=15/25 In the above example we multiplied numerator and denominator with a constant 5 so both are like fractions. Unlike fraction: Except like fractions all the other fraction are unlike. Know More About Hypothesis Testing
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We can perform many operations on fractions like addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. Now we will see one simple example of addition of fraction: Example: Add 2/5 and 4/5 The denominator of both the given numbers is same then the denominator of their sum will be same, we just need to add the numerators and we can obtain the result. So 2/5 + 4/5 =(2+4)/5 =6/5 We need to convert decimal number to fraction as it is very difficult to represent them on number line and decimal numbers are easier to understand than fractions. There are some rules that we need to follow. 路
Take the fraction in the form of numerator/denominator
Divide numerator by denominator
Now divide them till you get the final value.
Now we will see an example of Fraction to Decimal Converter
Examples: convert 3/5 in to decimal? Solution: step 1: we will write the fraction as it is 3/5 Learn More :- Difference Quotient
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Step 2: now we will divide numerator by denominator so we will divide 3 by 5. As we are seeing that we can’t divide 3 by 5, so we need to take the help of decimal, with the help of decimal we can make 3 as 30, now we can divide easily, now we can divide 30 by 5 with the result as 6. So if we divide 3 by 5 we will get 0.6 as a answer. As the calculation after the decimal digit is not more so no need to fallow third step. Now you can see the profits of conversion, it is very difficult to represent 3/5 in number line, but we can simply represent 0.6 in a number line. Now we will see one more example in which step 3 will also be included. Example: convert 5/6 to decimal? Solution: step 1: we will write the fraction as it is 5/6 Step 2: now we will divide numerator by denominator so we will divide 6 by 5. As we are seeing that we can’t divide 6 by 5, so we will take the help of decimal, with the help of decimal we can write 5 as 50. We can divide 50 by 6 we will get 8 as answer and 2 as reminder. Step 3: now after decimal we can write 2 as 20, so again dividing by 6 we will get 3 and again 2 as reminder, so we will repeat that process again and again. So we can write the answer as 0.83333…. This is all about the conversion.
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