What Is A Histogram What Is A Histogram When we represent the data in the form of diagram and graphic presentation, it becomes easy for the analyst to interpret what all it contains and to come to various conclusions and decisions. There are many geometrical devices to represent data in different forms. Some of them take the shape of the points, bars, lines, multidimensional figures, pictorials and still more many other shapes can be used to represent the data. All these methods are non quantitative methods of representation of data, but still the numerical values are also indicated along with them. The figures are given the size proportionally so that the analysis can also be done by non qualified and non technical person too. We use diagram representation in modern advertisement campaign. They are equally widely used in economics, business, administration social and other fields. Here in this unit we are going to learn "What is a Histogram"? The histogram is a type of time series graphs have time as independent variable. A suitable scale has to be devised for presenting all the variables on the vertical axis called y- axis.
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It is used to represent 1 cm = 10 units, 100 units or likewise 1000 units for larger data. Similarly we use horizontal axis to represent the data fields like months of the year, days of the week, or the names of the products. Now we must not get confused with the terms histogram and historigram. Histogram is the area diagram and of rectangular type on another hand we say that historigram is a type of frequency curve which is used to represent a frequency curve showing the changes in the values with the change in time. Histogram is a method of charting a continuous frequency distribution. It consist a series of erect drawn bars, in form of the rectangles on the x- axis, with base equal to the corresponding class intervals and with equal base sections drawn on it. Here we observe that the height is proportional to the frequency corresponding to each data. We can draw the histogram for the data which has equal class interval or with unequal class interval. If we have the class interval with the same magnitude then each of the class intervals is drawn on the x- axis which is equal or proportion to the magnitude of the class interval. Now on these class intervals bars are drawn on the reading of the frequency. The series of the bars so formed are called the histogram. Another thing which we observe on the bars of the histogram is used to find the midpoint of the class interval. This is called the central point of the bars. Unequal class intervals are having the bars which are not proportional in size. If the rectangles are erected on different class intervals, then its areas are not proportional to its frequencies. They do not appear to have same width. In order to find the area of the rectangles of the histogram of different class interval, we write: Area of each rectangle = width * height
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= width of the class * frequency density Where we can say that we find the frequency density by the formula: Freq density = class frequency/width of the class With of class in the numerator and the denominator cancels out and we get, Area of the class = class frequency. The general formula of probability density function of the uniform ramdom distribution function is defined as follows: f(x) = 1 / B-A for A x B Where A is the location parameter and (B - A) is the scale parameter. The case where A = 0 and B = 1 is called the standard uniform random distribution. The equation of the standard uniform random distribution is f(x) = 1 for 0 x 1. These all are important in the Uniform random distributions.
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