2015 new year greeting (Mr. Wong)

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From Mr. Yushun Wong

Simplified Chinese Version 简体中文版

Mr. Yushun Wong 回顾2014 回顾 2014是持续成长的一年 是持续成长的一年。 是持续成长的一年。 • 业务线中, 和28.4%: :其中二方审核业务的 业务线中,管理体系服务持续稳定增长, 管理体系服务持续稳定增长,销售额和税前利润分别较上年增长 销售额和税前利润分别较上年增长21%和 发展势头保持强劲, 。汽机车团队挑战自我, 发展势头保持强劲,业务所占比重提升至近40%。 业务所占比重提升至近 汽机车团队挑战自我,再下一城, 再下一城,将二方经销商业务拓展至新 领域、 万元的销售佳绩, 万元! (企业社 领域、新品牌, 新品牌,取得了全年2620万元的销售佳绩 取得了全年 万元的销售佳绩 其中仅宾利等新品牌项目金额就达到260万元 其中仅宾利等新品牌项目金额就达到 万元!CSR( 会责任) 。对能源 会责任)团队不遑多让, 团队不遑多让,凭借出色的审核质量和客户服务, 凭借出色的审核质量和客户服务,再度刷新销售业绩, 再度刷新销售业绩,较上年大幅增长40.6%。 较上年大幅增长 及环境服务 )而言, 及环境服务(I.06) 而言,过去的一年则是重新定位的转型年。 过去的一年则是重新定位的转型年。适应市场变化, 适应市场变化,发展重心由碳服务转为能效的转 型战略已初见成效: (能源与环境设计领袖) 型战略已初见成效 与华为和大众签下莱茵第一张LEED( 与华为和大众签下莱茵第一张 能源与环境设计领袖)绿色建筑合同, 绿色建筑合同,项目金额分别为 100万元和 万元和150万元 万元。 万元和 万元。在并入工业线后 在并入工业线后, 线后,新的一年在能效业务领域当更有一番作为! 新的一年在能效业务领域当更有一番作为! • 作为业务部门大后方的职能部门亦表现不俗: 作为业务部门大后方的职能部门亦表现不俗:去年由政府关系部协调申请并获得的政府补贴和政府采购服务项目 的合计金额近900万元 万元。 万和224万元的政府专项资金补贴和政府采购检验 万元的政府专项资金补贴和政府采购检验 的合计金额近 万元。其中, 其中,深圳和上海公司分别拿下了588万和 深圳和上海公司分别拿下了 万和 检测及审核服务项目; (集成平台管理系 检测及审核服务项目;信息技术部重在基础设施建设, 信息技术部重在基础设施建设,如公司内部网络带宽升 如公司内部网络带宽升级 部网络带宽升级,IPMS-LIMS( 统-实验室信息管理系统 实验室信息管理系统) (企业信息共享平台) 实验室信息管理系统)整合, 整合,SharePoint( 企业信息共享平台)搭建等都为持续提升快速优质的服务打下了 良好基础; (健康安全环境), 良好基础;质量管理部通过系统地推进HSE( 质量管理部通过系统地推进 健康安全环境),CI( ), (持续改进) 持续改进)等项目, 等项目,引导各部门从各个工作 节点上进行控制, 节点上进行控制,发现存在和面临的问题, 发现存在和面临的问题,努力优化业务流程, 努力优化业务流程,提升绩效, 提升绩效,以期助推形成良好的运作体系, 以期助推形成良好的运作体系,这些 都为日常业务的稳健运营和活力增长构筑了稳固而有力的支撑平台。 都为日常业务的稳健运营和活力增长构筑了稳固而有力的支撑平台。 • 在这里, 在这里,我由衷地感谢每一位同仁 我由衷地感谢每一位同仁: 感谢你们一如既往的努力进取、 谢你们一如既往的努力进取、兢兢业业和勤奋工作! 兢兢业业和勤奋工作! 我和大家一样为你们的成绩和成就感到自豪和骄傲! 和大家一样为你们的成绩和成就感到自豪和骄傲!

Mr. Yushun Wong

展望2015 展望 2015年的认证行业将继续处在 年的认证行业将继续处在“群雄并举 战国时代 。我们应当庆幸 年的认证行业将继续处在 群雄并举”的 群雄并举 的“战国时 战国时代”。 我们应当庆幸,这样的 这样的格局, 格局,带给我们无限 精彩的可能; 精彩的可能;但我们又应当警醒 但我们又应当警醒, 们又应当警醒,这样的 这样的格局, 格局,我们稍不留神, 我们稍不留神,就会被时代的车轮甩掉 就会被时代的车轮甩掉。在众多检测 认证机构强调“大而全 综合性” 一站式” 全球化” 认证机构强调 大而全” 大而全 “综合性 综合性 “一站式 一站式 与 “全球化 全球化 的背景下, 的背景下,我们如何在竞争中获得更大的发展 空间? 空间? •

锐意进取, 锐意进取,力求创新 力求创新。问渠哪得清如许? 渠哪得清如许?为有源头活水来。 为有源头活水来。通过业务 通过业务创 业务创新、服务创新和制度创新, 务创新和制度创新, 追求有质量、 追求有质量、有效率的持续增长 有效率的持续增长。保持传统业务持续稳健增长的同时 保持传统业务持续稳健增长的同时, 务持续稳健增长的同时,积极推进新的发展布局的形 成,不断深化市场前景更为广阔的食 不断深化市场前景更为广阔的食品 阔的食品、能源、 能源、电子商务等领域的发展力度。 电子商务等领域的发展力度。

“精细化 精细化”我们的业务流程 精细化 我们的业务流程、 我们的业务流程、大客户管理和客户服务, 大客户管理和客户服务,进一步提升管理效率。 进一步提升管理效率。如果说“专业化 果说 专业化”回答的 专业化 回答的 是“做什么 做什么”的问题 做什么 的问题, 的问题,那么“精细化 那么 精细化”回答的就是 精细化 回答的就是“如何做得更好 回答的就是 如何做得更好”。 如何做得更好 。以客户服务为例, 客户服务为例,即从聆听客户的 声音, 声音,关注每一个细节出发, 注每一个细节出发,持续改善, 持续改善,力求提供超越客户期望的服务。 力求提供超越客户期望的服务。

加强团队和跨部门合作, ,以平等、 加强团队和跨部门合作,打破各自为阵的封闭思维模式 打破各自为阵的封闭思维模式 (silo-thinking), 以平等、共赢、 共赢、学习的心 态,在业务发展的各个环节寻求良好的合作。 在业务发展的各个环节寻求良好的合作。

Mr. Yushun Wong

拥抱2015 拥抱 “爆竹声中一岁除 爆竹声中一岁除, 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 春风送暖入屠苏。” 马年的蹄声已渐行渐远, 马年的蹄声已渐行渐远,新年钟 声即将敲响, 声即将敲响,在这已未羊年来临之际我给大家拜个早年: 在这已未羊年来临之际我给大家拜个早年: 祝大家在新的一年里神采飞“羊 、阖家安康、 祝大家在新的一年里神采飞 羊”、 阖家安康、工作顺利、 工作顺利、喜气“羊羊 喜气 羊羊”! 羊羊 ! 让我们在新一年的中, 让我们在新一年的中,以三羊开泰之势, 以三羊开泰之势,踏上新的征程, 踏上新的征程,实现新的跨越, 实现新的跨越, 攀登新的高峰, 攀登新的高峰,追逐新的梦想, 追逐新的梦想,迎接这充满希 迎接这充满希望的 ! 满希望的2015! 望的

Traditional Chinese Version 繁體中文版

Mr. Yushun Wong 回顧2014 回顧 2014是持續成長的壹年 是持續成長的壹年。 是持續成長的壹年。 • 業務線中, 和28.4%: :其中二方審核業務的發展勢頭保持強勁, 業務線中,管理體系服務持續穩定增長, 管理體系服務持續穩定增長,銷售額和稅前利潤分別較上年增長 銷售額和稅前利潤分別較上年增長21%和 其中二方審核業務的發展勢頭保持強勁, 業務所占比重提升至近40%。 。汽機車團隊挑戰自我, 萬元的銷 業務所占比重提升至近 汽機車團隊挑戰自我,再下壹城, 再下壹城,將二方經銷商業務拓展至新領域、 將二方經銷商業務拓展至新領域、新品牌, 新品牌,取得了全年2620萬元的銷 取得了全年 售佳績, 萬元! (企業社會責任) 售佳績 其中僅賓利等新品牌項目金額就達到260萬元 其中僅賓利等新品牌項目金額就達到 萬元!CSR( 企業社會責任)團隊不遑多讓, 團隊不遑多讓,憑借出色的審核質量和客戶服務, 憑借出色的審核質量和客戶服務,再 度刷新銷售業績, 。對能源及環境服務( )而言, 度刷新銷售業績,較上年大幅增長40.6%。 較上年大幅增長 對能源及環境服務(I.06) 而言,過去的壹年則是重新定位的轉型年。 過去的壹年則是重新定位的轉型年。適應市場變化, 適應市場變化,發 展重心由碳服務轉為能效的轉型戰略已初見成效: (能源與環境設計領袖) 展重心由碳服務轉為能效的轉型戰略已初見成效 與華為和大眾簽下萊茵第壹張LEED( 與華為和大眾簽下萊茵第壹張 能源與環境設計領袖)綠色建築合同, 綠色建築合同,項目 金額分別為100萬元和 萬元和150萬元 萬元。 金額分別為 萬元和 萬元。在並入工業線後, 在並入工業線後,新的壹年在能效業務領域當更有壹番作為! 新的壹年在能效業務領域當更有壹番作為! • 作為業務部門大後方的職能部門亦表現不俗: 萬 作為業務部門大後方的職能部門亦表現不俗:去年由政府關系部協調申請並獲得的政府補貼和政府采購服務項目的合計金額近900萬 去年由政府關系部協調申請並獲得的政府補貼和政府采購服務項目的合計金額近 元。其中, 萬和224萬元的政府專項資金補貼和政府采購檢驗檢測及審核服務項目 萬元的政府專項資金補貼和政府采購檢驗檢測及審核服務項目; 其中,深圳和上海公司分別拿下了588萬和 深圳和上海公司分別拿下了 萬和 萬元的政府專項資金補貼和政府采購檢驗檢測及審核服務項目;信息技術部重在 基礎設施建設, (集成平臺管理系統-實驗室信息管理系統 (企業信息共 基礎設施建設,如公司內部網絡帶寬升級, 如公司內部網絡帶寬升級,IPMS-LIMS( 集成平臺管理系統 實驗室信息管理系統) 實驗室信息管理系統)整合, 整合,SharePoint( 享平臺) (健康安全環境), 享平臺)搭建等都為持續提升快速優質的服務打下了良好基礎; 搭建等都為持續提升快速優質的服務打下了良好基礎;質量管理部通過系統地推進HSE( 質量管理部通過系統地推進 健康安全環境),CI( ), (持續改進) 持續改進) 等項目, 等項目,引導各部門從各個工作節點上進行控制, 引導各部門從各個工作節點上進行控制,發現存在和面臨的問題, 發現存在和面臨的問題,努力優化業務流程, 努力優化業務流程,提升績效, 提升績效,以期助推形成良好的運作 體系, 體系,這些都為日常業務的穩健運營和活力增長構築了穩固而有力的支撐平臺。 這些都為日常業務的穩健運營和活力增長構築了穩固而有力的支撐平臺。

• 在這裏, 在這裏,我由衷地感謝每壹位同仁: 我由衷地感謝每壹位同仁: 感謝妳們壹如既往的努力進取、 感謝妳們壹如既往的努力進取、兢兢業業和勤奮工作! 兢兢業業和勤奮工作! 我和大家壹樣為妳們的成績和成就感到自豪和驕傲! 我和大家壹樣為妳們的成績和成就感到自豪和驕傲!

Mr. Yushun Wong

展望2015 展望 2015年的認證行業將繼續處在 年的認證行業將繼續處在“群雄並舉 戰國時代”。 年的認證行業將繼續處在 群雄並舉”的 群雄並舉 的“戰國時代 戰國時代 。我們應當慶幸, 我們應當慶幸,這樣的格局, 這樣的格局,帶給我們無限 精彩的可能; 精彩的可能;但我們又應當警醒, 但我們又應當警醒,這樣的格局, 這樣的格局,我們稍不留神, 我們稍不留神,就會被時代的車輪甩掉。 就會被時代的車輪甩掉。在眾多檢測 認證機構強調“大而全 綜合性” 壹站式” 全球化” 認證機構強調 大而全” 大而全 “綜合性 綜合性 “壹站式 壹站式 與 “全球化 全球化 的背景下, 的背景下,我們如何在競爭中獲得更大的發展 空間? 空間? • 銳意進取, 銳意進取,力求創新。 力求創新。問渠哪得清如許? 問渠哪得清如許?為有源頭活水來。 為有源頭活水來。通過業務創新、 通過業務創新、服務創新和制度創新, 服務創新和制度創新, 追求有質量、 追求有質量、有效率的持續增長。 有效率的持續增長。保持傳統業務持續穩健增長的同時, 保持傳統業務持續穩健增長的同時,積極推進新的發展布局的形 成,不斷深化市場前景更為廣闊的食品、 不斷深化市場前景更為廣闊的食品、能源、 能源、電子商務等領域的發展力度。 電子商務等領域的發展力度。 • “精細化 精細化”我們的業務流程 精細化 我們的業務流程、 我們的業務流程、大客戶管理和客戶服務, 大客戶管理和客戶服務,進壹步提升管理效率。 進壹步提升管理效率。如果說“專業化 如果說 專業化”回答的 專業化 回答的 是“做什麽 做什麽”的問題 做什麽 的問題, 的問題,那麽“精細化 那麽 精細化”回答的就是 精細化 回答的就是“如何做得更好 回答的就是 如何做得更好”。 如何做得更好 。以客戶服務為例, 以客戶服務為例,即從聆聽客戶的 聲音, 聲音,關註每壹個細節出發, 關註每壹個細節出發,持續改善, 持續改善,力求提供超越客戶期望的服務。 力求提供超越客戶期望的服務。 • 加強團隊和跨部門合作, ,以平等、 加強團隊和跨部門合作,打破各自為陣的封閉思維模式 (silo-thinking), 以平等、共贏、 共贏、學習的心 態,在業務發展的各個環節尋求良好的合作。 在業務發展的各個環節尋求良好的合作。

Mr. Yushun Wong

擁抱2015 擁抱 “爆竹聲中壹歲除 爆竹聲中壹歲除, 爆竹聲中壹歲除,春風送暖入屠蘇。 春風送暖入屠蘇。” 馬年的蹄聲已漸行漸遠, 馬年的蹄聲已漸行漸遠,新年鐘 聲即將敲響, 聲即將敲響,在這已未羊年來臨之際我給大家拜個早年: 在這已未羊年來臨之際我給大家拜個早年: 祝大家在新的壹年裏神采飛“羊 、闔家安康、 祝大家在新的壹年裏神采飛 羊”、 闔家安康、工作順利、 工作順利、喜氣“羊羊 喜氣 羊羊”! 羊羊 ! 讓我們在新壹年的中, 讓我們在新壹年的中,以三羊開泰之勢, 以三羊開泰之勢,踏上新的征程, 踏上新的征程,實現新的跨越, 實現新的跨越, 攀登新的高峰, ! 攀登新的高峰,追逐新的夢想, 追逐新的夢想,迎接這充滿希望的2015! 迎接這充滿希望的

English version 英文版 英文版

Mr. Yushun Wong

Review 2014 2014 was a year of continuous growth. In terms of business lines, • Systems grew continuously. Both its sales and EBIT increased by 21% and 28.4% respectively over last year. The second-party auditing business grew significantly, contributing nearly 40% of the total sales. Through self-challenge the Mobility team continued their success by expanding the car-dealer services to new fields and new brands, creating an annual sales up to 26.2 million RMB in which the sales amount from the new client Bentley alone reached 2.6 million RMB! The CSR team also did great. With outstanding audit quality and customer service, they created new sales growth by 40.6%. • For Energy and Environmental (I.06), 2014 was the year of repositioning and transformation. After it adjusted to market changes, the effect of changing its focus from carbon services to energy efficiency has started to produce initial results. For example, the team signed the first LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Green Building contract with Huawei and VW for TÜV Rheinland at project amounts at 1 million RMB and 1.5 million RMB respectively. After its integration with the Industry Services Line, a new horizon in the energy efficiency business is surely expected in a new year!

Mr. Yushun Wong

Review 2014 As a solid base of business lines, the supporting lines also made impressive achievements. • With the assistance of Government Relations, we obtained government subsidies and won government procurement contracts totally up to 9 million RMB last year, among which Shenzhen and Shanghai office obtained subsidies and won procurement/inspection/testing/audit contracts amounted to 5.88 million RMB and 2.24 million RMB respectively. • IT focused on infrastructure construction by upgrading the intranet bandwidth, integrating the IPMS-LIMS (Integrated Platform Management System and Laboratory Information Management System), and building the SharePoint (i.e. enterprise information sharing platform) to provide a good foundation for continual and rapid improvement of service quality. • By continuously promoting HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) and CI (Continuous Improvement) projects, QM provided guidance for all to control every aspect of work, discover current and potential problems, optimize work processes and improve performance, so as to promote a good operating system. All these have built a solid and powerful supporting platform for the steady operation and vigorous growth of the daily business. Here, I am deeply grateful to each and everyone of you: Thank you for working conscientiously and diligently as always! Like all of you, I am truly proud of your performances and achievements!

Mr. Yushun Wong Outlook 2015 In 2015 the certification industry will continue in a “warring period” with leading service providers together. We should be glad that such a situation will bring us endless wonderful possibilities. Conversely, we should also beware that we would be left behind by the wheel of time if we were not attentive enough under such a circumstance. While so many testing and certification bodies are emphasizing their “large and all-inclusive”, “comprehensive ”, “one-stop” and “globalized” services, how should we strive for more space for development in such a competitive market?

• Work with aggressiveness and innovation. “Why is water in the drainage so clear? For the fresh water comes from the springhead.” The same applies to us. Through “fresh water”, i.e. business/service /system innovation, we pursue sustainable quality and efficiency improvement. While pursuing continuous and steady growth for traditional business, we should aggressively promote the formation of new development layout by incessantly increasing efforts to develop business fields with better market prospects, e.g. food, energy efficiency and e-commerce, etc. • Refine work flow, key account management and customer service to enhance management efficiency. If “professionalization” is the answer to the question “what to do,” “refining” is the response to “how to do better.” Taking customer service for example, “refining” means we should start from listening to the voice of customers to pay attention to every detail and make continual improvement, so as to provide customers with services surpassing their expectations. • Reinforce cross-line cooperation to break through silo-thinking and pursue better cooperation in different parts of business development with equality, win-win and learning mentality.

Mr. Yushun Wong

Embrace 2015 “The crepitation of firecrackers sends off the old year, while the sweet wine and spring wind bring warmth into thousands of homes.” The sound of the horse’s gallop is getting farther and farther, while the bell for the Chinese New Year is about to toll. At the advent of year of the Goat, allow me to send you an early New Year greeting: Wish you all in spirit as high as the leap of Goat, health for you and your family, all the best in your work, and perfection in year of the goat! In the New Year, may the goat lead us to step on the new journey for new breakthroughs, new heights and new dreams.

Let’s embrace the promising 2015!

Voice from Systems

2014 Summary In 2014, Systems would achieve sales of 236 million RMB and EBIT of 37.5 million RMB, increasing 21% and 28.4% over 2013 respectively. In addition, the sales ratio of S.02 grew from 34.6% to 39.3% over 2013. Top annual highlights: •

Successfully extended car dealer S.02 projects to new areas, achieved total Sales 26.2 million RMB. Among total Sales the new brand (Bentley), used care (FAWVW) and independent dealership group (HaoWu) achieved 2.6 million RMB.

With excellent service quality and audit performance, sales revenue of BU CSR grew from 40.8 to 59.8 million RMB, increasing 40.6% over 2013.

Our CNAS and TAF ( China National Accreditation Service and Taiwan Accreditation Foundation ) accreditations have been renewed and the scope extended, enabling us to provide more services for the local market. Also, the TL9000 accreditation under ANAB (ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board) has been transferred from TR North America to TR China.


2014 Events/Activities • Took a lead to create and generate business from global brands. More interactions for cross-line and cross-region activities esp. for CSR business. • Successfully established Wechat as a communication and promotion tool to enhance relationship with customers. •

Extended service territory to Mongolia and received two ISO 9001 projects with strong support by top management.

Systems AP meeting for CSR cooperation enhancement


WeChat luck draw at a seminar in South China

Cooperation visit to Mongolia

2015 Outlook With challenging targets and higher expectations from top management, we have equipped ourselves and set up below strategies in 2015, esp. with more strict CNCA regulations in S.01 area and local agencies’ supervision, also dynamic market needs in S.02: • • • • •

Focus on E-Commerce industry creditability assessment for new service development. Develop and expand new services on Food and Energy Management. Enhance and streamline key account management within Systems Line. Cross-sell bundle-services with other lines. Implement ICMS. We will start handling TS 16949 projects in ICMS as well as co-working on projects from Asia-Pacific region. Customer portal and new auditor database are planned to be launched in 2015.

Special thanks to all colleagues for working as one team to achieve such an outstanding performance in 2014. Wish we would continue our robust growth and success in 2015!


Voice from Energy & Environment

2014 Summary 2014 has been a transformation year for us. Difficult market conditions impacted the very profitable until now Carbon Services. But we reacted strategically and confidently and we now have a well-thought focus into energy efficiency with the first positive result flowing in. Top annual highlights: •Restructured carbon services and swift focus into energy efficiency •Integrated as part of the I.06 GC Business Line •Gain our first LEED Green Buildings contracts with Huawei and VW •Wind – partnership with CGC, and first type certification project with Ming Yang •First Airport carbon Certification for TUV (Jakarta Airport)

Energy & Environment

2014 Events/Activities • Transferring expertise form German HQ - training seminars in energy efficiency and green buildings certification June and July.

Energy & Environment

• Green Buildings contracts with Huawei and FAW VW (Foshan) in 2014.

2015 Outlook Our focuses & core challenges in 2015: • Transfer expertise from Germany Energy efficiency teams and build a GC center of expertise to drive the business. • Build up our Wind Services Business & CGC partnership. • Maintain our Carbon Services expertise focusing on niche schemes.

Our new year wish :

A successful Energy and Environment team in 2015, with profitable business and projects in Energy Efficiency, Green Building Certification, Wind Power Services and Carbon Services.

Energy & Environment

Voice from Government Relations

2014 Summary In 2014, GR team dedicated more efforts and activities approaching and attaining on government subsidy, award and procurement projects. Top annual highlights: Government Awards: • •

TR Guangdong won the AAA rating for “2013-2014 Guangdong Enterprise Quality, Service and Credit Award”. TR Shenzhen was nominated as “Excellent National Enterprise with Foreign Investment” with the awards of “Rate Paying and Business Revenue Award”, “Quality Management Improvement Award” and “Harmonious Labor Relations Award”.

Won government subsidy, totally 8.54 million RMB: • • • •

TR SZ won 5.78 million RMB government subsidy TR SH won 1.94 million RMB government subsidy TR NB won 0.52 million RMB government subsidy TR China won 0.30 million RMB government subsidy

Gain government procurement projects, totally around 395K RMB: • • •

TR SH won VoC risk earlier warning project from Shanghai BQTS. (amount RMB 79K) TR SH won Luminaire government spot market surveillance project (amount RMB 220K) TR SZ won government assessment projects for products and services evaluation (amount RMB 96K)

Government Relations

2014 Events/Activities

• Delegation from State Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform (SCOPSR), CNCA and CCIC visited TR HQ on Jul. 4, 2014.

• Mr. Ji Zhen, Vice Director-General of Nanshan District Administration Committee visited TR Shenzhen on Nov. 4, 2014

• Mr. Han Zheng, Shanghai Party Secretary visited TR Shanghai on Nov 26, 2014.

Government Relations

Outlook 2015 In 2015, opportunity and challenge will become more and more active in China for TIC industry according to the trend and actions of government reform, market opening and supervision. • Basing on the Chinese government reform, GR will keep close eyes on the update, and share the information with GC board management, BLMs and SLMs to strive for more opportunities and benefits to TR. • Supervision to TIC industry will be enhanced obviously from now on. GR will try the best to make efforts on keeping TR GC away from the risk. • Apply government subsidy as much as we can in each location in mainland China. • Approaching and obtain government approval as a service provider to provide our service to more government procurement projects in more location.

Hope to work with all business lines and supporting lines closely to achieve the objectives together of TR GC in 2015!

Government Relations

Voice from Quality Management

2014 Summary

Quality Management

2014 Events/Activities KPI set-up: is very important for our performance excellence, so where we are and will be is the key question.

Quality Management

2014 Events/Activities HSE internal audit: Professional internal HSE audit found us lots of opportunities for improvement. It enabled us to provide a safer, healthier workplace and minimize the impact to environment !

Quality Management

2014 Events/Activities CI training: 16 sessions of training and 40 CI projects made our work more valuable and different from what it’s used to be.

Quality Management

2015 Outlook 2015 will be a harvest year for us. We have to change ourselves and break through traditional work way, eliminate waste and create more value for the company. Innovation, process harmonization & productivity, and lead time reduction of key work process will be our focuses in 2015. We expect more and more colleagues and units to join us to implement CI into your daily work to find opportunities for improvement & make more contribution to our company !

We wish all the employees and their family happiness and health in the year of 2015!

Quality Management

Voice from Information Technology

2014 Summary 2014 is an important year for IT to build up many foundations which will help us to provide better service for the users going-forward. Top 3 annual highlights: • Hong Kong Data Center migration in March– the migration was completed ahead of schedule and no unexpected impact for the end users. • Bandwidth Upgrade – we have evaluated the network bandwidth for all the GC locations. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taichung, and Ningbo were upgraded in Nov. to ensure all GC locations have proper bandwidth allocation based on the user count and the application being used. • IPMS-LIMS integration – Phase 1 completed in July. This served as the foundation for rolling out IPMS-LIMS to other regions.

Information Technology

2014 Events/Activities • Conducted “IT Dialog” in 6 major locations. This is an on-going activities to improve the communication between IT and our users. • Conducted SharePoint training in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. SharePoint is our strategic collaboration tool. With the training, we would like to enhance our users’ awareness of the functionalities of this important tool. We hope more users would utilize the tool and improve the overall efficiency.

Information Technology

2015 Outlook We are looking forward to provide more speedy and quality service. And as a result improve the overall efficiency of our users and the company as a whole. • Continuous improvement in our IT helpdesk in terms of both speed and quality. With the introduction of a unified global helpdesk system by mid-2015, we will have better collaboration between the regional IT and the global IT team. • We will strengthen our Application Support so that most of the questions can be answered by the 1st level or 2nd level support level staff. • Improvement of system availability – with additional support resource in the HQ and empowerment of the regional staff, we expected incidents of extended outage of our core system will be significantly reduced.

We wish all of you have a fruitful and happy 2015 with the company and with your family!

Information Technology

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