Simplified Chinese Version 简体中文版
Mr. Yushun Wong
回顾 2015 •
2015 是持续成长的一年。
业务线中,学术和生命关怀 (A&L) 销售额和税前利润分别超过预算的 33% 和 11% 。与深圳 第三职业教育学校和市总工会的合作成为莱茵挺进职教领域的破冰项目,将为公司创造 5 50 万元的营收。交通服务 (Mobility) 全年营收为 1.08 亿元,较去年增长 8.8% 。运输系 统电子电气设备 (Mobility Electrical) 发展迅猛,销售额较去年大幅提升,高达 65% 。 广州电磁兼容实验室汽车电子业务喜获大众、中国一汽等五家知名品牌大厂的资质认可 ,市场前景广阔。在市场竞争异常激烈的 2015 年,轨道服务 (Rail) 仍创下了 5720 万元 的营收佳绩,利润率达到 16.7% 。长沙的中低速磁悬浮列车独立安全评估项目成为莱茵 在该领域的首个中国项目。管理体系服务 (Systems) 稳定增长,销售额较上年增长 22% 。 汽机车团队再度发力,将二方经销商审核业务提升到新高度,取得了全年 3280 万元的销 售佳绩,其中仅宝马、中国大众和广汽新品牌项目金额高达 320 万元!企业社会责任 (CS R) 不遑多让,凭借出色的审核质量,传统业务部分再度刷新销售业绩,较去年上升了 33 %。
Mr. Yushun Wong
回顾 2015 •
职能部门的表现亦是可圈可点:信息技术部 (IT) 将重心放在持续改善服务上,如 为关键应用 ( 如 SAP,IPMS,ICMS 等 ) 建立了 7x24 小时服务专线;应用最新技术, 实现整个亚太区办公室专线升级和 WiFi 标准化;和业务部门展开深度合作,如协 助 CSR 电子商务团队,为京东、微信等重点项目提供了有力的技术支持。 2015 年 由政府关系部 (GR) 协调申请并获得的政府补贴和政府采购服务项目的合计金额超 过 500 万元。尤为值得一提的是,经过 GR 数年的不懈努力,我们的产品认证服务 终于获得了认监委批准,打破了“仅限出口”的限制,莱茵大中华区首次进入国内 的产品认证服务市场,为后续业务开展打开了一条绿色通道!
在这里,我衷心地感谢每一位同事: 你们的工作让我们感受到了丰收的喜悦,体验到了创造的幸福, 也增强了我们发展的信心!
Mr. Yushun Wong
展望 2016 我们处在一个强调变化远超以往的时代,互联网 + 、大数据、 P2P 等等新概念层出不穷 ---“ 跟不上时 代”可能是这个时代最大的挑战,多少坚固如长城的东西已迅速销声匿迹。 然而,万物自有生长规律。变化是表,不变是里。环境在变,市场在变,但我们对莱茵的情怀,对彼此 的信任,对团队协同战斗的激情,始终不变。为了在新的起点上开局有力,实现“战略 2020” 时期更高 质量、更有效率、更可持续的发展, 2016 我们的工作重点将聚焦为: •
在保持核心业务优势的同时,大力拓展新业务、新领域:如学术与生命关怀在养老服务领域;管理体 系服务在汽车、石化等行业大力推广 ISO 50001 (能源管理体系)业务;交通服务和运输系统电子电 气设备两部强强联手,将服务延伸至汽车的研发设计阶段。
持续提升服务质量,强化关注客户需求、客户痛点的核心价值观,提供满足并努力超越客户期望的定 制化一站式服务和整体解决方案。
在降低成本增加效益上多下功夫,特别是针对第三方外包服务整体费用方面著手节流。亏损的业务单 元必须制定止损方案并有效实施,及时扭亏为盈。
在 2015 取得长足进步的基础上,进一步加强业务线和职能部门间的协作,从而促进整体业务的发展 。
Mr. Yushun Wong
拥抱 2016 亲爱的同事们, 2015 的光阴之箭正穿越年轮,即将抵达 2016 的农历新年。 “ 黄金时代在我们面前,而不是身后。” 机遇与挑战从来都是双生双栖。改变已经发 生,并将继续。凡益之道,与时偕行。 2016 ,让我们一起从“新”出发,精进不 休,共同开启“新”的征程!
Traditional Chinese Version 繁體中文版
Mr. Yushun Wong
回顧 2015 •
2015 是持續成長的壹年。
業務線中,學術和生命關懷 (A&L) 銷售額和稅前利潤分別超過預算的 33% 和 11% 。與深圳第 三職業教育學校和市總工會的合作成為萊茵挺進職教領域的破冰項目,將為公司創造 550 萬 元的營收。交通服務 (Mobility) 全年營收為 1.08 億元,較去年增長 8.8% 。運輸系統電子電 氣設備 (Mobility Electrical) 發展迅猛,銷售額較去年大幅提升,高達 65% 。廣州電磁兼 容實驗室汽車電子業務喜獲大眾、中國壹汽等五家知名品牌大廠的資質認可,市場前景廣闊。 在市場競爭異常激烈的 2015 年,軌道服務 (Rail) 仍創下了 5720 萬元的營收佳績,利潤率達 到 16.7% 。長沙的中低速磁懸浮列車獨立安全評估項目成為萊茵在該領域的首個中國項目。 管理體系服務 (Systems) 穩定增長,銷售額較上年增長 22% 。汽機車團隊再度發力,將二方 經銷商審核業務提升到新高度,取得了全年 3280 萬元的銷售佳績,其中僅寶馬、中國大眾和 廣汽新品牌項目金額高達 320 萬元!企業社會責任 (CSR) 不遑多讓,憑借出色的審核質量, 傳統業務部分再度刷新銷售業績,較去年上升了 33% 。
Mr. Yushun Wong
回顧 2015 •
職能部門的表現亦是可圈可點:信息技術部 (IT) 將重心放在持續改善服務上,如為 關鍵應用 ( 如 SAP,IPMS,ICMS 等 ) 建立了 7x24 小時服務專線;應用最新技術,實現 整個亞太區辦公室專線升級和 WiFi 標準化;和業務部門展開深度合作,如協助 CSR 電子商務團隊,為京東、微信等重點項目提供了有力的技術支持。 2015 年由政府關 系部 (GR) 協調申請並獲得的政府補貼和政府采購服務項目的合計金額超過 500 萬元。 尤為值得壹提的是,經過 GR 數年的不懈努力,我們的產品認證服務終於獲得了認監 委批準,打破了“僅限出口”的限制,萊茵大中華區首次進入國內的產品認證服務市 場,為後續業務開展打開了壹條綠色通道!
在這裏,我衷心地感謝每壹位同事: 妳們的工作讓我們感受到了豐收的喜悅,體驗到了創造的幸福, 也增強了我們發展的信心!
Mr. Yushun Wong
展望 2016 我們處在壹個強調變化遠超以往的時代,互聯網 + 、大數據、 P2P 等等新概念層出不窮 ---“ 跟不 上時代”可能是這個時代最大的挑戰,多少堅固如長城的東西已迅速銷聲匿跡。 然而,萬物自有生長規律。變化是表,不變是裏。環境在變,市場在變,但我們對萊茵的情懷, 對彼此的信任,對團隊協同戰鬥的激情,始終不變。為了在新的起點上開局有力,實現“戰略 202 0” 時期更高質量、更有效率、更可持續的發展, 2016 我們的工作重點將聚焦為: •
在保持核心業務優勢的同時,大力拓展新業務、新領域:如學術與生命關懷在養老服務領域; 管理體系服務在汽車、石化等行業大力推廣 ISO 50001 (能源管理體系)業務;交通服務和運 輸系統電子電氣設備兩部強強聯手,將服務延伸至汽車的研發設計階段。
持續提升服務質量,強化關註客戶需求、客戶痛點的核心價值觀,提供滿足並努力超越客戶期 望的定制化壹站式服務和整體解決方案。
在降低成本增加效益上多下功夫,特別是針對第三方外包服務整體費用方面著手節流。虧損的 業務單元必須制定止損方案並有效實施,及時扭虧為盈。
在 2015 取得長足進步的基礎上,進壹步加強業務線和職能部門間的協作,從而促進整體業務 的發展。
Mr. Yushun Wong
擁抱 2016 親愛的同事們, 2015 的光陰之箭正穿越年輪,即將抵達 2016 的農歷新年。 “ 黃金時代在我們面前,而不是身後。” 機遇與挑戰從來都是雙生雙棲。改變已經 發生,並將繼續。凡益之道,與時偕行。 2016 ,讓我們壹起從“新”出發,精進不 休,共同開啟“新”的征程!
English Version
Mr. Yushun Wong
Review 2015 2015 was a year of continuous growth. In terms of business lines, •
Academy and Life Care had a fruitful year with its sales 33% and EBIT 11% above the plan. The project in co operation with Shenzhen No.3 Vocational School and Shenzhen Trade Union will achieve 5.5 million RMB re venue, a mark to step into Vocational Education market successfully for the first time in China.
Mobility (Type Approval) made an annual revenue of 108 million RMB with an increase of 8.8% over 2014. Wi th a rapid development, the sales of Mobility Electrical increased remarkably, up to 65% over last year. Its Aut omotive Electronics EMC Lab in Guangzhou obtained the accreditation from five well-known Auto manufactur ers, incl. Volkswagen, FAW China, etc., developing a market with broad prospects.
For Rail, 2015 was a year where competition was at its peak. With a committed team, it achieved a good rev enue of 57.2 million RMB with a profit margin of 16.7%. The Independent Safety Assessment for Mid-low Sp eed Maglev in Changsha was the very first Maglev project in China.
Systems grew continuously. Its sales increased 22% over last year. With commitment, its Mobility team preva iled the stagnant market and expanded the car-dealer services to new brands, achieving an annual sales up t o 32.8 million RMB and the part for the new clients BMW,VW China and GAC (Guangdong Auto group) alrea dy reached 3.2 million RMB! The CSR traditional-business team also did great. With outstanding audit quality , they made a sales record again by increasing 33% over 2014.
Mr. Yushun Wong
Review 2015 The supporting lines also made impressive achievements and contributions last year. •
In 2015, IT focused on continuous service improvement, e.g. establishing the 7x24 hotlin es for core applications; upgrading to the latest technology to increase efficiency, e.g. M PLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching ) upgrade & Wifi Standardization in Asia Pacific; sup porting business lines in technical part, e.g. working with E-Commerce team of Systems for the projects like, Wechat office, etc.
As for Government Relation, with their assistance last year, we obtained government sub sidies and won government procurement contracts, totally more than 5 million RMB. Wh at has to be mentioned here that, through years’ persistent communication with CNCA, we finally broke the restriction of “export only”, and extended our service to GB standard s for the first time in China, opening a green channel for product business!
Here, I’d like to express my deep gratitude to each and everyone of you: It’s your work to make us feel the joy of harvest, experience the happiness of inno vation, and also boost the confidence of our development in future!
Mr. Yushun Wong
Outlook 2016 We live in an ever-changing era, with endless new concepts like Internet +, big data, P2P, etc. “Behind the t imes“ is probably the biggest challenge we have to face. No matter how the environment and market are ch anging, our feelings to TÜV, our trust to each other, our passion for team work are always like unchanged melodies. During the period of “Global 2020 Strategy”, for higher quality, more efficiency and sustainable d evelopment, in 2016, we shall focus on: •
Strengthening innovation and exploring new business areas while keeping a competitive edge of the co re business: e.g. Life Care business potential with cooperation partners for pilots in Elderly Care; Syste ms’ rollout of Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001) in machinery, petrochemical and automobile i ndustries; extension of our service in the design phase of vehicle with the combination engineering test ing service together with type approval.
Improving service quality, continuing to concentrate on customer needs/pain points and exceeding their expectations with customized one-stop service and solution selling.
Better cost control, esp. in subcontracting to third parties. The Loss Making Units will have to implemen t all actions identified to turn them around in time.
Enhance cooperation among business and supporting lines to promote overall business development based on the considerable progress we made in 2015.
Mr. Yushun Wong
Embrace the year of 2016 Dear colleagues, The Spring Festival of 2016 is just on the corner, full of challenges and opportunities waiting for us to embrace. And I am confident that we’re ready!
2016, let’s start from the “NEW”!
The Voice from Academy and Life Care
2015 Summary 2015 was a cheerful and fruitful year with sales growth of 33% and EBIT 11% compared with the plan. We maintained the leadership in quality related training & consulting serving advanced manufacturing industry l ed by automotive, and achieved significant breakthrough in several new business development which lay d own a solid foundation for future sustainable business growth. TOP 3 Annual Highlights 1.
Audi’s CSMe (Comprehensive Service Management(extended) Project achieved RMB2.15 million in 2015 and will expand in 2016. It is a successful milestone for TUV Rheinland to enter the auto motive after-sales market in GC as a strong consulting service provider.
345 PersCert (Personnel Certification) certificates were issued and 5 new certificates were develo ped including EV Installation Technician for BMW, SQE for ABB, Elder Care Professionals, etc.
Cooperation with Shenzhen No.3 Vocational School and Shenzhen Trade Union achieved RMB1. 5 million and will expand to 4 million in 2016 stepping into Vocational Education market successfu lly for the first time in GC.
2015 Events / Activities
MoU Signing Ceremony with Shenzhen No. 3 Vocational School
Automotive Technical Training to Vocational School Teachers in TUV Rheinland Kunshan Technical Training Centre
“Standard for Elderly Care Professionals and SQS Service Quality Standard� was launched together with Systems and Cooperation Partner CEO
2016 Outlook 2016 is a reborn year for the original “Training & Consulting” which is renamed as “Academy & Life Care” (A&L). Our vision is to keep our customers' employees MOTIVATED, QUALIFIED, and HEALTHY. We wil l focus on innovating traditional products to stay competitive, up-lift our services from training to PersCer t, empower our offerings with iLMS (International learning management system) On-line training platform and on-line booking machine, strengthen our competence in Automotive after-sales and Supply chain s olutions, and explore sustainable opportunities in TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training ) m arket. We will continue to investigate into Life Care business potential with cooperation partners for pilots in Elderly Care with CEO, Clinical Trial Talent Development with Paraxel Group, Industrial Psychology EA P training with Shenzhen Trade union, etc. Expansion of our service portfolio and sustainable growth of business are contributed by each tea m member of A&L and support from other BLs in GC. Try something that we have never done! Learn hard, work hard and play hard! Engage, Collaborate, and Win together in 2016!
Our Wishes More incoming orders for A&L, and more salary increase for us. Lulu Zhang, Training Consultant Be capable of being a training consultant. Find my Mr. Right.
Amethys Zhu, Assistant
Hope the very best to all my family members, esp. my little babe, to be born in March. Hope my work is going smoothly and I get much more familiar with the business. Hope my salary will be raised through hard work. Michael Yao, Business Development Executive Have nice achievement for Business. The more, the better. Look forward to salary promotion, and bonus doubled. Buy a car for my family. Emily Wang, Training Consultant
Our Wishes (Cont’d) Our business grows in a healthy way and our team is happy. Qimei Chen, Vice General Manager Business expands Get married :P A pleasant and healthy year for all of us!
Hilda He, Training Consultant
We, The sisters Three, could work happily in 2016 as usual. High profit of the cost center 241 . High salary. Become a mother. Hexiang Li, Key Account Manager Our team grows stronger and bigger with exciting success in career. Happiness and health to all and the families. Sherin Lin, Vice President
The Voice from Mobility
2015 Summary 2015 is a year with rapid development for Mobility Electrical. The sales and EBIT (test ing and consulting service) in 2015 are respectively 24.4 million RMB (36% above the plan & 65% increased over 2014) and 2.0 million RMB (similar to 2014 EBIT as it was the first year that our new automotive EMC lab started operating.) The Sales and EBIT of type approval in 2015 are respectively 107.7 million RMB (sa me as the plan & 8.8% increased over 2014) and 6.5 million RMB (20% behind the pl an & similar to year 2014)
TOP 3 Annual Highlights 1.
Completed the 1st CU (Customs Union in Russia) vehicle-part approval .
Successfully developed dynamic performance test service for both vehicle and c omponent on the top of traditional homologation business, with a total order volu me more than 3.2 million RMB)
Guangzhou Automotive Electronics EMC Laboratory obtained the accreditation f rom Volkswagen, FAW China, Foton, Dongfeng, SAIC GM Wuling.
2015 Events / Activities 1.
Seminar related to trailer and tank was held in Suizhou in Sep.
International Approval Seminar was held in Jan.
Guangzhou Automotive Electronics EMC laboratory got the accreditation certificates fro m German Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen, FAW Volkswagen in March.2015.
Signed strategic cooperation agreement in Jun. 2015 with Huizhou Desay SV Automoti ve Co., Ltd. ,the largest automotive electronics manufacturer of South China.
Trailer and Tank Seminar
International Approval Seminar
Dynamic Performance Test for Wanli
2015 Events / Activities 1.
Presented our service in EU-Taiwan Electric Vehicle Seminar, organized b y ECCT (European Chamber of Commerce), in Apr. in Taipei.
Held (EU) No. 168/2013 new frame directive seminar in Dec.
Successfully held “Made in China 2015-quality takes the lead” series semi nar for tyre industry in Qingdao.
Customer Gathering in Sun Moon Lake
(EU) No. 168/2013 new frame directive seminar
“Made in China 2015-quality takes the lead” seminar
2016 Outlook Business targets: •
Maintain and further develop E-mark business for vehicle and components such as lamps and tires.
Take the advantages of technical competence for new standards to expan d 2-wheeler and tractor business
Develop the international approval business
Develop environmental reliability test business in South China
Obtain the accreditation from American General Motors for Guangzhou Au tomotive EMC laboratory .
• Significantly increase the turnover of Shanghai Automotive EMC laborator y and achieve profitability. • Double the turnover of Shanghai ACT (Automobile Component Test) lab.
2016 Outlook Business development direction: 2016 is a critical year for our development of Mobility business line. It is the first year we combine the existing engineering testing service together with type approval. •
We will strongly develop the engineering service not only in component testing but also to prov ide our service in the design phase of a vehicle with our professional type approval knowhow.
We will build-up a very close relationship with local labs and authorities. With a competent cen tre structure, we will harmonize our process, templates, provide training and channelize our co mmunication with authorities, so that we can provide reliable and the best service in homologa tion market.
We shall continuously put our efforts in MAS (Market Access Services) development esp. for S NI (Standard National Indonesia) approvals for Indonesia, GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) ap provals for Gulf region, Inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality) approvals for Brazil.
Tyre certificates are about 50% of total certificates we issued in 2015, gaining very high marke t share, where we shall develop and expand new services, incl. but not limited to performance and evaluation test.
Enhance TUV test mark, our value-added service, to maintain our leading position in market.
Our Wishes Growing business for the benefit of the team in the wonderful 2016. David Fan, Regional manager Business is growing by new business development, excellent team work and competence in mobility, employees get higher payment adjustment. Kevin Wu, Sr. Manager of Mobility Work ambitiously towards the goal, live with health and happiness, sustainability coming to us. Jim Kuo, Sales Executive of Mobility My dear company, wish we have more and more continuous and stable customers, wish our order more and more in future! Xiaoxia Zhu, Project engineer
Our Wishes Wish TĂœV Rheinland and our Mobility will be stronger and stronger in the future. Wish everyone I know a successful, healthy and happy new year. Jenny Yu, Sr. Coordinator Be safe if you always be on business trips and exercise more if you are office workers â˜ş~ Rita Zhou, Technical assistant Hope to have more manpower. Ken Kuang, Sr. PM Tiger Li, Assistant PM Hope to improve work efficiency, as far as possible less OT, more time to accompany the family. Jamie Li, Sr. Sales Coordinator
Our Wishes Hope our performance can be doubled and more opportunities for promotion and salary increase. Limin Xie, Test Engineer Hope fewer equipment failures & tests can be much smoother. Alex Li, Test Engineer Hope to get married early, also more team building activities. Arvin Ye, Test Engineer Anita Zheng, Project Engineer Hope everyone can find their own position and the meaning of work. Enjoy happiness from work! Liangdong Xie, Sr. Manager
The Voice from Rail
2015 Summary GC Rail was founded about 10 years ago. Considered to be one of the leaders for sa fety assessment & certification related business in the region. We have been growing positively from 1 member when we started to the current 35. And we will continue to progress and grow! For 2015, it was a year where competition was at its peak. With a committed Rail tea m, we prevailed and achieved an outstanding revenue of 57.2 million RMB with a pro fit margin of 16.7% (9.5 million RMB). •
TOP 3 Annual Highlights 1.
Independent Safety Assessment for Mid-low Speed Maglev in Changsha (Chin a's very first Maglev project)
Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) for Taiwan’s AnKeng LRT Project (One of the first Light Rail Transit projects in Taiwan)
TSI (Technical Specification for Interoperability) certification for Macedonia DM U/EMU (China’s first "complete train" export project to the European Mark et)
2015 Events / Activities 1.
Hosted a very successful seminar in Taiwan which attracted more than 200 attendees from the Central, Municipal transportation bureaus, suppliers an d engineering consulting firms.
Held the 2nd GC & AP Rail annual meeting in the Hong Kong office for the purpose of experience sharing and team-building.
Launched a Rail GC+AP initiative, the quarterly internal e-Newsletter “INR AIL “, to enhance the communications within our rail organization in GC, AP , Germany and USA.
Rail Seminar in Taipei
GC & AP Rail Meeting in HK
Initiatives of “INRAIL”
2016 Outlook •
Opportunities being sided with challenges: Amid an economic slowdown for 2016, the railway industry will still continue to be developing at a positive rate especially for safety assessment, training and export-driven business. Whilst competi tion is inevitable, we believe that our strategy of understanding our customers' pain points and de veloping value-added/customized services, we will continue to be successful.
In 2016, we will 1. Understand customers' pain points and develop relevant services 2. Improve on customer service and our technical service quality 3. Focus on organic growth while leveraging on enhancing external partner cooperation 4. Still be the market leader for ISA (Independent Safety Assessment ) & IVV Services (Indepen dent Verification & Validation). 5. Expand service portfolio via innovation and improve on PR (Public Relations) and Sales strat egies
Our Wishes Terminate all competition and double our Profit !! Jennifer Wang, Sr. PM of Rail Work smarter everyone! Keep improving. Optimize our efficiency! Chris Ho, GM of Rail Rail Business booming in 2016, and Good Health to ALL. Joy Ye, Assessor Growth for our business, and have fun at the same time! Bonnie Sheng, Financial & Controlling
Our Wishes •
Messages from VP “Taking this opportunity to thank Rail GC guys & gals for their sweat, tears, late nights and back aches (endless travelling) that we have "enjoyed" for 2015. It was challenging of course but we still managed (and have more room) to turn things around and have more positive growth as compared to our competitors�
--- Vincent Tan
The Voice from Systems
2015 Summary In 2015, Systems achieved sales of 290 million RMB and EBIT of 37 million RMB, increasing 22 % and 3.9% over 2014 respectively. In addition, the sales ratio of S.02 grew from 39.3% to 43.7 % over 2014.
TOP 3 Annual Highlights •
BU CSR ( Corporation Social Responsibility) keeps the strong growth. Sales increased 30% over last year, and Taiwan won the bidding from TAITRA (Taiwan Trade Development Council, Govern ment Organization) which is the ice break of e-commerce service, totally 2.75 million RMB for two years. In further ecommerce business has developed new brand CSR team won Tencent and Ali baba 1688 project.
Under the overall stagnant car market, we successfully achieved 32.8 million RMB revenue, incr eased 25% over 2014. Developed new car dealer brands, incl. BMW, VW China and GAC (Guan gdong Auto group) with total 3.2 million RMB revenue.
S.01 development towards new accreditation and group certification. Contracted the 1st global K A project Yanfeng/Johnson, covering 96 sites over AP, American and European regions. In additio n we obtained ISO50001 CNCA service approval.
2015 Events / Activities
“TUV Rheinland Elderly Care Service Standard” launch and promotion conference at the Diaoyutai Hotel Beijing in Oct.
Global TS Frame Contract Signing Ceremony at YFAI HQ in Shanghai in Dec.
TÜV Rheinland Obtained CNCA Approval of Service Qualification in Dec.
2015 Events / Activities
2015 annual Client Gathering in Beijing, Shanghai , Guangzhou, Chengdu, Changsha, etc. Industry news and renewal of standards were sha red through various interactions & activities.
2016 Outlook •
2016 business targets. S.01 Sales achieve 3% growth comparing with year 2015 to 169 million RMB , S.02 Sales achieve 19% growth to 149 million RMB. S.01 EBIT achieve 6% growth comparing with year 2015 to 24 million RMB, S.02 Sales achieve 30% growth to 19 million RMB.
Business development direction.
As for the development of S.01, we plan to roll out new service Energy Managem ent Systems (ISO 50001) focusing on machinery, petrochemical and automobile i ndustries, and pursue big-volume orders by approaching key account/group clien ts. For S.02, we will focus on expansion of the existed pillar business, such as CSR/ E-commerce, car dealer and other Q/E/O 2nd party audits, while profitability is an other focus for big volume projects of S.02 we need work on. In addition, new ser vice model research is vital for both S.01 and S.02 as well.
Our Wishes Stand together for our value! Tian Zhijie, Project Manager of Industry
Wake up without alarm everyday. Wang Ye, Manager of Automotive
Carry on past tradition, meanwhile open up a new way! Myron Wang, Lead Auditor of Industry Be competitive, try and learn something new and something good. Good health, fortune and prosperity. Smile, be humble everyday. All good wishes come true! Angela F.N. Ting, Lead Auditor of Industry
Our Wishes Good health, fortune, and happiness for you & myself. Business is booming. The family is happy and happy and happier! James Yang, Project Manager of Industry Business is booming next year. May the joy and warmth fill my home with happiness. Fit in Fitness for my parents. Learn something new & help others Queenie Lv , Coordinator of Customer Service Big boom in all business sections. Big smile on everyone’s face. Big “number” on salary sheet. See more about this big world. Felicity Wu, Sr. Customer Service Coordinator
Have a second baby. Wish everybody have a good health! Ation Lin, Lead Auditor of CSR
Our Wishes Healthy, Happy, Good Luck and Salary Raise to All of us! Yingbin Hou, Group Supervisor of CS & TS Salary increase and promotion. Company business booming. Be healthy and safe all the time ! David Yu, Project Manager of CSR
To achieve good sales target in 2016. More incentives! Jake Chen , Sr. Sales Executive
Spend More Time with Family & Friends .Learn Something New. Get Organized. Celia Yang & Louisa Luo, Coordinator of Customer Service
The Voice from Government Relationship
2015 Summary In 2015, we diversified our services in the areas of government subsidy and procurement, and well m aintained our approvals and qualification. In parallel to strengthen and develop the relationships with AQSIQ, CNCA and local CIQ/BQTS, we have established new networks with local Science and Tech nology Commission, Commercial Commission, Development and Reform Commission to create a m ore operation-friendly environment for TR entities.
TOP 3 Annual Highlights: 1.
Got CNCA approval for Energy Management System certification.
Successfully obtained 2.5 million RMB government subsidy and 2.58 million RMB procurement projects in total.
CNCA certification was renewed. 15 Product certification fields and 5 Systems certification field s are newly approved as our business scope. Without the limitation of “export only�, we extend o ur service to GB standards for the first time in our certification history in China.
2015 Events / Activities 1.
Coordinated the visit of Dr. Fuebi to governor of Zhabei district of Bei jing in Mar. 2015.
Coordinated Mr. Yushun Wong’s meeting with Director General of De partment for Certification in Oct. 2015.
Coordinated Mr. Ralf Scheller’s visit Board Chair of CCIC Group in D ec., 2015.
Dr. Fuebi visiting Zhabei district government
Mr. Scheller visiting Board Chair of CCIC Group
Mr. Wong meeting with Ms. Bo, Director General of Dept. for Certification
2016 Outlook In 2016, we will focus on the following four pillars, to support company 2020 strateg y with a short slogan of HASHOS (abbr. for High level meeting arrangement, Appro val & Accreditation, Subsidy , Highlight, Opportunity , Support) . In 2016, we’ll focus on 4 points listed below. 1.
Timely apply for new qualifications according to the needs of business lines, m eanwhile, well maintain all the existing ones;
Create more opportunities for high level meetings with central and provincial-le vel governmental departments, closely work with COOs to enhance communic ation with relevant government departments to enhance our local branding.
Support more TR locations to apply for high & new technology enterprise. Mak e more efforts on the application of government subsidy and government procu rement projects.
Bridge well between the TR and governmental departments to support the whol e GC to achieve 2016 targets.
Our New Year Wishes Insight of new business opportunity and being a part of the development through giving important support on government interaction. Cindy Wang, Sr. Manager, GR South China Succeed in getting one subsidy for Shenzhen Office, Everything with my family goes well. Shadow Chen, Manager, GR South China Get more feedback from BLs and SLs to improve the efficiency of GR work. Yingting Huang, Assistant Manager, GR South China Healthy and wealthy to my family, and to all the people being loved. More time in my church. More focused in fighting for government incentives. Richard Wang, Sr. Manager, GR East China
Our New Year Wishes
Gain much more subsidy from the government , good health to me and my family. Brian Lin, Manager, GR East China Preparation for High and New-tech enterprise application both in BJ and QD can progress smoothly. Provide more effective support to business lines. Serena Xie, GR manager ,GR North China Support and get to know the business between GR and TR GC internal and external. Be more sensitive and professional at TIC industry. Icy Wang, Assistant, GR
Our New Year Wishes •
Messages from VP “Taking this opportunity, I’d like to thank GC Board and all VPs of GC BLs and SLs for your trust and support you gave us in the past 2015! And thanks my team for the great job and cooperative efforts on continuous improvement! We faced challenges as always but we turned them to opportunities to support business growth in GC. --- Linda Liu
The Voice from IT
2015 Summary With good foundation in 2014, 2015 is the year of continuous improvement. We are supporting 15% mor e employees and having better customer satisfaction score. TOP 3 Annual Highlights 1. Establishment of the 7x24 hotlines for core applications and enhancing the capability in the regio n. Incident of major outages are less frequent and they can be recovered in shorter time. 2. Upgrade to the latest technology to improve efficiency, e.g. upgrade of Blueye, IE11 Rollout in Q3 , MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching ) upgrade in Asia Pacific, Wifi Standardization in Asia Pacif ic. 3. Business Application/Process Engineering support (incl. other regions) 4. IPMS Rollout in Asia Pacific 5. LIMS Rollout to Turkey, Bangladesh, and India 6. Internal Service Agreement Platform 7. E-Commerce – project, Wechat office, DHPort (an audit-report platform for the client Du nhuang Net)
2015 Events / Activities 1. 2. 3.
IPMS Support Workshop – Feb. 2015 ASIA IT Meeting – Apr. 2015 SCT (Service Centre Technology) Meeting in Hong Kong – Oct. 2015
SharePoint training in Japan, Hong Kong and Guangzhou – Q3, 201 5 IT Dialogs in selected offices.
ASIA IT Meeting – Team photo
SharePoint training – 1
SharePoint training - 2
2016 Outlook Every year is a challenge especially there would be some structure change in 2016.
Our focus are: • Adapt/Align IT Strategy/Structure with the Global Strategy/Structure •
Improve the agility of IT – Capability improvement – Mindset adjustment – Retire old technology – Simplify IT landscape
Continuous Improvement – Do more with less
Our Wishes Lunch time extend to 90 mins. Everyone can save more energy to protect the world. Good business in TUV. World peace. Melanie Chen, Assistant Manager Fresh milk for tea & coffee. Fiona W. Y. Chu, Sr. Application Developer Thriving business All systems are stable and in good condition Increase team building activity Increase company outing subsidy Good health for everyone Tracy T. F. Chang, Project Manager
Our New Year Wishes Business growth. Promotion and raise. Safe and healthy. Happy everyday! Jane Lee, Sr. manager Wish you the best of everything. Alex Yu, System Specialist, Client Management. Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. Sebastian Kraatz, Project Manager, IT PMO Enjoy your life, enjoy our service. Michael Po, Vice General Manager