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Exploring New Worlds: Bane Adkins
It is common for many young professionals to experience some degree of intimidation upon entering their respective fields, and this should come as no surprise. The often-extensive list of preferred or required qualifications employers cite when posting vacancies is enough to make even seasoned professionals doubt their aptitudes. This is especially true for many positions labeled as entrylevel, as such listings are notorious for wanting these recent graduates to enter the workforce with several years of experience already under their belts. TU’s faculty and staff recognize this obstacle, and remain committed to providing students with as much field experience as possible. Graduates are consistently prepared to compete for prestigious or coveted positions, regardless of age. One recent alumnus, Bane Adkins, who is currently employed as an Information Security Analyst with SpaceX, is a perfect example of success knowing no age.
Bane graduated from TU in May of 2020 with both a Bachelor of Arts in Cyber Security and a Bachelor of Criminal Justice in Digital Forensics. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California, having moved for his new position with SpaceX soon after graduation. Elon Musk founded the company in 2002 with the goal of designing, manufacturing and launching the world’s most advanced forms of interplanetary transportation, with the ultimate dream of someday allowing the human race to live on other planetary bodies. Bane says that his primary duty within the organization is maintaining the integrity of the company’s cybersecurity system, and responding to all threats of digital breaches regarding classified information. He is also tasked with documenting any attempted or successful digital crimes, in order to build cases against those who wish to do SpaceX harm.
Bane asserts that TU’s degree programs provided him with a multitude of new experiences, which resulted in learning skills that would benefit him greatly in this line of work. He says, “There are so many skills I learned during my time at Tiffin, however one sticks out in my mind the most, which I learned through any project revolving around presenting to the class. I can vividly remember doing mock briefs in my senior seminar. Having the skill to discern technical concepts and convey them to a larger audience in a way they can understand is critical for a career in the industry.”
Expanding on this, Bane praises the TU community as a whole, especially the quality of education his unorthodox degree track provided. “Tiffin University was undeniably the right choice for me due to the uniqueness of the major. Most universities will offer a computer science degree with some surface-level cybersecurity classes sprinkled in, where Tiffin offers legitimate, relevant course objectives to students, such as penetration testing, digital forensics and cyber law / ethics. Being recognized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA) board(s) for their curriculum is a testament to its effectiveness.”
When asked about his favorite memory during his time spent on campus, Bane said, “One day, we had classes cancelled due to a level three snow emergency in Seneca County, and my fraternity decided to go outside and build massive snow mounds, igloos and of course, we ended up having a snowball fight. It was so cold outside, I remember us laughing about how long it took to thaw out after coming inside. Building these memories is such a key part of getting the true college experience, and I implore every student to enjoy their time spent in college while they still can.”
The above sentiment is meaningful advice for any young person currently pursuing a degree. Enjoy every moment, because graduation day always seems to arrive in the blink of an eye. While the real world may seem new and scary, especially given the ever-evolving demands of employers, TU has a long and rich history of providing the best and most practical educational instruction to our students, traditional or otherwise. This is precisely why each undergraduate must complete some form of internship prior to graduation, so that when many are just beginning to think of how to gain work experience, Dragon graduates will already have plenty to fill up their résumés.
Bane Adkins’ story of success may be one of many TU boasts, but this does not diminish the impressiveness of the accomplishment. It is a testament to the limitless potential of those given the right tools in the proper environment, and his alma mater is proud to welcome Bane into its ranks of distinguished alumni.