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President's Message
As I write this, I am overcome – as is always the case this time of year – with the mixed emotions of anticipation and nostalgia. While the Tiffin University community concludes one academic year and begins another, I am both excited to welcome new and returning faces to campus for the fall semester, as well as saddened to say “see you later” to the class of 2022. While all will sorely miss their presence, it is a comfort to remember that our graduates are entering the world well equipped to tackle any obstacles before them. Not only am I confident in their abilities, but I am excited by thoughts of what they will do with the education they have earned, and of how they have been transformed as a result of their Tiffin University collegiate journey. It is also my sincere hope that they will visit their Dragon Family often to keep us updated on their successes, in which their alma mater is so proud to be included.
The past year was marked by many positive changes on campus, including the opening of the new Center for Science and Technology academic building, an achievement that wouldn’t have been possible without the substantial generosity of TU’s many donors, for which we are all thankful. Additionally, Tiffin University celebrated the graduation of its first Ph.D. cohort, having earned Doctor of Philosophy degrees in global leadership and change this past April. In January, the campus also opened the new Center for InterculTUral Excellence, a space dedicated to furthering the goals of our Celebrating CulTUral Uniqueness commitment. The primary objective of the Center is to ensure that our institution becomes and remains an inclusive and equitable environment for all students. Not only this, but the Center also seeks to implement similar structural changes at other colleges and universities, as well as organizations of all types across the country interested in making such pledges. At TU, we proudly identify as trailblazers in the continued effort to proactively level the playing field for all who seek to value diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Many of our esteemed 2022 graduates are leaving us with undergraduate and graduate degrees from Tiffin University’s
School of Criminal Justice and Social Sciences, now setting sights on careers in forensic science, cyber security, law enforcement, criminal psychology and numerous other related fields. This is why I am especially pleased that this issue of Challenge Magazine focuses on highlighting this exceptional School and all it has to offer. The innovative and forward-thinking mindset of the School’s faculty and staff, as well as the numerous accomplishments of its alumni deserve to be showcased. In the coming pages, you will read about the new and noteworthy happenings related to the degree programs housed here.
While this time of year will always be bittersweet, the sadness felt is far outweighed by excitement over Dragons past and present sparking positive changes within their circles. I cannot wait to see all the wonderful ways our students, faculty and staff will impress us and the world in the coming year.
Dr. Lillian B. Schumacher
President of Tiffin University