Percussion 1: Marimba
Suspended Cymbal
CONCERT BAND Arr. Josh Trentadue 1 4 4 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 Piccolo Flute 1 Flute 2 Oboe 1 Oboe 2 Clarinet in Bb 1 Clarinet in Bb 2
in Bb 3
Bass Clarinet Contrabass Clarinet Bassoon 1 Bassoon 2 Contrabassoon
Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax
Baritone Sax Trumpet in Bb 1 Trumpet in Bb 2 Trumpet in Bb 3 Horn in F 1 Horn in F 2 Horn in F 3 Horn in F 4 Trombone 1 Trombone 2 Trombone 3 Bass Trombone Euphonium (T.C.) Euphonium (B.C.) Tuba
Contrabass Timpani
Percussion 2: Xylophone Triangle
CYMBALS Crotales Percussion
DRUMS Vibraphone Percussion
Bass Drum 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 CODY MYRE
Percussion 3: Tam-Tam Glockenspiel Percussion 4:
Try not to get burned in composer Cody Myre's "Volcanic Interruptions"! Arranged for wind ensemble by Josh Trentadue, Myre’s bold tonality and brash textures meld perfectly in this exciting work that features frequent meter changes and rich harmonies interspersed with independent lines.
For me, music comes in two forms. The first, and most common, is as a slow burner; the kind of piece that comes to me in dribbles and drops, with ideas striking me, dying down, refining themselves, and then manifesting, as though it never happened, into finished music. This is the kind of music that I compose in my head at work, on walks, or even just relaxing at home.
The second, however, is somewhat of an antithesis. It comes rapidly, without warning. It is exhausting and persistent, and it screams “finish me now!” It keeps me up late. It is fiery and bold. Most importantly, however, it is endlessly satisfying and, dare I say, fun to write. This music comes out as aggressive and intense, but encapsulates the purest essence of my own compositional flow and style.
It may go without saying, but Volcanic Interruptions is the latter. Try not to get burned.
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First printing, May 2023
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Additional parts are available for purchase from the publisher online.
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Confuoco! =c.172 solo tomarimba metalbeaters l.v.sempre SuspendedCymbal Marimba Xylophone Tam-Tam CYMBALS DRUMS a2 a2 a2 a2 Piccolo 1 2 Flute 1 2 Oboe 1 2 3 ClarinetinB BassClarinet ContrabassClarinet 1 2 Bassoon Contrabassoon SopranoSax AltoSax TenorSax BaritoneSax 1 2 3 TrumpetinB 1 2 3 4 HorninF 1 2 3 Trombone BassTrombone Euphonium Tuba Contrabass Timpani B//// Percussion1 (Marimba SuspendedCymbal) Percussion2 (Xylophone Triangle) Percussion3 (Tam-Tam Glockenspiel) Percussion4 (CYMBALS Crotales) Percussion5 (DRUMS Vibraphone) Percussion6 (BassDrum) 2 3 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS forWindEnsemble Copyright©2022T.U.X.People’sMusicPublishingCompany,LLC.InternationalCopyrightSecured. PrintedandengravedintheU.S.A.AllRightsReservedincludingPublicPerformance. Transposed Score CodyMyre arr.JoshTrentadue 2021,arr.2022 CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
3 e=esempre (2+3) (2+3+2) gliss. (marimba) (xylophone) (tam-tam) (cymbals) (drums) tovibraphone a2 a2 2. a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 8 4 5 6 7 8 2 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
straightmute straightmute 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 (2+3) insertst.mute insertst.mute toglock. Vibraphone a2 2. 1. a2 2. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01
sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. removest.mute removest.mute;insertharmonmute-stemout removest.mute;insertharmonmute-stemout (marimba) (xylophone) totam-tam (cymbals) nocresc. (vibraphone) toDRUMS nocresc. Glockenspiel DRUMS 2. a2 a2 1. 2. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
arco 3 3 3 3 (3+2) a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 3233 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 7 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
arco rit.rit. Alittlebitslower =c.144 (3+2) 1. 3. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 57 49 50 515253545556 57 58 9 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
straightmute sub. sub. sub. sub. removest.mute (suspendedcymbal) (glockenspiel) (crotales) Triangle Vibraphone 3. 4. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 66 5960 61 6263 64 65 66 67 6869 10 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
senzasord. sub. sub. sub. sub. (3+2) keygliss. SuspendedCymbal Crotales a2 a2 2. a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 77 7071 72 73 7475 76 77 78 79 11 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
rit (2+3) (3+2) insertharmonmute-stemout (sus.cym.) tomarimba (triangle) (glock.) (crotales) (vibraphone) a2 1. a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 80 81 8283 84 85 86 8788 89 12 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
TempoI insertharmonmute-stemout insertharmonmute-stemout Marimba a2 a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 90 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 13 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
senzasord. pizz. G.P. removeharmonmute insertharmonmute-stemout (marimba) bringout (triangle) toxylophone (glockenspiel) (crotales) (vibraphone) Xylophone 1. 2. a2 1. 2. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 99 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 14 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY
cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. quasi-gliss. (pizz.) 2. a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 15 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
arco (2+3) (harmonmute) (senzasord.) insertharmonmute-stemout verylightaccents (marimba) (xylophone) (glockenspiel) toCYMBALS (vibraphone) a2 2. 1. a2 1. a2 1. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 112 111 112 113 114 115 116 117118 119 16 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01
Comeprimo () insertharmonmute toDRUMS CYMBALS a2 a2 a2 1. a2 2. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 123 120121 122 123 124 125 126 17 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
harmonmute harmonmute-stemout harmonmute-stemout 3 3 () (2+3) (harmonmute) tosuspendedcymbal (xyl.) (glock.) (cymbals) DRUMS a2 a2 a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 127 128 129 130 131 132 18 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. senzasord. senzasord. senzasord. cresc. 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 (3+2) removeharmonmute removeharmonmute removeharmonmute removeharmonmute SuspendedCymbal a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 2. 1. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 133 141 133 134 135 136137138 139 140141142 19 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
pizz. arco 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 solo tomarimba totam-tam metalbeaters l.v.sempre Marimba Tam-Tam a2 a2 a2 a2 a3 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 153 151 152 153 154 21 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
3 gliss. (marimba) (xylophone) (tam-tam) (cymbals) (drums) tovibraphone a2 a2 a2 a2 1.2.a2 3. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 155 156 157 158 159 22 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01
PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
straightmute straightmute 3 3 3 3 insertst.mute insertst.mute toglock. Vibraphone a2 2. 1. 2. a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 160 161 162 163 164 165 23 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
3 3 3 3 (marimba) (xylophone) (cymbals) nocresc. (vibraphone) toDRUMS nocresc. Glockenspiel DRUMS a2 a2 2. 3. Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 166 167 168 169 170 24 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 removest.mute removest.mute tosuspendedcymbal totam-tam a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 171 172 173 174 175 25 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
senzasord. senzasord. (3+2+2) (xylophone) metalbeaters (cymbals) graduallyopen (drums) SuspendedCymbal Tam-Tam a2 a2 a2 a2 a2 2. a2(1.senzasord.) Picc. 1 2 Fl. 1 2 Ob. 1 2 3 BCl. B.Cl. Cb.Cl. 1 2 Bsn Cbsn S.Sx. A.Sx. T.Sx. B.Sx. 1 2 3 BTpt. 1 2 3 4 Hn. 1 2 3 Tbn B.Tbn Euph. Tba Cb. Timp. Perc.1 Perc.2 Perc.3 Perc.4 Perc.5 Perc.6 176 177 178 179 180 26 VOLCANICINTERRUPTIONS CB0098-01 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase