*Theopeningeightbarsareoptional.Ifperformed, theyshouldbesungfreely(chant-like)andnottooslowly.
Soprano1 Soprano2 Alto Organor Piano Ve Come, Ve Come, Ve Come, Freely* ni draw ni draw ni draw Do near, Do near, Do near, mi O mi O mi O - 5 ne! Lord! ne! Lord! ne! Lord! Ve Come, Ve Come, Ve Come,
ni! Lord. ni! Lord. ni! Lord. CH0037-01 VENI, DOMINE (“COME, O LORD”) FelixMendelssohn(1809–1847),Op.39,No.1 EditedbyWilliamJ.Bullock 2010 Copyright©2022T.U.X.People'sMusicPublishingCompany,LLC.InternationalCopyrightSecured. PrintedandengravedintheU.S.A.AllRightsReservedincludingPublicPerformance. LearnmoreaboutallofouramazingtitlesatTuxpeoplesmusic.com forSSAVoicesandOrganorPiano Responsetothethirdlessonon EmberSaturdayduringAdvent ProsodicEnglishtranslationbyWilliamJ.Bullock PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
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9 Con moto =63 Ve Come, ni draw Ve Come, ni draw Ve Come, ni draw Do near, mi O Do near, mi O Do near, mi O ne Lord. et Oh ne Lord. et Oh Lord. neet Oh - 13 no tar li ry tar no da long no tar li ry tar no tar no ry li no tar re, er, et oh da long re, er, et oh long da er, re, oh et no tar li ry tar no da long no tar li ry tar no tar no ry li no tar re, er, et oh da long re, er, et oh long da er, re, CH0037-01 2
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*Smallnotesindicate optionalvocaldoubling.
17 no tar no tar li, ry, et oh cresc. cresc. li ry tar no no tar no tar cresc. cresc. da long li ry tar no li long tar no da long da long rit. ---- 21 re! er.*Un *Re re! er.Un Re er. re! a tempo
la fas xa ten fa the la fas xa ten fa the ci bonds no that ra bind ci bonds no that ra bind ple all bi your ple all bi your ple all bi your tu peo tu peo tu peo --- CH0037-01 3
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26 ae, ple, ae, ple, *re *Un ae, ple, re Un
optionalvocaldoubling. la fasten xa the fa la fasten xa the fa ci bonds no that ra bind bonds ci that no bind ra ple all bi your all ple your bi all ple your bi tu peo peo tu peo tu -- 31 ae, ple, ple, ae, ple, ae,et And et And re gather voca those dis in ga revo ther ca those dis in et And per ex per exile, sos, re ga vo ther ca those dis in sos, ile, et and CH0037-01 4
35 re ga vo ther ca those dis in per ex re ga vo ther ca those dis in per ex sos ile in with sos ile in with per ex sos ile in with ter in ter in ter in ram your ram your ram your 39 tu king king tu king tu am. dom. dom. am. dom. am. Ve Come, ni draw Ve Come, ni draw Ve Come, ni draw Do near, mi O Do near, mi O Do near, mi O ne Lord. et Oh ne Lord. et Oh ne Lord. et Oh --- CH0037-01 5 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
44 no tar li ry tar no da long no tar li ry tar no tar no ry li no tar re, ger, et oh da long
er, et oh long da er, re, oh et
da long no tar li ry tar no tar no ry li no tar re, ger, et oh da long re, er, et oh long da er, re, oh et 48 no tar no tar li ry tar no da long no tar li ry tar no cresc. cresc. cresc. cresc. ry litar no ry re,tar no da longry re,tar no da long da long da long poco rit. re! er. re! er. re! er. CH0037-01 6
no tar li ry tar no
52 Ex O ci Lord, ta e Andante =63 . = Do voke mi the ne full po ex ten panse ti of am your tu pow am, er, Do evoke 55 mi the ne full po ex ten panse ti of am your tu pow am er, et and Et and and Et ve come ni, down, et and ve come ni, down, come ve down, ni, ve come ni, down ut to ve come ni! down, come veni! down -CH0037-01 7 PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
59 sal save pococresc. pococresc. vos us nos and fa set ci us as. free. Ex O ci Lord, ta e Ex O ci Lord, ta e O Ex Lord, ci e ta - 63 Do voke mi the ne full po ex ten panse ti of am your Do voke mi the ne full po ex ten panse ti of am your voke Do the mi full ne ex po panse ten of ti your am tu pow am, er, Do evoke tu pow am, er, po ex pow tu er, am, ex po mi the ne full po ex ten panse ti of am your ten panse ti of am your panse ten of ti your am --CH0037-01 8
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66 tu pow am er tu pow am er et and pow tu er am and et ve come ni, down, et and come ve down, ni, and et ut to ve come ni down ut to come ve down ni to ut sal save sal saveus vos save sal us vos pococresc. pococresc. pococresc. pococresc. ----- 70 vos us nos and and nos nos and fa set ci us fa set ci us set fa us ci as, free, as free,to utsal save free, as to ut save sal ut to vos us nos and fa set ci us us vos and nos set fa us ci sal save vos, us, ut to sal save as, free, free, as, --CH0037-01 9
75 vos us nos and fa set ci us nos and fa set ci us and nos set fa us ci rit. as. free. as. free. free. as. = Tempo I .=63 Ve Come, ni draw Come, Veni draw Come, Ve draw ni Do near, mi O Do near, mi O near, Do O mi - 79 ne Lord. et Oh ne Lord. et Oh Lord. ne Oh et no tar no tar li ry tar no no tar li ry tar no da long cresc.pocoapoco cresc.pocoapoco cresc.pocoapoco cresc.pocoapoco li ry, et oh da long re, er, et oh no tar li ry tar no no tar li ry tar no re, er, tar no da long da long re er, et oh da long re, er et oh CH0037-01 10
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84 no tarry re,tar no no tar re, ry tar no er, re,tar no da long da long da long re, er, re, er, et oh re, er,oh et no tar li ry tar no da long tar no ry li no tar long da et oh re, er,oh et er, re, ---- 89 tar noli ry tar no da long tar no ry li no tar long da re, er, et oh re, er,oh et oh et moltodim. no tar no tar tar no moltodim. moltodim. moltodim. li ry tar no li ry tar no ry li no tar da long da long long da rit. dim. dim. dim. re! er. re! er. er. re! - CH0037-01 11
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ThelyricismofFelixMendelssohnshinesinthisAdventmotetforuppervoices.The melodic,flowingmusicallinesmakeitaccessibletoawiderangeofuppervoice ensembles,andWilliamJ.Bullock’soriginaltranslationgivesensemblestheoption ofperformingtheworkinLatinorEnglish.
Mendelssohncomposedthisferventmotetduringhis1830visittoRome.Itisthe firstofthreeLatinsettingsinspiredatafifteenth-centurychurch,Trinitàdeimonte, wherethecomposerheardtheexpressivesingingofcloisteredFrenchnuns.The motetisinthreesections:A-B-A.Theouter“A”sectionsflowsmoothlyin6/8meter, whiletheinner“B”\sectionpleadsmoreinsistentlyin3/4meter.
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