*the chorale from No. 2 (1860) of Op. 74: Zwei Motetten
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Reduction O O Tempo giusto [ = 80 ] Sav Hei ior land, O O burst reiß from die O O Sav Hei ior land, Sav Hei ior, land, O O Sav Hei ior land, heav'n Him on mel burst reiß from die --- 4 burst reiß from die burst reiß from die high; auf, heav'n Him on mel
heav'n Him on mel heav'n Him on mel high; auf, high; auf, high; auf, Set Her Set Her tle ab, like her Set Her tle ab, like her ---CH0038-01 O SAVIOR, BURST FROM HEAV'N ON HIGH *Harmonization by Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) of the tune from Rheinfelsisches Gesangbuch (1666) edited by William J. Bullock 2018 Copyright © 2022 T.U.X. People's Music Publishing Company, LLC. International Copyright Secured. Printed and engraved in the U.S.A. All Rights Reserved including Public Performance. Learn more about all of our amazing titles at Tuxpeoplesmusic.com for SATB Voices Kölner Gesangbuch (1623) free rhyming, prosodic adaptation by
O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf PERUSALCOPY legaluserequirespurchase
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LyricalromanticismandRenaissanceinfluencesuniteinthisshortandaccessible polyphoniccarol,harmonizedbyJohannesBrahms–afresh,yetfamiliar-feeling additiontoanyChristmasprogram!WilliamJ.Bullock’sprosodicEnglishtranslation illuminatestheimageryoftheoriginalGermansong.
In1860,BrahmssetaGermanversificationofanAdventtextfromIsaiahasana cappella,contrapuntalmotet-OHeiland,reißdieHimmelauf,Op74,No.2.Laidout infivebriefmovements,themotetsetsitstexttotheseventeenth-centurymelody withwhichithadbecomeassociated.This,thefirstofthemotet'smovements,isa straightforwardchoralewiththemelodyinthesoprano.
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