TVA Power Service Shop Brochure

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Delivering Our Experience to Your Equipment

Whether it’s massive or microns; factory OE or custom-fabricated; hydro, coal, gas or nuclear, we know your power equipment’s performance matters. That’s why we built a team of experienced craftspeople, technicians, engineers and project managers ready to keep your plant running reliably.

In the f i eld and in our multitude of specialty shops, we start with safety and end with quality.

The Equipment We Know

• Power & Distribution Equipment Maintenance, Repairs & Refurbishment

• Diverse Power Plants – Hydro, Coal, Gas, Nuclear

• General Electric, Siemens (Westinghouse), Alstom (Brown Boveri) & More

• Components, Parts, Equipment, Custom Fabrication

• Turbines, Pumps, Motors, Valves, Gearboxes, Switches, Piping

• On-Site and Off-Site Equipment Testing

• Electrical Motor Rewind and Load Testing

• Nuclear-Grade Motors, 10 CFR 50 and ANSI N45.2 QA, and Commercial-Grade Dedication

• CNC Machinery up to 125 Tons

• Low-Speed Balancing up to 100 Tons

• Shop Crane up to 400 Tons

• Shear, Break, Roll Plates up to 2 Inches Thick

• Welding, Sandblasting, Coatings

• Portable Milling, Bolt/Stud Removal and Replacement

• Electrical, Mechanical, Civil and Nuclear Engineering

• Reverse Engineering and Parts Fabrication

• Additional TVA Technical Expertise Available As Needed

The Experience We Deliver

• A Safety Focused Team

• Millions of Work-Hours By Experienced Craftspeople and Technicians

• Nearly a Century of Power Industry Expertise

• Maintenance, Installation, Repairs, Refurbishments

• 24/7 Emergent Response

• Field-Ready Teams & Equipment

• One of the Largest Repair Facilities in the U.S.

• Multiple Specialty Shops & Equipment

• Complete Transportation Services – Barge, Rail, Truck & Air

• Competitive Bidding and Schedule Services

• Project Planning, Scheduling & Management

• Integrated Partnership With Your Team

• A Commitment to Service & Quality

• Total Project Execution

Delivering Our Experience to Your Equipment

Power Service Shops General Manager

Corey Saint: 256-314-7535, Cell 256-443-2599

■ Melissa Clark, Management Assistant, 256-314-7320, Cell 256-412-4678

Shop Operations, Ralph Waldrep: 256-314-7533, Cell 256-702-2840

■ Electrical Services Manager, Don Williams: 256-314-7591, Cell 256-349-6060

 Shop Electrical Services, Nick Weaver: Cell 256-303-3941

 Field Electrical Services, Tim Pesto: Cell 256-366-3468

 Breaker Shop and Maintenance, David Jeffrey: Cell 256-349-6713

■ Mechanical Services Manager, Darryl Williford: 256-314-7476, Cell 256-349-6261

 Shop Mechanical, Ernie Scott: 256-314-7593, Cell 256-303-3793

 Shop Mechanical (night shift), Bruce Roberson: Cell 931-676-7106

 Field Machining, Jeff Bevis: 256-314-7451, Cell 256-436-7653

■ Fabrication Services, Brandon Tharp: Cell 256-412-8605

Plant Services, Mark Bevis: 256-314-7826, Cell 256-349-4758

■ Regional Plant Support, Daisy Oakley: 256-314-7862, Cell 256-810-1436

■ Federal Projects

 T.J. Bragwell, External Hydro Mgr: 256-386-3855, Cell 256-412-1425

 William Camp, Dam Safety & Diving Mgr: 256-386-3612, Cell 423-619-4127

 Gary Collinsworth, Electrical Mgr: Cell 256-412-2711

 Todd Davis, Mechanical Mgr: Cell 256-314-7243

 Andrew Elliot, External Hydro Mgr: Cell 423-260-6216

 Lee Hatton, Mgr: Cell 256-412-2149

 Bud McIntyre, Mechanical Mgr: 256-386-3705, Cell 256-366-0702

 Dustin Ware, Civil Mgr: Cell 662-279-2848

Hydro Field Services, Josh Sharer: 256-386-3582, Cell 256-762-3174

Delivering Our Experience to Your Equipment

Turbine Generator Field Services, Lee Wright: 256-386-2059, Cell 256-349-3540

■ Matt Craft: Cell 256-275-5512

■ Ed Maggio: Cell 813-245-4492

■ Ryan Graves: Cell 931-472-8770

■ Robb Girnus: 256-314-7561, Cell 256-762-0853

■ Guy Phillips: Cell 850-699-8257

■ Micah Bachtold: Cell 850-748-7774

■ Michael Boucher: Cell 860-510-2735

■ Karl Stenske: Cell 801-888-0892

Transformer Services, C. Rusty Weaver: 256-314-7570, Cell 256-762-7747

■ E. Mike Ables: 256-314-7565, Cell 662-279-6773

■ Tim Montgomery: 256-386-2588, Cell 256-740-1098

■ Elevator & Fixed Crane Inspections

 Greg Woods: 256-314-7457, Cell 256-415-1840

Delivering Our Experience to Your Equipment

Central Support & New Programs General Manager

Krista Hinton: 256-314-7705, Cell 256-762-7817

■ PSS Nuclear Assurance, Michael Neesmith: 256-386-2913, Cell 256-366-2053

■ Support and Work Management, Justin Coats: Cell 256-577-8142

Technical Support, Jason Persell: 256-314-7532, Cell 256-810-3483

 Engineering

Work Management, Darrin Berry: 256-386-3060, Cell 256-740-9452

 Planning

 Performance & Project Controls

Safety Support, Joel Landers: 256-386-3505, Cell 256-565-5255

 David Gainey, Safety Consultant: 256-497-9883

 Brent Gainey, Safety Consultant: 256-777-6854

 Dustin Ray, Safety Program Manager: 662-403-7798

Senior Consultant, Brandi Shewbart: 256-386-2640, Cell 256-412-0190

 Communications

 Employee Engagement and Outreach

 Business Support & Reporting

Shop Operations: Rotating Apparatus

We know motors from repair to rewinds fractional horsepower to the largest in the industry nuclear to non-nuclear. If it powers your equipment, we are ready to keep it running smoothly.

Our Services for Your Electric Motors

■ Repairs and rewinds

■ Nuclear-grade motors

 10 CFR 50 (Appendix B)

 ANSI N45.2 inspection and quality assurance

 Test facility for test running radioactively contaminated motors

■ Commercial-grade procurement and dedication

■ ANSI-TCIA nondestructive examination services

■ 12’ diameter vacuum pressure impregnation system

■ Load testing for motors up to 875 hp and vertical motors up to 1,000 hp

■ Motor core restacking

■ Generator rotor rewinds and refurbishment of field poles and exciters

■ Motor and generator connection welding utilizing induction welding techniques

■ Computer balancing

■ 16’ by 12’ burnout oven and a 13’ by 13’ curing oven

■ Performance of no-load testing for motors up to 8,000 hp

■ Rotating exciter refurbishment

The Electric Motor Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Forced and planned outage experience

■ Highly skilled, specialized craftspeople

■ Nuclear qualified technicians

■ On-site crews and off-site repairs

Shop Operations: Rotating Apparatus Field Services

If your equipment cannot come to Muscle Shoals, we have crews ready to service it in the field. Call on us to safely maintain, repair or rewind all your rotating components.

Your Field Partner for Rotating Apparatus Repair

■ Motor and generator dry-out using automated machines rated 1,200 amps

■ Generator coil cutouts

■ Generator rotor pole insulation rework

■ EL CID testing for core iron

■ Wedge tightness detection

■ Motor and generator connection welding utilizing induction welding techniques

■ A 7,500 amp, 640-V DC mobile exciter for temporary installation

■ Exciter refurbishment and rewinds

■ Remove, refurbish, rewind, and reinstall large and small AC motors

■ Generator stator rewedge

■ Generator and stator cleaning

■ Fabricate flex links

The Field Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ A safety-first focus on each task

■ Field-ready crews

■ Experienced technicians

■ Fully qualified lifting, rigging craftspeople

■ Full project planning, scheduling and coordination

Shop Operations: Breaker Services

Our full-service breaker refurbishment program ensures your breakers are tested as-found before being completely disassembled and returned to like-new condition They then pass as-left testing It’s how we deliver safety and quality

Keeping Your Breakers Like-New

■ Breaker refurbishment for:


 GE WavePro

 GE Magne-Blast



 ITE K-Line


 Siemens LA/RL/RLE

 Westinghouse DS

 Westinghouse DB

 Westinghouse DH/DHP

■ Complete dismantling of circuit breaker

■ Removal & inspection of pole bases

■ Inspection, cleaning, and painting (or plating) of all parts

■ Replacement of any necessary part with “new” procured material

■ Replacement of hardware & locking devices

■ Exchange/upgrade of all nuts and bolts to Grade 5 or better

■ Upgrade current wiring to SIS wire

■ Set-up of breaker to factory recommendations

■ Breaker preventative maintenance

 Switchgear maintenance and PMs

 New switchgear installation

 On-site troubleshooting

The Breaker Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Field-ready crews

■ Forced and planned outage support

■ Portable equipment

■ Technicians experienced with breakers of all styles and sizes

■ Full project planning, scheduling and coordination

Shop Operations: Mechanical Services

Since downtime is critical, we are your go-to provider for safe, efficient and high-quality mechanical services. Our Muscle Shoals machine shop has all the tools needed for your project the most important one being our team of experienced, highly-skilled craftspeople.

In-Shop Repairs for Components Large & Small

■ Reverse engineering

■ Mechanical design

■ Mechanical builds

■ Mechanical repairs

■ Repair bearings made of Babbitt metal, lead, plastic and steel

■ Fabricate all types and sizes of motors, fans and pump shafts

■ Fabricate and repair all types and sizes of plant components, such as bolting, blades and seals

■ Pierce and cut steel components utilizing high-pressure water to reduce thermal problems

■ Perform weld repairs with automatic TIG machines

■ Perform rotor bore honing and inspection

■ Perform lathe turning up to 200-ton capacity and low-speed balancing up to 100 tons

■ Perform steam turbine blade, cavitation and metal disintegration repairs

■ Specialized coatings for steam path components

 Repairs made to diaphragms, valves, rotors, blades, seals, nozzles and gearboxes.

 Repairs made to Hydro equipment such as wicket gates, generator hubs, brakes, bearings, turbine guide bearing housings and thrust runners

 Other repairs include auxiliary equipment such as boiler and coal handling components

The Mechanical Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ One of the best equipped large-scale shops in the world

■ Large component handling

■ Precision repairs

■ A focus on extending equipment life, reducing equipment costs and improving your operational efficiency

■ Full project planning, scheduling and coordination

Shop Operations: Equipment Capabilities


Shop Operations: Equipment Capabilities (Cont.)

Units are capable of thread milling holes accurately and performing normal CNC Mill functions within capacity limits.


Capable of reverse engineering components utilizing laser to scan 3D models.


Capable of reverse engineering large components and measuring utilizing a laser beam with a SMR. Can be used in conjunction with Faro arm.


Capable to accurately analyze all material properties (detailed).


Capable of detecting flaws, gauging thickness of materials, and bond testing.


Capable of testing hardness of common metals.


Capable of testing hardness of common metals including stellite overlays.

Shop Operations: Field Machining

Sometimes custom solutions are needed to fix issues with equipment in your facility. We can machine it, adapt it or fabricate it to your design specifications or ours.

What We Can Machine on Your Equipment

■ Turbine outages

 Coupling mirror bore

 Valve chest refurbishment

 Bolt/stud replacement

 Stationary seal replacement

 Collector ring machining (on turning gear)

 Turbine components modification

■ Line boring for equipment ranging from 1 1/4” to 8” boring bars with a machining range of 1 1/2” to 12’ diameter

■ Portable milling for resurfacing or modification

■ Portable equipment lathe turning up to 250-ton capacity and low-speed balancing up to 100 tons

■ Bolt removal and threaded hole repair

 Portable knee mills

 Hydraulic drills

 Metal disintegrator (EDM)

■ Flange facing for flanges or manways of almost any size or configuration

■ Pipe machining, cutting and weld prep up to 28” diameter with clamshell-type portable equipment

■ Welding services

■ Alignment services with optical or laser tooling

■ Inspection services for deep holes with video probes

■ End-of-shaft journal repairs

The Machining Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Field-ready crews

■ Forced and planned outage support

■ Portable equipment

■ Experienced craftspeople

■ Full project planning, scheduling and coordination

Shop Operations: Fabrication Services

When you need custom components made to your specifications to repair or refurbish your power generation/distribution equipment, Power Service Shops is here to serve you.

What We Can Fabricate for Your Equipment

■ Heavy fabrication both new and refurbished

 Gates-spillway, intake, draft tube, sluice, and trashracks

 Lifting beams and devices, including certification

 Precipitator hoppers

 Tanks

 Platforms

 Ladders/walkways

 Mooring bitts

 Stop logs

■ Barge repairs and modifications

■ Heat exchanger

 Clean and pressure test

 Re-tube and repair

■ Piping components

The Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Highly skilled, specialized craftspeople

 Boilermakers

 Steamfitters

 Ironworkers

 Painters

■ 120,000 sq. ft. facility with 20 ton crane capacity

■ Fabrication/modification drawing capabilities

■ AWS D 1.1 and D 1.5 Fracture Critical welding

■ Ship and receive components via barge or trucking

■ Coatings and sand blasting

■ Lead abatement and lead bead blast facility

■ SNT-TC-1A qualified NDE inspectors

■ Integrated field services for removal and installation of above components

Fabrication Services: Heat Exchanger Refurbishment

Efficiently cooling your equipment is critical to its reliable performance and service life. Our experienced technicians can repair or construct new oil coolers, hydrogen coolers and air coolers to fit your plant’s specific applications.

Servicing and Repairing Your Heat Exchangers

■ Cleaning

 Vat cleaning

 Rotary tube ID cleaning

 Lead/Asbestos abatement

■ Hydrostatic pressure testing

 Shell side

 Tube side

■ Leak repairs

 Tube plugging

 Blind tube plugging

 Tube re-rolling

 Housing repairs

■ Retubing

 TVA-approved material mill sources

 Finned, bare, stainless and U-shaped

■ Head/Waterbox repairs

 Belzona repairs – build up or coating

 Weld repairs

■ Ultrasonic inspection

 Eddy current inspection available

 New cooler baseline reports

The Heat Exchanger Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Forced and planned outage support

■ On-site and shop support available

■ Experienced heat exchanger technicians

■ Belzona trained personnel

■ Understanding of a variety of plants and applications

■ Full project coordination services

Fabrication Services: Gate/Bulkhead Refurbishment

Every hydro project is a custom task that requires extensive experience As part of an industry leader in hydro, TVA Power Service Shops has accumulated decades of knowledge and capabilities working on some of America’s most unique dams. Let us solve your hydro challenges.

Custom Hydro Equipment Fabrication Solutions

■ Integrated field services for removal and installation of gates: spillway, intake, draft tube, sluice and trashracks

 Lifting beams and devices

 Precipitator hoppers

 Tanks

 Platforms

 Ladders/walkways

 Mooring bitts

 Stop logs

■ Barge repairs and modifications

■ Heat exchangers

 Clean and pressure test

 Retube/Repair

■ Piping components

■ AWS D 1.1 and D 1.5

Fracture Critical welding

■ Coatings/sand blasting

■ Lead abatement

■ Lead bead blast facility

The Hydro Fabrication Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Experienced hydro field crews and craftspeople

■ Fabrication/modification drawing capabilities

■ Complete project design, planning, scheduling and coordination

■ SNTC-1A qualified NDE inspectors

■ Ship and receive components via barge or trucking

Field Operations: Coal Turbine Generator Services

Because your steam plant is unique, so is our team. We deliver experience working on many types of steam turbine-generators and mechanical drive steam turbines to provide the quality maintenance, repair or refurbishment you need.

Our Full Range of Coal Services

■ All field work scopes:

 Major inspections

 Mechanical drive turbines & large steam turbine generators (rotors and stationary steam path)

 Steam turbine valves and servos/actuators

 Generators (rotors & stators)

 Exciters

 Turbine & generator auxiliary systems

■ On-site and/or in-shop cleaning, nondestructive testing and major refurbishment:

 Turbine rotors & stationary steam paths

 Turbine valves & servos/actuators

 Generator rotors & stators

 Exciters

 Bearings & oil seals

 Hydrogen seals & casings

 Hydrogen & oil coolers

 Pumps & motors

 Auxiliary components: e.g., gearboxes, governors, steam seal regulators, vacuum trip assemblies, turning gears

■ Steam-path assessment & refurbishment

■ Laser & optical alignment of stationary components

■ Precision bolt tensioning techniques

■ High- and low-velocity oil system flushing

■ Field machining services

The Coal Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Technicians experienced with working on General Electric, Siemens (Westinghouse), and Alstom (Brown Boveri) units up to 1,300 MW and in many configurations

■ Welders, shop-qualified machinists and craft labor

■ Project supervision focused on safety & quality

■ Project control personnel to optimize schedules and budgets

■ Engineering support

Field Operations: CC/CT Field Services

Whether it’s inspections to keep your combustion turbines reliable or full-train inspections of your combined cycle steam turbine-generators, we bring together our know-how and the latest OEM standards to maintain or repair your generation equipment so you are ready to run as dispatched.

We Keep Your Gas Plants Operating Reliably

■ Gas Turbine inspections

 Combustion inspections

 Hot gas path inspections

 Major inspections

■ Generator inspection and repair

■ Steam turbine inspection and repair

■ Steam turbine generator inspection and repair

■ Steam turbine valve inspection and repair

■ Exhaust repair

■ High- and low-velocity oil system flushing

■ Cleaning and nondestructive testing

■ Bucket and blade replacement and/or blending

■ Pressure testing and inspection of flexible metal hoses

■ Field machining services to execute repairs and/or upgrades

The Gas Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Turnkey turbine services

■ Technicians experienced with General Electric and Siemens (Westinghouse) gas and steam turbines

■ Welders, shop-qualified machinists and craft labor

■ Project supervision focused on safety & quality

■ Project control personnel to optimize schedules and budgets

■ Engineering support

Gas Turbines: Field Experience

Field Operations: Field Plant Services

We come to you, no matter where your project is located or the field services you need. Our variable workforce supports you on land, in the air and underwater.

Supporting Your Equipment In Any Setting

■ Non-Nuclear field services

 Dam safety services

 Plant project support

 Modification support

■ Project implementation

 Civil projects

 Plant maintenance:

 Equipment replacement/repair

 Plant/equipment upgrades

■ Field services

 Rehab flood control gates

 Remove/install and rehab all gearboxes and electrical motor drives

 Head and tailgate repairs including seals and seal bars

 D1.1 and D1.5 welding certifications

■ Diving services

 Inspection

 Repairs and maintenance

 Unwatering support

 Recovery and salvage

 Debris removal

The Field Services Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Full plant project implementation

■ Civil, mechanical, electrical maintenance

■ Qualified divers and dam safety support

■ Support for state and federal agencies

Field Operations: Distribution Equipment Services

Your transmission and distribution equipment is the backbone of your electrical system. We have the equipment and the hands-on experience to ensure your system keeps delivering to your facilities and customers.

Distribution Services We Deliver

■ Refurbishment of both potential and current transformers up to 500kV

■ Refurbishment of electrical bushings up to 161kV

■ Lifting capacity of up to 400 tons

■ Oil purification on-site using one of the many mobile Puri-Vac insulating oil cleaning systems

■ Insulating oil purification with shop facilities that include the Fuller’s Earth process

■ Replace gaskets on transformers and electrical bushings

■ Replace coils

■ Repair regulators, reactors, and cores

■ Test all high-voltage equipment

■ Repair high-voltage switchgears

■ Fabricate and install electrical shunts and grounds

■ Provide thermal stress relief

■ Perform high- or low-voltage bus inspections and replacements

■ Perform electrical board change-outs (480 V - 6.9 kV)

■ Install new electrical systems

■ Perform testing, inspection, and repairs of Battery Systems (125 V – 250 V)

■ Bushing Shop to rebuild and repair bushings

The Distribution Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Safety-conscious, quality minded technicians

■ Millions of field hours working with transmission/distribution equipment

■ Experience at multiple types of plants/facilities

■ Quick, high-quality equipment turnaround

Field Operations: Hydro Field Services

We built our reputation keeping more than 100 TVA hydro units running, some since the 1930s. We’ve got the experience and equipment you need for maintenance, repairs or modernization.

Serving Every Facet of Your Hydro Equipment

■ Turnkey turbine services

■ Wicket gate adjustments

■ Kaplan head repairs

■ Shaft plumb alignments

■ Packing and seal replacement

■ Bearing adjustments

■ Turbine and generator upgrades

■ Cavitation repairs

■ Cooler replacement

■ Oil and water piping replacement

■ Overhauls/inspections/repairs of:

 Servo motors

 Generator and turbine bearings

 Generator rotors and stators

 Coupling faces and journals

The Hydro Experience/Expertise We Deliver

■ Maintenance/repairs/overhauls

■ Upgrades and modernization

■ Auxiliary equipment support

■ Project planning

■ On-site repairs

■ Disassembly and reassembly




Muscle Shoals, Alabama

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