Workforce NEWS

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workforce NEWS TVA Talent Sourcing and Support Services

Issue 2 | Fall 2011

Time TO Hire How long does it take TVA to hire an external candidate? Most managers would say, “Too long,” and they would be right. As of June 30, 2011, it took an average of 152 days to hire someone outside of TVA. The time-to-hire count begins the day a requisition to hire is requested and ends when the individual selected for the position is sitting in New Employee Experience. The average time to hire includes all categories of employees – experienced professionals, craft trainees and college recruits – and all TVA organizations.

We have identified a number of problems with the hiring process and implemented some steps to help us improve the time to hire, including:

Streamlined Hiring in Action Nick Moon, senior manager in Operations Support & Fleet


A bimonthly review of all open requisitions – watching positions more closely to make sure they are moving forward

Governance, completed the full selection process from start to finish in record time. He was engaged and worked closely with the recruiter and


Automating the background/medical application process (TVA Form 1) – improving the time and process to clear incoming candidates

employee relations consultant to complete the process. His requisition was created on April 20 and posted through May 2. Candidates were


Going through a LEAN review process in the area of On-boarding – improving the way candidates are brought into TVA

sourced the following day, May 3. Nick completed the records review portion of his selection


Increasing the use of hiring events to bring in candidates in a particular pool (e.g., A-level engineers) – reducing the time to interview and select candidates over a wide range of organizations

matrix within two days and notified his employee relations consultant to schedule interviews for May 12 and 13. Once interviews were conducted, Nick


Automating systems supporting the hiring process – improving efficiencies and effectiveness of the overall HR process

completed his selection matrix and submitted his recommendations for offers. Offers were extended by the On-boarding staff on May 18,

While these things are happening within the People & Performance organization, there are other things that a hiring manager can do to streamline the process. First, work with your recruiter up front when you are planning the job. This will help them target the right candidate for your position. Second, contact your employee relations consultant when interviewing and preparing paperwork to hire. They understand the process and can make sure you have all the pertinent information so the approval process and hiring can move forward quickly. Finally, and most important, if you are unsure about any step along the way, ASK. Both your recruiter and your employee relations consultant can help you at any time during the process and want to help you make a successful hire.

with candidates reporting to New Employee Experience on June 20. The total process took 61 days.

This Summer in

Talent Sourcing Recruiting Events July 26 Office of Personnel Management Career Fair, Cocoa Beach, Fla. August 18 SACC, Seattle Wa. August 18 2nd Annual TVA Community Career Fair, Knoxville, Tenn. July 27-29 Women In Nuclear (WIN), St. Louis, Mo.

While our busiest recruiting seasons are typically in the spring and fall, this summer in Talent Sourcing proved to be equally busy! There were three separate events this summer for IT collegiate interviews at Middle Tennessee State University, University of Tennessee Knoxville, and Lane College. Out of these events, more than 12 offers to join the TVA IT team were extended to qualified students. The Fossil Power Group welcomed seven entry-level engineers this June as full-time employees. These students represented a diverse group of engineering students from various schools in the Valley. Other student-centered activities included a tour of Bellefonte (continued on the next page)

This Summer in Talent Sourcing (continued) by Alabama A&M’s “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering” class. From that tour, one electrical engineering student has been extended an offer an employment. The nuclear recruiting team also coordinated with the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and the American Nuclear Society to conduct a Bellefonte tour and hold various information sessions with students to discuss internships and upcoming opportunities in the areas of nuclear fuels and reactor engineering. In an effort to ensure a qualified pipeline of plant personnel, Talent Sourcing conducted three senior reactor operator interview events with over 10 offers generated for the training of future senior reactor operators at our nuclear plants. Additionally, we have recruited for more than 10 trainee classes for student generating plant operator, combustion turbine tech, combined cycle tech, instrument mechanic tech, and hydro tech. These highly sought trainee classes offer TVA a chance to not only offer full-time job opportunities to residents of the Tennessee Valley, but also ensure we are planning for our future staffing needs.

Space Coast Job Fair The Space Coast Job Fair was held by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) July 26, 2011, at Cape Canaveral, Fla., to assist the thousands of contractors and employees laid off from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The event featured several federal private sector employers. It seemed that since most of the contractors and employees were accustomed to federal employment, they were very interested in seeing what career opportunities were available at other federal agencies. During the event we successfully spoke with several engineers, business professionals and craft candidates about TVA and possible career paths in our company. The TVA team consisted of Allison Bailey (recruiter), Amy Clark (Supply Chain manager) and Mark Ray (continued on the next page)

Facts and Accomplishments In the last 20 months, Talent Sourcing has…

13% increase in relocation customer satisfaction


TVA summer interns in 2011

10,662 candidates sourced

2,916 interviews scheduled

1,911 employees hired

31% diversity rate

This Summer in Talent Sourcing (continued) (Nuclear manager). Mr. Ray found two potential candidates for an engineering position he has had difficulty filling. Ms. Clark left with several highpotential resumes for future positions in Category Sourcing – Supply Chain.

TVA’s Talent Sourcing staff is thankful to Knoxville College for a great partnership which helped make the career fair a success, and we look forward to duplicating these efforts throughout the Tennessee Valley.

The OPM team repeatedly expressed gratitude for TVA’s effort to help our fellow federal employees. The team also received praise from an event participant who stated she found the team “extremely professional, insightful, and very approachable.” The only negative aspect of the event was that almost half of the job seekers were unwilling to relocate from the Florida coast. Overall, the event was definitely a success and appreciated by the people of the Space Coast area.

University of Kentucky College of Engineering

Lane College

On Tuesday, August 16, 2011, a TVA delegation traveled to Lexington, Ky., for a meeting with leaders from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering regarding our Educational and Research Partnership in Power Engineering. John McCormick, recently appointed principal for the University of Kentucky Endowment, led the TVA delegation consisting of Jill Wallace, Ernie Peterson, Lane Bassham and Laura Paddock.

Lane College is a four-year, historically black college located in Jackson, Tenn. In spring 2010, TVA Economic Development managers accompanied Talent Management recruiters to the Lane College career fair, resulting in the hiring of one intern. In spring 2011, recruiter Michelle Woods and three Information Technology managers conducted classroom visits and on-campus interviews where we hired three full-time employees and three summer interns.

The dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Tom Lester, chaired the meeting and was joined by staffers Sharron Townsend, Dr. Kozo Saito, and Dr. Larry Holloway. Dr. Saito and Dr. Holloway, both TVA Endowed Professors, shared presentations outlining the numerous activities currently underway with both electrical and mechanical engineering students at the University of Kentucky. These include site visits to TVA sites such as Bellefonte, Raccoon Mountain, the Systems Operation Control Center and Buffalo Mountain.

Talent Management visited the Lane College campus again September 15, 2011, for a career fair.

Recognizing the need for additional coursework and training in power systems utilization, the University of Kentucky’s Power and Energy Institute offers certification and training in areas such as power transmission and distribution, smart grid automation and environmental consequences, to name a few.

Second Annual TVA Community Career Fair On Thursday, August 18, 2011, Tennessee Valley Authority Talent Management’s Talent Sourcing staff teamed up with Knoxville College to host TVA’s Second Annual Community Career Fair in Knoxville. More than 200 candidates with diverse backgrounds such as finance, engineering and information technology attended the event. With the Talent Sourcing staff accompanied by 10 managers, TVA was able to find numerous qualified candidates and plans to bring them on site for face-to-face interviews.

There are currently more than 200 engineering students enrolled in these power-specific courses which provide a specialized pipeline of new engineers available to TVA that are more holistically prepared for careers in the utility industry. These students are also involved in the research and application of innovative and practical technologies specific to the power industry. (continued on the next page)

This Summer in Talent Sourcing (continued) WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT On the workforce development front, Talent Sourcing is engaged in the Tennessee Energy, Industry and Construction Consortium, our state Center for Energy Workforce Development consortium that spearheads awareness and resources for careers in the utility industry. This statewide initiative ensures that colleges and education leaders are communicating future employment opportunities to students and preparing them with the skills our industry needs

to be successful. Janet Herrin participated in the workforce readiness roundtable hosted by the Tennessee Department of Education and Volkswagen Chattanooga in August. We also attended the quarterly board meeting of the governor of Alabama’s Workforce Development Board to review curriculum proposals that will benefit growth industries, such as the energy sector, in both trades and labor programs and career readiness initiatives. This involvement is key to our workforce needs as we move closer to possible Bellefonte completion.

Talent Sourcing in the Fall Preparations for our fall and winter recruiting events are well under way as we schedule college visits and assess our hiring opportunities and intern needs for the fall. Please let us know if you are interested in attending a college career fair or a classroom visit to discuss career opportunities at TVA!

C a r e e r Fa i r s Virginia Tech September 13-14, 2011 Blacksburg, VA University of Alabama Huntsville September 14, 2011 Huntsville, AL North Carolina A&T September 14, 2011 Greensboro, NC Lane College September 15, 2011 Jackson, TN Auburn September 19, 2011 Auburn, AL University of Alabama Tuscaloosa-Engineering September 21, 2011 Tuscaloosa, AL University of Tennessee Knoxville September 22, 2011 Knoxville, TN

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa-General September 22, 2011 Tuscaloosa, AL West Virginia September 22, 2011 Morgantown, WV UT Knoxville-MBA Fall Job & Internship Fair September 23, 2011 Knoxville, TN UT Knoxville-Logistics September 26-27, 2011 Knoxville, TN Vanderbilt University September 27, 2011 Nashville, TN Alabama A&M September 27, 2011 Normal, AL University of Kentucky September 27, 2011 Lexington, KY

Mississippi State September 28, 2011 Starkville, MS Spelman-Atlanta University Consortium September 28, 2011 Atlanta, GA Tuskegee September 29, 2011 Tuskegee, AL North Carolina State October 5, 2011 Raleigh, NC National Black MBA October 4-8, 2011 Atlanta, GA Tennessee Tech October 6, 2011 Cookeville, TN Middle Tennessee State University October 12, 2011 Murfreesboro, TN

University of Mississippi-Oxford October 12, 2011 Oxford, MS Auburn Co-op October 13, 2011 Auburn, AL Society of Women Engineers October 13-15, 2011 Chicago, IL NSBE Regional Conference November 12-13, 2011 Jackson, MS San Antonio SACC November 17-18, 2011 San Antonio, TX Power Gen December 13-15, 2011 Las Vegas, NV

TVA Interns

Questions and Answers on the Intern Program What is the required GPA for participation in the program? The student must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale. How old does the student have to be? The student must be at least 18 years of age. Does the student have to be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student? The student must be enrolled as a full-time student in a U.S. Department of Educationaccredited college or university. How many hours does the student need to complete in order to be in TVA’s intern program? The student must have completed the freshman year of college as defined by the college.

I began my internship with TVA two and a half years ago having had little exposure to the corporate world, but I was excited to be part of a company that contributes so much to the Tennessee Valley. Throughout my time here, particularly in People & Performance, I’ve learned to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and that communication is critical for success. The experience I’ve gained has illuminated a career path that

I might have otherwise overlooked and has laid the foundation for what I hope will be a fulfilling future.

Laura Elizabeth Gaston Talent Management Intern Program

Highlights of the Summer Intern Program On July 27, the interns were invited to attend a Chattanooga Lookouts baseball game at AT&T Field. Sixty-five interns attended this event. The first week of August, the Fossil Power Group’s summer interns gave presentations. FPG had a total of 30 interns this summer. Each intern gave a presentation on what they learned and experienced over the summer as well as some key highlights. There are requests for more than 300 interns for this fall. Conversion of interns to full-time employees is 79 percent. Diversity is 36 percent.

Changes in Relocation Benefits Considering offering relocation benefits to your new hires or transfers? If so, did you know the Government Services Administration (GSA) has changed the Federal Travel Regulations for relocation benefits as of August 1, 2011? The matrix below highlights the changes.

Changes To Relocation Policy Effective 8/1/11 Benefit Changes

Old Policy

Policy Effective 8/1/11

Time Limit

2 year time limit with 2 year extension (total 4 years)

1 year time limit with 1 year extension (total 2 years)

Distance Test

Distance from old and new official station must be at least 50 miles.

New official station must be at least 50 miles further from old residence than old official station.

Required Counseling

No counseling required

Counseling must be provided to all employees receiving relocation benefits. The counseling may take place after selection prior to acceptance of the job offer.

Temporary Living Allowance Agreement

No agreement

If employee receives a temporary living allowance, the employee must occupy temporary quarters and incur expenses. If no expenses are incurred, the employee must pay the lump sum amount back to TVA.

Miscellaneous Allowance

$500 employee only; $1,000 family

Effective July 18, 2011, $650 employee only; $1,300 family

Household Goods Weight Limit

18,000 lbs weight limit

Still 18,000 lbs limit but a 2,000 lbs allowance was added to cover packing materials in the shipment. Also, the employee has to choose if they want TVA to arrange and move their household goods (actual expense) or they can elect a self-move and be reimbursed for eligible expenses (commute rate). The method chosen has to be authorized on the travel order form.

Temporary Storage

90 days storage with 90 days extension (total 180)

60 days storage with 90 days extension (total 150)

Shipment of Vehicle

No limit

Limited to 2 vehicles - Vehicles must be in operating condition and legally tagged and titled.

Property Management Services

Not an option in our current relocation program

New program added to assist homeowners with renting their departure homes instead of selling. Third party relocation company will assist with finding renters, collecting rent payments, etc. The effective date of this program will be retroactive to January 1, 2008.

Service Agreements

Agree to remain in government services for 1 year following the effective date of transfer. If there is a violation of this agreement, all moneys connected with the transfer will be recoverable as debt due the United States.

Same agreement as previously, but the following language was added: If no temporary living expenses are actually incurred, I agree to repay any temporary living allowance to TVA. I agree I have received adequate relocation counseling prior to accepting this offer. I certify that neither my immediate family nor I have accepted, and will not accept, duplicate reimbursement for relocation expenses. To my knowledge, no third party has accepted duplicate reimbursement for my relocation expenses.

Travel Order Forms and Extension/ Exception Forms

TVA 586 - Nonmanagement New Hires TVA 586T - All Transfer and New Hire MGS TVA 20408 - Extension/ Exception Form

TVA 20591 - Nonmanagement New Hires TVA 20592 - All Transfer and New Hire MGS TVA 20593 - Extension/Exception Form

For additional information, please contact Erical Beasley, Program Manager, Relocation Services at 423-751-4956 or

Contractor Workforce Management New Process for Requesting and Managing Noncraft Staff Augmentation Contractors Rolled out June 30, 2011

The responsibility for administering the noncraft staff augmentation program was recently transferred from Supply Chain in Financial Services to Talent Management in People & Performance. This action will help ensure that requests for noncraft staff augmentation are aligned with the organizational workforce plans and will provide process oversight. Form TVA 20590 (Contractor Workforce Planning – Request for Staff Augmentation Noncraft Contractor) has been revised based on several recommendations from organizations who have used the form to request staff augmentation noncraft contractors since implementation of the process on June 30. The revised form is available from the Forms Catalog on InsideNet. Hiring managers should use the form TVA 20590 to request all noncraft staff augmentation contractors. The completed form should be emailed to for approval by the Contingent Workforce Review Team. Orders should not be entered into Elance until the hiring manager is notified by the Contingent Workforce Review Team that the request has been approved. A team of representatives from the Fossil Power Group, Operations Support and Fleet Governance, Nuclear Power Group and People & Performance has been working to consolidate the various contractor check-in and check-out forms used by the different organizations. We anticipate the consolidated form to be finalized and available by the beginning of the fiscal year. Managers will be notified via email when the new form is available. As a reminder, at the end of the contractor assignment, the hiring manager is responsible for completing the appropriate check-out form (TVA

17981-Contractor Required Check-In/Check-Out for non-nuclear organizations or TVA 40156-TVA NPG Employee and Contractor UAA/UA Check-Out Sheet for nuclear organizations). The hiring manager is also responsible for collecting TVA assets assigned to the contractor including computer equipment, VPN token, Blackberry, cellular telephone, pager, etc. More emphasis is also being placed on mapping the work being performed by the staff augmentation (noncraft) contractor to the job title/job code that is most comparable to work being performed. This will help with determining the appropriate security level (both physical and logical) that is necessary for the contractor as well as for Technical Training to determine the training the contractor is required to have completed to work at a particular site. Stay tuned for more to come in this area. For any additional questions regarding the process for obtaining staff augmentation noncraft contractors, please contact Susan Boyd in Talent Management at 423-751-6688 or Nikki Reed at 423-751-4882.

Produced periodically by Talent Sourcing and Support Services, Workforce News provides updates on recruiting, staffing and other activities aimed at ensuring TVA has the right people and the right skills in place at the right time to achieve our vision. If you have questions or comments, or would like us to address a particular topic in a future issue, please e-mail Tempe Wagner at

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