1 minute read

Cry for the Mercy of Guru


For the Mercy of Guru


The çiñya should cry for guru-kåpä, the causeless mercy of the guru. Unless you cry, how can you get kåpä? Without crying, no one can get it! For example, when a child cries, the mother runs to him. “Oh, my child is crying.” The child cannot be pacified by any means other than the mother’s presence. Because she is engaged in performing household duties, the mother may give the child a toy or a doll to play with, but the child will throw down that toy or doll, and cry and cry. When the child cries, the mother runs. Similarly, unless you cry, how can you get that mercy? This crying is required. Therefore we sing this song: karuëä nä hoile, käëòiyä käëòiyä, präëa nä räkhibo ära. We must cry and cry for the mercy of guru. Those who have cried have received this mercy.

Such crying is required. The child cannot get his mother’s breast unless he cries. Similarly, unless you cry, how can you have the darçana of çré-guru? You have to cry. When the disciple cries, the guru runs to him, just as the mother runs to her child. Karuëä-maya guru, he is very merciful, causelessly merciful. Out of mercy he comes and gives darçana, while physically manifest, or he comes in a dream and gives darçana when he is not manifested anymore.

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