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Non-Profit of the Year
From left to right: Jennifer Hall Nadine Pottinga Emily Fultz
Non-Profit of the Year Award Winner United Way/VAN
Written by: Top of Virginia Regional Chamber
The United Way of the Northern Shenandoah Valley brought to light the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) population, representing a growing number of individuals and families who are working but cannot afford the necessities of housing, food, child care, health care, and transportation. The year 2020 exacerbated those struggles for individuals and families all over our region.
While the organization typically raises over 1 million dollars in donations, works with thousands of volunteers and donors, and distributes Community Impact Grants to more than 100 non-profits, they provided many more services to the community based on the needs presented in 2020. Call volume alone quadrupled within the year as the United Way NSV distributed over $655,000 in Federal CARES Act funding, partnering with the City of Winchester and Frederick County, Virginia. Over the course of three months, 289 evictions or foreclosures and 524 utility shutoffs were prevented. They continue to maintain a Four out of Four-Star rating with non-profit watchdog Charity Navigator.
The Valley Assistance Network (VAN) was formed in 2017 to engage community resources to move individuals and families from crisis to financial security. Using a coordinated network of help services, VAN can assist clients with shelter, clothing, food, medical care, and job training. Current staff includes one full-time staff, one part-time, and many volunteers.
Congratulations, United Way of the NSV and Valley Assistance Network, for winning the Non-Profit of the Year. Other nominees were the Child Safe Center, I’m Just Me Movement, Literacy Volunteers, and The Laurel Center.