5 minute read
Making the Impact
Written by: Top of Virginia Regional Chamber
On May 24, 2021, the United Way of the Northern Shenandoah Valley (NSV) announced an investment of $505,047 to 36 regional non-profits as they reaffirmed their commitment to lift families and individuals to financial stability to create a healthier community in the 2021-2022 Community Inpact Grant Program. The board of directors for the Greater Good Award winner Non-profit of the Year for their work in 2020, approved recommendations from more than 60 community volunteers to provide a 10% increase in funding over what was distributed last year. Grants will be received by programs throughout the Northern Shenandoah Valley (City of Winchester, Clarke County, Frederick County, Shenandoah County, and Page County) to begin distribution on July 1, 2021.
The United Way NSV will also be able to distribute an additional $173,132 in donor designated funds to various agencies, acheiving over 92% of the $735,772 in requests that they had received. The funds are being distributed to high needs in
Photo courtesy of United Way NSV Pictured left to right: Jennifer Hall, United Way NSV; Joe Czachowski, Trex Company; Nadine Bullock-Pottinga, United Way NSV; Jessica Neff, First Bank; Dr. Yolanda Barbier Gibson, Shenandoah University, and Elise Stine-Dolinar, United Way NSV
the community reported from the United Way Needs Assessment and Virgina ALICE® Report that showed exigency in areas of education, financial stability, and health. Funding priorities in education focused on basic needs, early learning, and youth support programming. Grants aimed at improving economic support covered basic needs, housing, and employment. Areas identified to build healthier communities shined a light on access to care, trauma informed care, and behavioral health.
The Top of Virginia Regional Chamber is proud to offer reduced rates to area non-profits for membership. Twenty-five organizations in the region accounted for $346,422 of the Community Impact Grant with fourteen Chamber members totaling nearly 82% of those funds received in our coverage zone.
Written by: Top of Virginia Regional Chamber
The first Business After Hours kicked off the season in style with Region’s 117 of the Shenandoah Lodge in Lake Frederick in May. The in-person event featured gorgeous views, live music, smokeless firepits, delectable appetizers, and perhaps the most important thing – human connection. With guidelines for mask mandates lifting just hours before, Chamber members were greeted by smiles upon smiles of those that were excited to finally laugh again amongst others. There was a buzz to the air that refreshed the soul after a year of disconnection.
Roughly 100 Chamber members gathered to welcome the return of the after-hours event. “Honestly, I had been looking forward to going for weeks and it really was one of the best business after hours event I’ve attended. It was exactly what was needed (for everyone, I’m sure) to continue moving forward,” stated Meaghan Fox, Director of Sales for SpringHill Suites of Winchester.
Several new members had a chance to introduce themselves to the crowd. Aikens Group, Lisa Fisher Art, Trumble Insurance, Netmaker Communications, Sierra Learnership Collaborative, The Farinholt Team - ERA Oakcrest Realty all took the opportunity to introduce themselves.
Felicia Pallett, Meaghan Fox, and Amy VanMeter enjoy Business After Hours at Region’s 117 with other Chamber members
The Top of Virginia Regional Chamber has plenty more opportunities coming to network in-person for current and new members. Find out more: regionalchamber.biz
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1. Joanne Royaltey (Virginia Cooperative Extension) gets to know more about Lori Eversole (City National Bank) in a game designed to enhance networking at the Valley Business Women’s Bloomin’ Tea Social at the George Washington Hotel. 2. Jill Edlich (The Wine Club for Women and The Ravenwood Foundation) gets matched to sit with Darcus Breneman (First Bank) based on the cards they had chosen when entering the Valley Business Women’s Bloomin’ Tea Social. 3. Erika de Azagra (Erika de Azagra - ERA Oakcrest Realty) shares a laugh with her entire table as they learn more about each other’s businesses just before the door prizes were awarded. 4. Top of Virginia Regional Chamber CEO, Cynthia Schneider shares a laugh as she greets Chamber members and a few guests at Region’s 117 for Business After Hours. 5. Kevin Callanan (Callanan Executive Services, LLC) connects with Cindy Greenya and Eric Iliffe at Business After Hours in May. 6. Rebecca Taylor (Aikens Group Hotels) introduces herself and the Aikens Hotel Group as some of the newest members to join the Top of Virginia Region Chamber. 7. Graduates of the 2021 Community Leadership Program at West Oaks Farm Market (from left to right: Summer Jeirles, Jimmy Roberts, Tajmarie Rowe, Amy Feathers, Todd Braithwaite, Michele Brune, Stacy Leach, Sierra Collins, William Gordon, Erika de Azagra, Matthew Martz, Carrie Johnson, Shayla Rickard, Sarah Frey, Daniel Valentine, Elenor Williams Tahmaseb, and Tristan Baker).
The Top of Virginia Regional Chamber was on-site for discussion of the upcoming expansion of the Interstate-81 Corridor to include an extra lane for northbound and southbound traffic between Exit 313 and Exit 317. The construction is expected to begin in 2028 and complete by 2031. The improvement project will implement Changeable Message Boards at six locations both on I-81 and surrounding interchanges throughout Frederick County, Virginia. On the Valley Today with Janet Michaels When speaking about the Community Leadership Program:
“It just makes sense why the Chamber is the house for this program because that is exactly how it works. Everybody that is either participating from the student level is networking, mingling, and getting to know each other. The presenters are either former CLP graduates or other leaders in the industry and they all came prepared with information, panphlets, or business cards and said reach out to us. We’re always looking for more input or getting involved. It is pretty remarkable.”
Matt Martz The Management Group
Listen for the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber on The Valley Today podcast with Janet Michaels.
Hear previous podcasts at regionalchamber.biz