COURSE OUTLINE Title: acting Institution:
The Proctor Group / J.A.Y.B.O. Institution
Outline Developed by
Dr. Twanna Y. Ray / Marq Emerson
Course Description: Further studies the methods, techniques and theories of acting as an art form. Performance of lab exercises and monologues/scenes from published dramatic literature with written assignments to include response and analysis papers are the basic teaching approaches. Course Objectives: The focus of this course is to further instruct students in the components of acting which will include: 1. Intermediate techniques of character analysis and development 2. Intermediate techniques of voice production, stage movement, interpretation and memorization 3. Intermediate techniques in intellectual and emotional communication 4. Intermediate improvisation theory, technique and practice through performance 5. In-depth literary analysis of scripts through play reading techniques and writing assignments. 6. Intermediate actor beats and subtext interpretation and execution Intermediate techniques in acting will be taught through group and individual exercises, assigned reading, literary analysis, listening, written work, discussion, brainstorming, historical and cultural research, reflection, and performance. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: • develop a character for performance through script analysis and practice of theatrical beats, subtext, and physical and vocal acting technique. • identify and articulate these principles as they observe and work with other students in the class. • write an academically correct response paper in which they will demonstrate and analyze the basic major dramatic conflict and resolution, given circumstances and genre or style. • discuss, in the response paper, the monologue and character they have chosen as their class project • utilize both print and electronic information resources available at the CCC library and computer labs to adequately research their specific assigned task. • demonstrate effective communication both verbally and nonverbally with other actors and audiences through the study of subtext and actor beats. • interpret and convey the playwright’s ideas and meanings through the live performance of dramatic literature. • demonstrate research skills to determine the historical and/or cultural context of the theatrical work assigned.
Length of Course: 2 hours, Monday – Wednesday - Friday Required Text: Students will individually select play scripts from sources provided in the library Major Topic Outline: Students will develop for performance two monologues each term. Character development and exploration will include the articulation and use of subtext and theatrical beats. (Theatrical beats are used to identify the actor’s motivation, objective and intention in performance.) Basic comedy improvisation techniques will be used to explore physical movement, subtext and actor beats. Because of the literary element inherent in theatre, students will learn to identify and discuss the following play reading techniques: Given circumstances, dialogue, dramatic action, character, the basic idea or meaning of the play and the moods. In addition students will be responsible for two response papers on the plays being studied. The goal is to give students a solid foundation of methodology and theory leading to an expanded level of personal performance and observation.