Vol. 2 Ed. 1

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The Well-Being UNC-Chapel Hill’s Premiere Health and Fitness Magazine

Finances: How to be smart

with your budget

Your Guide to Common Food Myths

Men’s Health:

Staying in Shape

Staying Healthy while you’re



Amanda Prescott Co-Founder

Cara Richards Co-Founder

Alexis Balinski Co-Editor

Traci Carver Co-Editor

A note from the editors...

This issue truly has been a long time coming. It was Spring 2011 when our writers and designers first began work on their assignments. Transitioning leadership and unforeseen circumstances delayed the printing process longer than expected. Now, with both founders graduated, the magazine has passed to us.

When Amanda contacted us last semester, we were more than happy to take over and re-launch the magazine. We had been with The Well-Being since freshman year — in fact, this magazine was our first endeavor as designers. It means so much to both of us that we get to pick up where we left off and help The Well-Being continue to grow as UNCChapel Hill’s premiere health and fitness magazine. We’d like to start by printing the issue that was written and designed two years ago. Even though most of the staff has graduated, we wanted to print this issue to honor their hard work and effort during The Well-Being’s first year. In addition to the original staff, there were many other contributors who made this issue possible. We would like to give a special thanks to David Bell, Ying Zhang, Katelyn Farrugia, Sarah Martin, Alex McClelland and Franklin Street Yoga. We’d also like to thank Amanda Prescott and Cara Richards for their guidance and support, as well as Traci Potocnik and Amber Astolfi for their role in the smooth transition. Below, we’ve included a message from Amanda, Co-Founder and previous Executive Editor:

“Bringing this publication to you wasn’t easy, as I’ve learned that the most difficult issue of a magazine to produce isn’t the first; it’s the second. You can create plenty of hype and support and excitement around a new venture, but the true test is the fabled test of time; staying consistent and persistent in your interest and dedication to the publication and harnessing that consistency in your staff.”

We hope to weather the obstacles ahead with our newly gathered — and very enthusiastic! — staff. They have already begun working to bring you more exciting and relevant health and fitness content. So enjoy, and check out our social media sites for a sneak peak at our next issue! and

Public Relations Alex Higgins

Facebook: The Well-Being Health and Fitness Magazine

PR Coordinator

Sumner Allen PR Assistant

Katheleen Davids

PR Assistant

Contributors Copy Editors

Twitter: @uncwellbeing

Whitney Davis Meg Wrather Designers

Nutrition | Physical Health | Mental Health Food Myths Healthy While Abroad Men’s Health Women’s Health Sore Muscles STDs Manscaping Finances Massage Therapy Freshman 15

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Alexis Balinski

Traci Carver

Megan Finke

Meg Wrather

Photographer Erik Andersen Writers

Megan DeMaria

Cat DiPaci

Alena Hall

Alex Higgins

Paige Lager

Dasha Menafee

Lauren Meyer Rylan Miller

Carolyn Straughn Laney Tipton

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Good Eats:

by Cat DiPaci

College means independence and making decisions for yourself, especially when it comes to your diet. Choosing to eat responsibly is dependent on being informed, which takes some investigating in our society based on overloaded and contradictory nutritional advice and information. The habits you develop in these years will most likely follow you through your life, so here are a few common myths debunked to help you choose your food lifestyle wisely: 4  The Well-Being Fall 2012

Myth #1: Fat-free is the best option

Myth #2: You should bulk up on protein

This common myth has food manufacturers making bank off of their newly marketed fat-free products. It is key to remember that the food industry is driven by money. The truth is that the fat in low-fat, fat-reduced and fat-free options is replaced by extra sugars and chemicals used to imitate the flavor. So when it comes down to it, sugar calories are still calories, and if you are trying to lose weight you’re main concern should be calorie intake. Plus, natural is more trustworthy than artificial in today’s world where many substitutes have not been fully tested enough. Who wants fake food anyway? (The exception here is milk and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans actually recommends a switch from full to skim milk. )

Thirty-five percent of your daily intake should be protein no matter if you are trying to lose, gain or maintain your weight, says the FDA. Specific studies also show that eating additional protein daily does not appear to promote much muscle growth in comparison to a normal daily intake.

Myth #3: You should steer clear of chocolate

Recent research has revised the myth that chocolate is bad for your health. According to studies, chocolate actually has many benefits for your health including levels of magnesium, copper,

Photos by Erik Anderson, Katelyn Farugia


Fact vs. Fiction Vol. 2 Ed. 1

iron and zinc. It would be better to avoid the saturated fat in milk chocolate and stick to purer dark chocolate. The natural high levels of antioxidants in dark chocolate have been proven to be positive for the human body. It can relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. So, don’t feel guilty for those chocolate cravings. Enjoy in moderation, and as a rule of thumb, the darker the better.

Myth #4: The daily five fruits should be fresh

If you’re looking to consume more fruit in your diet and worry about food going bad in your dorm room, try the dried fruit option. Dried fruit contains just as many nutrients and sugar for energy as fresh fruit (the only thing it is lacking is vitamin C). Next time you are shopping for groceries consider snagging a bag

of mixed dried fruit to help fulfill that 5 fruits a day, preferably without any added sugar.

Myth #5: Energy bars can replace meals

Energy bars, granola bars and protein bars are convenient and can be used as supplement to a day lacking of full nutrients, but they should be used minimally. Replacing energy bars for whole meals has become far too common especially in our fast paced college environment. Read the ingredient on the label and you will find that these products are full of refined sugar and chemicals and cannot truly replicate true natural fruits and vegetables. The modern engineering of foods is relying on the idea that all is known about how to concoct an artificial “whole food” when science really doesn’t have that information down to… well... a science.

Myth #6: You should rely on red wine Red wine actually has the same health benefits as beer, white wine and all other liquors. All these alcohols raise levels of protective HDL (good cholesterol), which help protect against plaque buildup in the arteries. So, any kind of alcohol, when consumed in moderation that is, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Getting your facts straight is crucial to a healthy life, so arm yourself with knowledge!

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Staying Healthy While Abroad by Megan DeMaria

Last year I was lucky enough to be studying abroad in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia. As I was packing my bags and getting ready to leave, I worried that my healthy lifestyle would have to be thrown out the window in favor of scraping by on cheap fast food meals and no gym membership. Well, I’m happy to report that I was deluded in those thoughts! I guess I was forgetting the fact that America isn’t exactly known for being the healthiest country in the world, and that many other places offer a vast array of fresh foods as well as opportunities for natural exercise (snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, anyone?!). After just over a month in the land down under I was walking more than I ever had before, getting fresh produce from the nearby farmer’s market every weekend, and finding new health-oriented cafés and restaurants every day. Staying healthy while abroad may sound daunting but I promise you, it isn’t! Here are some tips I picked up along the way:

6  The Well-Being Fall 2012

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Bring plane snacks.

Seriously. Just do it. If I had been left to survive on what the airline gave me, the 14 hour flight from San Francisco to Sydney would have been pretty miserable! I was more than happy to bypass the packaged and questionable-looking “peppermint brownie” in favor of homemade pumpkin oatmeal cookies I had brought from home. I also packed pretzels, peanut butter packets, and bars (my favorite are Larabars) to tide me over.

Take advantage of local farmer’s markets and co-ops

Most cities have a variety of farmer’s markets selling fresh fruit and vegetables as well as homemade breads and local cheeses. The best part is that they are usually pretty inexpensive! I know that I personally saved a ton of money on groceries by buying produce at farmer’s markets as opposed to grocery stores. In fact, I once bought bananas for $4/kilo when the grocery stores typically sell them for about $11/kilo. Your university or city may also have a food co-op available for you to join. The University of Sydney has a student-run co-op which gives students discounts on purchases and allows you to order “fruit and veg” boxes each week if you so wish. Nothing beats cheap, convenient, and healthy!

Explore the city by foot.

It is definitely tempting to want to take public transportation everywhere (trust me, there was a bus stop right outside my door), but try to walk places most of the time! Not only is it an easy way to add exercise into your day, it will also help you get to know your new city so much better. I discovered that Sydney is much more intriguing in person than it is from a grimy bus window, and I got more than my recommended daily physical activity as an added bonus.

Get in touch with your inner Julia Child.

In other words: cook your own food! It would have been so easy for me to just eat every meal out, but something told me that four months of greasy pizza and French fries would not be beneficial to my health. Although I only had a microwave and mini fridge in my room, I discovered

that those two appliances can do a lot. I typically had oatmeal with banana and peanut butter for breakfast, some type of wrap with an apple for lunch, and then a veggie burger with microwaved rice and vegetables for dinner. The microwave definitely became my new best friend! If you do a house-stay while abroad you will likely have a full kitchen at your disposal, and with that the options are limitless. Making your own meals puts you in charge of the ingredients so you can make them as healthful as you want, not to mention you can cater to your own specific tastes when it comes to flavor and spice. Then when you do go out to a restaurant, it’s much more exciting and gives you a chance to try the local fare… and appreciate not having to do dishes afterward!

Join a club team.

Nearly every university offers a wide array of club sports that are both laidback and fun. Joining a sports team, or even just playing pick-up games, is a great way to stay active as well as meet new people. Your parents will be glad too, since it will save you money on an expensive gym membership! Most countries will probably offer different sports than you’re accustomed to, so joining a random club team is also a chance to diversify yourself and try something new that you wouldn’t be able to participate in back at home.

There are so many ways to stay healthy and physically active while abroad, and these tips are just a few that I found to be successful during my time in Sydney. I know that I personally am much happier when I’m able to eat fresh foods and stay active, and I really feel that sticking to my healthy lifestyle improved my study abroad experience dramatically. I was able to explore a variety of farmer’s markets, meet new people through sports, and stumble across exciting places that I would have never seen had I taken the bus or train. To anyone studying abroad, just remember to enjoy every moment of your once-in-a-lifetime experience. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit to stay healthy and happy!

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Photos by Erik Andersen


8  The Well-Being Fall 2012

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Men's Health:

Staying in Shape at School, Outside of the Gym by Rylan Miller


lthough spring break might be right around the corner, there are still midterms, papers and projects to worry about. For many of you, mid-semester means studying, microwave meals, bars and sleep. Repeat.

Maybe you think that college is synonymous with a BSkis-andbeer-only diet or weekends of ESPN hypnotization on your friend’s 55-inch flat screen TV. Working out may seem like a great idea until you find yourself plastered to the couch, but making your health a priority at school can keep you from falling into a rut—and stop your muscles from atrophying in your 20s. Take advantage of the countless ways to stay in shape at UNC and in Chapel Hill that go beyond benching weights: You’ll feel better, get more out of your day and interact with people other than the delivery guy.

On Campus

You may start the semester diligently lifting weights every week, doing the same sets and reps, but eventually you’ll get bored. By late November, you’ll forget that campus even has a gym. Here are some of Campus Recreation’s offerings that can prevent the post-Thanksgiving exercise boycott: 1. Group Fitness Classes: The Student Recreation Center and Rams Head Recreation Center offer more than just Zumba. Try yoga, kickboxing, weightlifting or abs exercise classes— you’ll push yourself harder in the workout when other people are sweating it out beside you, and you may find a routine that gives you more results than going it alone. http://campusrec.unc.edu/groupfitness-classes

2. The Outdoor Education Center and rock climbing wall: Expeditions with the OEC—which include sea kayaking, hiking, bike tours, rock climbing and backpacking—will give you a full-body workout and a story to brag about to your friends (who probably spent the weekend playing video games). If you want to get the experience of rock climbing any day of the week, get your belay certification and brace yourself for sore arms and ultimate muscle definition. ($30/2hour class, http://campusrec.unc.edu/ climbing-wall)

In Town

Chapel Hill and Carrboro offer greenways, bike paths, and fitness clubs for those who want to venture off campus to get in some cardio. 1. Greenways and bike trails: Check out this map to plan out your running or biking route http://www.ci.chapel-hill. nc.us/index.aspx?page=527

2. Fleet Feet Sports (Carrboro): If you want to train for a 5k, half marathon or the whole 26.2 miles, this running store also offers programs that coach you through the preparations. http:// www.fleetfeetcarrboro.com/trainingprograms-0

While Giving Back

An improved physique might be your motivation #1 for staying active, but exercising for the greater good can improve your mental health as well. Try finding activities that allow you to help others as you build a better body for yourself.

1. Charity 5ks, bike rides, marathons and more: Challenge yourself to see how many sorority and fraternity 5ks you can run in a semester—there are plenty of them. Many national marathons and other athletic events contribute their proceeds to specific charities or nonprofit organizations. Pick the one that means the most to you and get to training. http://www.marathonguide.com/ 2. Coach a youth sport league: Depending on the season, you sign up as a volunteer coach for one of Chapel Hill Parks & Recreations’ many youth sport leagues. The perks: You get to play a sport you love, you get to share your passion with others and, most importantly, you’ll end the season with an adoring entourage of 8-year-olds who think you’re a pro athlete. What could be more beneficial to your state of mental health? http://www. ci.chapel-hill.nc.us/index.aspx?page=539

On Your Own Terms

Don’t forget about the basketball, volleyball and tennis courts spread across campus, and the expanses of lush grass that stick around until mid-Fall. Rally your buddies together for a daytournament of your sport of choice or toss a Frisbee around for an afternoon. Including your friends in your workout routine—dragging them, if you must— will keep everyone interested in staying active. That way, the next time you feel like blowing off exercise, you’ll have a network of people ragging on you until you give in. But unlike a challenge to eat an entire pizza by yourself or burn off a patch of your leg hair, this will actually benefit your well-being—not send you to Student Health Services.

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Physical Health

Women's Health by Paige Lager

Snack Back to a Skinnier, Healthier, You!


hether you’re a freshman or an upperclassman everyone wants to avoid those dreaded 15 pounds that threaten to weigh you down in the first few months back at school. The way to stay slim is actually easier than you think – snack!

Snacking can help you not only with maintaining your current weight, but also with losing weight and keeping up your energy all day long. By planning to have a few preportioned snacks throughout your schedule, you give your body a steady source of fuel that keeps up your metabolism and provides you with the energy you need for daily physical activities. Since you should be hitting the gym five to six times a week, it’s important to have four or five little snacks a day in order to supply your body with necessary energy. Snacking also helps you avoid overeating at meals after hours of no food. Snack throughout the day, and then finish with a small dinner before 7 p.m. so that your body has time to digest the food before you go to bed. There are a few dangers of snacking that are important to avoid. Portion control is key. Sitting down with the entire bag of pita chips is counterproductive and you will most likely gain weight instead of providing your metabolism with a little pickme-up. Planning your snacks is equally important. You need to know that after class you’re going to eat the apple you brought from home to avoid being caught off-guard by a pizza craving because you passed some guy on the lawn eating a slice. Finally, you need to snack for the right reasons. A breakup doesn’t condone above-and-beyond snacking. You snack to

10  The Well-Being Fall 2012

provide structure to your daily diet and a continuous energy source for your body, not because you are sad, angry, happy, or bored. Unfortunately, your average late-night Q’doba binge cannot be considered a snack. You can no longer pick up ‘little rewards’ at Krispy Kreme for surviving a stressful day of class. The healthy, desirable snacks are often much more organic.

Have some pita chips with hummus, but instead of taking the whole bag and container, pre-portion a few chips and hummus on a plate and stow the rest away. Have a bowl of cereal, but put one or two cups in a small bowl instead of dumping half the box in the huge bowl you also use for popcorn. Hundredcalorie-packs are a great invention, but it defeats the purpose when you eat four. If you’re going out, look up the menu and decide what you want to order before hand so that unhealthy options don’t tempt you. To save money and stay healthy, only eat half your entrée and bring the rest home to eat the following day. You can also help yourself by hiding unhealthy foods from sight. If you don’t have to see the box of Cheez-its every time you enter the kitchen, you don’t have to think about the box of Cheez-its every time you enter the kitchen – out of sight out of mind. Snacking, the right way, can lead to a healthier, and more energetic you. For more tips and healthy snack ideas, go to www. snacksense.com.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Snack Right on Franklin Street Mediterranean Deli: Med Deli has lots of healthy options full of vegetables, grains, fruit, and fish. They primarily use olive oil rather than butter in their dishes, which cuts out a major source of unwanted fat and provides a unique Mediterranean flavor!

Panera Bread: Panera does have a number of healthy options, but it’s important to order the right things. Choose the garden vegetable soup instead of broccoli cheddar, and pick the salad instead of the sandwich to avoid the excess calories and carbohydrates in the bread.

Pita Pit: A little different than your average Subway across the street, Pita Pit has a wide variety of pita options for healthy eaters without the temptation of fries like at B-Skis. Get the whole-wheat pita with grilled chicken or turkey and then fill it with vegetables! The Yogurt Pump: Like Panera, your Yo-Po experience is only as healthy as you make it. Get a small, non-fat yogurt and skip the cone and toppings. This can be the perfect solution to any sweet craving.

Whole Foods: Although this is a bit of a trek from campus, it is well worth it. Whole Foods is a haven for the foods you want to be eating. Try their new house-made pimento cheese if you’re having a cheese craving, or their fresh guacamole with organic chips if you need a salty fix. The salad bar has every ingredient your salad could want. Whole Foods is a great place to go for healthy eating!

photos by Erik Andersen, via Cosgrove Hill Blog

Exercises to Tone Hard-to-Reach Spots Back: It’s called the Superman. Lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you. Lift both arms and legs simultaneously off the ground and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 20 times.

Abs: The slow bicycle is the best abs exercise to target the full range of abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and slowly bring your elbow to meet the opposite knee, then reverse. It’s important to lift your shoulder bones off the ground each time and to keep the unbent leg straight and as close to the ground as possible without touching it. Overall Torso: The Plank. Prop up on your elbows while keeping your body completely straight. Hold for one minute, than switch on to your side propped up by just one elbow. Hold for 30 seconds, than switch to the other side. Switch on to your back propped up on your heels and elbows. Hold for one minute, than repeat the 30 seconds on each side.

Upper Legs: Lie on one side of your body and prop yourself up on one elbow. Bend the top leg over the bottom and place your foot on the ground for stability. Keep the bottom leg straight and lift it up 10 times, then make 10 circles with it in one direction and then 10 circles in the other. Repeat. Upper Arms: Hold one five or seven pound weight up near your face with your arms at a 90-degree angle in front of you. Press your elbows together 50 times. Repeat.

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by Laney Tipton Yesterday, you went for a workout at the SRC with a friend. You did a few miles on the elliptical, worked on your abs, and did a little light lifting with some free weights. Now, it’s the next morning. Your alarm clock goes off, and

Photo by Alex Mcclelland

you start to get out of bed. You sit up. Ouch, that doesn’t feel good. You put your feet on the floor and lift yourself off the bed. You take a few steps. Wow, that really doesn’t feel good, either. Sore muscles. It’s a problem

Photo by Alex Mcclelland

Photo by Sarah Martin

that every athlete or gym patron experiences from time to time. An athletic hangover, if you will. The Well-Being did some research about what causes this perpetual problem and how to treat and prevent sore muscles.

Photo by Alex Mcclelland

Photo by Phil Landowski

What makes sore muscles sore? Experts used to think sore muscles were caused by a build-up of lactic acid, but that explanation doesn’t hold much water these days. Lactic acid does cause the burning sensation you experience when exercising, but it’s washed out within about an hour of the end of your work out. According to active.com, the culprit for prolonged muscle soreness is actually your muscle fibers. During a workout, these fibers undergo small damages, or “micro traumas.” Over the next 24 hours, the muscle fibers become swollen. Chemical irritants are released from the damaged muscles and can irritate pain receptors. Due to this increased activity to the muscle, there is increased blood flow to the area, causing it to

12  The Well-Being Fall 2012

swell, which also triggers pain receptors. You’re left with fibers that are fatigued, have tiny tears and are swollen. “Muscles go through quite a bit of physical stress when we exercise,” says Rick Sharp, professor of exercise physiology at Iowa State University in Ames. According to webmd.com, exercise physiologists refer to the gradually increasing discomfort that occurs between 24 and 48 hours after activity as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and it is perfectly normal. It usually means your muscles are getting stronger! Just keep in mind that the aches and pains should be minor.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

How to treat sore muscles: There are several quick and easy ways to ease sore muscles:

Take it easy for a few days

This is the simplest way to help ease sore muscles. Some people think working through the pain is the best way to go, but that can just prolong the discomfort. You don’t have to stop working out completely— just toning it down can get relief faster. Walk instead of run. Or, if one group of muscles is sore, work on other parts of your body for a few days until you’re feeling as good as new.

Use heat to your advantage

Photos by Marshall Hubert, Fleur Suijten, Alex Mcclelland, Erik Andersen, Sarah Martin, Phil Landowski, Sanja Gjenero

The heat remedy is popular for taking care of sore muscles and can be accomplished in a number of ways. You can use a heating pad or take a hot shower or bath. Heat increases blood flow and will help dissolve the pain.

Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can also cause sore muscles and fatigue after working out, so staying hydrated is always a good idea.


Stretching works best to prevent sore muscles before a workout but can also be used to treat them if you’re already dealing with the problem. Just be careful not to do anything too strenuous, as this can exacerbate the problem.

Get a massage

This remedy is just as fun as it is effective at relieving sore muscles. It feels good all over and relaxes the swollen muscle fibers, helping you feel better faster.

How to prevent sore muscles next time: After some light stretching and a quick but thorough massage, you’re hopefully feeling a little better. Now you just need to know a few tips about how to avoid the sore muscle problem in the future and you’ll be back in the gym working on your fitness in no time.

Warm up before a workout

A light cardio activity such walking quickly or jogging for about 5 minutes.

Drink fluids

It’s important to stay hydrated throughout your workout, so make sure to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after your exercise routine.

Cool down

You can cool down from a workout the same way you warmed up. This cool down phase makes the time between intense workouts and rest less abrupt, helping to prevent muscle soreness.


You should stretch before and after a workout. Stretching afterward not only prevents sore muscles, but improves flexibility. The type of stretching you should do depends on what part of your body you’ve been working.

Take a cold bath

Heat is a good remedy for muscles that are already sore, but cold constricts blood vessels that expand during workouts, helping to reduce the risk of swelling and pain. Taking a cold bath right after your workout with the bathtub half filled works well. Throw in some ice cubes to maximize the effect.

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Physical Health


to the

Basics by Alex Higgins

It’s a reoccurring nightmare: my braces are aching, all of my clothes are covered in loud Abercrombie & Fitch lettering, and my biggest goal in life is to get an 8th grade boy to look my direction. None of these scarring images from my past are the source of my terror, though. It’s the location that’s freaking me out: I’m sitting in heath class again, and Mrs. Palmer is going over the infamous “Sexually Transmitted Infection Slideshow”. The zoomed in, grotesque pictures still haunt me, and I think I can speak for everyone when I confess to suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder since the day I walked out of that room.

Photo by Erik Andersen

14  The Well-Being Fall 2012

As ridiculous and traumatic as the experience may have been, Mrs. Palmer had a point (that has clearly stuck with me). Sexually Transmitted Infections are more common than ever, and more are discovered and spread each year. The United Stated now has documented over 25 different strands and spends over 6.6 billion dollars annually to treat them. In fact, one in every four people has an STI, and 80% of them don’t even know it yet. Since over half of these occur in 15-25 year olds, we must be long overdue for another round of middle school STI health class:

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Genital Herpes


How common: The CDC estimates that one in six

How common:

What it looks like: Although they are not al-

What it looks like: Chlamydia is nicknamed the

people in the United States has herpes. Infected individuals can pass it along to others even if it isn’t visible. ways visible, herpes ‘outbreaks’ are a collection of blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. These blisters break and leave tender, ulcer-like sores.

Symptoms: Besides the sores, some people expe-

rience fevers or swollen glands. However, many individuals never show any indication of infection, and some even mistake mild outbreaks/symptoms for other harmless skin conditions.


Not only are the sores painful, herpes can also impair the immune system, cause infections in babies during pregnancy, and make people more susceptible to HIV.

Treatment: There’s no treatment that will cure her-

pes, but antiviral medication can shorten and prevent outbreaks. There are also medications available to help reduce transmission to partners.


How common: The CDC estimates that 700,000 people in the United States get gonorrhea each year.

What it looks like: Gonorrhea does not always produce visible sores like herpes. It spread to the genitals, eyes, throat, mouth or anus. It can sometimes produce swelling and pain in the genitals.


Both sexes can show symptoms, but some are gender specific. Men can experience a white, yellow or green discharge from their penis; women’s symptoms are often mistaken for more simple problems such as a bladder or urinary tract infections. Both men and women can experience itching, bleeding, or painful bowel movements.

Dangers: Untreated gonorrhea in women can lead

to pelvic inflammatory disease, and it can cause epidiymitis (a painful condition that leads to infertility) in men. It can spread into one’s blood and joints causing extreme pain or rashes for both men and women. Pregnant women with gonorrhea can give the STI to their babies, causing blindness or a life threatening blood infection.


There are several antibiotics that can cure it, but new drug-resistant strands have been discovered in the US.

It’s the most common STI in the United States, with over 1 million cases reported in 2009. North Carolina reported over 43,000. ‘silent’ disease because the majority of infected people have no signs or symptoms.


Infected men and women sometimes experience burning, itching or discharge.


Complications in men are rare but can resemble those in gonorrhea. Women have a 10-15% chance of getting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease from Chlamydia.

Treatment: When detected, it can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics.


How common:

The number of syphilis cases increases greatly each year; 36,000 cases were reported in 2006.

What it looks like: It starts with a small, pain-

less sore called a chancre. From there it expands into a skin rashes and mucous membrane lesions.

Symptoms: Early symptoms include swollen glands, sore throat, hair loss, muscle aches, fatigue.


Later symptoms include damage to internal organs, difficulty with muscle movement, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia. If continually untreated, these symptoms can lead to death.


Syphilis can be easily cured with an injection of penicillin in the early stages. If one has had it for longer than a year, treatment can become more complicated. The only sure way to protect yourself from the above STI’s is by abstaining from sexual contact completely. Correct and consistent use of condoms can reduce but not fully prevent the spread of these infections. If you would like to learn more or be tested for any STI’s, more information is available at UNC Campus Health Services or online at http://caps.unc.edu/index.php?option=com_content&t ask=view&id=698&Itemid=65

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Physical Health

Q&A : Manscaping I was talking to some of my guy friends and we were discussing the art of “manscaping,” particularly below the belt. How far is too far for a guy to go when trimming up, and what is standard protocol for girls? Sincerely,

Ah, the art of manscaping. It’s a popular topic but a tricky question. The short answer: whatever you feel comfortable doing. This goes for both men and women. But there are some rules and guidelines for what is safe and the benefits of going hairless versus au naturel.

Manscaping can have many definitions, but in most cases it means male grooming. It can include maintaining every place that’s hairy, from eyebrows down to the chest and down through the pubic region. How much manscaping to do in the nether regions is a personal choice, but many people believe there are certain expectations for below the belt upkeep. Many men choose to manscape because they think its cleaner. “Yes, I manscape,” said one male student. “I prefer to keep it cleaner down there, but I wouldn’t do it too much because it would probably look weird.” But is it safe? Shaving pubic hair is as safe as shaving any other part of your body, though it is recommended to use a bit more caution in this sensitive area. Razor burn doesn’t feel good anywhere on the body. Many men use wax or creams to remove chest and back hair, but these products should never be used on the pubic area, especially the penis and scrotum, according to Askmen.com. In their article on the subject, they say the skin in these

16  The Well-Being Fall 2012

areas is far too sensitive, thin and stretches easily. As a result, carefully shaving the pubic area is the only option. Another factor that comes into play for many men when deciding whether to shave or not is the ladies in their lives, potential or permanent. “I usually manscape to benefit my girlfriend,” one male student said. “I don’t want her having to deal with any discomfort. Also, it can make you look bigger, which is a plus.” And while it’s true that some women like it, others say they could care less. “I honestly don’t even really notice when my guy trims up,” one female student said. “I can maybe tell visually, but it doesn’t make too much of a difference in the heat of the moment.” Other women warn that there is too much of a good thing. “I love it when my man manscapes,” says one female student. “But it should never, ever be too bare down there. No hair is just weird and would be more of a distraction than a good thing.”

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Bottom line: do what feels good for you and makes you comfortable.

Whether or not to be bare down there is a common question females face, as well. And mostly, the answer is the same as it is for guys— you should do as much as you feel comfortable doing. Some women say they shave it all or leave a “landing strip,” or other designs, just to be more aesthetically pleasing. “I love having fun with it,” one female student said. “I always see how creative I can get.” Others say that less is definitely more when it comes to feeling clean. “I hate pubic hair,” one female student said. “It makes me feel dirty. I shave at least once a week because it just feels healthier.” While many women agree that it feels cleaner, there are health benefits to leaving at least some hair. Pubic hair can help keep harmful bacteria away from the vagina, lowering your risk of getting infections. While pubic hair can help keep some things out, as long as you keep it clean there really are no major health risks in going bare down there, other than those associated with using a sharp razor around such delicate lady parts. And while going bare seems to be the most popular thing to do these days, it certainly isn’t a necessity. Photo by Carmen Jessee

www.unc.edu/twbmag   17

Mental Health



Foolishness by Lauren Meyer

Between housing, classes, and textbooks, it’s hard to justify spending money on Franklin Street or at Southpoint the few days of the year you feel fed up with your daily routine. Don’t worry though! By following a few of these tips, you will feel more at ease with your finances.


First things first: if you have a meal plan, try to avoid spending money at other places. I know that the food becomes bland, so make a deal with your friends who do not have meal plans. You can swipe one of them into the dining hall and next meal he can buy you something on Franklin or cook for you. If you do not have a meal plan, making a list and purchasing groceries weekly will help you reduce how much cash you spend. A loaf of bread, a package of meat slices, and a package of cheese can suffice for many meals, rather than the seven dollars it costs for one meal on Franklin Street.


18  The Well-Being Fall 2012

When you want a release, remember that activities involving alcohol and cigarettes lead to expenses that can become habitual and expensive. Used textbooks will not be enough to counteract the cost of these. There are social activities that the dorm communities and the student union hold that involve free food and movies. These events end early, so you will be able to return to your schoolwork and/or get a full night of sleep. If you do choose to go out to the bars, limit your drinks, because you will spend less and be able to make better decisions such as avoiding Cosmic Cantina or Time Out when the festivities end.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

transportation Besides food and fun, transportation is another necessity at college. One of the greatest things about Chapel Hill is the bus system. You can go to almost anywhere in Chapel Hill or Carrboro free of charge. Triangle Transit Authority buses can get you to Southpoint or to Raleigh for two dollars one way or round trip if you tell the bus driver you are planning on returning. This is cheaper than paying a twenty-five dollar taxi fee and better than paying for a parking space on campus. On top of not having to pay for a space, you don’t have to worry about gas. And walking makes a great alternative for destinations around town. Let’s say that you have been studying at the Union and you realize that you’re hungry. You jump in your car for a quit break at Q’doba. Regardless of the route that you take, you must go through countless crosswalks on Raleigh Road, Cameron Avenue and Franklin Street, and can turn into a fifteen minute drive. The walk can save time and even give you a little exercise.

credit cards

Study breaks on Franklin may make you feel that the freedom from your parents is limited by the fact that you don’t have access to their credit cards anymore. You may feel tempted to get your own, but don’t. College loans are bad enough. Having to worry about a credit score and being able to pay the interest rates will add stress and make it difficult for you to be able to purchase a car or get a lease for an apartment in the future. If you must get a credit card, always pay your bill on time to build a good credit score and keep the interest rate from building. When making purchases in general, always look for the best deal. Don’t underestimate the power of sales: those savings can add up quick. Name brands are luxury goods and if you’re on a budget, it may be financially savvy to give some of them up. You’ll thank yourself in the long run when you still have money for food at the end of the month.

your account

Just because you shouldn’t get a credit card does not mean that you cannot carry around plastic. You can get a debit card or do something that a credit account can’t offer: write checks. Some banks allow you to link your checking account to your savings account. Be careful with this, as you may want to use your savings account for emergency funds, but it can be helpful if you anticipate incorrectly and do not have enough in your checking account. Since carrying cash around can be a hassle and one card is easier to carry, you must remember to be smart with it. I know that being green is big with banks these days, but you should take the statement receipts whenever you make a transaction. This rule also applies to restaurants and stores. Keeping track of your money will help you know how much you have spent and give you an idea as to how much you have

remaining. This also helps you check your statements. While it is not likely that the bank will make a mistake, people know how to get a hold of your account numbers and take advantage of you. By keeping an eye on your balance, you will be able to notify the bank if anything looks suspicious.


After setting up an account, it is important to keep money in it. A good solution to this is getting a part-time job. There are so many opportunities around campus such as at the SRC, Bowman Gray Memorial Pool, Student Union, libraries and on Franklin Street. In addition to the extra income, you will learn to better manage your time. If you are up front about your boss regarding your studies, you will get your desired hours and you will continue to want to work.


Rather than spending all of your paycheck, make sure to put some into savings. The more money you have in savings, the more interest that can collect and thus the more money that you can have for the future or an emergency. Set a budget so you spend roughly the same amount of each paycheck. When you spend less some weeks, you will be able to live a little larger the following ones. If you’re serious about financially preparing for the future, check out a Roth IRA. This account is strictly savings and does not involve investing, meaning that you do not have to worry about losing moneyi. And you don’t need a full time job to start one! Ask your parents or your bank for details and benefits with this option.

Being financially fit does not mean that you cannot have fun. Out of all of these tips, I especially recommend that you remember the value of savings and consider thinking beyond your undergraduate years. You will be happy you did.

Photos by Erik Andersen

www.unc.edu/twbmag   19


Massage Therapy: Perfect Stress Reliever for the College Student


ou just need to relax,” is the most popular comment I hear from my friends. I am what you classify as the “stressed” friend — the

one that always has something to do and never takes time for herself. I have been this way throughout high school and into college; it seems like I never take a moment to just breathe. Well, I have decided to make a change. It’s finally time to relax, and the best way for me to do that is to indulge into the best stress-reliever I know : a massage. 20  The Well-Being Fall 2012

Photo by Erik Andersen

Vol. 2 Ed. 1

The Swedish massage is the best for college students because it’s a big stress reliever.

by Dasha Menafee

According to Merriam-Webster, a massage is defined as “the manipulation of tissues by rubbing, kneading or tapping.” Massage therapy is generally used as a way to relieve tension and pain. It is great for both your physical and mental health because it’s designed to simultaneously relax your body and mind. When you are in such a relaxed state physically, you are also in a clearer state of mind and that helps you to be able to focus much better. There are several different kinds of massage that anyone can enjoy. Swedish, Aromatherapy, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue, and Shiatsu are the five most popular types of massage, and all have different purposes for your body no matter who you are. A Swedish massage is one of the most popular kind of massages that you can receive. It’s often known as a “beginner massage” for people who get massages for the first time. They are very slow and gentle and the main purpose is to release tension throughout each muscle. Swedish massages also increase blood circulation throughout the body. Aromatherapy massages usually have the

same slow and gentle effect like Swedish massages do; however, they tend to majorly focus on the usage of different type of oils. Massage therapists use these oils to provide different kind of effects when massaged into the body. These oils are usually derived by plants and are well known (think lavender or peppermint). Hot stone and deep tissue are two kinds of massages that have similar techniques. They both are aimed to target and release muscle tension or knots in an intense way. Massages that include hot stones are used to soften the tightened muscles. Deep tissue massages use increasingly intense technique. I would recommend both of these types of massages to anyone that is an athlete. Shiatsu massages are more of spiritual kind of massage technique that is used to increase or restore flow throughout the body. The Japanese word “shi” means fingers and massage therapists usually use their fingers to increase this flow. Massage therapy is very popular, and it is easy to find a salon in your area. I asked Amanda Jones, manager of Massage Envy in

Chapel Hill, a few questions on her massage services:

TWB: What is your most popular massage that people get in the Chapel Hill community?

AJ: A lot of people love the deep tissue massage. TWB: Do you have any massages that are targeted for the student athlete? AJ: We do have a sports massage that includes a lot of stretching. Each massage that our services provide can be customized to each individual person.

TWB: As we’re approaching the end of the semester, and students are becoming stressed about finals, what is the best massage for college students? AJ: The Swedish massage is the best for college students because it’s a big stress reliever. It can relax the body and improve blood circulation, which can help your heart and your mind

If you’re looking to relieve a little stress and take some time to relax, check out these locations in the Chapel Hill area:

Day Spa 255 255 South Elliot Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 968-1066

Massage Envy 1800 East Franklin Street, Suite #2 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 442-0500

Chapel Hill Massage 104 South Estes Drive Suite 301-U Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 942-1510

*All of these locations have licensed massage therapists*

www.unc.edu/twbmag   21


The Freshman 15: It’s the end of the first fall semester; we’ve adjusted to new friends, new classes and new living conditions, but our eating habits have fallen by the wayside. However, losing the “freshman 15” or preventing it entirely does not have to be the daily challenge most people perceive it to be. Consider the following tips to make eating right and loving college life simple and fun.

Just think about it. Calories burned subtracted from calories consumed equal a person’s net calories. Remember this common health class fact at every meal— awareness is the best prevention against overeating.

Get off the couch. Watch the television from the cardio room in Rams Head Recreation Center or the Student Recreation Center instead of the dorm room. Even just power walking at a steep incline on a treadmill can burn 250 calories in 30 minutes. Also make working out fun by trying out a group fitness class like zumba or kickboxing with your friends.

Walk it off. Avoid using the bus for simple campus commutes. Walking or riding your bike to class burns more calories and provides a slight adrenaline boost that keeps you focused throughout class. Save the bus ride for a rainy day.

Get the dining hall to go. You can fit less food into the ecofriendly take-out boxes than you can on several plates as you make your rounds at the pizza bar. When filling your dinner plate, make sure that half of its contents are green vegetables. The other half of the plate should balance between a protein source like grilled chicken and a complex carbohydrate such as brown rice.

22  The Well-Being Fall 2012

Get involved in campus activities. Intramural sports are a great way to spend time with friends, meet new people, try a new outdoor activity, and get your sweat on. Check our website for more suggestions on how to get involved.

Snack smart. The Well-Being’s website also provides a great list of guilt-free snacks to keep on hand in your dorm room when the munchies strike. Stick to nutritious foods such as granola bars, fresh fruit, trail mix and yogurt.

Drink water. One cup of coffee with skim milk and Splenda in the morning can wake you up and provide a metabolic boost with very little caloric consequence. Afterward, stick to water for the rest of the day in order to stay hydrated, satisfy feelings of hunger caused by thirst, and avoid extra “liquid” calories found in other drink options. Green tea is a great alternative to water because it provides a small energy boost, important antioxidants, and belly fat-blasting power with few calories. Update your app list. Download a calorie-counting app on your phone, iPod, iPad, etc. to keep an easy food diary on your person at all times. You will quickly learn about which foods to avoid and which foods to rely on in your daily diet. The LIVESTRONG.com Calorie Tracker and the ZEDA INC. Calorie Counter are popular apps worth a try. Catch some z’s. Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep. Going to bed really late and robbing your body of its necessary 7-8 hours of sleep a night disrupts your metabolic system, slowing it down and depriving it of fat-blasting and calorieburning power during the day. Plus, you burn calories when you sleep, too!

Do it for yourself. Avoiding the “freshman 15” doesn’t have to be about how you look—focus on how you feel. Eating healthy and being active makes you a more energetic, positive, and beautiful person from the inside out.

photos by: Erik Andersen

by Alena Hall

How to Work it Off or Avoid it Altogether

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Don’t let the fact that it’s impossible to be perfect stop you from striving for perfection.

-By John Wooden

The Well-Being

Carolina’s Premiere Health and Fitness Magazine

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