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Bred & Owned by Anne Rosenberg
From birth we knew that that Sly had the “right tools to do the job”. He has a bit more leg under him and nice short hocks that enable him to work well underground. He was a gangly teenager, but you could see his potential. A good protective coat and a set of choppers with a scissors bite and well-placed canines to be reckoned with round out the package. He adored Cassandra Vargas when she handled him in the breed ring and proudly moved around the ring earning a grand championship when he was 13 months.
Urinary Incontinence in Dogs
by Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT
Urinary incontinence is a troubling problem that occurs in more than 20% of spayed female dogs. When the urethral sphincter muscles don’t work properly, the result is uncontrolled urine loss and additional complications such as bladder infections and skin irritation. Standard treatment involves oral medications to help strengthen the sphincter, but not all dogs respond, some dogs have intolerable side effects, and the response can decline over time. Therefore, the search for additional and more advanced treatment options continues.
Cover: A Dog For All Seasons
by Anne Rosenberg
Everyone wants to produce a purposefully bred dog – balancing and preserving form and function. Most breeds were bred for a singular, well-defined purpose that largely dictated its conformation. As a breeder, in addition to being an excellent “badger hound”, my dream was to produce “the whole package” – form, function, focus and fun - versatility and temperament, but I never dreamt it would start with my first litter! The very essence of the dachshund is its role as a Badger Hound, working below ground against a formidable quarry. Page 10
Above & Below Ground Badger Magic
by Trudy Kawami
The badger (Meles meles) is a magical animal. Badgers live in deep and complex burrows called setts which can be occupied by generations of badgers. Because they live so far into the earth and are often active at night, badgers were considered to know the secrets beneath the ground and hidden from the sun. As such they were powerful animals that could be active for good or for ill.
The Celts had a number of superstitions when it came to badgers. Like cats, badgers were seen as symbols of both good luck and bad. Page 17

2022 AKC Hound Field Trials Breeder of the Year - Jamie Sexton

by Jamie Sexton
I was surprised and honored to be named 2022 Hound Field Trials Breeder of the year. I suppose I never thought I bred enough for a title such as this. I have been dedicated to trying to better the dogs I produce not only as working/ hunting dogs, but conformationally as well. I am very thankful for the many breeders that have allowed me to use their dogs or co-bred litters with them. I am also very proud of the many Jalyse dog owners that have competed and finished my dogs in the field.

Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT, Elaine Waldorf Gewirtz
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